Multi-level Marketing Gossip Forum

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  1. Lalalalaaaaaa85

    MLM #3 MLM making little money #poorgirlera (Multi level marketing)

    Thread number 3 here to carry on discussions of MLM’s and huns --- Thank you to @Lalalata for our thread title --- Previous thread here -
  2. ChubClubThug

    Nu Skin LumiSpa

    A thread dedicated to the 'beauty' device the LumiSpa and those who peddle it on social media. The brand belongs to the MLM company Nu Skin and I believe retails at around £200. The 'Lumi' has gained popularity among those with an Instagram platform, as more followers = more sales. It is...
  3. Howdyhi

    MLM’s (multi-level marketing)

    I can’t see a post for MLM’s but I’ve found myself down a rabbit hole on YouTube watching people’s experience of joining MLM’s and my mind is blown by their tactics of preying on vulnerable women. Would be interested in hearing people’s experiences of being in one.
  4. Lalalalaaaaaa85

    MLM #2 Don’t Try to Recruit Me Boo (Multi level marketing)

    Previous thread here: Thanks to @emilynxlan for the thread title 👍🏻
  5. Lalalalaaaaaa85

    MLM’s - what’s the deal? (Multi-level marketing/aka pyramid selling)

    So we’ve all heard of and probably been given the sales talk from MLM’s but and I’ve always rolled my eyes as I know it’s all smoke and mirrors but some of the stuff I’m seeing on my social media now is really making me scratch my head and think how are they able to say what they say? Without it...