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Orange Creme

VIP Member
Being unable to leave the UK and be reunited with my family 😢 it’s just one cancelled flight after another, but luckily I haven’t been unwell
Sorry to hear that, I hope you get a flight soon! I just noticed your profile pic and knew straight away which thread you must spend time on ha ha 😂


VIP Member
What!? I had no idea they had cancelled important appointments like this!
Yep, the appointment came in the post only to be followed a couple of days later by a cancellation letter. All routine cancer investigations were suspended. Am pretty sure they have started up again, so will just have to wait while they go through the waiting lists.

I have a history of bizarre, seemingly simple health issues turning out to be serious or life threatening!


VIP Member
Missed out on the office banter. It's not the same over video call. I am glad we locked down though.

Positives: it has been good to recharge in respect to having to attend things out of habit/obligation so the weeks have been a bit less structured, which is nice for a little while. Also spent more time with partner at home, whereas before, work and hobbies meant we were busy a lot and our time together was mostly spent with us being exhausted.


Chatty Member

Yes I am being Smug...
Hang on, just remembered I missed my Hospital appointment, nothing urgent, just my six month visit to get my ears micro suctioned and examination of my left ear. Thankfully I haven't had any issues but if I did I can always break out the sodium bicarb ear drops to help me.