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I always get singled out as a Zawe fan because I have been sure they are together for a long time and I also believe they are happy. (Even if I mention something cute like the fact that he filmed his last video in front of the infamous “brick wall”.) Apparently that is some strange opinion. So much of the discussion is “why are they handling their PR this way? It’s not the best way to do it.etc.” I see it this way - they are being private. For most of the past 2 1/2 years which coincided with Covid and the filming of four productions between the two of them, that has meant that although they did not “hide”, they also were not seen all that often - (they were seen sometimes, but people denied it and attacked the people who posted sightings on SM) Now they have had the chance to take a holiday in the kind of place paps hang out and they got papped and they also have the chance to go to a fancy awards ceremony together. However Tom regards the RC as his work and he is trying to keep his private life separate from his work ( he won’t even talk about Bobby!). You can see him and photograph him with his GF, but he’s not going to discuss it or pose in huggy positions for the entertainment of viewers. He has decided that is how he is going to conduct his life. He’s seen enough people who have made their private lives part of the entertainment world (hello Chris Hemsworth!) and he wants no part of it.

Remember this is the man who says he realizes that he has to protect his inner life - he hadn’t realized before that he had to. At a Comic-Con in 2018, a woman asked him about Bobby and he said he wouldn’t talk about his dog because that is part of his private life. He wants to draw a line between private and public. Lots of actors don’t care, but he does.
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I love the blueish one he has in the first half of the movie as well. Ah, can we have just Tom in another role where he just wears leather? But I kind of dig him in suits as well. Am I too demanding? His Shakespeare "costumes" also look good on him and tall men in long coats just do it for me.
Although I love all of them, I'm going to stick with what he wore on TNM specially this scene....:cool:

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Well I personally don’t think he looks uncomfortable so there it is. I knew if I bothered to say anything I’d get attacked. Go on believing he is miserable. Join the Cumberbatch fans who think the same of him. I remember the same things said about he and Sophie when they first appeared together. I’ve always been a skeptic of “body language”. I remember a “body language expert” who published an article in Mid-August 2016 saying how she could tell that Tom and Taylor were perfectly in sync.
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I wonder if she was really or whether it was said as a dare?? He was speechless though!
In the video she said her friend bet her some amount of money she wouldn’t do it. One part of me thinks it’s funny because he looks so lost and has no clue what to say, but part of me feels like it’s not right to use celebrities as our personal playthings.

This is a guy who was doing stage door every day after hours of rehearsal and performing, and he doesn’t have to- and it has to be EXHAUSTING. And some fans would be so rude if he didn’t do it one night, and post on twitter about how awful he was. It’s not a paid meet and greet, his job is to act, which he did, not to stand there while you film him without his consent and sexually harass him.

*Deep breath* sorry I seriously hate some of this fandom, but I don’t think it’s unique to him either. Speaking of people with crazy fans, I forgot to mention I also adore Adam Driver- he is bizarrely magnetic, extremely talented, and sexy in ways no one has been able to explain to me- yet somehow he is!
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Tom seems to be in NY to attend the Tony's


If people only listened to me more often...the world would be a better place (????)

Also, I just found out that they are airing on cable down here so I won't need to purchase a subscription. Thomas in a suit, this is my birthday wish came true (??)
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Someone have an Oktoberfest beer in honor of this pregnant lady here!

Tom looks so good when he looks happy like that, like when he was doing his talk show spots for Loki and in the behind the scenes, he just looks so carefree. He definitely did not look like that on the red carpet- he must have been so nervous and trying to look reserved. He definitely looked happier later on during the ceremony. I was rewatching it and there’s a very cute moment where he is whispering something and clearly cracks himself up laughing. Dork Tom is the best Tom.

