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Chatty Member
It’s been said many times before but I’m here for your friendly reminder..

1) Corey looks grimeyyyy. I used to think he was so hot when the girls were little.. he really went downhill in every aspect, including being a shit Dad but in lieu of being free from Big T. Tracy you holding a HUGE L for life having him as your baby daddy 😂 (as does he for you being his kids’ “mom”)

2) The amount of issues these kids are going to have from being constantly bounced around to different family members houses every other day is already beginning to peak its head with the way the children behave and look. I’m not digging the kids for personal features, I mean that there is no consistency and they’re looking real disheveled on a regular basis now (Julian always in sweats with clothes way too big, the girls’ hair is never brushed anymore, they overall look dirty). Big T if you have your own place, KEEP THEM THERE. Monday-we’d with mama GiGi, Thursday with mommy big t, Friday-Saturday with mama Tata, Sunday with auntie raven. How is no one noticing how detrimental the bouncing around is for them?!

3) Julian is so so behind on his development regarding communication, that at this point the fact that he can’t sign nor speak, one or two days a week of speech therapy just isn’t gonna cut it. This child needs immediate intervention ASAP. As in, his parents need to cut the pussy footing and buckle down and do ASL sign language with him for hours DAILY, plus keep his speech therapy the once or twice a week it is - even bump that up too. I hate to say it but he’s not going to succeed in school or socializing at this rate. He can’t even attend a “school for the deaf” (as Tracy calls it) because they will sign! They also read lips, but since Julian doesn’t sign he doesn’t know what words even mean so it’s useless to him. HOW ARE NO FAMILY MEMBERS, OR AT THE VERY LEAST HIS DOCTOR/THERAPIST NOT TELLING THEM TO STOP THEIR SHIT AND DO BETTER!

Like guys.... y’all really brought 3 kids into this world and set them each back hardcore in their own ways.... you guys suck and ruin everything. Those poor kids man.
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Can I just say these threads are absolutely lit and my favorite thing to catch up on? Ive been reading here for like a year but yall catch absolutely everything. Great job ladies! Y'all are too funny and this bitch gets nothing past us haha
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As much as we all enjoy this tea, we know big T reads here, and she will probably go crazy at her surgeons now. Good luck to your friend, I hope he/she doesn’t get in trouble for violating HIPPA.
I know from a friend of her family member. Has absolutely nothing to do with HIPAA
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It’s the ... I needed a night out... bad for me.
She acts like she never goes out... it’s annoying af because when she does go out (and she goes out often) she’s out there making a fool of herself.

Also, Tara has Julian today, and maybe it’s just me, but she sounded really happy to have him and do her normal routine with him.
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Everytime someone says they saw her and she is not that size she always denies it . Someone saw her LDW down the shore , she said that was a lie. Bitch was out in public for 5 days straight. But when someone says they saw her and she looked great then she admits she was there .
Why can’t she pull a Khloe Kardashian and take a full body video for us to see to prove she doesn’t look like people say she does. I mean, if her body is A1 and slim thicc like she claims, why’s she only posting selfies and dancing, sorry, having a seizure in front of the mirror in that black outfit???
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Full of Baloney

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Could she be any more unoriginal with her caption.
Bet it took her an hour to come up with that. 🙄 sarcasm.

LoOk aT Me I aM THe cAPtaiN NOw

Just STFU already.
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So i just looked up that Tattoo place and thats in South Plainfield, NJ which is 10 minutes from my job. So this dirty bitch can drive all the way to South Plainfield from her parents house which is prob around 40min - an hour to get there for a fucken pointless tattoo. But yet needs her moms help to bring Julian to school cause its too far.

Im really starting to hate her. Where the fuck are her priorities and responsibilities?!?!?!? You have 3 kids that lack attention, which you constantly claim they are your #1 priority. I just dont get it anymore. Always crying wolf about being single mom with no money but still spends money like she has it.

Before she claims people are jealous or hating on her, FYI im not hating. I just think these choices she makes are fucken stupid and selfish.
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Holy, dudes defensive & hostile as fuck. People normally converse with their tattoo artists and naturally get into the meaning/story behind their tattoos. Not saying every tattoo has to have significance, it could simply be art, but this woman asked politely out of curiosity, damn.
What TATTOO “ARTIST” calls a potential customer about a TATTOO inquiry a “nosey fuck” is this guy for real? This place looks fucking dirty as hell anyway. I would NEVER be caught getting inked from a fucking rapist looking dude like him anyway. I hope he loses clients... like this is unacceptable. No wonder why he and big trash bag get along. Everything seems to trigger them to have a meltdown.
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More misery. Girl. First off clearly u ignored red flags cos ur own parents didn't attend your wedding you know how much they had to dislike him to do that??? There was stuff on blogs online back then about him being a cheater. Its common knowledge he tried to sleep with the whole JL cast. Not saying any of this is an excuse but still if he had that reputation and you got involved anyway you cant now go around painting ever man with the same brush. And also again she makes herself out to be perfect she did everything right but he cheated 🙄 yea ok. This from the person who refuses to get a job to help her kids. Maybe just maybe tracy you suck as a partner and maybe that added to why corey cheated....stop shitting on everyone. Imagine her friends like julia ashley kryssi that are married or getting nice shit to post bitter. I feel that until she grows up and gets a job and takes ownership of her life she will stay unhappy. Which is sad shes literally choosing misery instead of leaving that behind putting in the work and bettering her life 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Full of Baloney

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One thing I will say is I support the caged bra. Idk if it’s the new style cause I’ve been wearing them for years. To school and everything(cause when I left catholic school for public I was so happy to be able to even wear tank tops and show bra) skinny girls could wear it and they’d complain when I’d wear the same thing and tell me my boobs are out. When it comes to clothes idgaf. I’ve been ragged on for everything I wear even my cousin to this day slanders me if I wear socks and sandals. I think as women we get so much ridicule and pressure from other women for what we wear, so it excites me when women wear wtf they want, including tray.

