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VIP Member
Yes! My eldest would never ever play by himself - my youngest two will sit and play by themselves for ages! I don’t know if it’s a having to because they’re not the only one or a personality thing, but I think personality more. But he was definitely really clingy!
Definitely progress! Often it’s really small things at first.
So she’s definitely starting to warm to them 🥰 just a reminder that you’re doing the right thing, and it’s very very normal at this point ❤
thank you ❤ I was saying to my friend today I couldn’t have imagined how hard this nursery/going back to work/ changes etc would be. You spend so much time preparing for the baby to get here you don’t actually then prepare for the next big stage.
their personalities really come through at this age as well as separation anxiety which makes it so much harder xx


VIP Member
Do we have to leave this thread when our kids start school? :ROFLMAO:

I'm actually really nervous about mine starting in September. She's on Laxido for constipation and has regular tummy aches that mean she barely touches food for weeks on end. Picked her up from CM yesterday to be told she ate nothing all day - considering she didn't eat breakfast at home either, she went ALL day with nothing in her tummy :cry: her choice as food was offered to her but doesn't make it any easier. We now also have a referral in to Paeds Gastro, wonder if that will take as long as ENT?!
Last year she ate SO much food and was always hungry, but this year her appetite has dropped off a cliff and it really upsets me.
How much laxido is she on?
One twin here has chronic constipation and has since birth so slightly different to your LO.
we had our first appointment with the gastro team a few weeks ago, we were lucky to get a cancellation.
along with running tests looking into celiac, IBD and other bits and bobs the consultant told us we were severely undertreating the constipation with the laxido and to up to 6 sachets a day if necessary apparently GPs are wary of over prescribing.
have you noticed any triggers in her diet?
we’ve completely eliminated fruit, veg and gluten and have found she’s no where near as constipated but still not completely resolved the issue.

sending you solidarity we’re currently on day 4 of her not eating much as we’re slightly backed up due to a delay in the chemist having her prescription in 🫠


VIP Member
I know it’s normal but the change in my son since he hit 2 years old 😫😫 he was happy independent boy, now our day is mostly crying and tantrums. It’s just so difficult. Nursery have also said he’s much more emotional about toys and demanding certain toys!
I’ve also got a 2 year old that’s a pain in the butt at the minute. Lots of whinging and loss of independence he just wants to play or be on me ALLLLLL the time. It is a lot


VIP Member
Hi this may sound so naive, but could someone please explain the difference between pre school and nursery?
I'm so confused! And the free hours they say you can have, is that for any wage? So even if you earn over a certain amount?


VIP Member
Hi little one is 1 next week and HE DOES NOT SLEEP! I try and get him to nap at the same time everyday and he naps anywhere from Not at all - 1 hour. I put him to bed at 7 ( in my bed because we do still co sleep) and he wakes up every 20 or so minutes to an hour for boob 🥲 I feel like he just hates sleep! Is anyone else’s little ones the same or could I get some advise? Thanks in advance 💓


Chatty Member
A bit of a random one but does anyone have any car seat recommendations for a soon to be 14 month old? I’ve been given two so far ‘Joie I spin’ and ‘cybex sirona gi’ but do the spins work well?


Active member
Asking the question here for people who have some experience of this under their belts…

LO is doing settling in sessions at nursery, dropped her off today and she was pretty upset. She’s been very up and down with them (she Has a tooth that started cutting through literally on Tuesday so she’s pretty fretful even at home). I’m finding it really soul destroying dropping her off and her getting so upset, she’s done 4 sessions this week, due to do a whole day next week and two extra two hour sessions. Do some of your LOs just never get over being dropped off? Or can it sometimes take a few weeks? She’s been so clingy with me at home and has had such unsettled sleeps so it’s just awful timing all round.
Sorry it's been so tough, we had it when my son first started and then every time he's moved room he cries at drop off for a few days. He started nursery the same week I went back to work which was terrible timing, he was upset, I was upset but it does pass. Think it got slightly easier every week and then finally stopped. Funnily he never cries when his dad dropped him off. Nursery helped me with it and encouraged positive chat like wonder what exciting things you'll be up to do, who you'll play with etc on the way in and then a quick bye. No ill miss you etc keep it all focused on the fun they'll have at nursery. He was defo more clingy as well but it's a huge change in their routine and he was seeking more connection from me when we were reunited. I used to make sure there was nothing needing done when we got back from collection like dinner was prepped etc so could just focus on time with him. Hope it passes soon x


Well-known member
Anyone had any experience with gungey eyes after finishing antibiotics (not related to said eyes)?

Toddler’s just had chicken pox and an ear infection and was on amoxicillin and since finishing his eyes have been gungey and he’s all snotty again 😩 he’s been pretty much indoors for almost a fortnight apart from little walks round the block for some fresh air.