Dance Tom. Dance like no one’s watching even though we all are…very closely.
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I was not saying they are a PR couple, I was saying that Backgrid is a paid paparazzi service!
It's used with a contract behind and outlets that are authorized to publish the material on an specific date.
Btw I don't see your videos? They got uploaded as audio.
Sorry I'm just getting super frustrated because I feel like people on here really don't want him to be happy with Zawe. This is legit the only place I have seen so much criticism of their relationship and the negativity is getting to be too much for me. I want to believe that he is happy in this relationship that he's been in for nearly 3 years. I can't understand why people are looking for reasons to believe he's miserable or discontented. His fans should want him to be happy.

Oh no! I have never uploaded my own videos on much for that, I tried!🤣

I'm sorry why does he look so uncomfortable in those pictures. I must admit she looks super pretty but the dress is a big ehh.
I think he looks totally fine, same as he looked in the pictures by himself. I'm getting super frustrated though. Everyone is complaining he didn't take red carpet pictures with her. Pictures surface- omg he looks so uncomfortable he hates her! Come on people you don't like them but stop looking for things that aren't there, it's exhausting!

He's wearing a mask, they probably either weren't allowed to take them off or didn't want to get bad press for doing so. Tom needs to watch some Tyra Banks and learn how to smize though- Zawe has got it down pretty well.
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We are just saying that they didn't even get a photograph on their own, never held hands or anything that a NORMAL celebrity couple do on a red carpet event. Period.
I'm sorry but your discourse about they wanting to be private stopped applying the moment those photos surfaced.
This is what is perplexing me also- as I’ve said I’m a fan of the relationship and tend to lean on the more optimistic side. I am certainly not a Zawe fan as an individual, as I’ve said before I don’t care about her separately, I just like the idea of Tom being happy and settled and in spite of some curious things I think he probably is. I do like to hear arguments from all sides as I believe the skeptics on here are not being toxic like on other platforms- but I WILL say it feels hard to defend the relationship without being labeled as a Zawe fan as if that’s some sort of insult. I feel bad for @yupps , I feel she has been respectful but people don’t agree with her so they dismiss her and laugh her off as a stan. Yet people who question the relationship sort of dominate this forum and so even though I wouldn’t say anyone is being “attacked” it does feel like we are mocked for having certain viewpoints.

I can see why people would say Tom looks uncomfortable- not in the pictures but a few times when the camera is on him, and not just because of Zawe. When Leslie shouted him out he didn’t look excited he looked like he wanted to disappear in my opinion. Maybe he was embarrassed about the loss. If he is being promotional and using the relationship in that way, shouldn’t his acting be a little better? The man is a good actor. People talk about the smile that doesn’t reach the eyes, body language etc. He managed to look like a heart eyed goon during Hiddleswift so obviously he can fake it if he needs to.

Therefore the he looks uncomfortable argument doesn’t really add up to me- if they’re fake for PR then he would fake it better. If he doesn’t like being with her then he wouldn’t be with her. There’s no reason for him to walk around uncomfortable with this woman he doesn’t need to be with. It’s either that we’re reading too much into it OR he’s uncomfortable for some other reason- maybe nervous, anxious, concerned about the relationship, who knows??

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I happen to stand behind what I said....maybe they just don´t care that much.
They seem to me as a couple that takes it as a normal evening out, where she goes to some friends, he goes to meet other a work dinner (because this is a part of his work). And that they don´t give a shit. They don´t need to pose for journalists looking all in love or so. If they have been together for two years, it is already the time when you take some things for granted and not necessarily need to hold hands and stuff. Some couples don´t do that, celebrity or others (I know a few who just don´t do public affections, like at all). Celebrities or not, they are still people. Would that be "PR-wise" to do some show? Probably. Is it necessary? No.
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Did everybody consider one thing? That maybe....they don´t really care about what we or anybody else thinks? Maybe Tom just got over what they are writing about him and he would be right. Media (any kind) have never been too pleasant to him for some reason (meaning the celebrity/tabloid websites but even some "serious" ones), so why should he care?
There were various hints and sightings in previous occassions and maybe, just maybe, they just decided not to make a fuss about it by....not making a fuss? Them not taking a photo on the red carpet...why the hell not? They are two separate entities, probably each greeting other people. Would that be nice to see them? Yes. But maybe they just decided not to go together can see Zawe in the background, talking to other people.
One incidental example from my side, I know a couple who are, in a modest way, famous here. They both do theater but also do the fun perfromances at the park or go to conventions as cosplayers (I introduced them! :D ). And they never go anywhere together. Just because they have different friends, they are interested in other things, you can hardly see them together at any of the events at all. So maybe that is what Tom and Zawe do. Don´t give a shit ;)

