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Is this supposed to be today? Or just sharing an old pciture? 1) it’s a Wednesday. We know Tracy doesn’t work but the others? Everyone took off to drink? 2) why are your kids? 3) tbag nails, they aren’t long and obnoxious with butterflies
This is an old picture Ashley reposted for cinco de Mayo. Ashley also had her daughter up and dressed cinco de Mayo themed, she mad a cake that looks like a taco for cinco de Mayo.

In the meanwhile Tracy posted 6 memes, filmed 4 TikToks, photoshopped 50 thirst traps for the week and probably has zero idea where her kids are or why they’re doing.
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She behaves as if she is the only woman on earth to be cheated on and to get divorced
🎯 So spot on. Yeees, it sucks to get cheated on. It sucks to get divorced when you thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with your partner but MOVE THE FUCK ON!!!!! You bet she’s going to project her bitterness on to her poor daughters if she doesn’t find herself a man. ‘Men are scum, don’t fall in love, he’ll cheat on you, he’ll break your heart, blah blah blah.’ She won’t even give them a chance to form their own opinions on love and relationships, she’ll ruin their mindset before they even come of age to date. She’s such a shitty human being and she should never have had kids.

How does this relate to her and sky AT ALL!? Sky is 5. She shouldn’t even know what alcohol is.
Hope she doesn’t plan on turning those kids into alcoholics when they grow up cos i really can’t see the correlation between this meme and Skylar. She so badly wants to be the cool mom who parties with her teenage kids and their friends. What she doesn’t know is that if she continues on this path, her kids would want nothing to do with her when they’re teenagers.
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I wanna believe her i really do but she lies soo much about the dumbest most meaningless things and in the most narcissistic ways that i just struggle to believe anything she says anymore
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Imagine what? That you became an actual mom and took care of your kinds and didn’t sit all day and take selfie’s and photoshop them to high heaven? Imagine you weren’t so narcissistic and realized what a clown you were? Imagine that you didn’t lie so much? Imagine you took time out to take care of your special needs child? We’ve imagined all of that. Now imagine if you did it.

No one
Not one person
No one AT ALL
Tracy: No I won’t be a tattooed porn star 🤢 for you.


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Some other "gems":
- She said she has big boobs & Corey's mom has big boobs so the girls are gonna need bras by 10.... they wouldn't need bras if you didn't dress them in tight belly shirts but ooookay.
- She came inside from playing and Tracy said she smelled like "outdoors"... I'm assuming that wet grass smell? Tracy told her to shower & Skylar asked if she can use deodorant... I don't really see an issue for this but we all know she isn't using anything kid-friendly or organic.
- Tracy said Skylar probably sees Jordyn (sp?) using these things and wants to copy her. Understandable... but this is where you actually parent your child and explain to them that they don't need that yet...
- Tracy has guilt because she's been telling Skylar "you're a big girl now" since she was 18 months old. I'm glad she can reflect and see how fucked up that is and how that's fucking with Skylar's head now.

There's more I'm sure. I just don't remember because I'm stuck on the fact that you're using Nair on a 6 year old.

**Also, she deleted the belly shirt pics from yesterday because they didn't match the orange aesthetic she's going for. She didn't say this - I'm just sure that's why. 😂
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Wooooowww talk about the backhanded compliment. She's straight up saying that bc that girl is skinny she is pretty and bc Tracy is "thick" she needs to distract them with hair and makeup.
And this bitch isn’t thick she’s fat. I’m not shaming her but she needs to own it. I’m fat and trying to get to thick. Lol

I can’t believe Alexa was ever a makeup artist. Her makeup makes her look like a clown. 🤡🤣


