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Congratulations @Beestripes92

- Sarah has suffered a setback in her pregnancy and will reveal all in the next few days. There has been much speculation on Tattle as to what is wrong; perhaps an induction or elective c-section. Whatever it is forced them to leave their holiday early but Chris made her drive home via Starbucks.
- There was a very very lot of dangerous antics on a boat trip in Devon; Jace was leaning over the side and Esme was riding on the front with nothing stopping her from falling in and being injured by the motor. Chris couldn't care less and left his poor poor pregnant wife alone on shore whilst he took all the kids on the boat.
- The baby's name is still under lock and key.
- Chris has been on a secret mission and we'll find out what it is tomorrow.
- Isabelle finally had her septum pierced.
- Isla was seen wearing winter jumpers in 30+ heat. The set for lifers couldn't afford to buy Mila a Mr Whippy when she dropped hers.
- Chris is still preaching his MLM shite with terrible salesmanship. He seems to be going through some sort of breakdown. He wants to buy a boat and static caravan.
- @Mumoffourgirls has some info about the Inghams but won't spill the tea.

Hi Steve 👋 Are you excited to meet baby Primrose/Poppy/Taylor/Ettie/Elsie/Wynter/Ella?
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I lived with my mum until I was 48 when she died. (I’d lived away from home but moved back when I needed to) I managed to hold down a full time job and split caring duties with another family member. Proud to have done it too knowing that I didn’t claim a penny off the state in carers allowance and also knowing that I didn’t make stupid comments about my mum not fighting hard enough like lazy did.
I was physically and mentally exhausted by the end but I know that I did everything right and in my mums best interests. I wonder if lazy Ingham can say the same? I’ll take the ”insult” of living with parents over the crippling guilt of whether I did enough when I needed to thanks.
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Big frank

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My guess is the buyer of the sprinter has forced him to refund him. They are hyping it up to make it look like a choice so they can cover up the fact they sold him a death trap and were most likely threatened with legal action. Whatever the reason is for buying it back I can guarantee it wasn't a choice.

Edited to add, he took the girls as protection... he knows he won't get a slap with them there.
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Where has @Mumoffourgirls gone …. I am curious as to why she said something about them already having whatever it is Chris collected and that it was inside, then just disappeared and said no more 🤷🏼‍♀️
She didn’t disappear she just had stupid comments made to her! Like I did when I said the van had been stopped in the UK for various safety issues! How I keep what I know to myself as does the girl you mentioned.. ✌🏼
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If my husband told me that he was going to pick up that deattrap again and just manipulate like he did in that vlog. I would have just said: Ok you do that, but don't bother come back home. You are not welcome here anymore.
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Better late than never. Not like I have plans tonight 💃 :rolleyes:. Thank goodness for streaming services.


Lazy has a lot of things going on in her pregnancy. Nothing is wrong with the baby; just her. Where to start? A list of things wrong with her would be one of Isabelle's 600 page books. She’s been worried and has an appointment tomorrow. She doesn’t know the outcome and wants to be open. This vlog may not be appropriate for younger chuldren and some parents may not want to answer questions they have. Lazy is going to talk about ladies problems and things that can happen with ladies, maybe men too in different places. Some people get offended, cringed out or think it’s TMI. Lazy always shares things she thinks is helpful for other people. She feels like it’s ok to talk about problems with your arm but not your vagina. Lazy promises no pictures, videos or gore.

First Lazy has packages to show us. She’s in the nursery with the window open. First package is a second hand £5.50 caboo sling off Vinted as Lazy gave her old one to Katrina. Next is a gift from Lazy’s friend; more clothes. Lazy’s midwife appointment went well this morning.

Lot’s of ifam have been asking which car seat Lazy has gone for. She used Jace’s old car seat for Mila but it’s over 5 years old now. She’s not sure when car seats expire but it’s probably not going to be the safest to use. She’s been doing a lot of research. She went for the Avionaut Pixel Pro 2.0 C after it was recommended to her on Facebook. It’s the lightest weight car seat on the market. Lazy didn’t know whether to order this beige colour or the pink but she’s keeping it. It comes with an awesome wedge for the newborn to sit on. Hiccups. Lazy likes how the car seat has the baby laying back.

Lazy can’t get comfortable anywhere so she’s kneeling in front of the window. She’s been sorting out piles to take to the bathroom. She’s always said it’s been a textbook pregnancy and that’s still true. Her urine this morning was clear with the midwife but she’ll come back to that as she did question it. Her blood pressure is perfect. No concerns whatsoever. Can’t keep eye contact with the camera. She’ll see the midwife again in two weeks at 38 weeks.

