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Hey. It may be because you now have some cell changes due to the HPV. I’m no professional but this is what I have (HPV and low grade changes) so I needed a colposcopy x
Had my letter through now and it says my cells are still normal just having to have a colposcopy because I’ve had hpv for 3 years. Was yours ok?


VIP Member
Sorry to revive this thread! I had a colposcopy in June last year and I’ve just received a letter from PHE to book a smear. I’m sure they said to me to have another one a year from the colposcopy, so I’m not sure why I’ve been sent this. I’m really not keen on having one I don’t need just yet and tbh 6 ish months later seems overkill (they didn’t even take a biopsy at my colposcopy so I’m guessing there was literally nothing there?) does anyone else know if it’s a year from your colposcopy or a year from your last smear?


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As the OP says - 'suspected' and 'potential'. That means there isn't a diagnosis? She's being told not to worry etc and she wants an answer. If she goes on the pill now she won't get one because they'll say her symptoms are being managed so no further investigation is needed. She's also said she doesn't want to go on the pill, which is her choice. Leaving her to it all this considered is lazy.
If they diagnose adenomyosis - which seems overwhelmingly likely - then the treatment to manage the symptoms IS the contraceptive pill or hormonal contraception. There is no cure - so it’s either medication to manage symptoms and improve quality of life or looking into a hysterectomy to remove the issue all together but in a young woman with no children a hysterectomy is almost out of the question.

Don’t get me wrong - I’m not saying just throw the pill at it and get on with it. But I’m just saying that sometimes there is no other option. Sometimes you have the choice of either carrying on as you are now or taking the medication that’s on offer to help improve things. 🤷🏼‍♀️


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Hi everyone , I’m new to this I’ve been looking for a forum online. I’m just wondering if anyone had the same problems as me because it’s really starting to get me down 😥 I’ve just had my smear and found it uncomfortable the nurse said I have a tilted cervix and it came back I had hpv I had never even heard of hpv until she said now they test for it. I got the letter to say I had low hpv and cried my eyes out because I actually thought it was like a Sti? Or something to do with the cancerous cells. I had to google it on the nhs to see what it actually was. Which slightly put my mind at rest, but my second problem (lol) is I’m very embarrassed but it’s getting a everyday problem I’m 32 I’ve got a 2 year old son so could be the reason I’m tired but I’ve got a really low labido I’ve been trying to find pills creams ect to try make it better but nothing works and when it comes to ‘doing the deed’ I just can’t get turned on and it’s painful for both me and him. I’ve rang the doctors but she just use lube but it’s embarrassing, my partner thinks I don’t fancy him anymore and now I’m telling him I’m on my period to try get out of sex 🙈 oh god it’s a nightmare 😥 has this happened to anyone else? Has anything worked sorry for the long essay it’s just really starting to destroy me know I don’t know what to do 😥
Did you ever get any help with this?


VIP Member
Going on the pill is a vicious circle when it comes to this sort of thing, if you don't have a diagnosis yet I wouldn't do it. I have endo and it was ignored by doctors for years because my symptoms were 'managed' due to being on the pill. They wouldn't do a laparoscopy on me while I was on it. It wasn't until I'd been off the pill and back to fainting/being unable to move from pain when I had periods, and I was steadfast that I wanted an answer and not just fobbed off with the pill again, that anyone bothered to look into it more. If you're trying to get an answer I definitely would not go on the pill until you have one. Getting something that masks your symptoms is not an answer, and there are lots of valid reasons not to want to go on the pill - it affects the mental health of a lot of women.
Yeah but what are the treatment options? Either management of symptoms with medication (I.e contraception) or surgery (I.e a hysterectomy)

if quality of life is being effected by a condition surely you use the medication available to control the symptoms? Surely she needs to at least try something to see if it helps??


VIP Member
I have my smear next week and I'm so anxious about it. I'm 29 so had my first one a couple of years ago and have been avoiding this one for a year... Don't know why I'm so worried about it because the last one was uncomfortable but not traumatising - I did cry before and after but it was nowhere near as bad as I expected. Weirdly I think knowing what will happen is making me worry more about it?
The best thing to do is relax. I'm a lot older than you and they used to use a metal speculum which was even more uncomfortable but now they use plastic, so it's a lot less uncomfortable nowadays. It is over so quickly so take a deep breath and try to relax. I think when you're tense it can make it more painful.


