STEPHANIE’S CROWN COLLECTION/ BIRTHDAY/ANNIVERSARY GIFTS/CLOTHING PURCHASES/ LUXURY VACATIONS ( 4 and 5 star hotels/ restaurants, first class, business class flights, luxury boats, etc).
LieLande coat of arms motto “something for nothing
Fanny and Miss Chatelaine have severe shopping/online auction addictions ( and serious hoarding issues).
How many statements below apply to the gruesome twosome?
Are You Addicted to Online Auction Houses
Are you addicted to Ebay or online auction houses? Take our online auction addiction test to see if you might need help.
Answer "yes" or "no" to the following statements:
Do you need to bid with increasing amounts of money in order to achieve the desired excitement?
Are you preoccupied with auction houses (thinking about being online when offline, anticipating your next online session)? *********
Have you lied to friends and family members to conceal extent of your online bidding?*********
Do you feel restless or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop online bidding?******
Have you made repeated unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop online bidding?********
Do you use auction houses as a way of escaping from problems or relieve feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety, or depression?
Have you jeopardized or lost a significant relationship, job, or educational or career opportunity because of online bidding?
Have you committed illegal acts such as forgery, fraud, theft, or embezzlement to finance online activities?****************
If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, you may be addicted to online auction houses. These are signs that you have lost control, lied, or possibly stole money just to support your bidding behavior.
Common warning signs of shopping addiction include:
Shopping or spending money as a result of negative emotions like anger or sadness
Thinking obsessively about money ************
Buying certain items to improve low self-esteem**********
Feeling a rush or euphoria when spending*********
Buying items on credit, rather than with cash
Feeling guilty, ashamed, or embarrassed after a spending spree **********
Lying about or hiding how much money you spent***************
Spending a lot of time juggling accounts or bills to accommodate spending habits
Arguing with others about one’s shopping habits***********
Types of Shopping Addiction
Shopping addicts who are bargain hunters will frequently buy products they don’t need just because they’re on sale. Sometimes it’s less about the act of buying and more about the rush associated with finding the deal. This behavior can be hazardous, as it may seem the person is saving money, but they are ultimately wasting money by amassing items they’ll never use.
When it comes to collecting compulsions, there can be a fair amount of overlap with other known issues like hoarding. However, collecting can bleed into a shopping addiction when the desire for every piece of a set or a rare item overrides financial concerns. Often collectors will want to purchase multiple versions of the same thing, whether it be every color, size, or style.
Impulse Buying
Impulsive buying typically occurs as a spur-of-the-moment reaction to seeing something you want in a shop. These instances usually aren’t planned, and the desire to buy the item can come on suddenly.
The fear of missing out or never seeing the item again can often be the driving force behind buying it. Price means nothing to impulsive shoppers; the decision to buy happens instantly, regardless of the financial consequences.
Online Shopping Addiction
With so many online stores, shopping addicts can be tempted to overspend from the privacy of their homes. Between the convenience of just clicking or tapping “Complete Purchase” and the saturation of ad-targeting across social media platforms, online shopping addiction can be challenging to treat.
Bulimic Shopping
“Shopping bulimia” has recently begun making the rounds to describe this type of shopping. Bulimic shopping occurs when someone becomes overwhelmed by the desire to buy something, but once the initial high wears off, they quickly return their purchases.
Stephanie loaned a crown to Michael Pottie’s mother to wear for her birthday. Stephanie claimed that Anders? the antique dealer
that traveled several hours to the dump and installed several chandeliers, gifted her for free the crown below, worn by potty’s mother and hand crafted by Anders himself. Who thinks she got a free crown? No one. She paid for that piece.
( Stephanie relying upon her earnings from youtube, Patreon, bed and breakfast, gift grab channel, etc. Phillip relying 100% on Stephanie’s grifted income and gifts).
Phi phi arrival at the Dump was shown in a vlog dated Sept 21 2020 & by Oct 11 2020 (2.5 weeks) he became a main part of the vlogs was driving her car & making decisions on what to buy. Fanny’s birthday is in August. Fake anniversary is celebrated in October.
I am missing some birthday presents, birthday trips, etc. if you recall any of them, please post.
Any birthday present to Fanny in August 2021?
present from Fanny to Snorts?
Valentine’s Day gifts
Christmas 2021 gifts?
Any gifted trips?
February, 2022 Barabara Cartland Valentine’s Day
Gift to Snorts: Frog label pin ( which he does not wear )
Gift to Fanny: book stand
Second anniversary of Patreon account celebrated in a Venice ball The Chateau Diaries #126 Stephanie Jarvis farted wonder if some tiktok chateauverse review videos migh be an idea. Fanny has no presence there, and the granny knicker brigade dont know how to use the platform. Videos are short sharp and to the point, and easily shared (can also be uploaded to a youtube channel), dueted and stitched...
Snorty got grifted costumes from Villiotti.
August, 2022: Secret Greece and Turkey vacation for Snorts and Fanny in August, 2022 gifted by the Bagheads.
August, 2022
Snorty gifts Louboutins to Fanny for birthday
gift to Snorty for birthday…Vienna trip January 2023
Christie’s Givenchy Auction June 22, 2022. Disclosed in July 16, 2022 cd video. Stephanie purchased the secretaire as a gift to HERSELF FOR HER BIRTHDAY,
Here is SJ's new secretaire. She is correct for once: the hammer price was EUR 5,000. However, with the 26% buyers premium the total comes to EUR 6,300 (which is what Christie's reports as the realized price). What SJ doesn't reveal to her patrons is that, with VAT, the final price is actually EUR 6,560 (which is 31.2% above the hammer price). Then there is the cost for delivery or collection, which can bring the total expenditure to well over EUR 7,000.
