Mafsa Gossip Forum

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  1. aimzalicious

    Married At First Sight Australia season 11 (E4 pace) #13 Jack certainly puts the 'ick' in 'ixperiment'.

    Thread title suggested by @Amoo Final two episodes tonight!!! If it's boring as the previous week, this might be the last thread... but hopefully there's some drama to spice it up. No spoilers until tomorrow people....
  2. Turmeric123

    Married At First Sight Australia season 11(E4 pace) #12 Ridge McCoy, who can believe he's actually deeecceeee!

    Married At First Sight Australia season 11 (E4 pace) #12 Ridge McCoy - who can believe he's actually deeeccceeee! Thread title was a panic one as no suggestions @Dancing_in_the_dark comment about ARidge being part of the McCoy clan cracked me up and we are all shocked he's actually deece...
  3. aimzalicious

    Married At First Sight Australia season 11(E4 pace)#11 No sucky-ducky for you, Mr People Don't Believe I'm 62.

    Thread title by @Clovis as suggested by @MooBelle 🙌🏻 Please no spoilers or hints of what's going to happen. If you've watched the Aus one (which is 4 weeks ahead, I believe) there is a separate thread here...
  4. aimzalicious

    Married At First Sight Aus s11 (E4 pace) #10 Beware the leprechaun with a top knot that shops in the kids aisle

    OMG TIM AND LUCINDA KISSING IN THE NEXT DINNER PARTY!! 🥰 Thread title came from Lauren's amazing one liner about Jack which was in a lot of top liked comments yesterday! Had to shortened "Australia season 11" slightly, hope that's okay Please no spoilers or hints of what's going to happen. If...
  5. Turmeric123

    Married At First Sight Australia season 11 (E4 pace)#9 Glazed Christmas ham with nips, Eden's getting on my tits!

    Married At First Sight Australia season 11 (E4 pace) #9 A good argument to wreck the peace, this dinner party looks deece Thread title thanks to @Now I get it @aimzalicious neber leave us again - too stresful creating new threads 🤣🤣 Please no spoilers or hints of what's going to happen. If...
  6. Aussie

    MAFSA Season 11 Spoiler chat

    As discussed on E4 paced thread. Please post all spoiler chat on here, including any links to articles. That way once it finishes everything is in one place. No need to hide any chat on here behind a spolier tag. Look at your own peril!!!
  7. aimzalicious

    MAFSA Season 11 (E4 pace) #8 Tori not even part of the food chain, Wizard of Aus or is it Hoops again?

    Thread title comes from @Turmeric123 combining lots of top-rated posts together including @Dancing_in_the_dark 's Wizard of Aus comment. The title was too long so I've shorted it a bit. Continue here. Tomorrow's episode: couples retreat Please no spoilers or hints of what's going to happen...
  8. aimzalicious

    Married At First Sight Australia Season 11 (E4 pace) #7 Don't get your tits in a tangle

    @malibu skies post suggested Lucinda's dad's bonkers phrase as the title 🙌🏻 Please no spoilers or hints of what's going to happen. If you've watched the Aus one (which is 4 weeks ahead, I believe) there is a seperate thread here...
  9. Turmeric123

    Married At First Sight Australia Season 11 (E4 pace) #6 A good argument wrecks the peace, the dinner party looks deece

    Married At First Sight Australia season 11 (E4 pace) #6 A good argument to wreck the peace, this dinner party looks deece Thread title thanks to @Sonz1981 with 17 votes edited to fit Please no spoilers or hints of what's going to happen. If you've watched the Aus one (which is 4 weeks ahead...
  10. aimzalicious

    Married At First Sight Australia season 11 (E4 pace) #5 Sponsored by Merry Munch

    Thread title as suggested by @Dancing_in_the_dark 😊 Please no spoilers or hints of what's going to happen. If you've watched the Aus one (which is 4 weeks ahead, I believe) there is a seperate thread here...
  11. aimzalicious

    Married At First Sight Australia season 11 (E4 pace) #4 Feck off Collins, you last name for a first name prick

    Thread title goes to @Noppa who had the most liked Collins insult from last nights show 😁 Fuck Cillian Murphy for Oppenheimer, the best actor award goes to... Collins for his performance last night 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 (thanks to @Diagnosis123 for the fabulous edits as usual ♥) Please no spoilers or...
  12. aimzalicious

    Married At First Sight Australia season 11 (E4 pace) #3 There's Jesus and cleavage... but who's Jack?