Lazy does her own urine test strips for her own reassurance. She inserts a picture of one. The one she took herself this morning indicated a very high LEU (white blood cell count). It makes sense with what she’s going through at the moment. It was the darkest purple. The midwife said it was all clear. After the appointment she went to the toilet in the office and used their pee strips. Again it was the deepest purple you can get. Lazy called as she needed reassurance. She felt bad as she didn’t want to sound like she was accusing them of not doing their job properly. Google says it could cause a stillbirth or premature labour. The midwife explained everything and said their strips were basic. They would only be concerned if it was accompanied by protein or a large amount of blood. Both were clear. They don’t really check the other things; just the important ones.

Lazy had been feeling great until 35 weeks when pregnancy hit her in the face like a brick wall. She has low energy, is completely exhausted and can barely breathe. She feels shattered when she stands up, sweats and has palpitations. She’ll sit down for 10 minutes and set herself another small task. She’s sleeping ok and her hips aren’t hurting anymore. She’s woken up the past couple of nights with shoulder pain. Previously she felt great but now she just feels ok.

This is where the chat gets real. Lazy spoke about it in June at her gynaecology appointment. Long story short; after giving birth to Jace, Lazy noticed an internal vaginal cyst smaller than a marble. She had it checked at a smear test. She can’t sit on things and doesn’t get embarrassed about things like this. She doesn’t get anxious and nervous. Get your smear test booked if you’re due. Lazy didn’t think about the cyst again until she was 9cm dilated with Mila. She told the midwife and a doctor came down to check. Lazy has never been in so much pain as when the doctor was fishing around in her vag. He had huge hands and Lazy told him to get off her. Fucking hell Creepstopher, how many times do you have to be told you're not qualified? Doctor didn’t think it was an issue but told her he’d get a specialist to check her. Lazy was sent up to the ward after the birth with 6/8 hour Mila and six doctors walked in wanting a look up Lazy’s fanny. All six got an eyeful and concluded it was just a cyst. They all quit medicine soon afterwards... Lazy was told to ignore it. Two years pass and Lazy is up the spout again.

June 2023: Lazy has thrush and a cough. It was irritating the cyst and it felt like it was coming down. It’s right at the entrance of the vagina when Lazy opens her legs. GP sent her to gynaecology. He freaked them out so bad as he looked at the nurse for 10 seconds. Creepstopher started to panic. The gynaecologist told the nurse Lazy needed an MRI, and continued to stare at the her. God this is starting to sound like some fucking weird medical romance book. The cyst can’t be removed until after the birth as it can induce labour. A small procedure was done and Lazy was sent on her way with antibiotics.

In the last week, Lazy doesn’t know if it’s Baby Waby pushing down into the pelvis, but it feels like the cyst has ballooned. Lazy feels like she is trying to pass an egg 24/7. It’s the size of a large grape. It’s completely covering the exit of the vagina. It feels like it going to fall out and it half out when she pees. She pushes it back it but it comes out again. Poor poor pregnant (fish)wife had a meltdown a few days ago and wondered how she’s supposed to give birth safely. She’s paranoid about giving birth and a baby surely can’t get past it. Surely a baby would push it out and there would be a chance of rupturing or infection. It overwhelmed her. She called gynaecology and now she needs an examination. Lazy wonders if that is why her infection markers are so high. After doing research she wonders if it’s a prolapse as none of the cyst photos online look like hers. It’s right at 12 o’clock and comes down. Lazy hopes no one is eating dinner whilst watching this. Bit late to be saying that now.

Lazy has a phobia of bleeding out during labour. She always tells Creepstopher to go down to her vagina and tell her what the blood loss is like. She feels suffocated and can’t see what they’re going to tell her tomorrow to make her feel better. The first option is a c-section but she doesn’t want to have to have one due to the epidural and tugging. Lazy doesn’t want to know the baby’s birthdate in advance. She wants it to be spontaneous. She doesn’t want to be unable to drive for six weeks, wants to be able to pick up Jace and Mila when she comes home from hospital, and wants to breastfeed comfortably. She will do it if she needs to but she’s dreading it. She doesn’t see how she can give birth with the blockage. She hasn’t had the MRI yet because Lazy doesn’t want it done whilst pregnant, and there’s no point as no procedure can be done until she’s given birth anyway. She feels like this is a rare case. Comment below if you’ve been through this. She’s hoping to find out what it is tomorrow. The midwife told her not to leave the hospital tomorrow without a delivery plan. It’s baby number six and they need to know what they’re dealing with