I'll leave it up to my fellow connoisseurs to determine if this was a fair price. Considering the replaced veneer and unattributed cabinetmaker, I think not. The estimate was fine; and with the added Givenchy association I think it should have only fetched EUR 3,000-4,000 tops.
Just another thoughtless, random, expensive object for the shittoo.
anniversary presents or trips?
Christmas presents?
2023 January week long trip to Vienna - belated birthday present to Snorty ( birthday Sept 12th) from Stephanie. Vienna was a gift for snort his birthday...because they werent able to go away at that time...
2023 early Valentine’s Day present to Fanny:
custom couture dress from Lena Hershek in Vienna ( at least $1500+ )
Gift to Snorty?
October, 2023
Trip to Scotland gifted to the gruesome twosome as an anniversary present from the Bagheads ( in place of postponed trip on Orient Express…. Baghead must be loaded to offer vacation for 2 on Orient Express….why doesn’t he fix up his own Dump instead of benefiting from ebegging? $300 Barbour coat gifted to Fanny by Auntie ton ton for the trip.
In an August, 2023 Patreon vlog she informs us that Nick was treating her to the orient express trip on his and Marie’s wedding fell thru and they ended up on a 5 star vacation and accomodations for Snorty and Fanny for Scotland trip?
So the alleged Burberry jacket, Snort's coat & possible new jacket he wore to dinner added up to approx £1200.
October 23, 2023 anniversary gift to Phillip from Stephanie, plus trip to Germany and Ratso.
Stephanies 3rd anniversary present to Snorts:
trip to Germany and $3000+ RATSO!!!!!!! and accessories week of of October 23, 2023
December 2023:
Snorty purchased $1500 Louis Vuitton Ratso bag for Fanny
Snorty purchased the chicken tapestry drawing for Fanny
What did Fanny gift Snorty for Christmas?
FANNY PAID FOR THE VENICE TRIP. Here are her many ambiguous accounts about the trip and lies to say Auntie paid for 5 star vacation in Venice ( why not take their newly engaged son and future son in law?). We know she lies and paid for the trip. No one willingly treats Stephanie Jarvis to a vacation. No one, other than Gerry, can stand spending time with her long term ).
Vienna trip was "sponored" by Tonton and Two Tonnes.
At approx. 5:50 of the patron video Fanny says, "in about two weeks we will be in Austria with my Aunt and Uncle. It's our
Christmas present".
Fanny didn't say "it's our Christmas present to them". From Fanny's tone I get the impression it's Christmas present she has received.
January 7th In the Patron vlog Fanny drops the news that it's Tante Chantal and Oncle Stephen who are taking she & Snorty to Vienna - it's apparently their Christmas present to their niece and her porcelain fondler
Valentine presents?
March, 2024
snorty gave Fanny a stoneless engagement ring and orange mentos cocktail ring
Misc. FYI
Remember that NutTy, Isabelle and SJ are all entitled to be paid by the association and they can set their own salaries. No membership to argue with or disclose accounts, salaries etc. Now you see why she surreptitiously changed the wording on her patreon account
Add to this KiKi Gees 2021 and 2023 birthday gifts to Stephanie from Snorty:
gift for Stephanie from Snorts
Two Pink & Gold Espresso Cups
Regular price$124.00 USD
Sold out
Taxes included.
August, 2021 birthday gift from Snorty to Fanny
The Souleiado bag that BJJ gave her costs 160 Euros, quite a lot for an unlined cotton bag but it was lovely
August, 2023 birthday present from Snorty to Fanny
VICTORIAN Oversized Gold & Citrine Spinner Fob
Sold without the chain...
+ cost of chain
She only wore the day she received it and never wore it again on video. Just like the $1500+ Vienna Couture dress and the $1,000 3rd anniversay gifts from Snorty ( shoes and purse below, dress not shown)
Here is the 2022 Valentine’s gift from Snorty to Fanny:
@Espe Aug 23, 2021
The Souleiado bag that BJJ gave her costs 160 Euros, quite a lot for an unlined cotton bag but it was lovely. He knew she wanted that one. Interesting that she embraced all the others when they gave her presents but not BJJ. I think, strange as it may seem, that that proves she is having a relationship (of some sort or another) with him. He definitely liked her cousin! Chateau Diaries #56 Trotter's hole in the wall or Chateau cashpoint?
On the birthday GAG, Gerry got a kiss on a cheek, the cousin got a hug and Snorty got nothing for his gifted Souleiado bag. He looked like he really wanted more than a thank you. Also, was it a surprise to anyone that Snorterella likes spotted dick?
When pulling up 2021 Christmas present info, ran across this old post.
Christmas 2022 ( the Christmas the Puffs brought a $2400 ham to the Dump)
Gifts from Snorty to Fanny:
$100 bottle of Chanel gold body oil ( that is $100 for 8.4 ounces or 250 mlChanel No 5 glitter body oil
Cabbage plates for Fanny
Fanny bought Snorts the golden feather broach from an auction. He wears it all the time pinned to whatever sweater he borrowed from Stephanie that day.
Christmas 2021
gift from Fanny to Snorty
gift from Snorts to Fanny Member Apr 12, 2024
graciemckitten said: Christmas 2022 ( the Christmas the Puffs brought a $2400 ham to the Dump)
Gifts from Snorty to Fanny:
$100 bottle of Chanel gold body oil ( that is $100 for 8.4 ounces or 250 mlChanel No 5 glitter body oil
Cabbage plates for Fanny
Fanny bought Snorts the golden feather broach from an auction. He wears it all the time pinned to whatever sweater he borrowed from Stephanie that day.
