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I’d like to flesh out my story a little bit and give even more context. I ultimately decided to share here because I felt the overwhelming majority of folks are simply looking for the truth. While I see some judgement and criticism, I understand that when people are in the public eye, I know that’s part of the deal. We can’t grow without constructive criticism.

I know that I’m by no means %100 innocent in anything that happens in my life. I’m not a passenger or some audience member watching my life happen around me. I’m an active participant. I’ll happily take responsibility for any actions that may have led me to make poor decisions. But we also need to find a common ground of what constitutes predatory behavior.

What is taking advantage of? What is inappropriate for an employer to do with an employee? There’s such subtlety in our society when it comes to these things. Movements like MeToo are trying to break walls down and define what’s right and wrong.

I’m simply hoping to find some definitive personal boundaries in MY story. I’m hoping to share my perspective of what I went through and what I deem appropriate for my life. Your mileage may vary and I don’t intend to fight back with you about those things. Let’s get started…

I’m sad to say that I too can look back on these years and realize I was never in love with Pete. I knew even then I was not attracted to him. I had never been attracted to men anyways. Some of you may wonder what my sexuality is. I’ll be open about it. I’ve always identified as a straight man.

After finding myself in a relationship with Pete, it was undeniable to me that I must be somewhere else in the broad spectrum of sexuality. I’m not on the 100% side of being completely straight. Maybe 90%? I don’t even really identify as Bi. I don’t ever really find other men attractive and I’m very happily married to my amazing wife. All I know is that this moment in my life happened and I have no intentions of denying it. Do with that what you will.

I was also not in it for the money or the travel or the opportunities. Those things were great at the beginning. But they were not why I stayed. Looking back, I realize I was paid enough to pay rent and have a decent apartment with decent things. And Pete did pay for nice dinners, travel, and fun electronics. However, most of it was work related and like I said before, the cathartic selling of all of it at my local pawn shop proved to me that those things only ever tied me down.

So why did this relationship ever start? I’m not attracted to men. I’m not money hungry. What happened? I was vulnerable, young, naïve, and at the time a chronic people pleaser. Let’s rewind a few months before I moved to Florida in the summer of 2011.

It’s April 2011 and I’m at an emotional high. My college, VCU, has just made history by going to the Final Four in the NCAA championships. I’m a senior about to graduate from the film program and I have a great group of friends. One of my good friends devised a way for me and him to move in together in Orlando with the goal being to work full-time at Walt Disney World. Then just before graduation, I get a phone call.

My best friend from childhood (we were born 10 days apart and inseparable from then on) had just died in a house fire, alongside his newlywed wife and their poor little cat. I was devastated and depressed to say the least. I had lost a brother. We had gone to different schools, so we grew apart over the course of those 4 years or so. I didn’t get to say goodbye. I went from absolute high to basically rock bottom.

I graduated and me and my other friend still planned on living in Orlando together. That plan was in motion. But now it has become an escape. I escaped Virginia and all the pain that was there. Sadly, I also left everyone there without me. Looking back, I wonder how many of them wanted me to stay or needed me.

I started working full-time at Disney. I was enjoying my job there at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. I was dating here and there. Life was seemingly better. One of the things I did to distract myself was listen to the DISUnplugged. I had been listening since basically the beginning. I always thought to myself that the show could easily be made into a video show. I saw that things were going in that direction for other podcasts. I also felt they could use an upgrade in their video presence in general. Ride throughs, media events, etc..

I listened out for any opportunities where the team was doing meets in the parks and I eventually met several members of the team. Eventually I connected with Corey and he hired me to do a freelance video of the Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party in the Fall of 2011. This was all intentional. I made myself known to the team and I was eager to help their website. I wanted to be a part of the team. I wanted them to be my friends.

The first time I ever met Pete in person was at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter DISApalooza in December 2011. He was smoking a cigarette in the smoking section. I joined him and talked to him about the video I shot for them. It was a short conversation that apparently he has no recollection of. But nonetheless I think this helped put me on his radar.

This all led up to the Disney Fantasy media sailing. This was meant to be my tryout. If I nailed this, there was the idea that I’d get a full-time position with the DIS. It was a success and I was offered a full-time position as their Director of Video and New Media. I cannot remember exact numbers but my starting salary was somewhere in the $30,000s. By the way, this was actually an upgrade from Walt Disney World.

At the start, I was working from my own home like anyone else in the company would. I had invested in setting up my own little office area. I was covering media events and special parties. But then came time to start working on the video show. This involved working out of Pete’s home for a large amount of time. I was installing equipment in the studio (two bedrooms with the wall knocked out), going on shopping trips at Best-Buy and Sam Ash, and working on the floor plan. I had set up shop kind of temporarily there and most of my days were spent there.

