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Apart from the name calling, the statement wasn't wrong, especially knowing the pie shop isn't open due to being unhygienic so why publish it as surely people would want to look further into the statement (I would), I think they hadn't thought it through before posting. I really feel for these kids and the level of exposure the have to suffer xx
Has the shop been closed?


VIP Member
Hallie is at school and the other children are all a bit older. There’s 11-13 months between them.

Do you know them? Their tax credits will be based on the previous year. They were living off £50k plus of tax credits. Sue openly stated it previously. It may be that their channel will take off and support them, but they take most holidays, clothes etc as gifts, as then they don’t get income they have to declare. The pie shop used to make the exact income that would give them maximum tax credits for all the children born before 2017. Noel will insure they have steady income before reducing that. I’m not sure why you think he would not, he has a very large family to support and his magic pie shop does not support this lifestyle.
She has said Oscar has ASD on comments and another ADHD. But this would lead to potential extra tax credits which she won’t want discussed. I think you give these scammers way to much credit.
I don’t know them but you seem to think you do?

I know how YouTube works though and they are definitely making a lot of money from it.

As for tax credits there have been a lot of changes in the last few years so I very much doubt they’re getting as much as they used to.
I think it's an awful pic. When you first look at their instagram it looks like she's passed out in a wheelchair. I also remember Tillie didn't want anyone to see her cage when she first had the op and I know she goes online and on youtube, so doubt she'll be happy to see that pic.

As someone else said, I do think it was selfish of Sue to get pregnant again. They were given advance notice of Tillie's op and how long her recovery would be but she still went ahead and got pregnant knowing Tillie was going to be in that leg cage for 9 months. Now her recovery will take longer yet Sue is just focussed on the new baby whereas she could have been giving Tillie all the attention she deserved.
There is no way they would sacrifice having another baby for any thing. Let's face it anyway, it's hardly Sue or Noel that will be doing the bulk of caring, it'll be a few of her sisters.


Chatty Member
I think they’ve had to make budget cuts on health visitors. Mine used to do a home visit when they were two when they should be saying upto 20 words but none of mine did so she would come back 6 months later. My first child was talking by then and my second child got referred for speech therapy which he had until he was 6 as he really did struggle. He didn’t talk until he was 4 but it wasn’t proper speech.

However, leaving it is wrong as my nephews mum refused to let him have speech therapy and then he developed a bad stutter and still had speech problems so they asked for speech therapy for him age 11 and were told it doesn’t work as well at that age and that they should have taken him as a 2.5 year old. He’s an adult now and still has his stammer.
Yeh I wasn’t saying to leave it? A good school or nursery should refer you my daughter was referred at nursery.. I just don’t think it’s fair to say they’re bad parents because there daughter struggles with some words, she speaks a hell of a lot better then my daughter did at 4, I don’t think it makes us bad parents that they can’t talk if I could refer her myself earlier I would a lot of health professionals brush it of and say ‘wait until they go to nursery that’ll bring them on’ which is what I did and by the end of the nursery year she agreed she needed to be referred she couldn’t even say mummy x


VIP Member
It makes me sad to see them posting Tillie online

Yes, I remember Sue’s parents used to have the children when she went into hospital to have the next baby but that support will no longer be available. However, from a SS point of view, as long as there’s no evidence of neglect or abuse, there’s nothing they can do to intervene. And older siblings taking on a caring role is absolutely fine in terms of providing what the younger children need. They might be eligible to be classed as young carers but no action would be taken against the parents in this situation.
The last few times it seems to have been Chloe and possibly Sophie that have been left to deal with everything.
I think the pie business is a pocket money venture now anyway. If they were relying on it there's no way it could have stayed out of operation since October. I also notice on the website that they have no stockists now, there were quite a few independent butchers and other places before.