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Elle Woods

VIP Member
Re kicking dogs- if it's a dog that can cause actual damage eh properly injure someone or even kill then kicking them doesn't sound like a good idea anyway but I understand instincts to do anything to protect yourself/ your child come in to this

If you're ready to kick a dog because it touched your picnic, you're an awful person.
You worded my point much better than I did :ROFLMAO:


VIP Member
It's a tiny complaint in the grand scheme of things plus its my own fault but whyyyy o whyyy does Kimchi smell so bad? Everything in my fridge, the butter, the avocado even tastes like kimchi fridge smell! Had to throw out a third of the butter today! No wonder Koreans have their separate Kimchi fridge 😂 I would if I could!
Maybe dried could be an alternative?


VIP Member
Still getting debt letters for the previous tenants who havent lived here for nearly 3 years it doesn't seen to matter how many times I send them back not at this address they still send the bloody things
If you’ve opened them can you not drop the companies an email to let them know they don’t live there?


VIP Member
Our husbands must be related 😆. Mine borrowed a carpet cleaner from MIL. No idea why as he’s not even hoovered in months never mind wash the carpets. I am 99% sure he got it so I would clean them. Well it’s been in the cupboard for 6 weeks and it’s going back to MIL this week 😅
What an arse! To his merit if he had a gadget he would use it ONCE... then he would forget it existed and it would be back up to me to sort.


VIP Member
Went into Halfords, I saw to my disgust some motorcycle products in a LOCKED CASE.

Okay, many of the tools are in locked cases but motorcycle BULBS and Batteries?? WTF?


VIP Member
We used to get this in our garden, definitely foxes getting them out of bins. My neighbour's bin was always so full the lid never closed, so that allowed them to get in.
Well I would love to know the source, it's not our not so nice neighbours who have a one year old.
The have a larger general waste bin which is never overfilled and I'm not aware of any families with


VIP Member
I bought some appliances through Boots and had trouble ever after which led me to believe they must have sold my details.
luckily I didnt mean to put Boots. I haven't shopped there in years. it was just at the top of my head for some reason/ What i noticed in my account was I changed my card and it still happened. again which is why i suspect someone at my bank/HSBC. I had someone trying a ludicrous string of obvious fraud setting up a number of Netflix Columbia accounts/charges many in the same day and another string a few days later. CLEARLY this wasn't me. I find it particularly hilarious because that didnt get stopped but somettimes when I try to spend my own money my card has been blocked, For example when i got a job a few years ago so could afford theatre and gig tickets etc etc. I had been unemployed for ages before then and it was a lovely chance for me to be able to live again.. it would be clear to anyone with a brain if payments had gone infrom DWPand then you started to get paid by fake company name say Smith and Co a great deal more once a month that you had got a bloody job


VIP Member
Well expect someone to slap you back for letting a dog trample / maul their toddler . Sounds like you don't care about the kids being victim to unruly dogs.

Kicking only acceptable as self defence, it's not like people go round kicking dogs for fun.
I did not say I’d let my dog maul a toddler. Christ.


VIP Member
How so much tech only seems to last a few years. I am gentle with my stuff but nothing is made to last. Just had to spend over £25 on a new charger because my laptop one died and I can remember when stuff would last much longer even with heavy use.
I had my dad’s old iPhone 7 up until last year that he’d had since it came out. It worked fine except for the battery life, however, I got an Apple Watch for my birthday and (despite my parents checking it would pair with my phone) it didn’t so I had to upgrade my phone. Apple especially feeds into the culture of replacing tech every few years and there’s nothing consumers can do because our lives have become dependent on it.
Some tech will need to be replaced after a few years because of the operating system, after a while the apps will
no longer work and the phone can't be upgraded to a newer operating system. It's the same with tablets, they
do have a limited life because of the same thing. My Tablets are just fine, I use them for streaming mostly and I
have a few now. I still have all my tablets, many are useless because they can no longer be updated so they are
used for games.
He's already said he has a paid partnership with tampax but it turned out to be a lie
Like him to show us where he puts in 🤬
My shift at work might as well rant about it full of people who don't want to be there 🙃 what won't pull their weight and leave it to me and other supervisor


VIP Member
Yes absolutely! I went to visit a friend at her new build recently, looking out an upstairs window every home has fake grass and an outside rug, some even had plastic plants. I love my 6ft privet hedges, I'd rather trim them than paint a b and q fence.
Plastic plants?! 😱


VIP Member
I never think of those shops as we dont have an asda here and our sainsbury's selection is quite poor sadly they seem to just cater to babies haha. Il have a look thanks everyone!

I tried our local tesco but they dont seem to carry above 12-13 in ours which is a shame
If you see my earlier link it says same day delivery or you can have them delivered to store. It's what I do as my local Sainsbury's selection is generally dire. Then I return the items I don't like to my local store.


VIP Member
It's always handy to know, it was a police dog handler who told me of this.
The worst thing you can do is start shouting and panicking (not easy I know) as it heightens their fear and makes them more aggressive.
That’s really helpful thank you, as I have a child who’s scared of dogs, no idea why, he’s never had a bad experience.


VIP Member
I've said on here before about someone using our drive on the side of our house I've now come home from work to a fucking camper van parked on it 😤😤😤
That's bare cheek. Doubt it'd be any use but have you tried calling the police? They probably won't want to know as it's tresspass and a civil matter but worth a shot?