Lazy thinks she’s mentioned everything she needed to stay. It’s silly how we have things that are TMI just because it’s to do with your vagina. It’s just another part of your body. My issue is it’s a part of YOUR body and I want to sleep tonight without having nightmares. Lazy isn’t asking us to share out medical issues but wants her children to know it’s ok to talk about things like this. Tomorrow she has an obstetrics appointment and guesses that the gynaecologist will come downstairs and see her. Next week she has a growth scan for Baby Waby. The heat can do one and Lazy can’t wait for cosy frosty mornings. She hopes she helps people in the future. The best thing you can do is speak up. Just like your filthy husband's victims did? Lazy feels like she’s got stuff off her chest. It’s hard to find what her case is online. She’s not got the cyst thing starting with B, she’s sure it’s not.

Lazy hopes we enjoyed this vlog or found it interesting.

End of vlog
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Big frank

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I really do think Chris is having a manic episode... this impulsive purchases and hyped up and aggressive behaviour is a massive red flag for mania.
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The first sentences, so you have to work every day to make money.

So you’re not really escaping the matrix are you. In fact it sounds like a 7 day a week enterprise.

For the last 3 days I’m on my days off. I’ve not had to turn in to work, I’ve not even have to think about it. I can go where I choose and do what I want.

I also earn a guaranteed income at the end of the month, with paid holidays and a pension.

I also give my children privacy and their own life choices.
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But seriously how can she actually sit there with a serious face and say she doesn't know how the babies head will get out past the cyst which is blocking the 'entrance/exit' her words 🤢
Your muff gets bigger Lazy hun, it stretches right up to 10cms, if your current vaginee hole is 1cm and the cyst is filling it, you've got a whole 9cms to play with, which shouldn't be any issue when you consider how dinky dot your babies are!
Such a fucking drama queen, even if it is a prolapse you can birth with one. She literally called herself 'a special case', yes , yes you are!
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Creepy was manically laughing the other day about how the ‘haters’ are obsessed with knowing what he is doing day in day out.

I’ll admit that I am.

It’s the watching the Jeremy Kyle show, I’m fascinated by the frankly obscure life choices, irresponsible decisions, blatant disregard for the care and education of the children…. you just can’t look away for the sheer horror of it all!

We aren’t fans, we just don’t want to miss any of the build up to the crescendo of chaos and the final hurrah that will be the end to the Minghams.

We will all hold each other and weep just like creepy does at the Disney fireworks. 🎆 🎇 🧨
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Unless he has suddenly borrowed Hermione Granger’s Undetectable Extension Charm and made the inside of that DPD van bigger there’s no way in hell he’s going to fit 7 people plus a newborn in there. They could barely fit the 7 of them last time. Jesus. He’s an absolute imbecile.
Maybe Izzy will grow a backbone and go live her own life.

I can’t imagine any other 18 year old that wants to sit about all day rearranging their books and babysitting so their mother can go shopping for more shite. But then again I don’t know any parent that would be happy that their child sits about and wastes years of their young life doing nothing.
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Big frank

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The sheer amount of manipulation in that video was genuinely worrying. What's also really scary is that he used Esme to assist him manipulate Lazy. I could see discomfort in Lazys face when she was talking about it. She's not the least bit on board with it. He also exploited Isla for her reaction. That entire video was a deep dive into the level of control and coercion that Creepy has over his family. Its really fucking disturbing!
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I saw this and had to do a double take that this wasn’t the Grand Staircase of The Manor!
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Didn't Lazy agree to creepy having another baby on the condition he sells the van? He planned this all along, he’s so controlling and nasty, no matter how many times lazy says no to going away in the van I can guarantee they will be back in the artic circle
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Victim or not she's just as bad if not worse than he is.

She choose to stay with him putting her children specially Izzy in a vunrable situation and not only that but brought 3 more innocent lives into it afterwards.

Sorry any abuse victim staying and having more kids with a pedalo looses my sympathy
But that’s how coercive abuse works. Want to know how I know? Personal experience
I really dislike Sarah Ingham for multiple reasons BUT I cannot say it’s ok for her to be emotionally abused by her husband anymore than I would say it would be ok for someone to be raped because I don’t like them. I would’ve been devastated if someone who didn’t like me had said I asked for it or deserved it because I didn’t get out quicker. Abuse is abuse and we, as a society really need to be better at recognising it based on what it is and not who is victim to it and whether they’re worthy of empathy
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