The pros and cons of protesting.

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My town is organising a 'peaceful' protest this weekend.... I may get slated for this but I personally think that for one, people are bored and it's something to do (lock down etc) and I've never seen anyone else any different in my eyes. Also did any 'white' people start rioting or take to the streets after Lee Rigby etc??? I'm only going this weekend to join a team of veterans who are going to protect our war monuments who are going to stand proud. I'm starting to think the blm protesters are making the divide

My town is organising a 'peaceful' protest this weekend.... I may get slated for this but I personally think that for one, people are bored and it's something to do (lock down etc) and I've never seen anyone else any different in my eyes. Also did any 'white' people start rioting or take to the streets after Lee Rigby etc??? I'm only going this weekend to join a team of veterans who are going to protect our war monuments who are going to stand proud. I'm starting to think the blm protesters are making the divide
Also are Netflix going to remove white chick's the film. Its getting out of hand were is the line
Lee’s mum has actually publicly asked people to stop comparing the two as the family are finding it distressing
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Lee Rigby’s mum released a statement that she strongly disagreed that the two situations are the same. GF was killed by someone in authority - who is meant to protect - not kill. It could have been prevented. Without the uproar that has been caused, the officer would have got away with it, like many others before him.
Lee was sadly murdered by absolute maniacs - who were immediately detained.
Completely different scenarios - but both just awful. She dislikes that people are bringing up her sons name to compare the case - when they are not the same.

Locally to me there have been peaceful, powerful protests - no harm caused at all. They have used the platform correctly, in a positive way and have been commended for it.

There will sadly always be a group of people set to cause trouble - in any situation like this. Important to remember the protests I mention above - not everyone is out to use the opportunity for a negative purpose
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Akala advised peaceful local protests on Sat. Trouble makers will head to bigger cities and it will be splashed all over msm in a bad light. OP, please don't be a vigilante against something so important, rather check with local communities where they need help. If you are considering leaving the house anyway, are against destruction and riots, show up and support the people who need help constructively.
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The protesters definitely are not making the divide. The cause is SO important and I definitely don’t think it’s “something to do”. I’m sure they’d rather be doing pretty much anything over having to protest for basic human rights.

I went to a protest at the weekend and it remained completely peaceful. People socially distanced where possible and if you didn’t have a mask on you were asked to leave. Many of the protests aren’t what the media are showing. There will always be people who take advantage of the situation, they go out to cause violence and riot.. they aren’t actually there to protest at all and shouldn’t be put in the same category.

BLM is finally being heard and talked about. Nobody can stop now. It’s so so important.
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My town is organising a 'peaceful' protest this weekend.... I may get slated for this but I personally think that for one, people are bored and it's something to do (lock down etc) and I've never seen anyone else any different in my eyes. Also did any 'white' people start rioting or take to the streets after Lee Rigby etc??? I'm only going this weekend to join a team of veterans who are going to protect our war monuments who are going to stand proud. I'm starting to think the blm protesters are making the divide

Also are Netflix going to remove white chick's the film. Its getting out of hand were is the line
Out of curiosity where you involved with the veterans prior to this?
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My town is organising a 'peaceful' protest this weekend.... I may get slated for this but I personally think that for one, people are bored and it's something to do (lock down etc) and I've never seen anyone else any different in my eyes. Also did any 'white' people start rioting or take to the streets after Lee Rigby etc??? I'm only going this weekend to join a team of veterans who are going to protect our war monuments who are going to stand proud. I'm starting to think the blm protesters are making the divide

Also are Netflix going to remove white chick's the film. Its getting out of hand were is the line
You’re right people are Bored.

They’re bored of the systematic racism they encounter every day. They are bored of questions like ‘but where are you really from?’ and they’re bored of being at being represented one of two ways in the media (sports stars or criminals). They’re bored that black boys are three times as likely to be expelled from school than white students. When I say ‘they’ I mean people. There are people all colours at these protests and it’s great to see the support from other races finally agreeing that we can’t continue as a society like this much longer.

I disagree that they are causing a divide. They’re making noise the get attention. When the suffragettes protested two women died. That was portably scandalous in their day. Black people have been calmly asking for change for years and it hasn’t got them very far.

Thousands of years of oppression is deep rooted in society still today.They shouldn’t have to ‘get over it’. Europeans and Americans held African men and woman as slaves for hundreds of years. They were then encouraged to come to the U.K. and Once they arrived they were told what jobs they could do. No, don’t be silly not lawyers and doctors. They were given jobs like bus drivers, on the railways or labourers. These same citizens are now beginning to have their citizenship revoked and deported ‘back to where they came from’ despite not being given the correct papers when arriving. (Windrush scandal)
The school system is still against them where as mentioned earlier they are more likely to get expelled. There are very few black leaders in school influencing these decisions.

The line is drawn at representing other races on tv. Even Ant and Dec’s Japanese impersonation has been taken off.
it’s good that you’ve started this discussion as people can only learn through difficult or uncomfortable conversations.