If either of them called the paps to Ibiza, maybe it was because they didn´t want the speculations overshadow the Tonys. Who knows. The speculations are still there but then again, they are not the only couple. There are couples who have been married for 30 years and yet various rumours follow them so I think they will never ged rid of those no matter what they do or show. *shrugs*
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This was not his choosing (the pants, at least) it was the stylist! So blame her....or thank her, whatever you feel so inclined to do 😄

I still cannot with this! It did made my day
Oh I say thank you and send her a fruit basket...

Sits like a whore is the best post ever. 🤣
Always happy to be of service, just over here doing the lord's work!! 😂

Bonus: Tom on his way to Benedict Cumberbatch's wedding- apparently his underwear was not invited.

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Such a weird thing to tell him and bless him for being so polite. Was she expecting him to say wow dance for me now 😂😂
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Why is Zawe outside the van already and the other passenger is getting out from the same door as Thomas?
Is it because he hates her but she's stalking him and keeps turning up unannounced on his holidays and red carpet events even though he wants rid of her he can't because he's too polite?;)
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This is a guy who was doing stage door every day after hours of rehearsal and performing, and he doesn’t have to- and it has to be EXHAUSTING. And some fans would be so rude if he didn’t do it one night, and post on twitter about how awful he was. It’s not a paid meet and greet, his job is to act, which he did, not to stand there while you film him without his consent and sexually harass him.
Agree. It's so unnecessary and uncomfortable, and mostly grown women making fools of themselves. How demoralising to be doing a play and people are screaming and making idiots of themselves in the audience. He must know if they walked out before the end they couldn't have cared less about the play. Good for the theatre as they get the money either way, but distracting and demoralising for the actors.
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Is that if I say what I believe, they will say that I hate Zawe and I will really just say that no one gave me a good answer as to why they did not walk the red carpet together.
They didn't want to? They were at work, and didn't want their relationship to overshadow the event? What explanation do you want? Do you want to find out that someone you admire, a 40 year old man, is single but has some woman he used to work with and took pity on a few times is stalking him? Or that he, again a 40 year old man is in yet another fake relationship? That someone you admire would rather lie to everyone than just live his own life? The man is a millionnaire and in the MCU but is so desperate for even more money and fame that he is willing to whore himself out as a rent a boyfriend? I feel some people would rather believe this, even that someone is being blackmailed or held hostage than the simplest explanation, that man and woman meet at work, get on well, start a relationship, don't care about showing saidcrelationship off everywhere they go, the end!
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Am I the only one who feels like we just got super spoiled by a few weeks of content and now he's going to go underground again? I really hope I'm wrong but I imagine we won't see anything until the con at the end of the month.

I'mma just leave this here......

And he looks so good, in every era.

Now, what I need to know is, what the hell is going on in this picture and why does Tom seem to have the angriest boner-in-motion of all time? Warning- this picture is not for the faint of heart. Keep scrolling if you want to keep your virginity.
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Chatty Member
Tom was not comfortable in the photos with Charlie and Zawe, he did not feel comfortable with the hand grip, neither did his posture feel comfortable when Zawe approaches to sing to him, nor in the photos in Ibiza when Zawe is on him, the photos they don't lie there they are.
So Tom has been uncomfortable for the past 2 1/2 years? Which is the amount of time he and Zawe have been together. Ok. . .
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So the Marvel Wikis for both Tom and Zawe have been updated. Zawe's previously said "previously dated Tom" now mentions about the Betrayal Halloween dress up and doesn't mention Tom in a romantic sense at all, Tom's now says previously dated Zawe Ashton. Bizarre
The wiki fandom is still in denial! ahahaha
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