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Can’t comment on her parenting abilities as I’ve not spoken to her since long before she had her baby. She seems to be bringing her kid up in a similar way to how she was raised though if Instagram is anything to go by and I don’t doubt the baby will be encouraged to be different to the norm too. Her trans sister is now openly a sex worker on Instagram and seems to be on a really destructive path posting self harming photos etc. I’m genuinely worried about them. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s why they don’t live with their parents anymore. Her non-binary sibling has come out as trans too. Must be hard for the family to deal with being so religious and they were very close-knit too. I’d always see them walking around glasgow as a big group. I don’t follow any of them on social media anymore. Lydia always appears on my suggested so I sometimes have a look, but we weren’t close at school and I’m not all that interested in her business content. Her style isn’t to my taste. I prefer Primark! Didn’t see the dolls house post, but it’s definitely the sort of thing she’d do. I remember seeing a post before I unfollowed her about one of her many kickstarters. She was asking people to donate so she didn’t need to dip into their savings for a work project. Using other people’s hard earned money is a pattern with them I think.
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I appreciate that it's what she needs to make her time worthwhile, but £450 for a vest that I (personally) think is bizarre and unwearable makes me think she should focus her time working on other things.

At £450 you're targeting people that can afford designer and probably aren't interested in things like this.
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I have so much goss on her entire family. I went to high school with Lydia. Large American family moved here and lived entirely off benefits, totally played the system. My mum used to moan about this all the time and they were the talk of the school gates. Lydia’s Mum is a photographer but never really seems to work, entire family except the older brother are now all queer/trans/“autistic”/“disabled”/want to work in the arts and SUPER religious. The Queer, Autism & disability thing only appeared in the last year or so because...arts funding, free ‘special’ schooling, benefits, free everything! They push the youngest (girl of about 8?) about in a wheelchair and there appears to be very little wrong with her. Word from the school (via my mum) is that social services have been called numerous occasions. Lydia’s hubbie is about 12 years older than her, (he looks younger than he is) and they’ve been together since she was barely legal. But they’re all religious and she was a virgin (lol) when they got married, so it’s all ok. Her parents got together when they were like 15, and Lydia used to talk about how they were trying to set her up with older guys at their church when we were still at school at that age. I remember being quite jealous at the time. Now, not so much. The disabling ‘pain’ Lydia has could easily be prevented if she lost some weight, but then her entire pro-fat business would end, as would her benefits and funding. She used to be a skinny, beautiful wee thing. I wonder what hubbie thinks now she’s not. Her oldest brother went back to America and he seems to be the less chaotic, more grounded one. Lydia’s two younger brothers - one is trans and the other is non-binary - the trans one lives with her now I think and goes by Lucy. Can’t imagine that transition going down well with her parents initially, although they’ll be seeing the financial perks from having a ‘different’ child and seem to be now embracing it. Lucy posts seriously sexualised content on Instagram (think ball gags and dildos) and I’ve seen snaps of Lucy taking drugs. Lucy is so young. My bro is the same age so really concerning. Definitely 100% rebelling against the Christian upbringing. Don’t know too much about her parents, other than they’re religious nuts and the mum also claims to be disabled and autistic. I think they recently split up and my mum said that the mum now posts a lot about having a sexual awakening and scouting for 18 year olds on tinder. Gross. The mum looks exactly like Lydia but in her 50s. Overall, Lydia was actually so nice at school, as were her brothers, (if a little weird) and her parents were always doing good things for others and again seemed like nice people - probably because of their religious background. But my eyes have opened as I’ve got older regarding their finances and the way they played the system. They live in a gorgeous bungalow in a really affluent suburb, all paid for by the govt. I remember Lydia making a weird comment about the fact that both my parents worked all day every day, and how she found that to be unusual. Her dad has always been a student and recently he crowdfunded Uni fees so he could stay at Uni rather than getting a job. They all seem a bit work-shy.
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What the fuck does straight hair have to do with being neurodivergent? And what does her jumper have to do with being autistic? I've never seen someone who makes her (self-diagnosed) spectrum status more of a personality trait than lydia
I once read somewhere, sadly I don’t know where exactly, that us neurodivergents tend to have „weird“ hair, as in somehow messy, by nature. With me that’s definitely true. Maybe that’s what she is referring to? Also, she has an ADHD-diagnosis, so she actually is a diagnosed neurodivergent.
Also, colour coordination CAN be an important factor for people on the spectrum. I see nothing wrong in that.
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I'm surprised there isn't more on here about her. There's being accepting and there's Lydia; I've never seen someone so woke and desperate to enforce it on everyone.
I totally agree with a lot of what she says but she's brutal about it. And very, very entitled with regards to patreon and not understanding why people won't pay over the odds for her very expensive and not very attractive items.
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just wanted to add that despite being a lurker on this thread i also don’t stand for any fatphobia/ableism/homophobia or the nasty comments speculating on lydias family
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Lydia mentions that’s Shes been in pain for most of her life. She never mentioned it at school, and always took part in physical stuff like Gym. It’s so obvious that it’s related to her weight. It’s funny because when I knew her, she wore so much black. It was her thing. But now she’s bigger, she wears lots of bright colours. She’s definitely changed to fit her ‘brand’. She also talks about having had an eating disorder too. One of our mutual friends at school had an awful time with her ED so I really really hope she’s not making that bit up.
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Chatty Member
I get that crafts need to be priced correctly but that’s serious designer prices 😂 how long does it take her to bloody make a month ?
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Chatty Member
So very woke it’s unreal and trying too hard , tries to charge about £500 for a jumper too .Also moans about being in pain and fat but refuses to do anything about it . Also says she’s disabled and queer ? Doesn’t appear to be either .
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Chatty Member
Instagrammer who makes underwear and who is ‘eco conscious’ 20k followers . All very admirable but clearly skint and has now decided to set up a Patreon where people can fund her to run her instagram and just pretty much live , as she has spent hundreds of her own money creating her Instagram and content ... all her own time and money on her own stuff you guys 🧐. She’s going on holiday and getting custom clothes made but wants people to pay for her . The more I read the more I’m shocked at the sheer entitlement . Has anyone else saw this ? Do people actually think running an Instagram is a public service people will pay for ?
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Well, if they were that worried at least this should set their mind at rest.