Around this same time. Pete’ personal friend from back in New Jersey, Kevin (a different one) had reappeared in his life. I remember the two of them having private conversations like they were two teenagers in high school. Sometimes giggling, sometimes Kevin reassuring Pete while he was crying. I wasn’t allowed in the office during those times. Those were private moments.

Then one day during all of this, I get called into the office. Pete comes clean to me about how he has feelings for me. I assume spending all that time together at his house sped this process up. We got along great when there was no external pressure. I thought to myself at times that I was working for a really funny person who understood my passions and we had a great collaborative relationship.

So when he told me, he asked if that would be an issue for me. I said no. Again I had this great working relationship and I foolishly thought I could work around the knowledge of my boss having a crush on me. I say “crush” cause that’s what it felt like. He and Kevin going off and giggling or gossiping. Kevin pulled me to the side and tried to give me advice. I now know that this was all a manipulation. I’m confident he sent Kevin to talk to me, become my friend, get information about how I really felt. It was all very high school-esque.

I was somehow able to manage to keep things separated for a few months. By October 2012, we were off to London and Paris for a private Adventures by Disney tour hosted by Dreams Unlimited Travel. Of course, during this adventure we were sharing a room the whole time, to help reduce the costs and occupancy of the trip. This had happened before during some hotel reviews and I was never fully comfortable with it, especially after he had told me he had feelings for me.

So just to push pause for a second. I want you to remember that I’m very vulnerable. I’ve lost my best friend and I’m desperately trying to find a new friend, a new group, a new family here in Orlando. I find a person who’s great to work with, our personalities mesh pretty well, and we’re having fun. He tells me he has feelings, but I don’t want to lose the friendship and I don’t want to lose the job. I’ve made it very clear that I don’t have feelings, but I’m willing to put up with the awkwardness to continue doing my dream. Right now, the happiness to misery ratio is probably 85 happy to 15 miserable (on the sliding scale.)

We’re in London. Almost immediately into this trip, he uses a brand new phrase: “Emotional Relationship.” I find the timing interesting. He was OK existing as is back at home. The minute we're overseas, far from home, he has a conversation with me TELLING me that we’re not friends. How could we be? The way we work together and the laughter and fun. He TELLS me this is an emotional relationship. There’s no physical touch, but this definitely isn’t a friendship.

I’m secluded. I can’t drive home. I have to go to the same hotel room every night with this man for 2 weeks. I have no escape. Then he brings up this new development to the relationship. I push back at every instance. He cries and misses out on several parts of the adventure. I have to cover for him by the way; coming up with excuses for his absence (this became a recurring theme that even Sean has pointed out.)

At some point in the trip, during one of our multiple hours-long late-night conversations… I cave. I admit that logically I can see that this is more than just a friendship. There’s something special here. Never in my heart did I think it was romantic. But he latches on to my acknowledgement like I’ve never seen before.

All of a sudden, the trip wasn't so bad. Nothing has changed internally for me really. I’m able to enjoy myself. I feel like I acknowledged his feelings after very long intensive grill sessions… and we can move on.

On one of the nights, we were in London, I was asleep in my bed. There were two full/queen beds during this trip (thank God.) Pete had gotten pretty upset with me. I was late for a podcast recording in London. Everything ultimately went fine, but I had gotten held up at the London Eye with John and Kevin and the rest of the group. That experience was on our Itinerary, and I still don’t fully understand why he was upset that day. Pete went to bed upset and I went to sleep pretty tipsy (after hours of deep conversation and telling me why and how I can be better.) I woke up groggy to this man on his knees, next to my bed, reaching under my sheets and touching me inappropriately.

I didn’t know what to do, so I pretended to be asleep, shake him off me, and roll over into the opposite direction. I was now wide awake in the bed, pretending to be asleep. I think realized he almost got caught. He went back to his bed. I never mentioned this encounter to him ever again.

What should have I done? Confront him right there? Yes. I know that now. I’ve had over 10 years to relive this moment. This moment set the stage for how I approached the next 3 years. That sliding scale of misery I mentioned earlier… we’re sliding now. Sliding further and further down.

Initially I had shame. Shame that a man had touched me. Forgive me, but I grew up in a society where it was taboo to be gay even though I never felt that way personally. On top of that, I never identified as gay or even curious. Who could I tell? If I told anyone, they’d tell me what I was doing was wrong, they’d tell me to give up my entire dream or they might kill this man .

