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She really needs to learn that in order to argue you need to speak clearly, form proper sentences, and don’t reduce yourself to “get a grip” because you don’t have the vocabulary to defend your opinion. That was just a rushed word salad with a few bitchy remarks sprinkled in 🙄🙄
All I see and hear is
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What’s the point of his comments if he deletes what triggered him? There’s no evidence of any comment by @cel_9729 - what did they write?

Chrish’s grammar and punctuation up to par as usual 🤣

‘Dumb ass brokie’? Since they are a (big) family who L 👅 VE to try to show each other up by accusing them of being embarrassed- Sarah, Isabelle & Isla surely must be terminally embarrassed by what this idiot clown writes on public social media.

Bet he was in his manly underwear and stained vest - with his socks on as he wrote his hard ass comments 🤣🤣🤣🤢

OK, OK,OK,OK Chrish!!!! We get it, you are really, really,really,really rich, clever and a savvy business man who is a great entrepreneur with 'all da codes' a trainee pilot, think 'young Hollywood' , you definitely were not born with ginger hair it just started sprouting under your 'male model looky likey' super pow black stunnin' hair do.....

Except your not are you?, not one jot of any the above, your mouthy fishwife picked up her phone one day and started filming HER life, back when she was just a run o' tuh' mill housewife with 3 little gurls, a woman who struggled to get out tuh' bed int' mornin' so your mother had to step in to support her and taxi her around while YOU worked in low paid jobs, that you obviously hated, judging by the way you describe and visualise how 'others' see their careers, you only know about having a 'job' you hate, you obviously know nothing about the joy of navigating a career that is your life's work, that you put everything of yourself in and educate yourself with continuous personal development. Many people achieve this for themselves alongside enjoying their homelife and travel with their families, giving them a sense of purpose, belonging and the family cheer them on and feel proud at their achievements. That's why you see proud parents beaming from ear to ear as their children graduate in their chosen field, send cards and gifts when they get a new job or home or their families expand with wives, husbands and grandchildren. The main difference being that most people let others live their own lives with different likes and interests, differing opinions and friendly debate! Not group think, echo chamber families walking everywhere together. Smothering individuality, you can say you are wealthy, but you are broke in every aspect of your life, you are in denial and/ or are too stupid, ill educated and toxic to understand it!

Many people like to add value to our society, get a sense of accomplishment and personal victory for dedicating our time to others. Climbing the ladder to promotion and better pay, investing over the long term to reap the rewards when the time is right.
This gives independence, self assurance and the ability to sleep at night, knowing you're living within your means and your bills are all paid.

No Chrish, you don't look good, you look like a pathetic mid life crisis, bloated and old looking beyond your years. Thought you were going to the Gym every day in the Noooo house? Thought you were going to live in a 4 mil mansion? , even renting one like that would've given your Dooobye lifestyle more credibility.The truth is you can't do it properly and you can't keep up with your past income from your fish wife's business, that you totally got lucky with by the way!

I, like just you can't begin to understand the phenomenon that your channel was for a couple of years, it's one of the world's great questions.

Now let's answer that pathetic comment you state rich people don't do this or don't do that and it stinks of the poster not having any money and being a brokie☆.......

If you have a limited company that is ACTIVE then you need to put your accounts for all INCOME in to HMRC if you were a full time UK resident for the tax year you are submitting. If it is a dormant company or not, if you have closed this company down then it would be showing as DISOLVED, it is not DISOLVED it is ACTIVE, if disolved then you wouldn't need to file your accounts, if you can prove residence of living out of the country, over a long period of time for the tax year, you may be able to claim non resident status and you are only 6 weeks or so in this tax year, even if you did have your girlie arse sat in the tin can for a few months.

Stop lying to people it's really pathetic, grow up! You scream louder than an air raid siren, that your life is spinning out of control, that you are grasping against the fall from grace, and mainly because you are a nonce and your wife is a shopaholic who wastes all the money you do have buying plastic shit to fill the void in her heart from being insecure, something YOU didn't help by ruining HER channel and cheating on her with fans.
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I started watching the home tour vlog...... but had to switch off, can't even hate watch them now, 1. They're more boring than ever and I didn't think that was humanly possible 2. The lighting the never before, just for the vlog candles with the sickening background music was pretentious and irritating.
3. Then....................... it speaks and says what???????

She looks down the camera and addresses tattle with embellishments from her own pea brain.

Oh how I couldn’t get the remote quick enough, I was just done with them, can't hate watch now and no one couldn’t care fucking less where each one of these lay their greasy heeeds to sleep, or where their arses sit in the air con in a country that is too hot to go out in so all curtains are closed , the fake grass is too hot to walk on. The pool area not in your own well not actually your own is it chrish! garden so you have to drag your babies out in desert heat to get there. The pool isn't covered either it's under blazing sun.

Gobby esmerelda reading disgusting books for her age, totally fucking inappropriate for that book to be in the hands of a 15 year old precocious brat like that. Her smug spotty little face, her irritating poses to camera are truly a fucking site to look at. Her insistence that her tiktok is not edited , but her spots miraculously disappear on that channel but turn up on YouTube in the same time frame....... OK miss bougie keep soaking up them comments and believing your own hype. The cream you slather on your young skin without adequate cleansing is causing your epidermis to get damaged, add to that the sun 🌞 damage on your grade 1 skin type and the money you absolutely waste on all that junk will buy you a face that looks 20 years older than it should and to be fair looking at your Dad genes won't help either. She is the product of being bought up by two thick enabling knobheads and her brain seems to be wired to tiktok.

