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There’s just something so desperately sad about how Erin approaches everything to do with Lu
Like she’s trying to “fix” something rather than just celebrating the child she has in front of her
By all means continue to explore options to help better your child’s life but I can’t help but feel that it’s really driven by how it might improve Erin’s life rather than Lus….
This is one of my biggest issues with Erin - she is missing out on all the wonder and joy and strength that is Luella by looking at her like a problem to be fixed. By all means, advocate for your child, be tireless in your pursuit for better outcomes and options and support for them. But Erin has gone beyond that into something pathological almost - and I agree, it all feels driven by what is best for Erin and her perfect life.

Also, two runs today. Two. But no support, no village, no alone time.
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Lots of private schools in the eastern suburbs have parents enrolling children as babies. These schools are $40k plus a year. Just shows the privledge and entitlement of Erin though. She was happy to do this at 6 weeks for 12 years time. But it’s a huge drama to enrol her disabled children at a public school a year in advance.
The process she is outling is quite normal ? Why does she think it is such a task ? I only skim read though as it was making me angry.
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I’m sure a lot of people with medically complex children would love thousands to help with their child’s care. I’m so relieved the wealthy couple from eastern Sydney got it though.
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I'm SO confused. What is she upset about? She's asking for help, they've asked her to come into hospital so they can help, and now she's angry? What "ultimatum" has she been given? What other option would be preferable to her? Her bitterness and anger is clouding her judgement it seems. If the doctor had put Lu on medication without monitoring and something went wrong, she'd be upset about that too. You cannot change policies by yelling and ranting about them

She really does seem to think they're the only family in the world dealing with this. She must have been very spoiled her whole life because she is absolutely shocked that something hasn't gone her way now. You can tell she's used to getting what she wants because she's still so shocked and angry at having a disabled child, and she's shocked and angry that doctors won't perform miracles as soon as she stomps her foot and demands it.

I know people were being nicer in case she reads here and gets upset by what we're saying, but I don't care at this point. I had to read her heartless posts and wonder if my parents felt this way about me being severely epileptic, if they secretly resented me the way she seems to resent Lu. She doesn't care about how anyone else feels. If she goes searching for her name and reads gossip, that's on her. Erin isn't the one suffering, Luella is, Erin is obviously heartbroken and terrified as any parent would be but it isn't about her. Lu is the one who's sick. Lu is the one being exploited without her consent. I really do feel for them but my god she must be hard for medical professionals to have to deal with.
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This is abhorrent. Erin is 100% that parent who, 50 yrs ago, would have institutionalized Luella. It’s so obvious that she resents the extra effort she has to make for her and the way Lu cramps her lifestyle. I think she would do it today if she thought she could get away with it.

That fake bitch choking out a tear at the end!


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So Erin, even though you didn’t want to “divide and conquer” with both Lu and Tom.

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I haven’t read this thread for a while. I will. I’m just so angry I have to get this out. I want to preface this by saying that I suffer from epilepsy. Mine is controlled and nothing like Luella’s. But it is a horrible, horrible condition and not only is the fear of having a seizure (something so uncontrollable that completely debilitates you, striking with no warning) but the recovery is dreadful. Every muscle (every single muscle in your body) aches, you’ve often fallen, hit your head badly, bitten your tongue, suffering from affects of concussion, so confused- don’t know your name, the day, the week or year. I can’t even explain how bad it is. Then comes Erin- who was told 18 months ago that Luella needed brain surgery- but she knew better. Then she shamelessly grifted money in a go fund me for god knows what. Doesn’t get surgery. Complains non stop about her life. Does some faux turnaround after reading this page. A year goes by, decides to get the surgery after our country has been ravaged by a pandemic, and is shocked and appalled it doesn’t happen the next day.
My neuro is public. She writes to my GP with my management plan because it’s not always guaranteed when my next appointment will be and it’s usually 3-6 months. Therefore my GP can manage little tweaks that might need to happen in the meantime. I also require GA when I get MRI’s. I get mine privately because it’s quicker and easier. I understand it’s a luxury-but it’s a luxury Erin can afford-a) because they had a go fund me that raised A LOT of money and B) because they are BUILDING a HOUSE with and architect and INTERIOR DESIGNER in the heart of SYDNEY. and C) because Dave earns a lot and D) because it’s fucking important and I would do anything to get that MRI to the neuro so the surgery could happen. (Btw- it would cost about $800- and you’d get a medicare rebate- some places even bulk bill if you ask) I just watched those stories mouth aghast in complete disbelief. Why is her friend making phone calls etc etc- you have a neuro designated to you, yes even in the public system and they still have numbers you can call, clinics you can attend,, emergency rooms to go through if you’re as concerned as Erin pertains to be. My god- you could have done this before Tom was born and now it’s not moving at the pace you would like?! At CHRISTMAS after a PANDEMIC?! Fuck right off Erin. Poor Luella, I wish I could rescue her. Her poor little, tired body. I’m enraged.Erin is a LIAR.
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She always has to blame someone else or the hospital, Her family isn’t vaccinated against Covid… her and Dave were out at concerts, dinner and the epilepsy Australia event. All places where covid easily spreads…the most likely people to have infected Lu are Dave and Erin… Lu was sick w Covid, RSV etc before going into hospital. But she still is blaming the hospital for Lu having these viruses. She can’t be fucking serious !!
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For those playing along at home
What an evil fkn bitch!
I have never not brought my children on holiday for me. Her excuses are disgusting ! It’s hotter in Sydney as it will be 40C the next couple of days
All parents at times divide and conquer if you have the luxury of having a 2 parent family
I fkn hate her
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Okay, this is kind of ironic though. Considering they just picked a beach holiday in the middle of summer that didn't include Lulu?
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The email I sent EAA was forwarded to the CEO and I had a response from her directly. I don’t want to share too much about it because I don’t want Erin to read here and decide that the emails to EAA are some kind of targeted ‘troll campaign from a hate forum’ and be able to delegitimise our very genuine and valid concerns. But the response I got suggested they intend to take some kind of action. We will have to wait and see whether that goes beyond a conversation with Erin into anything significant.
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Each time I think she can't possibly be more selfish, idiotic and actually stupid, she proves me wrong. I honestly don't understand how she can equate the neurologist wanting an updated EEG (which is, yes, annoying, but in the grand scheme of medical testing pretty non-invasive - I mean, it's not like they're wanting a lumbar puncture or bone marrow aspirate!) with them treating Lu like a guinea pig? Erin, they want data to inform treatment options FOR LUELLA. Just because you have given up on your daughter doesn't mean the medical professionals have.

