Baby Reindeer Gossip Forum

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  1. Hope96

    Baby Reindeer #4

    Previous thread: Please continue here. As always please be respectful of others as we have our own opinions and experiences to share. Viewer discretion: The show portrays stalking, sexual assault and rape. (The show is on Netflix). If...
  2. Hope96

    Baby Reindeer Netflix #3

    Previous thread: Please continue here. Please be respectful of others as we have our own opinions and experiences to share. Viewer discretion: The show portrays stalking, sexual assault and rape. If you need confidential support...
  3. Hope96

    Baby Reindeer Netflix #2

    Previous thread: Please continue here. Viewer discretion: show portrays sexual assault and rape. If you need confidential support please click on this link and there are a number of services that you can contact...
  4. Hope96

    Baby Reindeer Netflix

    I thought I would start a thread for this show which is based on a true story of comedian Richard Gadd's expedience with a stalker. I'm about half way through the first episode and I feel uncomfortable! Here is a good article about his experience and conversation about the show. From what I...