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Oh I do agree that May cleaned up most of the mess from Blair and Brown, but I just feel that she could have done more when she was in power. I definitely feel she wasn't very confident, you can see in her body language she is verh shifty and awkward. I feel like she doesn't have alot of backbone. Blair and Brown shit on us and then left power.


Well-known member
There's a.great youtube channel called "middle ground" that gets people on different sides of controversial issues to sit down and talk to each other in a non judgemental non accusatory manner. It can get heated but it always ends well. I'm sure that's sometimes down to the editing, but the objective is so important I think. It's American though and I really think someone should make one with people who the UK on our own issues. We have the same horribly divided society here and there's something cathartic about just watching these all too familiar topics be discussed in that way.
Have you heard of Carl Benjamin? The horrible little toad who made a very off ‘joke’ about raping Labour MP Jess Phillips and is standing as a UKIP MEP? Well I had a look at his YT channel Sargon of Akkad and in spite of being a bit of an arsehole he has some great debates on there from his tour promoting UKIP. One in particular was with a friend of Jess’ who tackled him about the ‘joke’ direct in a very dignified way

Labour are not clear on their policy they split on the issue.
By all accounts corbyns not a lover of Europe he sat in the fence during referendum.
Lots labour don't want brexit at any costs
Corbyn is at heart a hardened Brexiteer but he doesn’t want to damage the ground Labour can make from appealing to far left “college socialists”.

He would be a disasterous PM in my opinion.

Blair, brown and Cameron are the ones to blame for the situation we're in at the moment. Sure Theresa fucked it up, but she didn't make the whole mess - that was decades in the making. From blair and brown and their mistakes over the EU enlargement to then using the EU as a scapegoat for everything.
A-men to that
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VIP Member
I really don't like TM. But out of Blair, brown and Cameron I think she's the best pm [emoji1745][emoji38]
Think it says a lot about our political landscape over the last 10+ year

Tbh you could see the voter apathy when FPTP two party horse was shaken to it's core and never recovered.


Oh I love Larry! I need to see this....

On a more serious note associating immigrants with rapists and terrorists is part of the problem in my view. I know you said "some of them" come with good intentions or whatever but that's just as divisive.

Terrorism is a totally different topic to the EU or immigration. The Manchester bomber was a British citizen how can you stop him coming and going ? Maybe he should have been.under surveillance etc but that's a different issue to immigration. And maybe treating British citizens who happen to be Muslims as terrorists feeds into extremist propoganda? Its not just manchester. In 2005 they were 3/4 citizens. Same westminsrer. Same 1/3 of London bridge. If you're made to feel like an alien in your place of birth it's obviously going to be a lot easier to turn you. I accept there's still a long way to go but it's not helpful to have this us and them way of approaching things.
People like you really irritate me. Always so quick to defend the immigrants who do cause crime over here or terrorism related incidents. I never stated anywhere all immigrants are bad, every time a slight comment is made someone gets really defensive and the R card comes about. I have been a victim as a child of abuse from English and non Englishmen so I can comment and I have immigrant friends so I definitely am not saying they all are bad. But we cannot ignore or deny that this goes on from migrants. We already know about the Rotherham case and Charlene Downs because people are scared to have the R card thrown at them from people such as yourself.


Well I never actually once used the "r card" as you call it - racism. All I did was point out was what was problematic about what was being said. It's funny how you call it racism in defense. Says more about you than me.

And I'm sorry for what's happened to you. I really am. Thats truely revolting and hideous to do to a person let alone a child. But I don't want to connect it too closely to this discussion because I feel uncomfortable not knowing you and your situation and don't want to offend.

You implied that I was being racist or unfair to all immigrants and I actually have respect for those who come here and work hard, do well for themselves and help our country. I have foreign friends who are good people they know respect and would do anything for you. Most people who migrate here do it for a better life and work harder than many English people. They do jobs from the lowest to good working jobs such as nurses, surgeons etc who study and work hard. But we cannot ignore that there is a revolving door with no stops on it who let in anyone. Some people who are dangerous to our country and people. But as usual you cannot ever say a bad word against immigrants because you get labelled as racist/unfair/extreme which is why MP's/PM/general public are scared to speak up because this country has become a snowflake state with people who are quick to take offense to small points. I never said all people who move to this country are bad or rapists or terrorists, I think you saw one sentence of mine "immigration needs to be sorted" and try to undermine my post. I'm sorry if you disagree with my views but I want my country and children to grow up safe.. Likewise when we visit other foreign countries or move there as ex-pats we have to respect their cultures and laws or face the consequences. If I move to France or Spain and do bad things there I wouldn't be welcomed by their people and mostly likley deported and that is seen as okay and fair. But when an English person speaks up about immigrants who DO come here and cause crime and are in and out of our prison system - we get labelled. Double standards.

