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I thought Sam was the guy she posted a few pics of, and said that this isn’t her partner. Pics from a wedding they were both in or something? That may have been someone else, I wasn’t paying very close attention!

She bought the new house with him she mentioned awhile back. But we never see this new house at all anymore - the one with the mirror downstairs she used to preen and pose in front of.
Someone explained a couple of pages back what happened with the housing situation and that they’re now living in an older police house. I noticed the nursery and some other rooms have older features like picture rails and a covered fireplace, which a new house wouldn’t. I think she said she moved into his house though didn’t she? Or maybe she just said they moved in together…


VIP Member
I swear she called him the little boy or something like that today. It is such a detached way to refer to your own baby.
What do other influencers do when they’re keeping name details private? I can’t say I follow any.


Chatty Member
Does anyone else realise that she has another Insta where she flogs off clothes? It’s a joint venture between her and K and they onsell clothes that were gifted, excessive purchases or weirdly, worn out kids shoes for high prices. Worth a giggle @ preloved_twinnies
yes they have had that for a good while. But some of the shoes they sell are all scuffed and as you said quite worn, and clothes are a lot of the time so so creased. They don't seem to give the shoes a good clean over as some look dirty and the clothes need a good iron. I would never sell shoes that have been worn only new ones and clothes i'd give them a good wash and a iron before even thinking of selling. I suppose if you don't pay for items why would you bother how they look to be sold, as their both making money from something that was FREE. So they get paid for promoting free items that they wear once just for the promotion and probably hate, then they grift them for cash to their dumbass followers who want a piece of their clothing or shoes. Seriously shouldn't be allowed. Also would hope the clothes have been washed before selling too. I'd say not.


VIP Member
I was surprised they were talking about solids already at seven weeks. Four months seems early, right?
i was recommended to start at four months (for a specific reason) and a lot of baby food in the supermarket says 4 months plus, so I guess not too early? Generally the advice is six months I think but four is fine.
She’ll argue that she donates to charity all the time because, you know, Instagram is only a small snippet of her life and she doesn’t have to share everything with us loser plebs who unlike her who shut down her Facebook months ago, have nothing better to do than live life through social media apparently. Although I did spot this yesterday and if this is the quality of stuff they try to sell I think the charities might be better off without her donations tbh 🤢
Those shoes are absolutely disgusting. How can they sell those?!


Chatty Member
Can see why Krista would be miffed with Claire wearing the same clothes at the same time....a lot. Krista always looks nicer ☺
K’s partner is so familiar to me. Don’t know if it’s just a Hobart thing or if I know him from somewhere.

I haven’t seen C’s partner but a friend told me he’s nothing special to look at. Is he a police officer as well?


Active member
Rhian? Or Claire’s partner? Haven’t seen him. I think Rhian is a hottie 🤷‍♀️
Claire’s partner. Pretty sure his name is Sam. They have definitely been together for a while because on more than one occasion I’ve seen them at cafes, in more than one suburb. Ruins my breakfast every time. Never just the two of them though.

Rhian has a brother but his name escapes me.


VIP Member
I think Huey is a cute nickname. I don't get why she doesn't just use it, or "H" or something.
Correct. But it’s a brow-man. His name is Dion and he does a certain “style”. Word on the street has it that she’s had a falling out with him though. I wouldn’t let him within 10m of my brows.
Ooh I know who you’re talking about. I’ve seen a few locals talking about him recently. I thought she goes to L*sh and Br*w S*cial or St*lla Ard*n