Instead of asking us, have you contacted Netflix to bring up White Chicks?
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My town is organising a 'peaceful' protest this weekend.... I may get slated for this but I personally think that for one, people are bored and it's something to do (lock down etc) and I've never seen anyone else any different in my eyes. Also did any 'white' people start rioting or take to the streets after Lee Rigby etc??? I'm only going this weekend to join a team of veterans who are going to protect our war monuments who are going to stand proud. I'm starting to think the blm protesters are making the divide

Also are Netflix going to remove white chick's the film. Its getting out of hand were is the line
I attended a peaceful protest last weekend. People aren’t just there for a day out. The speakers delivered passionate speeches about life as a POC and everyone was there to listen and pave the way for change. People are tired of racism and there shouldn’t be a place for it in 2020. You couldn’t be more wrong thinking that BLM are creating a divide, all they’re striving for is a world where we live together and they aren’t subjected to all kinds of abuse because of the colour of their skin.
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Sorry and I’m reference to the wind rush scandal

An opposing argument may be: but our schools are free! Education is free! Why didn’t their children take advantage of that?
The school system is still against them where as I mentioned earlier they are more likely to get expelled. There are very few black leaders in school influencing these decisions. Also success comes with many factors. A good cultural capital, community, role models and socioeconomics. underprivileged and black children don’t usually have this. YES there is a little accountability for them as a race to begin to have better role models around and that may also be a good thing to come of this. Akala is becoming a wonderful role model for many black boys to look up to (There are many other but he came to mind as he came from a disadvantaged background and is wonderfully educated and articulate while still being deemed ‘cool’ for teens to relate to)
I’m just trying to highlight that they’re often on the back foot.

If you live in a home with poor living conditions (the link with covid and BAME) then you’re more likely to be sick and miss school. It’s a vicious circle.

people just want these issues out there and for people to understand their position in society more. Maybe you could offer some help to underprivileged teens after you’ve protected statues?
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I agree with peaceful protests and the BLM movement. I will be very sad if any elderly people protecting statues are hurt. I really really hope that doesn't happen.
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I don't see POC, I see Angela, Fred, Jo and Sammy, I don't understand why this is wrong?
Unfortunately that's a very privileged position to be in, by not seeing a person's colour you are ignoring something that's very much a part of them. ✌🏽
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If you are saying that a few violent protesters are causing a divide or are the reason you stop supporting blm then personally I think that says more about your (general your not specific to one person) view on blm and the protests. If you think that they should protest peacefully then you haven't paid any attention to the peaceful protests over the years and the ones that are currently happening. Has anyone mentioned the racist protests directed to those protesting peacefully, a group of men screaming go back to Africa and show us your tits. Or the white man gesturing with a gollywog.

And white chicks is a tit film, but whiteface does not have the same connotations as black face. Contact Netflix or prime, whichever it is on and ask them to remove it.
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If you are saying that a few violent protesters are causing a divide or are the reason you stop supporting blm then personally I think that says more about your (general your not specific to one person) view on blm and the protests. If you think that they should protest peacefully then you haven't paid any attention to the peaceful protests over the years and the ones that are currently happening. Has anyone mentioned the racist protests directed to those protesting peacefully, a group of men screaming go back to Africa and show us your tits. Or the white man gesturing with a gollywog.

And white chicks is a tit film, but whiteface does not have the same connotations as black face. Contact Netflix or prime, whichever it is on and ask them to remove it.
black face is from an outdated era where white people in power wouldn’t hire black actors or dancers so used shoe polish or greasepaint with large exaggerated lips. They characters were often demeaned and represented negatively, like lazy, superstitious or criminal.

white facing doesn’t stem from such racism. But like I’ve said go ahead and petition for it’s removal, it won’t get done through tattle
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I agree with peaceful protests and the BLM movement. I will be very sad if any elderly people protecting statues are hurt. I really really hope that doesn't happen.
So do I, but I can’t help but wonder why BLM protesters would damage a World War Two memorial anyway, or a statue of Abraham Lincoln. In America, they even damaged a statue in honour of black American soldiers.

My town is organising a 'peaceful' protest this weekend.... I may get slated for this but I personally think that for one, people are bored and it's something to do (lock down etc) and I've never seen anyone else any different in my eyes. Also did any 'white' people start rioting or take to the streets after Lee Rigby etc??? I'm only going this weekend to join a team of veterans who are going to protect our war monuments who are going to stand proud. I'm starting to think the blm protesters are making the divide

Also are Netflix going to remove white chick's the film. Its getting out of hand were is the line
Well, I hope you and the others keep safe. However, I can’t say I’m in favour of any protests during a lockdown in the middle of a pandemic.
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I loved this that my son sent me.

Nobody is denying that this movement couldn't happen at a worst time but they can't just let it go when it's already picked up so much momentum! Changes are being seen and hopefully there will be more to come.

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Why am I deemed to be wrong if I treat everybody the same and don't notice what race a person is? Surely that is a good thing?
Thanks for explaining your post. I thought it was sarcastic and demeaning so chose not to respond to it earlier.
It’s not a good thing because the systems, media, schooling police and others in society don’t treat black people the same.

if we all said ‘but I love black people’ which made us feel it’s done and dusted then we wouldn’t get the change we are protesting and hoping for.

if you start saying ‘I treat you the same but I hear you. I understand what you go through on a daily basis and the injustices built into our systems have been built against you so I want to help’ it’s completely different (imo).

By claiming you don’t see colour is dangerous. Black women are 5 times more than likely to die during child birth. If we ignore this research then we can’t move forward as a society in making sure they have the same rights and access to the provisions and resources while people do.

Does that make sense?
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There's a difference in being a decent person and treating someone with respect regardless of their race, then there is of being colour blind. By not seeing someone's colour you are taking away part of their identity, their experiences etc. There's nothing wrong with seeing someone's colour, there's everything wrong with treating someone based on their colour. This article helped me to understand.

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Why am I deemed to be wrong if I treat everybody the same and don't notice what race a person is? Surely that is a good thing?
It is very disingenuous to say you don’t notice a persons race!! You actually don’t notice if a person is black?? Chinese?? Oh sound ridiculous
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Why am I deemed to be wrong if I treat everybody the same and don't notice what race a person is? Surely that is a good thing?
The article @kat.becs posted was informative. If you don’t read the most important point I took from it was

Another reason why this phrase is counterproductive is that it diminishes the unique differences and experiences racial groups face. Each of us is different and by saying that one of the most obvious and conspicuous characteristics about a person is something you ignore is dismissive and trivializing.
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