VIP Member
Hi there! I’m after a little advice and didn’t know where to ask for it until I discovered this thread.

So, about four weeks ago I started getting these pains in my lower stomach but I dismissed them as period pains because I was due on at the time. Anyway, my period didn’t come until two weeks later (very unusual for me, I’ve always had regular cycles) and my period was super heavy for the first few days (again, unusual). When I came off, the pains I was experiencing before my period came are still there only now they’ve become super uncomfortable. Sometimes when I’m sat down I can feel a sudden, sharp pain in either my left side or right side (it varies each day) but today, whilst pottering around the house I’ve been able to feel something... I can’t explain it but it just feels like a ball in my stomach?! I’m definitely not pregnant either, I did a test a few weeks ago to make sure. I know you shouldn’t google your symptoms but I have been and I’m stressing out that I’ve got ovarian cancer or something. I have contacted my GP explaining my symptoms and they will be getting back to me within the next few days. I’ve been losing so much sleep over this lately as I know a few women in my family have had breast cancer and things like PCOS, Endometriosis and Ovarian Cysts. I’ve not had any bleeding either other than the period. All I’ve experienced is this awful stomach pain.

Sorry for the long post, I hope it all made sense I’m so crap at explaining things 😂
I hope you have managed to get an appointment and speak to a a qualified professional about this.

Is anyone finding it a bit annoying that they now only test for HPV? If HPV negative, then they don't check your cells? This is quite worrying as I know a few people who had abnormal cells but didn't have HPV. My last smear was in 2017 when they checked the cells and it was clear, this year I had it and just said HPV negative, therefore they don't check the cells. If they're going to do smear tests then they need to bloody do it properly. If I want to know whether I have HPV then I'd pay myself to find out but I don't care. I just want to know if my cells are normal or abnormal. So I'm not happy with this and I'm trying to find a private clinic where they will check the cells but so far, no clinics are! Unless I pay private for a colposcopy which I've been quoted nearly 3k. Private online test only checks for HPV. I just can't settle down about it.
Yes this bothers me as well


VIP Member
How does it work with HPV? I had it (and cin3) a few years ago and had LLETZ which removed the abnormal cells and my follow up smear was negative for cin and HPV. I had one 3 years later as normal and that was also negative for HPV. Am I right in that HPV is sexually transmitted? So in theory if I don’t sleep with anyone new I have very little chance of getting HPV again and therefore cervical cancer?
It does worry me a bit they no longer check the cells for each sample but I trust they know what they’re doing.


VIP Member
Thank you, yes I am. The GP told me to speak to them at the colposcopy and make them 'aware of my issues to ensure they're gentle' - I'm actually in disbelief you even have to ask them to be 'gentle' when they're poking around your cervix?! This is making me so angry!
Oh really, I have IBS (n) what does it do?

I'm so sorry this happened to you, it's bloody rubbish. Just not good enough care.
That’s ridiculous, you deserve better. Makes me so angry and then they complain when people don’t want to attend these kind of appointments 😞 it can cause stomach upset. I’m assuming she is only giving it to you to take very short term though. If it’s going to be for a while defo put them over it as they would need to give you something alongside it to protect your stomach/stomach lining.


VIP Member
Glad to see a thread about this. I've got to bite the bullet and book an appt. My periods are just so heavy it's getting me down. I've had to stay in today as I'm worried about leaking whilst I'm out. Has anyone had any experience of this. Hormonal contraception is a no no for me and all I keep getting suggested is the mirena coil.
The Mirena coil is still hormonal though, although in a lower dose and directly in the uterus.
Have your periods always been this heavy??

book in to see your GP, you don’t have to suffer in silence!!!


