
Well-known member
I managed pretty well in January but can improve on make up purchases. What I’m doing in February is write down all items I feel like buying and sit on them. Having done this for two items last week, I’ve already lost interest in buying them. I try and research a lot longer before making purchases as I’m sick of spending money on stuff that’s not quite right/ doesn’t perform as well as advertised. My 3rd strategy is keep a list of all unnecessary spend this month as a way of keeping myself accountable. I have a figure of around £200 spending money for this month which is plenty for treats but not excessive. On the plus side, one month of not buying clothes has killed my desire buy clothes. Who would have thought?
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Well I just received some good news,My student loans have been written off! I never earnt enough to have to pay them back, especially as I went part time since being a parent.

I’m keeping a list of non- essential spending this month as last month went haywire with days out and meals out and buying some clothes. I’m determined to not waste any money and save up for a holiday next year.
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Interesting times this month. I have put off purchasing something I do want - and do need because I can’t afford it this month because I prefer to prioritise my savings. In times gone by I’d have juggled things, made a late payment or two and bought the thing.

Am I being a REAL grown-up? 🤨
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I try to be a mindful spender overall but I really want to save more and I'm guilty of getting a 'lil treat' or something here and there! A few things I'm trying to think about to be more intentional with spending:

- Not impulse buying but if I want something I'll save the post/link and return to it if I'm still thinking about it
- Reading reviews (esp for those insta adverts!)
- Valuing quality time/experiences over stuff
- Regular clearouts - I love getting rid of things and feel mentally better, and it also reminds me of things I forgot I already had
- Thinking about my current style and what I gravitate towards so I have a base and replace things where I need to (e.g. I know I don't do fancy makeup looks so won't need or use tons of lip colours or eyeshadow palettes!)
- Transport - being less lazy and walking where I can!
- Being stocked with groceries (and not shopping on an empty stomach!) so I'm less tempted to buy lunch or a takeaway
- Reminding myself of previous times I've impulse bought e.g. times I didn't need those clothes or even enjoy that takeaway
- Less alcohol - sometimes those 1 or 2 after work or catch up drinks add up
- Considering how much use I'll get out of what I want to buy, and if it's a trend/gimmick or something I'll actually use consistently
- Thinking do I actually really need, want and love it?
- Allowing myself to slowly replace things I don't like or are worn out with better quality items - I can still get the thrill of something new which will last longer and I'll be more likely to use and look after it
- Thinking about if it's a company I want to support, and where possible if I can support more independent/ethical/sustainable businesses

I also want to try and think more about how it supports other aspects of my life as added motivation not to spend unnecessarily e.g.

- More money for important things
- Less clutter = clearer mind and easier to clean and organise
- More walking and home cooking = better health
- Experiences over things - nice memories and quality time with loved ones
- Not falling into consumerism or trying to support some businesses over others aligns more with my values

Sorry that got long, partially posting to hold myself accountable too!!
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Nearly bought the Charlotte Tilbury Flawless filter foundation on Cult Beauty because it was on sale but stopped myself. I don't need it, I have two other bottles to use up.
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My friends I have completely and utterly fallen off the wagon. Looked at too many Instagram pretty house accounts and ended up buying loads of improvements for the house including new drawer handles, new gold door knocker, etc etc etc. plus I went shopping in London yesterday and spent £100. I’m hyperventilating now over how much cash I’ve got to last 2 weeks til payday.

Been speaking to my therapist today over why I agonise over not having the perfect house and appearance, and realised that I associate achieving those things with gaining respect and love from my mother. Do I want my mother’s respect? No. She is an awful abusive woman. But I’ve been programmed that way and I need to deprogram myself somehow.

I feel horribly guilty for overspending and horribly anxious.
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Share your no spend wisdom? What were your rules? 😂
Well I didn’t count bills, food, petrol or gifts for people.
So no buying clothes, cosmetics, toiletries, non essential stuff for home, charity shop bargains or treats. No Amazon impulse purchases. No flowers for the house. No plants for garden.
its hard at first but quickly gets easier and the desire to shop wanes.
also the idea of wandering round a mall or garden centre loses its appeal .
I am a terrible impulse shopper and I’m really going to try to curb that this year as I’m on a simplify and declutter mission x
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I’ve fallen off the spending wagon a bit in the last week. I’ve been having such a shit time of it- me and one of the kids have chest infections and we have been back and forth to a&e and the drs and I’ve been like a bloody nurse for 2 weeks now while feeling ill myself. I have hit my stress limit. The weather is grey and shit and everything in my house is so stressful I can’t stand it. When I’ve found 5 mins to escape the stress I’ve bought myself some art supplies, a couple of house plants and a jellycat. I’m going to let myself off tho because buying those things has been the only vaguely nice thing about the last few weeks. I feel absolutely broken mentally.
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That's too rigid for me I think. A concert or a meal out every now and again for me is fine as it's an experience. It's stuff I need to buy less of, not experiences
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I’m trying to embrace this mindset this year. I’ve deleted a lot of apps and unsubscribed from lots of emails which help.

I want to get less takeaways too as it became so normal my 8yo is blase about having one whereas when I was a kid a takeaway was such a treat so I want to get back to that rather than being lazy and tapping the Uber eats app.
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I managed to save 20% of my salary last year through a few methods - mainly segregating my spending into 60% on what you need (mortgage, bills, food, etc, 20% on what you want (clothes/drinks/hobbies/trips), and 20% straight to savings.

I can't praise it enough - I didn't realise how much anxiety I had around money before I segregated my income like that. I'd worry about every treat, or get myself a treat to stop worrying, and lived in this cycle of constant fear about spending. Now I don't, because if I get a coffee or go out for drinks, it's within my allocated budget. I know I can afford it. It also made me value my purchases more, not only because I bought less but because it came out of a set allowance.

I know that for many in cities like London you're going to face a different split, but I think the principle is still fantastic - some do 50-30-20, I did 60-20-20, but just that segregation is really worth a try!
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How’s everyone getting on this weekend?

Something to make you laugh and/or gag - I’ve just found a jar of pickled gherkins that expired in 2022. P sure it was from the pandemic as it had the yellow price stickers you only get in corner shops? I know that gives crusty smelly vibes (I’m not, promise lol) but I’m doing SO much better with my food hoarding problem. I’ve been running down freezer & cupboard foods, and those bizarre allegedly-healthy-but-probably-not crisps made of various beans/pulses/lentils to all but 3 packs. Same with pastas we’ve gone down to a normal amount to have in stock for a family of 3. Still have too many nuts but will just have them girl dinner style with lunches to run them down. The battle against myself continues lol.
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Fledgling Psycho

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My achievements this week
No dropping into Co-op on way home.
Did not take any money or bank card out with me
No chocolate addiction shopping through Just Eat (app deleted)
No chocolate, sweets, biscuits etc on official online shop
Resisted an egg bite maker on Amazon (gadget addict too)if I really want to make egg bites (I don't) I have muffin moulds
Had no spend days all week bar online shop.
Yay! 👏
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I think this is my fav thread on tattle ❤ My goal for February is to try and get spending on food down. I have been watching videos on youtube to motivate me to try to stop impulse purchasing. It’s an ongoing process but we need so much less than we think we do.
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