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So Corey is reading to Skylars class today. Why hasn't mother of the year ever do this?? She's home all day. I must have forgotten that she's home cleaning and cooking fresh meals. 🤣🤣

If anyone has FB you should check out his page. He has a video up about women being narcissists and it fits Trashbag to a T.


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I do not believe Tracy could commit to taking Julian to break dancing classes every week. Maybe she’s looking for an instructor to come out to Julian’s birthday party? Orrrrr is it that she’s looking to get Julian friends that aren’t from his speech school to invite to his birthday party? 🤔🤣

Also, am I the only one cringing at Tracy and Sammy thanking Natasha for marrying their best friend? What a stupid thing to say! Bill isn’t yours to thank others for. Your approval of his choice in wife isn’t asked for either. If I was Natasha I would be rolling my eyes that Tracy and Sammy think their opinions or approval have any say in Natasha and bills relationship.
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So is Tracy now going to be the obnoxious neighbor who books the community room for parties and doesn’t clean up after herself?

Blowfish does not belong there. He doesn’t have kids, he’s not married nor engaged to Tracy and Tracy having him there and Corey not being there is just Tracy proving even more that she is a pile of shit.

I honestly do not care that Skylar’s theme is Tik Tok because we all know it’s not actually about Skylar, just like Jayden’s The Grinch theme was not about Jayden.

Also, you don’t think those kids are wondering why Blowfish is there but their FATHER is not? She doesn’t give her kids enough credit to know that they’re seeing and hearing EVERYTHING.
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She takes more "me time" than any woman I know.

For the first time in 5 years I treated myself to a spa day in the city. I couldn't relax bc I kept thinking about my baby and why I took time off to do this for me. Like where does this no working hoe think she deserves time away from those kids.
My daughter turns 25 this year, she moved out a year ago, and I’m finally ready for my first vacation in 10 years!! I turn 50 this year, and have decided that spa days, nights on the town, and vacations are finally in my reach! I sacrificed a lot for my daughter, and am very proud of what she has become. Enjoy your spa day… real moms deserve it once in a while, not weekly like TRASHBUCKET!!
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I know this is super late because 1000 things have happened since then, but did we ever see T sitting in First/Business when the plane was moving? I just rewatched that reel, and I think the reason she’s looking around the whole time is because they are waiting for someone to come tell them to go to their real seats. Or maybe Sammy was sitting there, and she wasn’t.

There is video of her “reading” the safety card, looking out the window, touching a Lunchable, and Sammy putting an eyemask on. They could have filmed all that in 30 seconds. There’s also a pic of them sitting at the gate. If you’re in First Class, why wouldn’t you use the American Airlines Admiral’s lounge? There’s something about this that is giving About to Get Caught for me.


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Gimme All the Tea

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This fat slob!
If you’re in shape, you don’t have rolls like that. And you’re not thicc. You’re obese and lazy.
Those thighs look like four pigs in blankets.
Idk WHICH lips these are supposed to be but yeah, either way I’m sure they resemble your gentleman greeter
Just like your boobs-saggy and gross

You know what we’re NOT gonna do?
Make fun of hardworking people.
he should get paid MORE for dealing with jerkoffs like you who smile in his face, then talk shit
Grow tf up

Your MOTHER is watching them at YOUR affordable flophouse? Uh huh. Suuuuure she is. It’s wiiiild how you think people believe your fantasies

You SHOULD move to mexico
Drink until your liver gives out
Then the kids might have a shot at a relatively normal life
You’re a disgrace
The best part of you went down your mothers leg


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It boils me that Raven can be invited but not Corey and ESPECIALLY Tara who raises those kids. I get that raven has girls and she goes for that reason but Tara who has done everything for them kids and they love her so much since she’s their real mother! Like everyone has said already, trash bag is the reason those families can’t co-parent
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There are multiple places in Monmouth County, even one right by her that have sports for kids with disabilities, that is what he needs to be doing.
She won’t because it’s acknowledging that he is not her version of Normal. Tracy cherry picks when she wants to acknowledge that Julian has special needs.
-making a whole to do of having his ears turned on by being over the top with it in hopes it would go viral
- creating a hashtag called EarsforAce as if Corey’s insurance didn’t cover any of the procedure and she needed money
- using that same video years later but cropping Corey out and posting it
- tried it again in Disney when she had a Disney Cast member give Julian a toy that almost came off as a Julian didn’t even want.
- putting him in a school for Speech and saying that the need for him to speak is because he has other disabilities but not mentioning what they are so it really just looks more like Tracy can not deal with him being deaf and needs him to have speech to be”normal”
- putting him in said school, but having ZERO part in it minus a picture or 2 from the app that her mom probably added her to.
- getting a botched I love you ASL symbol on her arm but very very obviously doesn’t use ASL
- making her mom get the ASL wrapping paper, but again, barely use ASL to communicate with a child who probably would greatly benefit from using ASL