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Hey guys new shirt alert. Let's see if we end up seeing the shirt 500 times in the next 2 weeks. 🤣🤣🤣
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She is such a drama Queen it’s always woe is me.. at the end of the Mother’s Day tea she writes “I cried, I finally feel appreciated”... like wtf, they are kids how do you want them to show you that you’re appreciated??? She literally looks for compliments and praise from anywhere and everywhere.
i thought the same thing, you finally feel appreciated?! That is too much pressure on those babies. Yes, they appreciate you bc you are their "mom" but they are so young, that they don't know how to show it yet. Them wrapping their little arms around you for a hug should be appreciation enough. High expectations are placed on them, and as they will grow up, they will feel like they are never enough for her
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A natural born flirt. He’s 3. She’s disturbed. So much swag in unbranded wanna be Timberland boots and Fruit of the Loom underwear as clothes 🙄🙄🙄🙄
Ugh, I know! I wanna yell at her worry about him expressing his feelings through sign or even speaking before you label him as 'flirting' you dumbass. Kid is literally standing there. He's not flirting Tracy, you stupid mediocre girl. I honestly can't call her a woman lol. I don't claim her.
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Chocolate Pretzel

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I’m recovering from a little procedure so this could be the pain thinking lol but remember a few weeks ago when she was at sammys moms party and driving home (singing to reina on the radio with Sammy) and then all of a sudden she was waiting for an Uber. Last weekend she has a rental. Could it be the accident happened then?
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. In my opinion she gave up too soon, fuck corey for cheating on her but i don’t think there was a lot of effort put in on her end to fix it either... Tbag probably saw another “social media influencer” go through a divorce and thought it was trendy.

Like what’s the story already??? They have 3 young kids and one with special needs? ok, his father died and he cheated on you... it’s not like he beat the shit out of you every night!!! Pitiful how they couldn’t even get their shit together for co-parenting.
Tbh I wouldn’t wanna fix it either I can’t say anything bad about her leaving a relationship like that-marriage or not. Mr All lives Matta seems so draining, I’m watching my cousin their age who is married to a man exactly like him who complains she’s fat everyday, has to be asked for an hour to get the baby dressed til she gives up and does it herself etc and i don’t doubt for a second that after babies Corey was the same way.
Many relationships do not last and aren’t suppose to after they’ve run their course. I think settlement Corey was a different story cause having $900,000 handed to you makes people “have their shit together” even when they do not. But once that settlement money ran dry he’s just the family baby again.

It’s not just the cheating it’s the fact that he put more time into cheating than the family he made. He probably lied many times to go see the sex workers, lied he was working or golfing or anything to get out of being a dad and go get his dingaling touched. I’m 100% all for leaving a marriage with a man who is like that.
The problem isn’t her “giving up” it’s her holding on. Obsessing. Posting zodiac relationship match ups with your two signs saying “nope never again” when clearly you’re still mentally stuck there. Posting his dad every other week for sympathy. It’s a problem to not be getting professional help in all the free time you have so that you CAN let go of the marriage. So you’re not still posting about it daily, so you’re not doing Q&A then only answering stuff about him, doing big posts about being free and moved on then next day obsessing over it online again.
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Congenital defects are either recessive traits where you need genes from both parents (like usher syndrome), or passed down from one parent. However, when I was pregnant I was told most things are passed down from the mother’s side (certainly not all).

there are also instances where boys have a condition passed down from the mother because it’s on the x-chromosome and they only need to inherent that chromosome in order to express the defect.

