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Well-known member
Special K with strawberries and a banana
Skipped lunch
2 breaded cod fillets (would normally have 1 but they had today's date on them) with salad
Penguin biscuit
Drinks - hot chocolate, peach squash and orange juice
Now a gin and diet tonic


VIP Member
Bombay bad boy pot noodle
Pink lady apple x2
Packet of crisps
Pork chops in a mustard and cream sauce, roast potatoes and peas
Mini chocolate trifle
Some black grapes
Lot's of water and a glass of dr pepper


VIP Member
A boiled egg
Handful of almonds
Slice of garlic bread (kids leftovers)
Steak, new tates and asparagus

I ate shit all day yesterday so tried to be a bit better today


Bacon butty
Bavarian cheese and Parma ham with chutney on Ryvita
Made some raspberry buns demolished two of them
Sausage chips and curry sauce
Eyeing up another raspberry bun as I type
Lots of Pepsi max cherry
Numerous cups of coffee
No wonder I'm overweight, I will never be thin.🤣


VIP Member
cup of tea
2 slices of toast
bit of dark chocolate
tuna pasta bake
4 caramel snack a jacks
beef burger with peri peri chips
can of coke.


Well-known member
Toast and scrambled egg
Mini fake Aero chocolate bar from Asda x2
Steak pie and veg
Ice lolly
Tea x2, apple juice, water


Active member
So far today:
Cherry yoghurt and a granola bar
2x slices of wholemeal toast with crunchy peanut butter
Some melon and pineapple
A few cups of coffee and a few glasses of water


VIP Member
Weetabix and honey for breakfast.
Tuna sandwich and pom bears for dinner.
Salter pretzel chocolate for a snack 🙈.
Chicken salad for tea.

About 5 coffees and not enough water.


Chatty Member
Same breakfast as the rest of the week, smoothie made from coffee, milk, banana, peanut butter, Greek yogurt and some oats.

Lunch: Toast with some jam.

Snack: Apple with cheese.

Dinner: Leftover slow cooker steak tacos with a sour cream, lime and cilantro sauce.
Your dinner sounds amazeballs 😍


VIP Member
Bagel with cream cheese
Chilli with sweet potato
Chicken, salad and jacket potato
Cashew nuts, banana, yoghurt with strawberries, pear, melon
2x mini Milky Way
I’m feeding my son that’s my excuse for being so hungry 😂


Active member
I need to stop eating!
2 coffees
Marmite on toast
Jelly babies
T bone steak crisps ×2 🤦‍♀️
A veggie finger from my daughters left over tea
Currently sat eating popcorn
Give me strength


VIP Member
Teacakes x 2
A slice of Banana & chocolate loaf
3 x tea
Roast chicken thighs, roast potatoes, veg & gravy

Forgot all water today, zero fruit and completely missed lunch! 🤦‍♀️ Was a very stressful day today.