His eyeballs don’t look pink as such and it’s mainly when he’s woken up from his nap or night sleep…

Thanks for listening x


VIP Member
Has anyone ever had any experience of IBS in little ones? It’s not diagnosed, but we never get normal poos. Either constipated or loose. Google suggests that’s what it is (I’m not sold on Google!) but I wonder if anyone has ever known it before we face the drs again x
Can/will you appeal?
I will appeal but I’m not sure how successful we will be. We’ll be put on the waiting list at least. I’m going to let my feelings settle and then contact our school placement and discuss my concerns and see what they think. I did like it at the time of viewing but then we saw the one we wanted as our first. I had a really good talk about how they’d undergone retraining as they’d seen a big lag with phase development because of Covid. I do have concerns about my daughter starting so I really had hoped that if she went there she would be successful there. We had a tough time at her first preschool and I’m allowing that to cloud my thoughts! I have a parents meeting with her key worker at her forest school Friday so that will help her some clarity.


VIP Member
How much communication do you get from nursery during the day? My son’s nursery shows food/nappy/sleep updates but no pictures any more which they did the first few times.

Also what happens if someone calls in sick? Are they allowed to be short staffed if they have ratios to maintain? Thanks
Just jumping in, we saw a dietician that suggested if they’re little, you give them some form of pro biotic after antibiotics as they strip their system and it can help. Haven’t had a chance to try myself but incase it’s any help x
Thank you. The gp did advise us to get some as he had awful diarrhoea from the ones before. I am breastfeeding too so I think that helps.

We had a decent nights sleep but he’s still 40 degrees so will take him to be seen. 4 year old is still asleep but she’ll need to come too. We had plans to see the Easter bunny and spring fairy today, she’s going to be so upset ☹


VIP Member
mine are now 11 and 16 and I still feel victimised by seasonal bugs. Teenager bought a sickness bug home from his grandparents few days before Christmas last year. White carpets were not full of the festive joy. 🤢
To be fair, my 14 year old was laid up in bed all weekend at her dads coughing and ill, so it’s more than likely her that’s given it to us 😂


VIP Member
Do they like Bing? When my son had his there’s a good ep of Bing where he gets his jabs and I must of put it on a 1000 times before he got them and it really stuck in his brain and did help. With the calpol i give him a few spoonfuls of yoghurt then slip in a spoonful of calpol when he’s not noticing 😅
yes! She used to love Bing and still watches it on occasion so I will pop it on later before we leave!

is it best to distract by letting her watch my phone whilst it’s happening?! And bribing her with a treat after?! I have no idea what to do 😅


VIP Member
Our LO went through this a bit last year (mainly loose ones). She’d go 3 times in an hour so we’d have to collect her from nursery and then she’d be fine for days/weeks then it would come back again so we knew it wasn’t a bug type thing.

We did go to the docs and we had to provide a stool sample (that was fun!) and then it was analysed and come back fine. I think it was diet related (maybe consuming too much fruit and the natural sugars made them looser).

I would probably keep a food diary for a while and see if there are any patterns so at least you have something to show GP? x
That’s where my concern is going because he’s starting nursery in July.
The Dr thinks it’s where he’s getting backed up, then it’s all backing up around it. So maybe it is that!
Food diary sounds a good idea though, incase there is anything food related! Xx


Active member
Does anyone have any recommendations for hair products I can use to smooth down my baby hairs?! I look like I've been shoved through a hedge, they stick out everywhere!


VIP Member
What are the signs of being ready for potty training?

my 19 month old tugs a this nappy a lot and says “no” and runs away if I ask if he’s had a 💩 or his nappy changing 😂

I don’t think he’s there quite yet but I’d like to be prepared


VIP Member

It has been a LONG time since I posted on Tattle, I’ve been reading quietly in the background for a little while but wanted to pick your brains! I definitely remember a few of your names so you may remember me!

anyway, very long story cut short but I’m in the middle of a divorce, all is good, I’m glad to be out of it but I wondered if anyone could relate/offer advice on this?

I’ve been split up for about 18 months now and as much of a twat my ex is, we communicate pretty well regarding our 3(!!!) year old. He is known to be a bit of a liar and narcissist so I sometimes take what he says with a pinch of salt but I mentioned our child’s sleep in a message the other day. I said that I was finding that our LB was waking up at 3am pretty much every night and then wanting to get up. I worked out that putting a nightlight near his room has helped with this but recently he just wakes up about 4:30/5am And wants to get up for the day. he Goes to bed at 8pm so I know this is not enough. I would put him to bed earlier but he is so tired in the day he ends up napping at nursery, it’s a really difficult thing to balance. I asked my ex if he found the same and he said that he cannot remember the last time he was woken up in the night or even early in the morning. He says he usually wakes up at 6:30/7am. How?!? I’m honestly not sure I believe him, he doesn’t like anyone to think he struggles but it just doesn’t make sense. We both have blackout blinds etc. the problem is, it now just has me questioning myself and wondering where I am going wrong? I feel so sorry for my LB, he was so tired this morning but just would not go back to bed, wouldn’t reason with anything and ends up being super emotional as a result. Any advice for how I can help him?


VIP Member
We’ve experience biting a few times. A friend of mine that works with children said sometimes it’s not necessarily that they haven’t seen it, it’s that they can’t touch them to remove it. So we had a child that did it for a reaction and so when someone asked him to stop, he bit more ☹ hope little one is ok xx
Thank you 😊. Luckily he is ok. They said he wasn’t upset but how would they know if they didn’t see it. They only noticed when changing his nappy and saw the bite mark😬. Hopefully no more incidents. He’s only been there a few months and this is the first thing sooo I’m not too concerned