The shame, guilt, and the desire to hide this friendship/emotional relationship/relationship was what fueled everything. I couldn’t tell my family. Strike #1. Pete used my shame to guilt me further and further down the path of a relationship. He might say things like “How could I have let things like this happen if I wasn’t into it?” So that’s Strike #2. My friends and co-workers knew parts of it but I was hiding most of it. The balancing act that built for another 3 years eventually tipped that misery scale to 100% into the opposite direction.

This is just the beginning. This is the "why." This is only less than a year into working at the DIS. I’m leading a double/triple life. I’m lying to friends and family and pleasing the one person who gave me the ultimate piece of bait dangling from the hook. He could be my real friend. Something I had so recently lost.

The next few years played out on screen for a lot of people. After reading this, I challenge you to go back and watch my smile being forced through my teeth. I’ll continue the story. There’s so much more to dive into. It doesn’t end here.
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The Mando

Well-known member
Just want to state this for the record.

I have every right to be here. I have every right to express my opinions on a topic I find interesting and that I am passionate about.

I do not appreciate the gang-up type mentality I am seeing here. I do not appreciate not being taken seriously.

Pete has been apart of all of our lives, some of us more intimately, some of us from a business perspective, and some of us just as viewers. I have a right to speak here.
I think you’re trolling but I do think everyone has the right to their own opinion. They have the right to question us and the right to not believe us and they have the right to voice that view.

Speaking as one of the sources of the situation I can only sum up my account. And I get that being an escort can change people views on my side of things. That said, Pete and I entered specific agreements for transactions. I knew what to expect and he knew what to pay. When things shifted and I was brought on and working for him, I was given money in exchange for work, like any other job. This came with strings attached that I wasn’t aware of, which was a ‘relationship’ - that was essentially baby sitting.

Most of it didn’t even occur when I was at home. It was usually when he had me somewhere outside of Florida and it was where I had very little options of where I could go to remove myself from the situation.

I actually didn’t realize the situation until I read Dustin’s account and was like, wow this is crazy and then realized it was a very similar story to mine. I had just become numb to the whole ordeal. And I think I blacked out a lot of the memories anyway.

On the off chance you aren’t a troll - I also do not feel sympathy for you. You don’t like getting ‘ganged up on’ for your opinion?…..I got to read thousands of posts ragging on everything my weight to my opinions.

If I can take it in stride, so can you. You’ll live.
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I’d like to say thank you to everyone for all the well wishes. Sorry I haven’t been as active in here. Obviously it’s been a very busy couple days on here. Plus I’ve been quite busy at home. It means so much to see a group of people read our stories and show compassion and understanding. In the next several days (after I have some time away from work) I plan on adding to my story. I’ll try my best to answer more questions as well too. Thanks again everyone!
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Hi everyone!

I just wanna say I really appreciate the vast majority of people on here who can recognize the subtle nuances of me and Sean’s stories. It really means a lot that you’re all standing with us! I’ve been super busy with work, but keeping up on this conversation.

I’ll address a few things really quickly. I never came in here looking for any action other than telling my story and helping others. After me putting the story out there… I understand that it will take a life if its own.

Also I want to make it very clear. In my particular case… the rest of the crew had no idea what was happening. They tried their absolute best to be my friends during the time. But I was hiding the truth from them. So they were only working off of the information presented to them.

I’m not even positive Pete fully understands what he did/does. Hopefully, when he reads this, he will see it in a different light. But in truth, he lives in his own narrative, and that is doubtful to happen.

I plan on writing part 3 and 4 this weekend and I so look forward to it! I’ve been digging through my work/travel history while I was there. I uncovered trips that I completely forgot I took! For example I completely blacked out that I went on an ABD to Arizona/Utah.

After doing the math I realized that during my whole time there…AT LEAST 1 week out of every month on average was spent traveling with Pete. It just hits home for me that his ideal scenario is escaping away from home/reality and pulling power moves in a hotel room. And it’s no wonder why I’ve blacked some of this out of my memory.

I’ll do my best to be active! But again, thanks to everyone who has been so supportive. Can’t wait to drop the next portions of my story!

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So here we are. Part 2 of the grand story of Dustin working at The DIS and the tumultuous road we all walked down. This story all leads to the “Destination Disneyland” or “Beyond the Parks” portion of our adventure. A trip where, I, Pete, Craig, and Shaun Thompson traveled to Aulani in Hawaii, took an Alaskan cruise on the Disney Wonder, and ended up on the Backstage Magic ADB in Southern California and Disneyland.

