What do you want to rant about today? #19

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work again.. been all day and overtime trying to book hotel rooms for 7 ppl in a foreign country. booked the big boss/ oh no his pa comes back erm a single bed is no good . there is no doubles.. we have to book everyone in the same hotel. so cancels goes to another hotel books big boss.. booked another senior person books a third. It comes to the 4th their corporate card payment wont go thru. books a 4th their card payment on their card wont go through..

end of day me having to email a hotel in another country begging them to assist with booking and reserve the 2 rooms..

Do not get me started on the person who want to take their family along involving booking another room as well..cos the least i say about my thoughts on that the better
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Arranged for a decorator to go in and do some freshening up in the holiday lets. He was told to meet me at 8am at one cottage which wasn’t ideal for me as it clashed with my other job. At 8.10 he wasn’t there so I called and it went through to his voicemail. At 8.20 I called again and he was all ‘oh, just dropping something off, I’ll be 10 mins’. I told him I needed to get to work. At 8.45, I called him AGAIN and this time he was 2 mins away. Fine, walked him through what needed to be done and left him to it.

I had to go back to both cottages tonight to take some supplies to the storerooms. He’s gone off and left both key safes open with the code showing, the garage in one place unlocked, lights on and to top it off, he’s clearly left one of the stores open and a bird has flown in, shit everywhere then flown off again. I had to throw away some toilet rolls and clean up all the bird shit. Fucksake!
Reactions: 18
A woman sat right near me today and proceeded to open cough multiple times and she had a really horrible chesty cough. She then told the people around us that she has been having hot sweats all weekend and a raging fever. Then coughed again. She then says "I should be at home really" then she was on the phone to the doctor after someone told her she should get booked in. Here I was thinking Covid had changed peoples attitude towards illness and that people don't just infect everyone when they are clearly too ill to be out. Obviously not
Reactions: 25
Look up the work of Peter Levine and the Havening Technique. There’s lots online on YouTube. He believes that our bodies store trauma. Not feeling safe is about being in a state of hyperarousal.

To feel safer you could try a weighted blanket or use hygge which is about increasing your comfort in your home though things like soft blankets. Candles or low lights instead of harsh lighting.
There’s also waiting lists for low cost therapy. You could join a few and see which one offers space first.

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What has happened to boots? I went into a branch yesterday as I have what I think is a sty, I asked the pharmacist for some eye ointment, her reply, go to the optician!! Went into a different branch today, they don’t have a pharmacy. I used to spend a fortune in boots, now they don’t seem to actually stock anything, you have to keep ordering online
Reactions: 11
My neighbours being out for around 12 hours leaving their dog to bark and howl all day. When they do eventually come home they will take it into the communal garden for a poo and won't pick it up (leaving it right at the washing lines and where kids play). The poor thing sounds distressed as it's howling and probably bursting on the toilet. I hate confrontation but it's a constant thing with it howling most of the day when I'm trying to work.
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It's cheaper online too. The lash serum I use was £8 cheaper on the app than instore!
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Maybe put an anonymous note through the door saying the dog sounds distressed and pick up the dog . Be nice but also say I am going to report if it carries on.
Reactions: 8
Maybe put an anonymous note through the door saying the dog sounds distressed and pick up the dog . Be nice but also say I am going to report if it carries on.
I put a note on the back door a few months ago just asking for poo to be picked up but it was ignored.. I mean they can't deny its them when they are the only one with a dog in my block
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Okay, someone in work who is part of the body positive movement told me I have "thin privilege" because I'm not overweight?? What?? When I asked for an example, she was like "Well you can go into a clothes shop and you won't worry that they won't have your size" which is absolute nonsense because I'm 4'11 and most non-petite clothes look like a tent on me lol. Therefore, I shop in places that have petite clothes (or kids clothes lol, ngl). Does that mean other people have "height privilege" and I don't? Am I being discriminated against by clothing companies that don't stock petite friendly clothing? I wouldn't think so lol. This whole thing is baffling.

I can understand the general concept of privilege - something you're born with and that you can't change even if you wanted to. For example, I'm straight and I'm white. This is part of who I am and it's outside of my control. But "thin" privilege makes no sense to me as (for the vast majority of people) your weight is something you do have control over.
Reactions: 18
I put a note on the back door a few months ago just asking for poo to be picked up but it was ignored.. I mean they can't deny its them when they are the only one with a dog in my block
I hate people like that! I’m not sure who you report it to, do you have a management company for your flats? RSPCA? Council? If you’ve already tried being nice with a note I’d just report it. Poor dog.
Reactions: 11
...a colleague that I don't know very well asked me today how old I was.

When I told her, she said..."I didn't realise you were that old!"

I can't decide if it was a compliment or not!
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Weather. If you're going to rain, just keep it pissing all day. If you're going to be clear skies, then stay clear & sunny all day. Don't need 4 seasons in a day. Also don't fluctuate between blistering hot & quite chilly within a 3 day period. My body is in a perpetual state of extreme confusion.
Reactions: 14
I hate people like that! I’m not sure who you report it to, do you have a management company for your flats? RSPCA? Council? If you’ve already tried being nice with a note I’d just report it. Poor dog.
We had a dog on our street that sounded distressed for a couple of days last Summer. I rang the RSPCA, they couldn't have given less of a shit, told me it was a noise complaint and to ring the council. So I did. 2 weeks later someone from the council rang me back to see if the noise was "still an issue." When I told them I'd rung out of concern, rather than because of the noise, he said "Oh. Well, if it happens again you need to ring the RSPCA, we don't deal with that sort of thing."

Later found out from a neighbour that the parents had gone on holiday and left their teenage son in charge of the dog. He wanted to be out all day, so he decided the dog would prefer it in the garden. The poor dog obviously didn't know what was going off and had just howled until he came home.
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RSPCA are useless. They let a horse die in a field near us because they wouldn't intervene despite it being reported to them countless times
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RSPCA are useless. They let a horse die in a field near us because they wouldn't intervene despite it being reported to them countless times
Agre, I would never support them again. Years ago we found a sick fox at work and the lads called the RSPCA out. The inspector just wanted to club it to death Luckily the lads weren’t having it. Do you know his reasoning? He didn’t want to waste a bullet (some sort of gas gun)
I hear a lot of stories like this these days. I really feel they have lost their way and it’s just all for profit now.
Reactions: 18
I hate people like that! I’m not sure who you report it to, do you have a management company for your flats? RSPCA? Council? If you’ve already tried being nice with a note I’d just report it. Poor dog.
Going to report to the council but I doubt they will do much but speak to them maybe. If more than one person complains then they seem to take it more seriously so hopefully that will happen. If that fails then SSPCA but I've not heard great things about them recently.
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Sadly they're shuttering shops and most likely treated staff like . Three stores shut near me including two pharmacies in small towns with elderly population. The remaining chemist is always busy. I shop more at Tesco now because they have a pharmacy and decent makeup
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Don’t forget the politics

We reported a field of horses that was waist high in ragwort. (Deadly poisonous to horses and notifiable) and no grass, they did nothing and the horses died.
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