VIP Member
yes me 😖 I have no idea how it happened? Wondering if anyone can shed some light on it?
Yours was clear the second time?
Basically HPV is just the virus that can cause cells to become cancerous but doesn't always. It's the same virus that causes warts. Usually, your body clears it within about 2 years. If you have HPV at one smear, they make you have the second the next year to see if the HPV has gone. If it hasn't, they offer the colposcopy. I really don't want to have this so I'm crossing everything that my second one comes back clear of HPV, however I'd never heard anyone tell me that the HPV had gone by the second smear. Even if at the colposcopy everything was fine. It can take longer than 2 years sometimes for the body to clear the HPV and lots of people seem to go for the colposcopy and be told there's nothing wrong there so I really don't want a procedure that I don't need that is going to traumatise me for weeks like the smear does.

hey there! As mentioned in my post above, I had a smear done privately as a precaution when I was undergoing treatment for a separate issue. My results showed some minor cell changes and the HPV virus being present. I had the colposcopy and a biopsy done, and thankfully didn’t need any further treatment.

almost a year later, my NHS smear was due. I was really apprehensive about the results, I fully expected to have to undergo a colposcopy again as it was so recent since the smear I had done privately. Thankfully when I received my letter, everything was clear! the cervix and cell changes are so unpredictable in bad ways but also good, which is exactly why it’s important to keep on top of your smears.

Obviously everyone is different but hope this helps!
Thanks, I did see your post but it's the colposcopy and biopsy part I really want to avoid! Really hoping I don't have to have it. Good to know it came back clear so quickly though!


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I need some advice, had my first colposcopy on Tues, they took one biopsy. The info sheet they gave me on what to do after says no baths or swimming for 3-4 weeks. Last couple of days I've had strip washes but I'm desperate to feel properly clean. I only have a bath and a shower attachment for the taps but to put that down when it's on I have to hook it round it's own hose so it faces the back of the bath, no shower curtain and no way of creating something to throw something over. I don't want to flood the bathroom but I can't not have a proper wash. What can I do? 3-4 weeks of strip washes isn't going to cut it when I usually bath every night
You can have a normal shower!!!! Your just not meant to sit in a bath or in a swimming pool due to the risk of infection from being in water for any length of time. You can 100% just have no a regular shower and wash in the normal way.

Just use the shower attachment in the normal way to get your body wet/use shower gel and then rinse as normal.

under the ivy

VIP Member
Has anyone had abnormal cells twice and the LLETZ twice? I’m having LLETZ for the 2nd time on Monday and I’m worried about the scarring. I’ve already been told I have scarring on my cervix so I’m like, great.


VIP Member
I had this, some days I could not move from my chair as I was too scared I would leak.

Assume you have had some tests etc done just to make sure all ok?

Mine came back clear but was advised to have the mirena coil fitted which I did. The heaviness stopped after about a week and it took about three months for it to completely stop. But it's a life changer.

Not sure how old you are, I was 46 when mine was fitted, so five years on due to be changed. My next one will take me over the menopause and I will never have it removed.

Hope that helps x


VIP Member
I just get it from Amazon but it costs a fortune :( I'm the exact same, we have a history of ovarian cancer in my family and I have endo, don't want kids, wish they'd just take literally everything out. So stressful, I know how you feel ❤
I've seen some 120 tablets for around the £10 Mark or are these crap? I've ordered some folic acid/B12 as heard they were also good for cervical health. Can't hurt. Oh god that's awful. I've no explicit history of cancers in my family - my mum died of bowel but she had diverticulitis plus other failing organs pre cancer anyway, and the oncologist said it wasn't a genetic "breed" as it were so she was just unlucky. I do worry alot though of course


VIP Member
I find smears difficult after two upsetting labour experiences, and cannot stand the thought of being prodded and poked. Lots of emotions are stirred up. I also find them painful and they cause me to bleed. I still get it done, but it really isnt as straight forward as 'just relax, it doesnt hurt'.

I have HPV and am due my first smear since finding that out. I keep forgetting to book it 🤦🏻‍♀️
I’m sorry to hear you had difficult labours. Some hospitals offer a talking service where by you can talk through what was happening and hopefully answering why with a midwife. This can help as a therapy to move forward in processing what you experienced. Maybe that may help? Completely understand if not, it isn’t for everyone


Active member
I need some advice, had my first colposcopy on Tues, they took one biopsy. The info sheet they gave me on what to do after says no baths or swimming for 3-4 weeks. Last couple of days I've had strip washes but I'm desperate to feel properly clean. I only have a bath and a shower attachment for the taps but to put that down when it's on I have to hook it round it's own hose so it faces the back of the bath, no shower curtain and no way of creating something to throw something over. I don't want to flood the bathroom but I can't not have a proper wash. What can I do? 3-4 weeks of strip washes isn't going to cut it when I usually bath every night