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Chatty Member
You may not agree.

However there are an awful lot of hypocrites out there.

They'll take to Facebook and Twitter on their Apple products (all active tax avoiders) to protest about tax avoidance.

They'll also do their shopping on Amazon (another tax avoider), be seen drink pricey coffees from Starbucks and Caffè Nero (both tax avoiders).

This is where the hypocrisy lies. You can't bang on about tax avoidance, if you willingly purchase products and services from the companies guilty of it.
This isn’t fair and is punishing the poorest in society. Amazon have made it highly inaccessible for some people to shop elsewhere, especially low income families living rurally. For example, some states in America where poverty is rife, Amazon will offer low prices to drive out any competition and make it more accessible with deliveries etc. But then will hike up the prices once they’ve driven everyone out.
Not to mention the amount of companies that own or have shares in other companies. You can’t boycott nestle, Coca Cola brands like that cause they own the vast majority of brands you see in the supermarket. You’d have to live off grid to avoid any kind of unethical consumption.
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It appears that most people who become MP’s in the Tory party (although the Labour Party is not immune to this either) have either a silver-spoon background, went to private school, have friends in very high places and have no connection to a world outside of their inner circle. I think the majority of them should never become Members of Parliament, never mind becoming the PM! They simply do not have an idea of how people are forced to live. Forget all of the trotting round nursing homes and council estates for photo opportunities, we can all see through that shite. For the most part, they are patronising and in my opinion, very few have any brains at all. Most of them certainly lack compassion.

Yes, we know there are people who take the piss in life, don’t pay any tax and work on the side of their benefits, but most of them do it to make up the shortfall, to feed their families. It’s the same piss-taking, on a smaller scale, that the wealthy company directors do to avoid paying huge sums of tax. They are able to dress it up better, to make it look as though they are not at fault.

When Tony Blair was PM, he was on his own gravy train. He amassed a wealthy property portfolio, so anyone saying he was a socialist, well, that’s a load of shite. He feathered his own nest and played a blinder really. His Government built very few council houses, yet he seemed to accrue quite a few houses of his own, whilst raking in his salary and enjoying all the benefits of being a PM.

Frankly, they are all as bad as each other. I don’t vote for any of them, they’re all shite. The only one I possibly would vote for is Keir Starmer, or Angela Rayner.

This country is corrupt.
They don't pay for anything, our MP has all his travel and housing paid for, he is currently having an extension on his house, paid for! Beyond wrong and it takes away from them doing the job because they actually care.
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VIP Member
My Dad was telling me the other day that he'd seen a man practically tackled to the ground by Lidl staff a few weeks ago as he was trying to pinch a bottle of whiskey!

I always thought staff members weren't supposed to approach shoplifters, or at least that's what someone had said to me. I know if I was working for minimum wage in a supermarket and saw someone trying to steal some cheap booze, I wouldn't be putting myself in danger by tackling them 😬
Working in retail you are 100% not supposed to approach shoplifters under any circumstance, any employer who told you otherwise would have a hell of a lawsuit on their hands if you got stabbed or the like! One of the shops I used to work in we had serial shoplifters who were Heroin addicts, we literally just had to stand there and watch them help themselves because they were so dangerous. Obviously we'd call the police and they'd get arrested (they were so well known) but once their jailterms were up they'd be straight back again lmao. Most of them were shoplifters for commission (i.e. lifting for someone else in return for money, drugs etc).
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Chatty Member
When I was sheltering from a storm in a Tesco Express, I watched a man attempt to walk out with a basket of goods before being stopped by a security guard.

Thing is, all that he had in that basket (full to the brim) was ready-to-eat mackerel fillets.

I'm still confused to this day.
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I think what was being inferred was perhaps we should stop fighting each other leave/remain or whatever and look at who is at fault.
The govt for not handling Brexit nor covid well. Industry for the hgv drivers pay and working conditions, aging workforce and failing to plan ahead when they had years from brexit vote to it happening and the workforce aging all the while. The cost of hgv licence usually met by drivers instead of industry training in past. Etc etc
While we all fight with each other they are all off the hook as per
Whilst there is a grain of truth to it, I do think that in a democracy each individual is responsible for their vote and hence "at fault" (using the term you used).

Cameron held a speech the day before the referendum and said clearly: If you vote for "Leave" I will step down.

There was no agenda for what would happen if the result was "Leave".

Many people didn't vote as they thought it was too absurd (they are also "at fault").