Christmas 2021
gift from Fanny to Snorty View attachment 2870906
gift from Snorts to Fanny View attachment 2870917
Click to expand...
Here are some extra pics. for the gifts that you have already listed...
Note Gerry's watch...
Adding to the gift collection,
An ugly bench.
Channel micro bag, (from a belt), used as a Christmas decoration.
Green cabochon ring and earrings.
Another ugly dress.
A sheer robe and nightgown.
The Chateau Diaries #282 Hello 2024, what should Fanny grift for now; lake, grand salon or a wedding
Was just thinking about their darling little trip to Harrods where they sought out all things bling and tried to make out Royal Copenhagen is budget china. Surely one of the most famous areas of Harrods is the food hall. Fanny's viewers would have found that more fascinating. Have you all...
2023 Christmas present from Snorty Phillip to Stephanie:
What about the early Christmas present Snorts gave Fanny of the torn picture of the hens , the tapestry base thing, sorry not sure of the name! They thought it would be Pahhfect framed.
He also allegeduly purchased a New York Central Park Hermes scarf for Stephanie for Christmas 2024 that was picked up in June 14, 2024: Member Jun 13, 2024
ComtesseRose - as always, a big thank you for launching our new thread , and thank you to all my fellow tattlers whose depths of knowledge, common-sense, skills of observation and devilish senses of humour help inspire thread titles.
I'm rather shocked after watching that CD video, and that's saying something after the crap we've all watched over the years.
Shek's Wedding - no more mention of the Shrek's wedding. Why did they even attend? After the wedding did Fanny & Snorty really return back north to their shitoo only to drive back south, or did they just continue on their Antique Roadtrip.
Fanny's Back - there is nothing wrong with the lazy cow's back. It was just an excuse to cobble together random bits of old footage, because nothing is happening at the shitoo and a cover up for them leaving the shitoo earlier in the week. Fanny also skipped back to the shitoo after visiting the chapel. Anyone with a serious back problem would not willingly sit in a car for 6.5 hours.
Crozon sur Vauvre - Lyon = 4 hours
Lyon to Avignon = 2.5 hours
Chapel Restorers Hate Fanny & her Pink Camera
Sebastien - When Fanny walked out to the chapel and called out to Sebastien you could see his body language drop. He seemed to be thinking, "Jesus Christ, here she comes again. I was hoping she had left already for the SOF". When Fanny told him she didn't like the new ugly drains he could not have cared less. I think he installed the white plastic tubes purpose.
Benoit - has hired additional painters. I think he wants to get the job done and get out of there
Why does Fanny's son need more cutlery?
Old Lady Scarf
Fanny you look chunky in that dress (especially through the mid-section) and that Hermes scarf your son used his allowance to buy you for Christmas is overpriced. I've seen prices ranging from $450.00 - $1,150.
December 22, 2021 Clara post.
I can vouch for both assumptions: she is sending gifts to herself and she has fake patrons. In her inner circle these are known facts.
The Chateau Diaries #98 The Devil Wears Emmaus
SJ is so damn lazy. She always waits to take it down hoping some shmuck at the shanty will do it for her. Well, if she waits until February she surely won't film it since it will be sticks without needles by then! Of course, she will be off to Venice ( oh how I hope that trip gets...
Giant Willow Blue Gown
One Hundred Stars Giant Willow Blue design features the classic blue willow print on an ivory base which can often be found adorning vintage pottery. This gown is perfect as a luxurious house coat or for layering as a chic accessory to your favourite outfit.
Vintage Tiles Pink Throwover
This is a print inspired by vintage geometric tiles that captures the timeless elegance and intricate patterns reminiscent of historic tile designs. We have used a summery combination of pinks, blues, and greens to give this traditional print a fun kitsch twist. These lightweight throwovers make...
March 15, 2024
Fanny is wearing a grifted 100 stars 145 euro Mehndi Blue Boho Dress from this season.
Mehndi Blue Boho Dress
Inspired by the traditional intricate henna designs used by many to decorate the skin before a festival or wedding. Part of our Indian Heritage Collection this full-length dress finishes just above the ankle and has gentle pleated details for a super flattering fit! Pair with your favourite... 100 stars country toile velvet fiat 265 pounds $337.00
Country Toile Velvet Duster Coat
We love a classic French toile de Jouy, so we have stuck with the 'pastoral romantic' genre for this print, although the colourway is far from typical! The slight hint of black mixed through these delicate pastel shades makes this print eminently wearable and provides the perfect undertone for...
hei Gracie, that one she is wearing while setting the bed is 100 stars “giant willow gown”
but this one is the “giant willow abbi dress” which is now sold out in most patterns but is sold for £116,
The 100 stars site don’t have pictures of the “giant willow abbi dress” anymore, I found the dress on another site. The 100 stars site still have pictures of the abbi dress in other patterns, like the “honeysuckle“. The “abbi dress” seems to be sold out In most patterns.
Here is FRK’s grifted $154.00 100 stars Valentine lilac robe.
Valentine Lilac Gown
The most romantic print to drop this season is our Valentine print, featuring beautiful miniature scenes of doting couples in hand-drawn frames surrounded by flowers and pairs of doves- the classic love birds! This Gown is made from a custom blend of modal and cupro which creates a silky smooth...
Alice Strictknickers said:
I think it is March 14th.