I will admit. The trauma of the whole situation has made my memory of the whole and complete 3.5 years a little foggy. The details, however, are very clear. I’ve taken the time to put together a timeline of the major projects, travel, and events that were going on so I can piece together my thoughts. I don’t know if anyone else has gone through a trauma like this, but your brain is pretty good at glossing stuff over to protect you. Once I’ve been able to unlock the timeline (by meticulously going through email, texts, YouTube videos, etc.) the story unfolds. I’ll share the timeline for Part 2 with you now so you can follow along.

November 2012
  • Boardwalk Resort Hotel Review
  • Took a trip home to VA
December 2012
  • New Fantasyland Media Event
  • Podcast Cruise 4.0 on the Disney Fantasy
  • Took a trip home to VA for Christmas
January 2012
  • New Years Eve at Beach Club / Epcot
  • Filmed 7 Resorts in 7 Days
  • 02/05/13 – First Live Video Show
March 2013
  • Flower and Garden Intensive Coverage
  • My Brother and Sister-in-Law visit Orlando
April 2013
  • “DIS Team Goes West” Disneyland trip / “Memories of” series
  • New Jersey DIS Meet
May 2013
  • Took a trip to Richmond VA with Pete (He relapsed on alcohol)
  • Disney Beyond the Parks - Aulani / Alaska Cruise Disney Wonder / Backstage Magic ABD
What I’ve laid out for you here is pretty typical for the early years of me being there and the video show. I’m covering 7 months and already I notice that I either traveled away from Orlando or did an on-site hotel review at least 10 times. Throughout those 3.5 years there were other personal trips and random cruise that aren’t even accounted for. Basically, at least once, if not twice a month, I was gone from my home for at least a week. Why I bothered signing leases and paying rent I’ll never know. When you consider the rest of the time was spent at Pete’s house / office.

I’m just going to go chronologically. Some of these events were juicier than others. I’ll do my best to recall every detail I can. Let’s take it one month at a time, shall we?

November 2012
  • Boardwalk Resort Hotel Review
  • Took a trip home to VA
I have very little recollection at all of the Boardwalk review. I’ve put this here because I see that we did a show based on it. I don’t believe anything major happened during that review. I do however remember my trip back home to Virginia.

Every now and then I could convince Pete to agree that I had a life… That I needed to go home and see my family and friends. This particular instance I went back home to my hometown of Lynchburg, VA. I remember having to constantly come up with the excuse of “having to go for a walk” at least 3 times a day so I could go have an hour-long conversation with Pete on the Phone. Sometimes my parents, family, or friends were just twiddling their thumbs waiting for me to return and he was just talking to me about the inanest details of his life. He refused to let me off the phone without throwing a major hissy fit.

So right then and there a major part of my time is balancing my family and friends at home with phone conversations with Pete. Ugh. But one night on this trip I decided to go out with a few friends to some local bars. We had quite a good time. All of a sudden, I have a few girls from my high school who kind of see me in a new light. I end up making out with a few of them at the bars. It’s crazy. Part of this is mental retaliation on my part. “I have to prove that I’m straight!” The other part is just pure release. I put my phone on silent and I had one hell of a night.

I woke up the next morning to a bunch of missed calls, emails, and texts. I believe I admitted to Pete to going out with friends and getting drunk, but never to making out with women. If Pete is reading this right now it will be the first time he realizes that (whenever that may happen.) This was 100% me acting out on confusion. I look back now and realize this was an escape as well. I needed to ground myself in friends, family, and what I know to be true about myself. It was also a way for me to just have fun. Something I hadn’t done in months.

December 2012
  • New Fantasyland Media Event
  • Podcast Cruise 4.0 on the Disney Fantasy
  • Took a trip home to VA for Christmas
I remember the New Fantasyland Media event being incredibly stressful. There was soooo much to cover and only a little time. We were so concerned about our competition at the time. I remember thinking that Ricky Brigante was going to go out to his car and upload his videos. The amount of stress put on us to be the first (not the best) was intense. I do, however, remember having a great time with Corey at this event.

The build up to Podcast Cruise 4.0 on the Fantasy was intense. The live show was going to tease our new video podcast releasing in February. We put in a lot of work leading up to this and a lot was on the line. Me a Pete worked really hard to make those teasers and live shows really good. I’ve watched them recently and recognize that we could’ve done so much better. But there was a lot of personal drama going on. So, only so much energy can be put into certain things.

I cannot remember the details. But I believe I distinctly remember that on Podcast Cruise 4.0 I had my own State Room. For appearances only. I, however, was required to stay in whatever presidential suite Pete had booked. I always felt bad for the State Room Attendant who had my room. He probably thought I was a serial killer or something because I was never there, and he never had to clean. I did personally leave him a tip in case you were wondering. I don’t remember anything overly terrible happening on Podcast Cruise 4.0. Other than just my general state of being of course.