My point is: BigT will pretend her special genes aren’t at fault but reality is they are at minimum, 50% at fault. I’m not saying it’s easy but she needs to move on. She pretends to be a mama bear but She spends too much time dodging accountability and not enough time doing actual shit for her children. Girl, please.
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How bad does Sammy wanna call out Tracys bullshit? First off maybe 10 years ago Tracy had good skin (cus she was 20!!!) flash forward ten years with those horrible habits and her skin is terrible ! Why not just respond "filters!" and be done? But nooo she even tags sammy in it 🙄 and sammy isnt gonna be a dick cus then Tracy will prob cry and play victim. She literally cant leave 2010 and her 20s.
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WOW that live was such a shit show. Big T was completly rude and disengaged the entire time. Multiple people were commenting telling Tracy clearly this is a bad time and the anxiety discussion is being unproductive .. Big T had NO eye contact, was not engaged and talked to the kids over the lady the entire time. She kept talking to Julian as if he could understand her. At one point she even said JULIAN WHERE ARE YOUR EARS GO FIND YOUR HEARING AIDS. like. He can’t hear you?!? Idiot. Other tidbits:
- Julian threw up a cheese string all over Tracy’s hand and she showed it off to the camera
- she said Corey cancels on her last minute to take the kids all the time
- Corey refused to help her teach Julian sign language so - and I quote - “to this day he knows how to sign only four or five words because of it”
- she thinks jayden has adhd
- skylar always just wants to be alone but jayden is constantly bothering her
- jayden and Julian fight non stop
- she thinks the fact that people say she doesn’t have custody of her kids is crazy because this is her life, having her kids 247
- she said “I can’t be more engaged cuz we’re at our shore house but my parents aren’t home to watch the kids”
- Julian goes to therapy 4 days a week and stays at her parents one day a week for her to help T out
- she had panic attacks while married to Corey and hiding her seperation but since she divorced him she’s feeling better
- Tracy has never some drugs, smoked weed, won’t even take pills for a surgery only Tylenol cuz she doesn’t like prescriptions or drugs

but yeah guys .. I was super annoyed. The lady gave her multiple opportunities to leave if it was a bad time and T just continuously talked over her to her kids in the background, barely engaged in any questions then said she has to go after 30 mins of being completly not present to begin with. Way to waste the ladies time when she has struggling with anxiety since she was a child and wanted to have a purposeful discussion. Once again it’sBig T “it’s all about meeee look how hard my job at being a mom issss this is my life 247 I never get a breakkkk”
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Ok I’ll start with her saying she finally feels appreciated. That was def in regards to the kids but she probably got many comments about sounding foolish and selfish, therefore needed to turn it around abt Cory. Next, says how Cory doesn’t know much sign language yet she talked to Julian the hole time WITHOUT HIS EARS and not one ounce of sign GTFOH!!!!! How does she know what Cory and his family do he’s been moved out a year. If this was suppose to be a serious issue and topic of conversation how did it turn into a Cory segment? Also Julian was definitly saying tata or dada when she shoose him off to Lala. I get we should be open with our kids about topics and situations but there’s a time a place an appropriate age etc.. the fact that she continued to talk like that in front of Skyla shows she has not a maternal bone in her body, she should have signed off when Julian puked. Somebody should inform Cory about all that was said and pass it along to his lawyer for defamation of character because this monster has not stopped. To talk about him on her own page is one thing but to go on another public professional page were the “topic” is completely irrelevant and drag him yet again There has to be some form of law for this. There’s so much more I can dissect about that live but another time.
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I just listened to the short clip they released promoting the Patreon episode and she was saying how she was packing Julian’s backpack for school. She said his bus comes at 7:30 so she has to get him up at 7. Is it only in my house that there is no way I could wake my kid up, feed them breakfast and get them washed and dressed for school in a half hour? I need at least an hour. She definitely has no clue because she is not the one getting him ready.
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maybe that’s why they got divorced 🤷🏻‍♀️ Corey changed his mind and told her to get a minivan.. she couldn’t believe the disrespect, had no choice.. straight to the lawyers!!!!

Ugh, i might be reaching too much here 😆 but lol i actually drive a truck. I find it annoying when people call their SUV’s trucks. likeee, she drives a Toyota 4Runner no? whatever carry on haha.
I’m with you on that one. I’m an SUV driver and never would I think of calling it a truck. Even the largest of SUVs I wouldn’t consider a truck. But her saying this reminds me of how she calls herself a New Yorker after being born and raised in East Hanover but living in SI for a few years lmao. Or even worse when she comments stereotypes about being from NJ/NYC area when we all know she’s from NJ. That’s another pet peeve of mine lol
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