See below.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (proper cake, no measly cupcakes for us hags and witches!)
Click to expand...
Looks like Annalise is wearing a 100 stars midi kimono retailing at 75 euros In the Valentine Sky print.
Valentine Sky Kimono
The most romantic print to drop this season is our Valentine print, featuring beautiful miniature scenes of doting couples in hand-drawn frames surrounded by flowers and pairs of doves- the classic love birds! Our bestselling kimono jackets have loose ¾ length sleeves, an open front and a...
Fanny wearing grifted 100 stars dress and headband.
Fanny wearing a new $154.00 100 Stars Valentine Sky gown / robe. Funny she isn’t wearing her mentos engagement ring in this screenshot.
Valentine Sky Gown
The most romantic print to drop this season is our Valentine print, featuring beautiful miniature scenes of doting couples in hand-drawn frames surrounded by flowers and pairs of doves- the classic love birds! This Gown is made from a custom blend of modal and cupro which creates a silky smooth...
Fanny was wearing a 15 pound 100 stars headband with her 100 stars dress in march 19, 2024 video.
;March 21,2024 Marie wearing 100 stars trousers
2024 Lilysilk
January 31, 2024 .
Fanny wearing another freebie cream/ white $149 Lilysilk cable sweater over her $139.00 Lilysilk silk cashmere turtleneck sweater in today’s video?
February 6, 2024
UPDATE. Something to add to the bedroom grift totals. Last night while lounging about in her new luxury linens, it appears that Fanny matched her new sheets and comforter to a grifted Lilysilk gown in garnet retailing for $189 . It happens to be the same color as her grifted claret Lilysilk pajamas she swanned around in at the fake Dump Christmas Day video, retailing at $279.00
22MM Gold Piping Silk Pajamas Set
22 Momme Charmeuse Silk, Glossy, Smooth, Soft Two-Piece Silk Pajama Set Elasticated Waist 2 Front Pockets With Gold Piping Piping Material: Satin, Wear-Resistant And Stylish
February, 2024 trip to Venice.
leather mulberry clipper bags that run around $1350.00.
February, 2024
UPDATE. Something to add to the bedroom grift totals. Last night while lounging about in her new luxury linens, it appears that Fanny matched her new sheets and comforter to a grifted Lilysilk gown in garnet retailing for $189 . It happens to be the same color as her grifted claret Lilysilk pajamas she swanned around in at the fake Dump Christmas Day video, retailing at $279.00
22MM Gold Piping Silk Pajamas Set
22 Momme Charmeuse Silk, Glossy, Smooth, Soft Two-Piece Silk Pajama Set Elasticated Waist 2 Front Pockets With Gold Piping Piping Material: Satin, Wear-Resistant And Stylish
February, 2024
Dolce and Gabanna jumpsuit
February 2, 2024 new red coat for Venice $199.00
March 25, 2024
Fanny wearing her grifted $159 Lily silk sweater. Does she get paid each time she wears Lilysilk clothing in her cd videos?
Semi-Sheer Cable-knit Cashmere Sweater
100% Baby Cashmere Warm, soft and skin-friendly Weaved with 1-ply of yarn Extremely lightweight and breathable Effortless elegance.
May, 2024
Is Stephanie wearing any grifted Lilysilk piece? The $199 gray silk cashmere knit dress? They are using the $200+ status umbrella. So predictable.
I don’t know, but I believe it this black outfit is another Lilysilk combo.
I believe the camel colored outfit could be the same outfit as the black outfit above, just in a different color. Lilysilk?
May 4, 2024 $400 Lilysilk pajamas
The perpetual grifter/ greedy shopping addict Stephanie is wearing her new Lilysilk. The bitch is wearing new $400 silk pajamas and is lying to grift another $500,000 for the non historic chapel at the crumbling dump ( which is about $200,000 more than she ever invested in the Dump)? WE SEE YOU STEPHANIE!
Golden Cocoon Silk Pajama Set
Golden Cocoon Silk Pajama Set
100% Silk, 22 Momme Golden Cocoon Charmeuse Silk Undyed natural golden silk Healthy and Sustainable Relaxed Fit Note: LILYÁUREA® is generated from undyed natural golden cocoons and needs to be kept out of direct sunlight.
May 5, 2024
Stoneless grifter and fake fiancé Snorts is wearing a green Lilysilk cashmere sweater for men. $209.00 without tax or shipping.
Crew Neck Classic Soft Cashmere Sweater For Men
100% A-Grade Cashmere Round Neck Long Sleeve Regular Fit This is a basic cashmere sweater with a round neck. The screw thread collar and cuffs are so cute. Cashmere is known as "diamond fiber" and "soft gold". It has the characteristics of lightness, warmth, and smoothness that other fibers...
May 13, 2024 IT IS A LILYSILK GRIFTER EPISODE: $1600+ in grifted lilysilk clothing In just today’s episode
February, 2024 South Africa. $717.00 dress in blue and white. Zimmerman UK
July, 2024 Hampton Court Garden Show
Stephanie has purchased approximately $2000 from Hapoy Cabbage London in 2024, to include:
Fanny has the $110 Kate dress in yellow.
The Kate Dress - Pink Floral PrintSmall
A beautiful and easy to wear dress with fluted sleeves, designed in London and made in Jaipur, India, using the traditional art of hand block printing. By stamping carved wooden blocks onto the fabric the meticulous attention to detail by the artisans delivers results that are beautifully...
Purchased $110 red flo sundress at the flower show.