    Are we Collins level of excitement for tonight's episode? What will be the reveal about Jayden tonight? 👀🥊 "Jesus and cleavage" (as said by our girl Lauren) was suggested as a thread title by @Thank(space)you and @Sonz1981 so I mashed it together with Lucinda asking "Who's Jack?" as that was...
  13. aimzalicious

    Married At First Sight Australia season 11 (E4 pace) #2 Tim Man and Top Knob are the cream of the crap

    Combining some brilliant nicknames from @Now I get it and @EnoughAlready 's suggestion of using "cream of the crap" As always NO SPOILERS please and if you want to discuss MAFSA at Aus pace and talk about spoilers, the thread for that is here...
  14. aimzalicious

    Married At First Sight Australia season 11 (E4 pace) no spoilers #1

    The new MAFSA thread is here ready for it to be aired on E4 tomorrow at 7:30pm! For those that watch at Aus pace, there is a separate thread here: So please don't spoil anything for those...
  15. kale-supremacist

    MAFS Australia season 11 (Australian pace) #1 oh s... here we go again

    Happy new season everyone !! The first episode aired yesterday. I looked for a new thread, but there isn't one. For the UK readers who clicked on the thread by mistake: THIS IS GOING TO BE ON AUSTRALIAN PACE BEWARE OF SPOILERS
  16. Turmeric123

    MAFS Australia season 10 (E4 pace) #16 Moreman has a CHIALLLD & We LOVE a BUTT DIAL….

    Thanks to @G&Tjustforme for suggestion Anyone like to recap
  17. S

    MAFS Australia season 10 (E4 pace) #15 Do you want a tissue?

    Final commitment ceremony.... Last night Mel and Layton committed to stay with each and try make it work. Alyssa professed her willingness to help Duncan but he refused and left her high and dry! Tonight's commitment ceremonies are Cam & Lyndall, Tahnee & Ollie, and Rupert & Evelyn!
  18. Webster1357

    MAFS Australia season 10 (E4 pace) #14 Alyssa has a Chaaald, Cam prefers kissin' fish in the wild

    Ah feck it, I'm doing it! Thread number 14 folks, thanks to @EnoughAlready for the excellent suggestion! As we're not mid-episode there's even time for a recap! We're at Homestay: Cam still doesn't enjoy kissing Lindor so she had to pucker up with a fish, she hates Darwin, he hates the city...
  19. Webster1357

    MAFS Australia season 10 (E4 pace) #13 Bronte's DONE!!

    I've only gone and done it! Old thread here: Continue Sheila's and Bruce's!
  20. FenellaTheWitch

    MAFS Australia season 10 (E4 pace) #12 Bronte would definitely drink the Kool-Aid

    Carry on folks ... Thread moves to fast for an update :ROFLMAO:
  21. aimzalicious

    MAFS Australia season 10 (E4 pace) #11 Too much he said/she said, the question is will Jesse and Claire sh*g?

    Previous thread here: Sorry I couldnt think of/find another title! Couples retreat recap so far: Harrison reaches final boss-level troll mode and...
  22. Princess of Scots

    MAFS Australia season 10 (E4 pace) #10 It's not a dinner party without buttdials and gaslighting (No Spoilers)

    What a chaotic dinner party! How many times can we hear the word buttdial? Dan the man proves he's nothing but a wank. Tayla is still a horror. Evelyn is a queen. Here's your crown, gal 👑 Justice for Sandy Harrison has suddenly become Mr Morality Sorry, the title is a bit shit
  23. aimzalicious

    MAFS Australia season 10 (E4 pace) #9 Harrison The Hero makes a sacrifice - he hasn't been to the gym today

    Continue here! Took the thread title from @Diagnosis123 brilliant screenshot Previous thread here: PS. found this gif and I love it
  24. Turmeric123

    MAFS Australia season 10 (E4 pace) #8 Mercury's rising but Harrison isn't- E4 Pace No Spoilers

    Previous thread
  25. aimzalicious

    MAFS Australia season 10 (E4 pace) #7 Shannon looks like a shrunken head on a witch's ingredient shelf

    Thread title from the brilliant screenshot that @DizDog32 posted. Previous thread: Thread recap: Commitment ceremony last night Melissa is vile - turns...