Also hi saz... yeah I'm calling your kids on tattle, I own that, they are not actually at fault personally, you can take the blame for that. Maybe what's said on here is harsh, even nasty, but what I can tell you is, it's true. The kids are suffering from this charade. You and nonce boi don't parent, you coexist from one stupid decision and waste of money to the next. It's time you stopped listening to HIS lies and wants and needs and you took responsibility for those 6 chuldruns you are supposed to nurture, challenge, support, stretch and DISCIPLINE. You do none of that you Sponge, enable, exploit, ignore, neglect, use, drag them up.
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The number of males looking at Esme and Sarah as they walked past towards the restaurant near the end of the vlog - do they not realise how much they stick out. They are disrespectful and that dress must’ve been so short on her. Must stick out like a sore thumb with a DSLR filming themselves too.
In Monday nights mini vlog there was a man who walked past them both clocked Sarah’s arse and sniggered. He then sauntered past again and did the same. Then, next thing he gets his mates and walks past them sniggering again with both of them 😂
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He has to be joking right?
Oh hi, Chris! You must mean us. Always good when you confirm you love a little Tattle nosey. I guess if your company isn’t used, we won’t see any accounts filed soon then? 🤷🏼‍♀️ What a laugh you give us, pretending you have money when you have literally just filmed a house tour where you have to sleep on a sofa every night 😂
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Rosie Tatler

VIP Member
He has to be joking right?
He is talking complete bollocks , if that company was unused the Accountants would be filing DORMANT company accounts , good job some of us are educated and not as thick as him !

So all your You tube money etc was just going to you as a sole trader or you and Sarah as a partnership? Pull the other one , that would be really shite tax advice ! Or are you stating on SM you didn't declare any earnings ?

You didn't mind getting all that Government assistance loans and furlough payments for the Limited company, did you ?

Cant wait for the HMRC to read your bullshit !

You can’t pretend you have another Limited company that’s secret , it’s all there on Companies House in black and white that it is your only Company , Directorship etc !
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that tiktok meal has to be the worst I have ever seen 🤢🤢🤢 ranch and bbq???

His tit hanging out the side of his vest 😂
He is so saggy! If he is truly forty (lies, you know by now that I will never be convinced this is true) and his life is so easy and stress free with his amazing income and miraculous escape from the matrix, what on earth has caused him to age this significantly over the last six-ish years? What could possibly have happened six years ago that made his body hold onto so much guilt and stress that his face went from looking like a normal mid to late 30s man to a flabby, dried out, jowly old man on the verge of retirement. Anyone have any clues?
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Since my cover has been blown by Lazy I’ve decided to use my own picture. I can confirm that Chrish has offered to hang my curtains but I declined 🤣
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Chatty Member
Is it me or does anyone else find Jace’s. Behaviour in this video extremely weird he’s licking aurora 😱


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As Chrish and Big-Back Saz are so keen now on addressing the issues brought up in Tattle, in their vlogs, I wonder if they'll address these issues at the start of their next one?
1) Why, when your husband was intimate with other women (with evidence) did you set out to vilify the other women?
2) Why, when your husband contacted underage girls for sexual contact (with evidence) did you set out to vilify the girls?
3) Why, when you earn 17squillion pounds a day are you renting a tiny home IN DUBAI where the children have to share rooms, and your eldest has to sleep in a maids room by the kitchen?
4) Why, when you laugh at the clowns on here do you mention the business accounts that you 'no longer use', and not the Ingham Family Limited accounts, which have you both listed as UK residents, and have accounts overdue?
5) Why, when you claim to be residents IN DUBAI, have HMRC have not been notified of this change of residency with regard to your primary business registered?
6) Why, when Chrish is a follower of Andrew Tate, have you not sent your female children to a place of safety away from the toxic masculinity rhetoric he expounds?
7) Why, are such uneducated, ill-informed, loathsome, vile, dishonest, reprehensible, odious, disgusting people still responsible for the health, well being, and upbringing of five children?
We would love to know 😘
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Poor Isla is just a guest in Esmes room at this point.. never felt so sorry for a child. I can never understand how parents can treat a child so differently from the others
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So I did have time to do a quick recap.
I took 5minutes to sit in my garden in lovely 18c weather looking at all my green plants. Are you jealous Inghams while you're stuck inside your air conditioned house, car or mall, or standing in a pool.

Last thread was mainly about Esme's 15th birthday. It was monetised as much as possible across YouTube and Tiktok. Esme had to wait until it had been posted on Youtube by her Creepy father before she could post on her Tiktok for her own fans on there (her words).
Main birthday gifts were iPad (Isla is still waiting for hers from 2 years ago), a £19 desk from IKEA for the room she shares with Isla.
Sarah bought Esme a book aimed at over 18yos described as having graphic sexual content. It's ok though because as a family they are very open about 'that stuff'.
More shopping, more sitting out in the midday sun with young children.
Esme described her ex boyfriend (Atlanta's brother?) as a major ick.
Creepy has private Discord chats. I dread to think what's happening in those.
Sarah ignorantly confused Eid with Ramadan.

There's probs more....
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Top marks for effort though, trying to big up the "cute" cardboard box-like play mat. They actually tried to pan the camera for some sweeping shots of this play area...blink and you'll miss them though - the area is so small that the movement just looked like a bit of camera shake! I'm sorry but a good half minute spent talking about this? Really? 😱

View attachment 3029221

Also the carefully staged candle-lighting and the naff background music, setting the scene with an air of sophistication just screams DESPERATION...IN DUBAI!
Hold on a minute... am I reading the transcript correctly that she thinks they have real marble floors AGAIN?!
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