The Flo Sundress - Persian Red
PRE ORDER - THESE DRESSES WILL BE DISPATCHED W/C 27TH MAY 2024 Beautiful sundress, designed in London and made in Jaipur, India, using the traditional art of hand block printing. By stamping carved wooden blocks onto the fabric the meticulous attention to detail by the artisans delivers results...
Purchased $110 happy cabbage blue dress for Mummy.
Total $330 on Happy Cabbage dresses.
Other Happy Cabbage London purchases.
She had previously spent $128.00 happy cabbage robe at the Chelsea Flower show which she wore as a coat on the way back to the Dump.
Luxury Quilted Hand Block Print Robe - Blue & Pink Floral PrintSmall - Medium
The cosiest of elegant robes in 100% cotton hand block print. Made in Jaipur, India, from 100 percent cotton, using the traditional method of block printing that gives each piece a unique appearance. - Two sizes available; Small - Medium - will fit UK size 10-14 Large - Extra Large - will fit...
Didn’t she buy the $118.00 waist coat like this from Happy Cabbage?
Quilted Jacket`& Waistcoat in 1 - Forest Green PrintSmall
Introducing the ultimate versatility: our quilted, cotton jacket with detachable sleeves to offer endless layering potential. With cleverly concealed zips, this block print jacket seamlessly transforms to a stylish waistcoat in seconds. Embrace the freedom to adapt to any occasion with this...
She like has other night shorts, robes, and pajamas from this line.
She has purchased the Long PJ Set in Green & Vibrant Pink Floral Block Print
Long PJ Set in Green & Vibrant Pink Floral Block PrintSmall
This beautiful pyjama set is made in by artisans in Jaipur, India, using the traditional art of hand block printing. - Made from the softest 100% cotton - The PJ bottoms feature an elasticated, drawstring waist - The bottoms are long, full length - Each set comes with a matching lined, fabric...
The $70 green and floral pajamas
Long PJ Set in Pink & Green Floral Block PrintExtra small
This beautiful pyjama set is made in by artisans in Jaipur, India, using the traditional art of hand block printing. - Made from the softest 100% cotton - The PJ bottoms feature an elasticated, drawstring waist - The bottoms are long, full length - Each set comes with a matching lined, fabric...
The $70 orange block print pajamas.
Long PJ Set in Soft Orange Floral Block PrintSmall
This beautiful pyjama set is made in by artisans in Jaipur, India, using the traditional art of hand block printing. - Made from the softest 100% cotton - The PJ bottoms feature an elasticated, drawstring waist - The bottoms are long, full length - Each set comes with a matching lined, fabric...
Here it is. $105.00 Happy Cabbage London dress.
Suri Cotton Block Print Dress - Turquoise & PinkSmall
Beautiful maxi dresses, designed in London and made in Jaipur, India, using the traditional art of hand block printing. By stamping carved wooden blocks onto the fabric the meticulous attention to detail by the artisans delivers results that are beautifully imperfect, authentic and timeless in...
The print was offered in a dress on the site, but hasn’t sold out and was removed. It would’ve cost around$110.00.
July, 2024 Balenciaga coat worn at Hampton Court Garden Show $3850 retail. $1250 for sale on Poshmark/ eBay
Stephanie grifted the $82 Betty hat ( one of the more expensive hats in the line).
Mummy grifted hat $65.35
Stephanie also grifted the $65.00 Molly Mae hat below from Peak and Brim. Stephanie lies in the video and states that she had no idea that this vendor was going to be at the flower show, and it was just totally by chance that she stopped by. Big fat liar. They publish a list of the vendors prior to the shows and the gruesome twosome carefully go over what shops they want to try to grift product from or shop from prior to the trip.
I think Stephanie ambushed her at the flower show to grift several hats for herself and Mummy.
Molly May
The ultimate travel hat. Easy to flatpack and folds neatly into your bag. A great beach or gardening hat with a very wide brim, ideal for sun shading. The perfect sun hat.A great wide brim for shade and comfortable fitting Features Made from 100% Cotton Contrasting under brim Soft brim Handmade...
JUNE, 2024
JUNE 14, 2024 dress worn to carry lampshades at Ton Ton Steve and Chantel’s house in south of France.
The dress!
1440 pound, $1778 Moloh outfit from the flower show.
Philip's trousers . . . $392 and he bought two pairs. approximately 800 pounds for trousers for Snorts,
A coupe of $342 sweater for Snorts.
ARDWHORE Looks like she walked out of Ardmore with a minimum of $1400+ in products.
Grifted or purchased $420 Ardmore scarf.
Amy Cotton Midi Shirt DressLavender, Lemon Grove $185.00
March, 2024
$387 Max Mara green dress purchased at Harrods. Spilled oil all over it, wore it on visit to Fleuries chateau. WEEKEND MAX MARA Belted Faenza Midi Dress
March 19, 2024 Chanel Classic Silver CC Square Crystal Pearl Long Necklace
€2,813.11 Chanel Classic Silver CC Square Crystal Pearl Long Necklace at 1stDibs | chanel pearl necklace dupe
View this item and discover similar for sale at 1stDibs - Chanel Classic Silver CC Square Crystal Pearl Long Necklace * Marked 16 * Made in Italy *Comes with original pouch and box -It is approximately 48' long.
July 22, 2024
new dress worn to b and b dinner
The dress for dinner with the guests is H&M, (If I'm not mistaken, a cheap rag from a fake engagement party in SA)
Second dress worn in cd video July 22, 2024
$195.00 dress
White dress:
UNIDENTIFIED 2023 2024 clothing
February 29, 2024 video. New yellow coat
Once this page was created in July, 2024, Stephanie began to purchase and where inexpensive H & M dresses in her videos.