The only critique I do have is I don’t like the boutique outfits the kids wear cause I genuinely don’t like the clothes.

its interesting cause I was thinking when she said a couple broke up from cheating on the show, I wasn’t sure if it was Mikey and Olivia or Gigi and Frankie. Cause the way Frankie went from caring bout Gigi even when broken up, to not giving a f when Tracy and Corey attacked Gigi was a big switch. Whereas Olivia and Mikey were still tight announcing their breakup at the reunion.
Also I think she said cast and crew hooking up was multiple people, I’d love to know the real tea
I support or like the look too I just don't understand why she chooses to dress so scantily or oddly for certain functions. I look at it the other way too. If I saw someone at the beach in a snow suit I'd think we'll that's weird and why...or if a woman wore a white mini skirt and white tube top to their friends wedding I'd also be thinking ummm...okay...that's weird and's not the clothing itself it's what you're doing. Definitely to each their own but fir me sometimes it's impossible to not think what tf and why. In her case she's got large flapjacks and on a playdate with little kids I imagine alot of bending over and what not. Why on earth does she want her boobs possibly coming out of her shirt on a Sunday afternoon on a playdate. It's just weird. Now if she was going out to brunch with her friends or even to the mall sure looks great. It was just an odd choice for me.
Same goes for men too. If I was going out for dinner at a decent restaurant with a male friend/boyfriend/hubby I wouldn't expect them to be in basketball shorts and a wife beater. There's nothing wrong with that look it just would be an odd choice for the setting.
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Chatty Member
Okayyyy let's all be real here. We are all aware that Tracy is overweight and i am not saying there is something wrong with that because i aint no skinny mini myself. HOWEVER, it is very disturbing to me that this bitch is on the internet saying how she's losing weight but her chin and neck are all blended together in all of her pictures. You are only fooling yourself Tracy. Get your fucking shit together. Get some fucking help or you're gonna end up in a psych ward and regret this 10 years from now. Do it for your kids. Go on a real diet and workout. I lost almost 25 pounds just by walking 12,000 steps a day and GUESS WHAT?? I INCLUDE MY KIDS IN IT. We take walks around the park every single day after school and they stay in shape too.
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I’m in the minority here. I think Corey needs his own place and to learn how to take care of his kids on his own. He is the “baby boy” of his family and it seems they’ve always done for him and they keep doing now. He’s pathetic. You can see he interacts with his sisters kids more than his own. Julian isn’t his “tough little man” so he has no use for him. He was so excited when he found out he was having a son but now that son isn’t what he had hoped for so he ignores him. Tracy is horrible yes, but Corey is no better.
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Full of Baloney

VIP Member
Well his vocabulary, spelling and punctuation are a small step up from Corey. Lmao. Where does she dig up these almost illiterate guys from.😅 He didn't even spell her fake last name right. 🤦‍♀️💀🤣

Hey Justin reason anyone thinks this is because she's a manipulating, using and scheming hoe bag. We already know she thinks she's above paying especially if you want a shout out. So you either did it for free like a dumb ass for the shout out or you all exchanged services. There is no other way. She did not walk in there and simply pay for her tattoos. Period. I will personally not recommend you or ever use your services because of her. 😚 Ya pig.
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Chatty Member
The second hand cringe I got from her driving video trying to show off her tattoos 😂😂😂 lawdddd when I tell you she’s desperate. That’s something I’d do when I was 17 trying to show how cool I was driving with my new tattoos.

Also for the tattler wondering the reason why she got the finger tats - one word my love - attention. Lol. It’s the only reason Big T does ANYTHING, ever!! She doesn’t have the cute “full house” family to post anymore, she’s already recycling a million selfies from the same day, she doesn’t attend therapy with Julian to post/update on any progress and she doesn’t have a real job to post herself at, so time for some new tattoos!!! Guarantee she thinks she’s so cool and edgy - I love tattoos but Tracy you’re a rich kid valley girl I’m telling you you’re gonna regret that in ten years when you’re 43 trying to find a decent husband/father figure for you’re kids and you look like a shriveled crusty tattooed up lumpy lipped piece of leather. Chiiiiileeeee I wish she did better for her kids but I love watching this dumpster fire. She’s so predictable and hurting for attention it’s hilarious she thinks no one can see right through her. I smell a new piercing coming soon 😂

Is anyone in club baddie? I’m curious .. do none of the saddies post asking about updates on Julian’s therapy?!?! Like T loves to brag about ears for ace but we NEVER see any posts about what he’s working on, any progress or areas of improvement, seeking confinement or interest in getting to know other parents of deaf children .. LEGIT NOTHING.
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Hi! I’m an old user but I got locked out of my account. Im the one who knew that big T was going for bariatric surgery. My office closed again for covid so I lost my person who leaked the info to me! But we’re back and she had her surgery at the end of March. She was going for monthly visits since she returned from Aruba and now it’s done. Which I bet is why she didn’t have the kids for Easter. Her parents took her while she “recovered”. Also why she looked like shit in that pic she posted.
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