Many businesses were ill equipped and simply didn't know how to adjust, there was little to no guidance. Some made smart decisions, others didn't.

But to expect that many low cost labourers from European countries would not be missed in lower paying jobs is silly.
Same with imports: the UK gets all their fruit and veg from Southern Europe or via Europe. What do you think would happen?

It was obvious that prices go up following Brexit. It is a no brainer.
It was also obvious that businesses will need to adjust their marketing strategies - as it is much more expensive to ship to or buy from Europe. So some businesses don't do it anymore. Logical consequence.
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VIP Member
Economics. The longer you keep them alive, the more they have cost the producer. They work on keeping an animal alive for x months knowing that‘ll cost them x amount, so they can sell for y and still make a profit.
Radio 1 had interviews with pig farmers incredibly upset because they can't kill the animals they claim to love so much. Nah mate, you just care about your bottom line. Animal welfare has nothing to do with it.

Anyway, will get off my soapbox.

Does primark have the grey marl cotton jersey bedding in this year? Want another set but thought I’d ask before making a trip.

God it’s like Uni all over again when we slept in fleeces and wore onesies over clothes because the house was badly insulated 🥶🥶🥶
I've noticed Matalan selling fleece bedding online with 20% off. I'd be buying some myself if Mr B wasn't a portable furnace 🙄
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Chatty Member
It's like a war trying to reduce your DD amount. I'm hundreds in credit and it let's me reduce it by £5 a time . Then have to request again once that's approved and then they just go and ingore all this even though my usage shows they're massively estimating more. They refuse to take no payments for a couple of months to get it back closer to 0. But it's so infuriating calling them up I'm trying to ignore it.
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Chatty Member
Cost of living is making me so nervous. My husband and I are employed (I am a social worker, he is a civil servant) and thankfully both jobs are secure, Bht no chances of any pay rises for us in the near future (and hasn’t been anything notable for years!). I work horrific hours and the pandemic has been really really hard, we are short staffed and fatigued. I work on adult mental health which you can imagine is just getting busier and busier and harder and harder.

we are maxed out monthly bill wise. We don’t gk out, we don’t really order takeaways, just on sim onlyphone contracts…butalways overdrawn. Tons of debt on various credit cards etc (0% interest but largebalances so large monthly payments and a large Loan for the card and to repair subsidence we had that wasn’t covered by insurance). The loan is low interest but payments still high.
Just feel like bills are insane and they can’t be reduced further, and cost of the shop is riding and rising.

i am due our second child in March…and am frightened of how we will manage on maternity pay. But the idea of leaving my baby in childcare earlier than the 9 monthsi did with my first is really upsetting…and to go back to a job which is just hammering me and exhausting me.

life just feels like a slog!! Work work work and still tears and worry all the time about money and feel so sad that I cant ‘spoil’ us and go out for lunch or buy the toy my son wants in Tesco. We have a small house which feels like we are bursting out of now we are prepping for number 2…rhe Future is frightening!!
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seems to be this odd trend (which I feel seems to be changing slowly) that it’s preferable to dress in something new and cheap than purchase second hand.
100% see this with children’s wear.

I know that it’s an education thing and tbh if you are low income or financially insecure there’s more of a stigma in buying second hand, like it’s almost as if it’s more acceptable for MC mums to do so because it’s seen as a choice rather than a necessity which I really get / empathise with?

But I hate that I find myself being careful with who I discuss this stuff with IRL and it nearly always comes down to a lack of education. I can’t be bothered for a bitchy mum who hasn’t read a book since GCSE telling other mums my child is a scruff because I’m not buying from “boutiques” on Insta that just resell flammable tat off Ali express. There are mums who get it so I’ll talk about it with them.

With kids stuff too have you noticed how brands are tricking parents into personalising high ticket item bits - like Stokke’s free high chair engraving - to reduce resale value / passing it on to friends? I see it on our local no buy site, so much stuff that only an Alfie or a Lily can use now 🙄
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VIP Member
Pros and cons to both? Ultimately we’ve been dealt the decision 😬 we need to improve our living standards across the board first… then help others? I try to help! All the time!
You want to list the Pros of the UK leaving the United Nations because I’m not aware of...any? You’re right though, we have to live with the decision to be a member of the United Nations and the charter in refugee asylum.
I didn’t think anyone was still basing their political outlook just on their own lived experiences but here we are
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VIP Member
I think our supermarkets are a disgrace. do we need two isles of sweets, two for crips another two for soft drinks.. another two for bread and cakes So much goes to waste not even all the food banks and larders can use it all.

