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Active member
The old shows were refreshing and got me interested in the Dis in the first place. They weren't overly positive like DFB or overly negative like WDWNT. It seemed like they had pretty balanced takes on the parks at a time when everyone is an extremist on one end or the other.

The new DVC show/panel is just a sales show. I'm sure Paul thought he'd be able to turn Craig today after the other salespeople said things like "I've only ever told one person DVC wasn't right for them, and they bought anyway!" Kind of funny to see Craig say no lol.
@The Mando is it true Pete switched sponsors to be able to give you the Moving to Orlando business because the broker for the current sponsor, DVC Rental/Resale Market, was willing to be the broker for MTO? I always figured that was another way for Pete to keep you close by making you a business partner.
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I really liked JL and she was very easy on the eyes which can't be said for the vast majority of the women on the show. She seemed like the only person that ever pushed back on Pete publicly but if I'm not remembering someone else doing it I apologize. I think it was in the aftermath of Blackfish where Pete kept defending Sea World and she was having none of it and not letting Pete just rant without rebuke. I think it was pretty soon after that she was done.
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Active member
This is what happens when the entire panel is employed by the sponsor of the show. Of course they are gonna sell, sell, sell....

Oh and they are all local, which baffles me how they don't have anyone on the panels from outside of FL considering it is generally used for WDW travel by people who don't live 20 min from the park...its just a mess much like the rest of the podcasts that are all done from the prism of someone who lives 20 mins away and doesn't include any knowledge/feedback from those who travel to WDW with DVC...
I agree with all of this. This is also my general opinion of the Dis too. I wish they would focus more on connecting with their audience.
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Active member
Is selling DIS boards/ the DIS solely Pete's decision? It seems like it would be such a smart move right now.
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VIP Member
A lot of these issues would be solved if they had an automatic quoting system on their site but that is above Corey's knowledge so thus they stay stagnate.
😲 what does Corey have to do with Pete’s financial investment in Dreams Unlimited Travel?
This is news to me.

I thought Corey was a graphic designer who does all the media stuff related to Dis Unplugged exclusively.
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VIP Member
So he was running around buying Gucci and jewelry and parading his labels and he can’t pay his debts? Maybe he needs to sell some DVC since it is such a great investment. Has mommy been bailing him out his entire life? Has he just never grown up and learned to be a decent and responsible adult? He gets more and more disgusting by the minute.
This is interesting. From very early on, Pete always struck me as a guy who didn't have much polish or sophistication, but worked hard to at least visually project the image. From the way he presents himself, down to the weird "grandma's kitchen" studio space, things just didn't mesh. To be honest, I told my wife I thought he had travel related businesses in order to live the lifestyle on the company's dime. Expense everything and be the Florida version of Robin Leach. Maybe I wasn't too far off. I wonder how many D&G shirts and Gucci loafers MOT or Dreams Unlimited paid for. Even a couple thousand DVC points could be paid for by Dreams Unlimited and pitched to the IRS as business related marketing expenses.
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Chatty Member
Do you think representatives from Disney and or Universal read this thread and are evaluating their partnership with this company, knowing what’s going on behind the scenes?
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Well-known member
What's funny about working for Disney is, IMHO, it really depends on where you get cast.

I moved down here to Orlando in '98 after graduating from college and within a week of moving, applied to Disney, passed the phone interview they did at the time (not sure if they still do that), got an in-person interview with my "casting agent" and got hired.

He hired me off the street into a Guest Services role (which I later learned rarely happens bc you have to know so much about Disney for this role) and gave me pick of Caribbean Beach, the Contemporary, or the Beach Club to work at. I let him pick. He picked Beach Club.

So I ended up at the Beach Club and would also get put over at the Yacht Club frequently... doing dining reservations (then called "priority seating")...selling park tickets...answering questions...sprinkling "pixie dust" and all that blah blah. I also met a slew of celebrities, musicians, sports stars, etc. and sought out and / or did mundane things for them (I'm not a big "celebrity" person so it was cool and I can rattle off names if anyone cares, but I never went bonkers over it)

I made $6.35/hr. plus benefits as a FT employee. (which wasn't my lowest pay; I made $4.25/hr. working at McD's when I was 16 back in 1992 and $4.75/hr when I was bumped to FT Swing Manager at 18 ... 🤣 and I'm sure others on here can share even lower rates)

I'm not sure if any of you have been backstage at the hotels but the Yacht and Beach had / has a HUGE backstage area with a gigantic restrooms, an entire wardrobe / costume area, and even a cafeteria to eat at which was, in essence, the breakroom (there were also multiple smaller rooms you could go in).

You could order burgers, different sandwiches, fries, etc. at the cafeteria and there were TVs, booths, tables, etc., and such, refrigerators if you needed to store your lunch from home, etc. Prices were steep, IMHO but the food was made-to-order by a short-order cook right in front of you and it was super tasty.

When Cirque du Soleil first came out, I learned the *new* to the Y&B computer system super fast that they were using to issue tickets off of and it was the same system they used routinely at the Swan and Dolphin just for regular park tickets (the hard tickets were issued differently when people purchased them from Guest Services at the Y&B).

So my management (who also managed the Disney Reps at the Swan and Dolphin) sent me over to the Swan and Dolphin to work as a Disney Rep from time to time. Which was basically just a person who guests bought park tickets off of who were staying at the Swan and Dolphin, answered questions about Disney, etc.

When at the Swan and Dolphin, you got to go for an absolutely FREE lunch on your lunch break down in the employee area of the Dolphin which ALSO had a huge ass cafeteria, booths, TVs, etc. and you'd just go through the line and take whatever the hell you wanted!

A lot of it was surplus food from conventions they were doing. I remember one lunch I had a friggin STEAK with baked potato, veg, salad, etc. and huge slice of chocolate cake - all free.

Night and day from your experience.

So, TL;DR... I think one's experience at Disney really depends on where they're cast. It's pretty interesting to me, in that regard.
Who were the celebrities that you got to meet?
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Chatty Member
Pete recently questioned what’s happening with MTO to the owners and I know Pete only looks into his side money when he’s short on cash and needs it quick and if he’s hitting MTO up, then it’s gotta be something big cause that’s pretty far down his up line. Didn’t take long to put the pieces together.
Ooof that is a rather larger Amex bill :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
To sum it up. American Express National Bank is suing Dreams (Pete) for around 866k for an Amex balance.
This! Yikes!!!
Molly from Allears. People LOVE her for some reason, when she split off to do here own thing that entire fanbase followed.

Personally, not really a fan. I don't actively dislike her, but her sense of humor doesn't vibe with me.

The reason people bring up Craig is because he's friends with Molly, I think.

Gotcha, thank you.


Well-known member
The old shows were refreshing and got me interested in the Dis in the first place. They weren't overly positive like DFB or overly negative like WDWNT. It seemed like they had pretty balanced takes on the parks at a time when everyone is an extremist on one end or the other.

The new DVC show/panel is just a sales show. I'm sure Paul thought he'd be able to turn Craig today after the other salespeople said things like "I've only ever told one person DVC wasn't right for them, and they bought anyway!" Kind of funny to see Craig say no lol.
Are you serious about Craig? His signature line he says all the time is "I'm one of the rare people who do or do not like this thing."


Active member
i know Sean and Dustin are here and posting, but who are "jafar" and "rufiosghost"?? Are they also former members of the disunplugged team? Sorry just trying to get this all straight!!

thank you!
I would love to know as well but my crash course reading the now 5 threads has never revealed.


Chatty Member
I have heard that Charles had a shady past. Did he actually serve prison time? I never heard any details.