July, 2024
July, 2024
$59 H and M ebegging dress with Stephanie falsely claimed that Percy purchased for her.
unidentified dress worn in the same video
July 25, 2024 video
Here is Stephanie’s new lemon H and M dress, 27.99 euros dress. Evidently, just posting a dozen of her expensive dresses in the wiki has caused her to flip out and she has now purchased several dresses from H&M to wear on camera so she can pretend to be thrifty.
Percy didn’t buy H&M dress that she wore in a video earlier this week and he didn’t purchase this one. Remember, whenever lips are moving Stephanie Jarvis’s line. No exceptions. If anyone can add to page 3 of the wiki and post any additional expensive dresses, coats, shoes, handbags, etc., it would be greatly appreciated. I believe it’s very helpful to document some of her gluttony and greed in the wiki.
Since the disclosure in the wiki on a few of the expensive dresses, she has worn in past videos, she has now also been digging out past Emmaus purchases to wear in videos .
Christmas 2023
$97.00 cheetah slippers.
She owns many shoes from this line. They cost $98 per pair. She wore the cheetah slippers for the first time on Christmas day with her $200 plus silk pajamas from Lily silk.
June 6, 2023
It retailed for $ 2,520. Erdem joyti floral dress
2023 LILYSILK ITEMS ( value grifted and/ purhased)
100 STARS ( value grifted and/ or purchased)
December 25, 2023
Are these the loafers Fanny was wearing in the fake Christmas video? $97.00 black loafers with cheetah, click to view. They are made to wear indoors and outdoors. Was she wearing them on a walk with Ratso?
Oct 16, 2023
The intrepid Jack Spratt correctly identified the coat. Here is a photo of the 395 euro field coat worn by snorts as he was prancing around Balmoral.You will note that the Harris tweed model is not wearing skin tight jeggings/ his mother’s trousers with the field coat.
I believe this is the $400 Barbour jacket that Auntie and Uncle purchased and gifted to the little orphan princess Stephanfraudie ( who owns at least 20 coats and jackets) in today’s cd video to take on her grifted Scotland vacation likely paid for with tax free Patreon funds. Khillip did not get a jacket. The sleeves were turned up to show the tartan lining. Would that make her personal gift tally for 2023 total over 1,000+ gifts and grifts this year (from guests, viewers, Patrons, gifts purchased for herself, auction buys, etc.)?
Barbour Acorn Wax Jacket
A relaxed, comfortable jacket constructed with a waxed cotton outer and Barbour's iconic tartan lining. Signature details include a corduroy collar with throat tab, handwarmer pockets and lower patch pockets detailed with tonal Barbour embroidery.
Click to see jacket
October, 2023 Seren Lee Dress 133 euros / $145.00
October, 2023 Ralph Lauren dress
October, 2023
Seren London Martha dress in red. $213.00
October 23, 2023 skirt worn on travels with my shitty friend . 399 euros skirt.
Skirt from tonight's TWMF.
LENA HORCHEK DRESSES purchased in 2023.
January, 2023. Custom made dress at least $1,000, ordered on trip to Austria,
Lena Hoschek was the Vienna designer who made the custom gold dress Fanny wore in January 2023 that she claims Snorts purchased for her with his allowance. It would have cost around 1,000 to $1,500 minimum. Fanny has since purchased and worn at least 3 other Lena Hoschek dresses purchased in 2023 Force of Nature ecstasy dress 860 euros and the Angelique dress, 790 euros ( worn in September 21, 2023 cd video)
860 euro Forces of Nature Ectasy dress
At the 2023 Patreon days. She wore the 720 euro Lena Hoschek charmed dress in tea rose. 2023 collection.
October, 2023. in todays travels with my shitty friend, Spendthrift Stephanfraudie wore the 790 euro Lena Hoschek Angelique dress in watercolor.2023 collection.
found a dress.
I think this is where Killip buys his pants!
October 2023 Stephanie’s 148 euro current season dress given to FRK
The red silk pajamas with 22 mm gold piping, worn by Stephanie during her Christmas video were made by her sponsor Lily silk and retail for $279.00 before tax and shipping. They just went on sale. Fanny was lying as usual. The reason she was the only person wearing pajamas was either because they were an expensive freebie or an expensive purchase she wanted to wear on camera.She didn’t scknowledge that the 22mm gold piped silk pajamas were made by or purchased from a sponsor. She looks so out of place and properly, dressed wearing the red silk pajamas, but Fanny always has to brag or show up when she gets new designer clothing.
Click to see pajamas.
She is wearing the $ 279.00 silk pajamas in the claret color,
22MM Gold Piping Silk Pajamas Set
22 Momme Charmeuse Silk, Glossy, Smooth, Soft Two-Piece Silk Pajama Set Elasticated Waist 2 Front Pockets With Gold Piping Piping Material: Satin, Wear-Resistant And Stylish 2023 Anthropologie dresses
Anthropologie dress $220.00
Mmakhotso Moloi dress that Stephanie wore once, even though the girl had not eaten for days in order to buy the materials to make the dress to gift to Stephanie.
Phillip received grifted jacket to wear to Venetian “ ball” where she was able to arrange a one to two hours stay in a palazzo in Venice.