She says that every EEG is worse, and nothing ever changes --- can someone smarter than me please make that make sense!? Poor, sweet Luella. He mum basically cannot be bothered any more. First she messes up Lu's only real chance of ever experiencing some seizure freedom by kicking the can down the road until surgery is no longer an option....and now she's basically refusing to do anything more because 'nothing will work, because nothing has ever worked, doctors don't know anything, they are treating Lu like a guinea pig' etc etc etc.

Treating Lu like a guinea pig would look like doing invasive testing that will not benefit Luella, but will benefit the greater good. The results of a simple video EEG will only be of any benefit to Lu. I don't know, I guess I'm just stuck on where this guinea pig nonsense came from? Like someone mentioned above, either the doctors do nothing, and she'll rage about how they have given up on Lu and don't care and are punishing Erin. Or the doctors squeeze Lu in and order a barrage of tests to hopefully get some new information that will result in new treatment options to improve Lu's quality of life, and Erin accuses them of treating Lu like a guinea pig. Like, what? I just can't make sense of this woman's brain.
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I think people would be more sympathetic to their need for “respite” when erin didn’t have daily fucking respite from Luella.
She chose that holiday specifically to exclude her. And she’s teaching Tom to do the same. Life’s only good when Luella isn’t around!!!
Absolutely heart breaking.
And those people in her comment section can fuck off too. Enabling cunts 🤮
The real world is parents who have NO help, NO carers, NO grandparents, who’s kids require more care and more support than luella and yet princess erin has her daily respite and now her holidays.
I bet she told people on holiday it was just the 3 of them. Emulating happy families without their first born child.
Just admit you hate your daughter and wish she wasn’t here. Spare us with the i’m such a thoughtful burdened mother bullshit.
She does the bare minimum. Can’t even attend her therapies with her. Pathetic.
And this … this is an advocate?? for epilepsy action australia?!?! Wow.
No wonder it has no friends.
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It's just in such stark contrast to the friends she used to have. When you consider the lengths rach and jonny went to to ensure their disabled daughter was able to experience so many things in her life, even if it took a bit more effort from them.

And how Erin herself has said Luella is at significant risk of SUDEP... and she is still resistant to making sure her daughters life is full of experiences
Yes this is what I don’t understand! She basically leaves Lulu to spend her days at home and at Napa. They do no special experiences with her at all. They have the means to do lots of things with her too.
Rachael and Johnny invested to much time and energy into making Mackenzie’s short life full of wonder and adventure, it’s no wonder they ditched Erin.
Yep and going to Europe this year to run a marathon
Which I am sure is a solo trip. At the very least Lu won’t be there if they can’t even take her to the GC ffs
The kicker? The marathon is on Lulu’s birthday. So she’ll miss spending her daughter’s birthday with her.
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On the hour, every hour for two hours 🫠 that’s two times… I really hope this is a wake up call for to stop blaming epilepsy and Lulu for everything and realise that all parents are exhausted
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This was definitely triggered because it’s thrown a spanner into her Berlin trip. She’s melting down because she can’t figure out how she’s going to carve out hours a day for alone time marathon prep and how she’s going to pull off the romantic trip OS for her and Dave without having to lay out a significant amount of their own cash for childcare. Boo fucking hoo. They both can go fuck themselves.
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Just wanted to jump in and say that I’ve spoken to someone with insider info on that core group, and Rachael and the others were always told that the surgery would definitely happen. It seems that this level of wealth is semi new because of Dave’s job, there was absolutely no way they would have done the GFM if they knew the wealth that they had. Erin is a master manipulator.
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