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I am all for a shift in topic again, it keeps coming back to the same thing haha I think because we just want answers! I found a video of David Byrne's performance and I am sharing it because 1) David Byrne is a legend and this performance is stellar. I loved every second of it.
2) Tom, who seems maybe a tad down earlier because of his loss, gets up and dances it out and I just love seeing him like that. Zawe seems to be very into it, maybe a big fan. They're easy to spot because we know where they're sitting and she's wearing her giant red floof dress which is basically like an enormous nightlight, and- I say this with love, please don't get offended- Tom's forehead is like a shining beacon leading us to him.

For extreme Tom cute dorkiness, please see the following time stamps- 1:25, 1:50, 2:58 (my personal favorite- such enthusiastic head-bobbing), and the finale, somewhere toward the 4:56 mark where he is doing some sort of shoulder/arm dance that vaguely resembles the rhythm. I just love him so goddamn much :ROFLMAO: Oh and maximize the screen to see better!

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Yeah I’m 33, Tom could not physically be my parent and also I wouldn’t want that because I want to do dirty dirty things to him. The daddy thing makes slightly more sense to me because that sounds kinky and not like he’s going to drive me to school and talk to my teachers.

Very boring at work because I want some content! I was kind of hoping Tom being outed or outing himself meant we might see him more.
After I read your first comment, the Jace Everett song started playing in my mind! 😏
And no, I don't get the daddy kink...but it's there for other people's enjoyment I guess.
As for the outing, he might be quarantining in a hotel before the Tony's (ahhhhhhhhhhh I'm feeling the stream of delusion kicking in!)
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It's all just a show precisely because they behave so strangely
I'm sorry but this just makes no sense. I know a lot of you on here think they are playing games for promotional purposes which I don't necessarily agree with but do you actually think their relationship is fake and all for show? I can get on board with them using their real relationship in ways celebrities sometimes do, like trying to popularize her before the marvels or something, but if you're saying they are completely for show then that I am never going to be on board with. I seriously want to understand people's need to downplay the relationship or make it out to be fake. Is it because you want him to be single? Do you want him to be secretly in a relationship with someone else? I really don't get it.
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Threats? I don't know....gossip, for sure! No publicity is bad publicity, that's the motto though we came to find out that bad publicity will haunt your ass for the eternity. That shit is non-biodegradable.
I know of several celebrities who have discussed having their team sort through forums and sm to weed out stalkers that could seem dangerous, or try to identify accounts who are known stalkers- Kristin Chenoweth talks about it in her memoir as well. I have to imagine that celebs like Benedict, Tom, the One Direction or BTS fandoms (those are some nutters!) have people who keep an eye on that stuff.

This is bad but not as bad as Jason Lee's first born named Pilot Inspektor!
You live in my head, I am always bringing that up as an example of the worst celebrity named child.

I root for shameless self promoting. Because why not?
Same! It’s part of their job in the social media age. Now some of them don’t utilize sm like Benedict, Scarlett, Adam Driver, etc - but the difference is that they seem to keep themselves relevant through projects and Tom hasn’t been doing that. Hopefully after Essex Serpent we still see a resurgence of him- press, appearances- even if he isn’t using social media he could still be around. I’d love to see him host SNL or do a fun guest spot. All the actors mentioned above have done it, he deserves it too!

The wiki fandom is still in denial! ahahaha
I saw on a blog that someone had updated Tom’s personal wiki to include Zawe and someone went right back in and deleted it, and posted her own message to make it look like it came from wikipedia saying “No editing information based on gossip and speculation”- the antis are MAD hahaha
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The more I hear about Barbara Brocolli, the less I like her.

Everybody with a living cell in their brains would know that the GG speech was only a guy being unprepared and nervous. I honestly first heard the speech like in....June, and that was when I thought "Oh, boy he is nervous" and only then I went to read that it had some reactions? Especially with Christian Slater who was later accussed by his wife to abuse her, it was really rich to make faces and people complaining about one line Tom said while others get away with some serious shit. But it is me, beating the dead horse again...I just hate it, the hypocrisy. It is like Tom can do nothing right or something while some guys being known behaving like spoilt brats on sets are never hear *anybody* saying a bad thing about Tom. Ever.

Anyway...would he be a great Bond? Absolutely. Do I want him to do it? No.
For various reasons....I love him as Loki and with the Marvel schedule he knows aheady, he could probably do both. But he would have nothing else because Bond filming is hard, long, and he needs to be physically in shape for it. Add Loki into it, where he also needs to be in shape (however not so insane) and it is a decade of an insane training. I know why RDJ or Hugh Jackman left the roles reaching their 50s because it must be exhausting.
With just Loki, he can work around it, but not with addition of Bond. And he wouldn´t have time to do anything else, maybe one small movie squeezed with limited time options.
Also, it is a role after someone. He would be forever compared to anybody and as much as I am not too fond of Craig in that role, he left huge shoes to fill simply by most of his movies being good. With Loki, however the character already existed and was portrayed before, the ultimate comic book movie version is his. He helped shaping it, creating it and if anything, whoever comes after him will be always compared to Tom and that is wonderful.
With Bond, he would be compared to whoever´s your favourite Bond is.
I feel like with Betrayal and The Essex Serpent, he is ready to do more stuff out of his comfort zone, more roles and I don´t think he could do it with Bond´s shadow over his head in the next decade.

And I honestly think they will go for someone under 40 and because the decision won´t be made until 2022, Tom may be out of a certain age range.