December, 2022 dress gifted to Stephanie. Originally sold for $995.00
COATS AND CAPES PURCHASED/ GRIFTED BY STEPHANIE JARVIS: 100 stars country toile velvet fiat 265 pounds $337.00
Country Toile Velvet Duster Coat
We love a classic French toile de Jouy, so we have stuck with the 'pastoral romantic' genre for this print, although the colourway is far from typical! The slight hint of black mixed through these delicate pastel shades makes this print eminently wearable and provides the perfect undertone for...
believe this is the $400 Barbour jacket that Auntie and Uncle purchased and gifted to the little orphan princess Stephanfraudie ( who owns at least 20 coats and jackets) in today’s cd video to take on her grifted Scotland vacation likely paid for with tax free Patreon funds. Khillip did not get a jacket. The sleeves were turned up to show the tartan lining. Would that make her personal gift tally for 2023 total over 1,000+ gifts and grifts this year (from guests, viewers, Patrons, gifts purchased for herself, auction buys, etc.)?
Barbour Acorn Wax Jacket
A relaxed, comfortable jacket constructed with a waxed cotton outer and Barbour's iconic tartan lining. Signature details include a corduroy collar with throat tab, handwarmer pockets and lower patch pockets detailed with tonal Barbour embroidery.
Click to see jacket
March, 2024
June, 2024 1300:in luxury gucci scarves between the ebegging greedy mother and daughter.
Exclusive Ardmore Jewellery & Scarves: African-Inspired Luxury Fashion
Elevate your style with Ardmore's fashion collections. Unique jewellery and luxury scarves, each echoing the spirit of Africa. Handcrafted pieces that blend traditional African motifs with contemporary design. Distinctive, elegant, and truly Ardmore. Complimentary global shipping on all orders.
July 27, 2023
October, 2023 new purple plaid scarf Scotland trip
October, 2023 new scarf
2024 new coat and scarf.
Extremely filthy LaLande kitchen curtains that had not been cleaned in 18 years and had to be thrown away because they were so incredibly filthy that they could not be cleaned.
Lucky Ratso has a new coat.£139.00.
Check out all of Ratso’s clothing.
October, 2023
The intrepid Jack Spratt correctly identified the coat. Here is a photo of the 395 euro field coat worn by snorts as he was prancing around Balmoral.You will note that the Harris tweed model is not wearing skin tight jeggings/ his mother’s trousers with the field coat.
Phillip loves to wear Stephanie’s clothes
Luxury Travel : 4 and 5 Star Hotels and Restaurants, business class/ first class flights
Warning. Stephanie is a pathological, liar, and what her favorite subject to lie about is pretending that certain vacations were gifted to her by relatives and friends, which is patently untrue.. she tries to hide her reckless spending money with a mountain of lies. Any such a vacation she claims were gifts will be noted ( but they were all actually paid by her out of money grifted from YouTube or Patreon or rental stars.
January 1, 2024 trip to London and shopping spree.
Stephanie’s designer dress purchase specifically for New Year’s Eve in London. Dinner for her and Snorts. you know they got the more expensive option which means that dinner for Stephanie and Snorts would be 948 euros plus 15% service charge = 1090 euros.[/B]
Look at the cost of the pre set New Year’s Eve menu per person:
4 course 150 euro
wine pairing 99 euros
total 249 euros + 15% service charge.
6 course 275 euros
wine pairing 199 euros
474 euros per person+ 15% service charge you know they got the more expensive option which means that dinner for Stephanie and Snorts would be 948 euros plus 15% service charge = 1090 euros
more than 20 grifted lowest tier stars for one dinner for the gruesome twosome. Makes their used bookstore shopping and plethora of 10 euro or less purchases look like scammy, poor little me, smoke and mirrors bullshit, doesn’t it?
Doesn’t make roofless Dan look too great either.
Advance Reservations were mention of whether dogs were allowed.
Restaurant info in Link below.
During this trip to London, Stephanie spent several hundred euros on Ratso’s wardrobe, had a huge shopping binge at Harrod’s off camera, and spent 100 euros + on hot chocolate for herself. She has purchased herself 3 luxury hot chocolate machines and several hund red euros on hot chocolate packets for the 3 machines. One machine is kept in the London apartment.
January, 2024 trip to Austria minimum 7 day trip.
5 star Hotel Imperial Austria …. Trip with Chantel, Steven, Stephanie, and loser Phillip. Note that this is the second luxury vacation to Austria for Stephanie and Philip. They spent 1 to 2 weeks in Austria in January, 2023, where Stephanie had a custom 1000+ euro dress commissioned at Lena Hoschek. Stephanie later went on to buy several dresses from this designer , total cost several thousand euros. The 2023 trip was allegedly a present for Philip’s 27th birthday. They stayed at the imperial Hotel during that vacation also.
The smoke and mirrors bullshit about the ” mini break“ ( not mini break but week or 2 week long trip) trip to Venice.
At various times, the master of chaos Stephanfibber claimed:
The trip was a christmas present from her aunt and uncle
Stephanie was taking her aunt and on a trip to Vienna
Now she states her aunt asked her to accompany them on the trip
She is never straightforward or truthful about the trip, who paid for the trip and lodging in 5 star hotel, opera tickets, etc. as well as the length of the trip.
She also loves to intentionally minimize and mislead viewers by falsely claiming that each trip she takes is a “mini break“ ( usually 2 to 4 days).
“ We discovered a little glass cloche covering a delectable selection of cakes in each of our rooms. It’s hard to know how any of our days in the city will top the delight of lying in bed, munching on cake, and finally lying down after a fourteen hour journey!