I could go on, but I think everyone gets the point.
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Saddest thing is not only does she shit talk corey every chance she can, she does it on social media & her shitty podcast where those words will live forever. It’s a shame corey doesn’t grow some balls and go after her for slander & defamation. It’s going to hurt his children when they’re old enough to listen. Any future employer can find that shit as well.
Trashy uses them kids as weapons. It was clear when she was talking about the phone today. She said she wants them to have healthy relationships with his family but she won’t be disrespected in the process. Bitch ITS NOT ABOUT YOU. It’s about the kids. How you two (and fam) treat each other shouldn’t be the basis on him having access to the eps family. how they treat you isn’t the deciding factor to Tara and fam being allowed to contact those kids.
It was also made very clear that the Maloneys do what they can to keep the Epsteins away. She states someone who doesn’t provide financial resources to her kids (Corey) doesn’t have a say when it comes to what her parents say. Well guess what…you’re wrong. So unless your parents have custody they don’t have a leg to stand on.
Also found it funny she tried justifying julian being Christened because that’s the religion she was born into/practices. Corey brought it up when she was bitching about the phone. She tried to say that wasn’t a big deal compared to the phone. Yeah, inviting a kid into a religion without telling the other parent isn’t a big deal at all 🙄. Bitch when are your kids at CCD? Why hasn’t Sky made her first holy communion? When do you take these kids to church? Such a hypocrite. She said she didn’t need to discuss it with him. She’s like so many religious people i know. Claim to be X but do nothing to actually practice that faith. Found it interesting her parents make them say Grace before every mean (I’d love to see her kids on video reciting that Prayer), her father makes the girls wear their hair in a ponytail while eating, and supposedly they have to ask to be excused.
Trashy also said when she visits her parents for the weekend (i think she meant “when i visit my kids for the weekend”) they’re not on their electronic devices, they play games and stuff. Sure Jan.

When they turn 18 they can do whatever they want with whomever they want. Nothing trashy will do will prevent that. I can’t wait til they’re teenagers and revolt!

Listening to that shitty podcast made me hate her even more.
Her father makes the girls have their hair tied back when they sit down to eat yet he allows Trashy to prance around his house half naked in her shein rags. Make it make sense!
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Well-known member
So Corey is reading to Skylars class today. Why hasn't mother of the year ever do this?? She's home all day. I must have forgotten that she's home cleaning and cooking fresh meals. 🤣🤣

If anyone has FB you should check out his page. He has a video up about women being narcissists and it fits Trashbag to a T.
“I told you a million times Sky, I CANT come read to your class, I have an ass vacuum appointment and I need to take selfies in bikinis in front of our hallway mirror! Maybe another time!”
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Not even 10 mins in to this joke of a podcast and she’s lying about practically everything already.
1. Still on the ONLY 4 nights out a month but she can’t help it when it’s someone’s birthday!
2. She ONLY has family babysit her kids bc she doesn’t feel comfortable with anyone else — she JUST did for the first time. But we all remember the times she asked Facebook — literally anyone to watch Julian and her other brats. Hahaha the delusion!!!
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Tell her blowfish is ur man and to back off 🤣🤣🐡

She needs to work on his coordination before putting him into dance classes. As usual she’s worried about the wrong shit. That poor boy needs ASL help and other health help as well. But let’s put him into break dancing classes to make him into the man she wants 🤬🤬😡😡 and put the dentist into rotation for all ur kids before dance classes u bum bitch

Bc it was prob Tara’s idea and money
She wants to ensure he does “cool” and “masculine” things just in case he doesn’t develop that way. She is so toxic and the way she’s pushed all the things she looks for in men onto her severely disabled son should be the biggest red flag to ANY guy that comes across her. Problem is, they just feel bad for him. She should be his BIGGEST advocate but she’s too concerned with raising a GeNtLemAn instead of a boy who can be self sufficient. He can hardly run straight or without falling over but it’s all about SwAg and his cologne. It’s gonna break her hollow little heart when he grows up to be uninterested in pursuing women the way she so badly wants him to. It is so sad.
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