I hate trying to shop, way too much choice. it's overwhelming at times.

My cats are hunters so if my food for them runs out they won't starve.
I agree there is way too much. I remember my uncle visiting from what was then communist controlled Poland in the early 80’s, and he cried when he saw all the options we had. Back then that wasn’t even half what there is now though.

While I’m glad there are more choices for vegetarians and vegans these days even that is now becoming overwhelming for me. I’d rather have a curated range of good quality produce than all the masses of stuff on the shelves now.

My cats however, the little one will hunt but my old girl happily sits next to birds in the garden and doesn’t even lift a paw … spoilt 😹
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VIP Member
The thing is, there are definitely people who can afford to shop for higher priced clothes but go to Primark instead. I think it's fine to go to Primark and charity shops if they can't afford to buy higher quality clothes, but people have to look towards higher quality and stuff that will last. A lot of the time, cheap clothes will last a couple months then become useless, which then means they need replacing.

Most people probably don't even think about going to get shoes repaired, but instead opt to buy brand new ones and throw the damaged ones away. I know people like this and it does bug me that they just throw away £100-150 trainers/shoes, then buy new ones for similar prices.
I have shoes repaired, however I had a paid I wanted repair and it wasn't possible to resole due to how they were made. Companies want you to buy again, its a bit like household item. My mum and dad have the original boiler in their house from the early 1930s. You would never get a modern day boiler lasting that long.
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I honestly find the Tesco clubcard stuff really dirty from them. If you have an offer I fully expect to be included in them as an ordinary customer. Obviously I know the membership cards don't cost anything but it's just a dirty practice imo
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VIP Member
Second time I've seen someone trying to steal something from Aldi in less then 3 weeks.
My Dad was telling me the other day that he'd seen a man practically tackled to the ground by Lidl staff a few weeks ago as he was trying to pinch a bottle of whiskey!

I always thought staff members weren't supposed to approach shoplifters, or at least that's what someone had said to me. I know if I was working for minimum wage in a supermarket and saw someone trying to steal some cheap booze, I wouldn't be putting myself in danger by tackling them 😬
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I think we all need to do ourselves a favour in uk and acknowledge that the tories are not paying any more money to the NHS.
They should. However, they won't.
Yes, and I didn't believe that any money that does not need to go to the EU would ever have gone to the NHS.

It was quite obviously a lie to get votes.
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VIP Member
This is what the Government want though, they want to spread the wealth so not everything is London focused, and it reduces over crowding/demands on NHS etc.

Im not saying this is the prime reason for the toll though but it will be a factor in decision making, it’s all “levelling up”.
reminds me of hunger games. You know you have the capital where all the rich live and the rest of the colonies where the peasants live.
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Chatty Member
I want to share some ideas on how to keep warm, but don't laugh at me as they sound old-fashioned.
They are from my cousin who lives on an old big farm in the countryside:

- sheep-skin slippers: bought some from the farmer's market for my gran, she loved them and reported less pain from her arthritis, now the whole family wears them and they keep soooo warm
- sheep skin mattress covers: very warm and cosy beneath the bedsheet, again good for the bones (older people), good for children
- alpaca duvets: they somehow regulate the temperature?
- wollen underwear: maybe not that sexy, but makes a huge difference on colder days, especially important to cover the lower back
- wollen socks: same. natural fibres are best, polyester etc is rubbish
- wollen hat: worn around the house at all times.

Natural material seems to be best, synthetic fibres are to be avoided.
any tips for vegans among us 🤣
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I think these basic things like energy should be in the hand of the public. Of course there is going to be other issues, funds mismanagement, etc, but the idea that we'll all be in the hands of shareholders' interests when it comes to our basic needs scares the crap out of me.
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Well, I’ve had it. The dreaded email saying my G&E is going up. 4.5 years ago I was paying £45pm for both - now it’s £115 😤 Still the cheapest tariff so no point in swapping.
Currently praying this mild weather lasts until May next year.
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I'm totally gonna get flamed for this, but why have another child if you are struggling so much?
I'm not going to flame you I just wonder why that is your first thought rather than why two people with good jobs are struggling so much and have already cut spending to the bone.

there could be many reasons why they are having another child, but my first thoughts are why the fuck is it so damn hard for two people who work.
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