Why would Fanny say this - "in each of our rooms"? Very odd wording. Wouldn't you usually say "in our rooms" or "in both our rooms"? I assume Tante & Oncle are in one room. By saying "in each our rooms" it gives the impression there are more than two rooms and Fanny & Snorty have separate rooms.”
destitute grifter is going to watch Puccini at the Opera - where Sissi went too Puccini opera tickets run from 198 euros to 290 euros per ticket.
Tosca, Opera by G. Puccini - Vienna State Opera - 07.12.2024 Sat
Giacomo Puccini’s tragic opera, Tosca, a story of lust and deception, in performance at the Wiener Staatsoper
They stayed at the Palzetto Pisani, The room they are currently staying in runs over 513 euros a night booked 6 months in advance.
The suite grand canal view they received as an upgrade runs over 760 euros per night booked 6 months in advance.
Since it is Carnivale time in Venice, the rates were probably higher.
The room rental alone for each night in Venice costs approximately 11 4 pointed chapel stars at 50 euros per star.
The first night rental would have been over 15 4 pointed chapel stars at 50 euros per star.
A 6 night stay in Venice at this hotel for the room alone ( not including the huge mini bar expenses of Snorts) costs 70 4 pointed chapel stars alone.
Adding in plane flights, food and wine, shopping expenses, etc., how much did this vacation aka mini/ maxi break to Venice, Stephanie’s 18th trip to Venice, bringing along Miss Chatelaine actually cost? Yet frugal Fanny spent a week poorly painting a cheap ugly $10 nightstand for “ Pavlina’s room”? Really?k
The hotel allows pets. Why no Ratso in Venice?
3325 euros to usd = $3,596.30 for 6 nights of hotel room charge alone for Vienna trip.
The water taxi taking them to the airport was one of the wooden "Riva limousine" types nothing but the most expensive for Snorts and Fanny
February , 2024 trip from the Dump to South Africa. 2 week vacation minimum
a minimun, it would be $5623.00 or more for Stephanie’s plane tickets to fly from Johannesburg to Doha, and from Doha to Durbin? The same for Snorts, $5623.00. $11,246 for tickets for the gruesome twosome to travel one way from South Africa to England. under that travel scenario,
Snorts isn’t worth $1, much less over $10,000 for tickets to haul his lazy, useless, allergic grifting ass to South Africa and back to the dump. Fanny loves to spend those grifted funds.
Will it cost over $22, 000 + to fly Fanny and Snorts from England to South Africa and back?
Add $717 for Stephanie’s new Zimmerman dress that she wore from the airport.
Stephanie went on her 20th luxury African safari on this trip. Stephanie, Philip, Isabelle, Percy, Marie, Baghead, and stepson went on the luxury safari, likely paid for by Stephanie.
The Bateleur club Join the club. BateleurClubMembership is secured by a minimum deposit of ZAR 45,000, ($2,382.87) and a R500 ($26.48) initiation fee. The membership is valid for a lifetime, however funds should be used within 3 years. This is not a joining fee, the deposit amount will be used to book your first stay at our &Beyond lodges.
An exclusive, luxury travel club, designed for citizens or residents of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), created by &Beyond, one of the world's leading experiential travel companies.&Beyond designs personalised high-end tours in 13 countries in Africa, five in Asia and four in…..
Look at the luxury phina mountain lodge
Rates from ZAR 8,265 per person per night. Perched on a hilltop, with wraparound views of the lush Lebombo foothills, Phinda Mountain Lodge is the ultimate family safari destination in Phinda Private Game Reserve
They were donating 2,000 euros from Chateau Unwrapped to buy a car at the orphanage. They filmed the orphans for continent for château diaries to make money too long the pockets personally Stephanie Jarvis. They exploited the orphans for profit,
Stephanie received an empty second hand engagement ring from Phillip and also received an orange engagement ring monstrosity a.k.a. The “ mentos” ring, which she refuses to wear 90% of the time unless forced to wear it on video to try to convince viewers that she is actually engaged to gay loser Philip.
October, 2023 Luxury trip to Scotland 5 star hotels and restaurants
The Witchery Hotel. Rooms start at $600 per night. It looks like rates go up to over $900 per night.
Celebrated as one of the seven wonders of the hotel world by Cosmopolitan Magazine our 9 unique suites scream romance with a capital 'R'. Indulge in the ultimate romantic getaway as you discover the delights of four-poster beds and roll-top baths made for two!
Here is the second 5 star luxury hotel where the little orphan princess and sir snorts a lot stayed while in Scotland:
Room rates start at $644 per night and higher.Nothing but the best for the perpetually grifting Stephanie Jarvis.
The intrepid Jack Spratt correctly identified the coat. Here is a photo of the 395 euro field coat worn by snorts as he was prancing around Balmoral.You will note that the Harris tweed model is not wearing skin tight jeggings/ his mother’s trousers with the field coat.
October, trip to Germany for 3 to 4 days to pick up $3,000+ 50% discount Ratso, who is for content, not for life. Pena Palace Sintra: a photo of the 2nd wife of King Ferdinand of Portugal, the Swiss/American opera singer Elise Hensler, Countess of Edla holding her pet dog, a Prague Ratter. This why Stephanie wanted the dog as she explained in travels with my shitty friend.
2022 5 star stay at Hotel Bauer Venice
Stephanie and all he stayed at the five star hotel Bauer and made a video for the YouTube channel travels with my shitty friend of the most expensive suite in the hotel, we’re Stephanie showed many items in the King Charles sweet wish she would like to purchase in 2023 at the hotel Bauer auction, where she spent close to and or over €10,000 purchasing the bed king Charles slept in, curtains, tables, a bed for Tess,etc.
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