It's inconvenient being investigated for these things but if you've got nothing to hide then there's nothing to worry about.
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It definitely seems it. I just find it bizarre that she constantly posts looking for validation but framed as body positivity.
She goes from 'tell me I'm hot' to her 'weird baby' vibe, it's weird.
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Oh my god, that's wild.
Firstly I find it a bit off that someone who claims to be disabled and spends days in bed because of it can care for someone else adequately, but I wonder whether it's in relation to social services? Also, I wondered whether their parents have actively pushed this whole sexuality thing on them, I'm not denying that she's queer, or that her sibling is trans, but it just seems a bit coincidental that all three of them are so out of the norm and I thought that it may have been a nurture rather than nature kinda think.
I've seen the stuff shared by Lucy and it's really weird.
I think she has a very odd perception of money, claims she's no money and wants people to hand it to her, then buys custom outfits to fit her 'aesthetic' that day - but last year found a doll's house in the street (I'm almost 100% does anyone else remember?!) And gave it to her kid for his birthday or xmas.
I feel so sorry for the kid, cause she seems so chaotic and has openly said she isn't really into kids so it must be a weird relationship to have with your baby.
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New member
Lucy is not 16, not sure where you got that from, they’re ~21/22. There are younger siblings that I’m not sure of the ages of, but Lucy is an adult.
Yes I was going to say, Lucy isn't 16. They celebrated an early 20-something birthday recently, on both their account and their mothers. I'd research properly before you report people.
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I’ve just flagged the Lucy account, the sex worker post and the sexualised photos, to the NSPCC. As a child society has a duty to protect her, and as I work with vulnerable teenagers for a living I know when somebody is at risk of exploitation. I could lose my job for knowing about this and not doing anything. I’ve flagged the Lydia account in conjunction because I’m assuming they have parental responsibility, but I’ve also flagged the Flannery O’Kafka one.

I’ll update if I hear anything but not with details, as genuinely I am incredibly worried about this child and that’s more important than slagging off a vapid fashion influencer on Tattle.
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I sniffed this charlatan out months ago. Got really tired of doing her weird pensive head tilt whilst wearing expensive gifted clothing. Her background doesn’t surprise me, her conditions are all of a very flimsy nature, much like the garments she creates.

Whole family reeks of Munchausens.

Sex worker family member living with toddler not ideal either.

I think she thinks that simply existing is a form of art and that she is therefore providing some of vital service.

Feel a bit sad for her really, she’s a decent seamstress but doesn’t have much else going for her.
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