I don't think that commenter called you a racist? They just stated that the Manchester bomber was born here - he wasn't an immigrant so couldn't be deported anywhere. I agree that more should've been done to stop him sooner, as even people in his community mentioned to the police, but he also didn't travel directly to or from Libya (I think he went to EU countries first then flew from there) so that was why they weren't suspicious of his flights. Otherwise I'm sure they would've caught him out then.

Unrelated but god it'll be a joke if we get Boris Johnson.

I don't think it had anything to do with you? It was a discussion between me and Horatio. They took offence to my post saying that what i have said is unfair and I am labelling most immigrants to which I have not. There are terrorists who come over here who aren't born in England such as the incident in London September 2017 the bucket of explosives. He was a foreign student who moved over to England to live with an English couple and he was found to have explosives and bomb paraphernalia in his bedroom when police searched it. So it does happen, I love how people get defensive over it though.


Mayday, I do realize it is a public forum but it was a discussion between H and myself and you jumped in not knowing all the facts. Which is also rude!

Horatio, it is alarming that you get so defensive over the immigrants who are dangerous people and think it is okay for them to come here. If something awful happened to your child I would wonder if your viewpoint changes. But keep calling me bad/racist/extreme/chip on my shoulder.

I am just going to leave this here ;)


If you don't think this sentence is racist or bigoted I wonder what you think that means? Bad people are bad people it has nothing to do with their immigration status. Rapists all races. If someone close to me was assaulted I would be equally upset if they were British as.if they were not because that's really not the point.

Your argument again't Mayday also makes no sense when they knew as much of "the facts" as anyone. Certainly myself.
You keep calling me racist it is typical of today's society in Britain. Yes I am a racist and bigot for not wanting dangerous immigrants and rapists/terrorists in my country. So I apologise if that is so bigoted of me. I am not talking about British people, I just said above that both Englishmen and non Englishmen have abused me in my childhood. I am saying what others have said - immigration needs to be sorted. I AM allowed my views on that whether you like it or not, it is at the moment a free for all country where dangerous people come in and out under the radar is what I said all along. Like I said when we visit or move to other countries we have to respect their cultures and laws and the same should be applied here and if not - then they should not have a right to stay here. In most countries if you cannot obey laws or have criminal records you are not allowed in. Okay I was wrong about Abedi, but so what? I am correct in that others who are not English citizens have come here and committed terrorist activities. All I am saying is we need to be careful of who we let in and if our government had been, then there probably would never had been BREXIT. People who want to leave is all about immigration. If the gment did something and protected us we wouldn't be in this mess.


I completely agree something needs to get done about immigration however the lie needs to stop being peddled that it’s the EU that’s stopping us.
The example you gave above was someone going to/from Libya, which isn’t in the EU so that is 100% up the government to stop him coming in/out. Also have a look at immigration figures since voting to leave, the EU migrant (which allegedly we couldn’t stop) is going down, and the non EU migrants (which we can stop) is skyrocketing.
Also a very important point, just because the majority voted leave doesn’t mean we have to if the government decides it’s not in the best interest of the Country (they wouldn’t do that because of backlash.
Bottom line is half the country Want to leave and half want to stay, there a few on the fence who flip between and one any given day either side could have a majority in a vote. Bigger problem though is whichever side doesn’t get their way will punish the government at the next election. Whoever makes the decision is fucked either way so they need to ignore the people because they can’t win by following them. Go for whatever will get our economy up and running quicker then the people who sulk will get shut up quicker
I'm glad someone agrees for once and I'm not being seen as racist, that word gets thrown about far too much. Oh I know that Libya isn't in the EU, but it is an example of how these people come and go from all over without being stopped and are potentially very dangerous. What is it coming to that busy public places are having bollards in place incase of attack? David Cameron did not help when he promised that he would deal with immigration and never did much to help towards it, that's why people got fed up and wanted Brexit. That's (let's be honest) the main reason brexiteers want to leave.


Chatty Member
Yes I can see that, the buck has passed for too long, I remember growing up listening to a labour blame things on EU and then Tories took over and blame EU. They blame EU because they’ve been a great scapegoat for years then everyone went “oh shit” when we voted leave and when you ask people the reasons it’s a lot for things the EU didn’t really affect us for or at least not in the way people believed.