FYI, I have no problem with his ties to Disney. He can get other roles because Disney is not just fun for kids and with them having Fox branches under them, they can certainly cover more ground. But that is just me.
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So Tom has been uncomfortable for the past 2 1/2 years? Which is the amount of time he and Zawe have been together. Ok. . .
I was waiting for you, that's what Zawe fans do, I'm not going to argue with you, it's my opinion, keep them together and happy.
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Even if some of you are now turning up your noses, I have had a bit of an exchange with MM. And yes you can think about her what you want. If all this happened as she told me, then I just feel sorry for Tom and he should really think about whether this is the right way.
Oh here we go 😂

I’m going to speak candidly but try very hard to be respectful because I truly don’t mean any of this rudely but I think MM is a psychotic very troubled woman who needs a lot of help, and I refuse to give the platform/attention she wants because I think that is actually more harmful to her. If someone wants to believe the crazy, baseless things she says or post them here they are completely within their rights to do so and I’ll just skip it, but I think entertaining her lunacy is not going to help her- she is not stable or well. Stable healthy people don’t believe the way she does even if she were telling the truth, her behavior is super concerning either way.

You have it here in print- if something one day comes out proving MM right, if she or someone else produces a shred of convincing (or any evidence), I will make an apology post and declare her correct and myself wrong.

I would say willingly embarking on a marriage in order to ' further your career' ( why would a marriage to one person further your career more than another person?) is doing something wrong. If people think Tom is doing this, it makes him a fool, and not a particularly nice person, or a good actor, if he can't even pretend to be over the top in love with his fake girlfriend.
So PR relationships obviously exist, we all know this, and yes some can even go so far as marriage which is very sad. I will not believe without a really convincing argument that is what’s happening here. I’m sorry but it doesn’t add up. I go based on facts, and yes it’s also colored by my wanting Tom to be happy and in love rather than faking a 3 year relationship for seemingly no reason.

I would lose all respect for him if it turns out to be all for show for a lot of reasons- one being that he has no integrity if he is doing that again after the last debacle, another being that he is doing a terrible job at it. They have not existed in the public sphere for literally years and even now that they are finally popping out of their hole it is riddled with choices that make for an interesting discussion but not a convincing or relationship. Lastly, the man is a good actor. If this were a role for him he would nail it and no one would be nitpicking details about his eyes and his smile or his discomfort or his van sitting arrangements (really?? that’s the point we’re at??)

I’m willing to concede that some people on here are skeptical with good reason about celebs and their behavior, especially since the behavior here is not what we would personally do. But the fact is Tom has given us no reason to believe this is fake other than people just assume celeb relationships have to be in some way staged. I’m sorry but I do think not liking Zawe or maybe just not seeing her as Tom’s partner contributed. It’s not true for everyone but it certainly seems to influence peoples views even unconsciously. Maybe if she weren’t an actress or was more conventionally pretty or dare I say it, not a woc, people would be more receptive (and I am NOT saying that about people on here specifically but the way people react in other spaces is absolutely influenced by Zawe being biracial and not hollywood beautiful).

Sorry for the rant, I’m done 😂
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But I *loved* how the shirt got gradually dirtier and with the straps and the dagger? That just worked for me. But I have a weakness for tall men in tailor made (tight) suits AND swords so I guess I am biased :D I think he will get there to some "costume", maybe will tweak this a bit, adds some long coat (yes, long coat also makes wonders with tall, handsome men... :D )
But definitely MORE, whoever he may be.
I am so glad there is someone as excited about the show as me, I felt I was alone wanting more Loki :D (Tom´s Loki, that is, even though I loved Richard E.Grant)
Oh, you're not alone now! 😁 Told ya - huge Lokiholic (and a Marvel fan as well) here!

Tailored suits: Yes. Dirty shirts and even dirtier tight tshirts (hello Kong): Yes. Coats and capes and leather pants: YES. Brown material pants stolen from the 50s: big NO ;)

And just a little something just for you, my fellow Lokiholic @Jara. It'a a drawing by an artist Enstatia (that's her nick on IG) - some dirty shirt, straps and bonus: man bun (although I love me some iconic Loki hairflips ;) )


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Can we talk about how Tom (at least pre Hiddleswift Tom) always sits like a whore? And I mean that in the best way possible. Man couldn't keep his legs closed if they were magnetized.
I am posting these just for you....

And these ones, just for me

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Agree. It's so unnecessary and uncomfortable, and mostly grown women making fools of themselves. How demoralising to be doing a play and people are screaming and making idiots of themselves in the audience. He must know if they walked out before the end they couldn't have cared less about the play. Good for the theatre as they get the money either way, but distracting and demoralising for the actors.
Very unnecessary and uncomfortable, but you have to wonder at the woman who erm pleasured herself during the performance!!! That's a million times worse
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Feels like I'm talking to myself but, since this is a place to put things out in the universe, I'm setting the intention of having a chance to photograph this man before I die.
I mean..... look at these



You’re right- I must just be thinking of what goes on inside my head 😂 It’s true we are so tame compared to some of what I see elsewhere- remember I told you about the woman who sent him nudes? One of the things that weirds me out most about the younger generation is when they call a celeb their “parent”. “Tom and Zawe are my parents.” That’s WEIRD.
I'm so glad that my thoughts don't pop up in a bubble above my head. People might be utterly shocked, scared or concerned about my mental health
I think I'm more weirded out by them calling Thomas DADDY. Like, no baby girl!
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There you go. So out of left field, but he still manages to engage.

Thank you awry! I wouldn't want miss that!! 😆 what a weirdo!
And what a strange, strange job that is (being an actor, with people coming to tell you things like that)!!

Such a weird thing to tell him and bless him for being so polite. Was she expecting him to say wow dance for me now 😂😂
Probably!! 🤣🤣
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