Let’s remember that with every passing day. I’m being guilted further and further into a deeper relationship with a man that I’m not attracted to and don’t really like anymore. Honestly, It’s all the little (not little) things that add up. Getting jealous if I talk to my friends or family. Pushing a wedge between me and my good friend who was also my roommate. Taking all my free time, alone time, at home time. I’m slowly losing my sense of self and becoming a servant of the betterment of Pete.

The last note in December is that I took a trip home for Christmas. Based on pictures, I know for a fact that I did. Sadly, I have no recollection of this trip. I don’t know, I was probably drunk on Christmas morning, however. We’ll notice a trend through all of this that from the very beginning my drinking started getting heavier and heavier with each passing month. I’ve never gotten to the point where I think I have a serious problem. But it is a coping mechanism. I gained weight and drank more heavily toward the end of it. I like to think now that I drink for fun, not for need.

January 2012
  • New Years Eve at Beach Club / Epcot
  • Filmed 7 Resorts in 7 Days
I remember at the New Years event in Epcot, I was miserable. We did a show on it and he raved about how it was the best experience ever! But we spent that whole time fighting about Me not committing, not coming out, and spending too much time with friends and family.

That argument continued into the filming of the first 7 in 7. I remember that being so miserable. At one point he got angry at me for shaving my beard. I even told him it was an accident. I had set the guard on my clippers too low and he legit got mad at me. Just the little stuff. The little arguments that ultimately tied into the bigger picture stuff. I think He was constantly paranoid that I didn’t want to be with him. And he was right! The problem was he would then go on to have never-ending night-long conversations convincing me why I should be his boyfriend/lover/soul mate.

  • 02/05/13 – First Live Video Show
I actually look back fondly on the beginning of the live video shows. Those were really fun. It was my hard work coming to life. They weren’t perfect. But no one else at that time could’ve done it the way we did.

March 2013

  • Flower and Garden Intensive Coverage
  • My Brother and Sister-in-Law visit Orlando
March was quiet as well. We spent a lot of time at Flower and Garden festival at Epcot. It was the major focus cause it changed so much that year. Another personal note is that my brother and sister-in-Law visited me and my friend and we had such a good time going to a concert downtown in Orlando.

April 2013
  • “DIS Team Goes West” Disneyland trip / “Memories of” series
  • New Jersey DIS Meet
This is where my long term / bigger picture memory problem becomes a real problem. You could’ve told me that my “Memories of Disneyland” and other videos were part of the big Beyond the Parks trip and I would’ve believed you. I’m telling you; I’ve been on so many random cruises and trips to Disneyland, I can’t even keep track now. I’m not saying that to sound cool. I’m trying to convey the intensity and instability of my day-to-day life at that time. So needless to say, I remember filming those videos, but I have no real recollection of that trip in general.

I believe the New Jersey DIS Meet to raise money for Give Kids The World may have been one of the first times people probably started speculating about me a Pete having a relationship. We were sharing a room, and that trend continued. Otherwise, nothing major happened that I can recall.

May 2013
  • Took a trip to Richmond VA with Pete (He relapsed on alcohol)
  • Disney Beyond the Parks - Aulani / Alaska Cruise Disney Wonder / Backstage Magic ABD
At some point in early May of 2013, Me and Pete took a trip to Richmond, VA. I don’t remember why, but I have proof of it in my photos. If I remember correctly, He wanted to try to connect with my friends. Me spending time with my friends was always a sore spot for him. I think he just has no one. And I have so many people who love me. It’s jealousy and envy. But it was also him trying his best to realize that I was not willing to cut them out of my life (though he wished I would.)

I know that one night, in the hotel we were staying in, he freakin’ cleared out the mini bar. I woke up to him drunk off his ass crying. Sipping on little airplane bottles lying on the floor next to the bed. The next day he seemed to be filled with guilt for drinking after however many years it had been. We got lunch and tried to talk about it. Honestly, and I wish I could say differently, but at that point, in my heart of hearts, I truly didn’t care.

I talked to him and tried to convince him that it was a one-time thing. He could get back on the horse and just continue life. But this moment led to basically a whole year of drinking and smoking weed heavily. IT was not pleasant. I don’t know if any of you have dealt with an active addict using, but it’s not fun. I became a babysitter.

Aulani. This was my first time flying literally “overseas” even though it’s America. We get there and the first few days are filled with capturing Aulani on film and preparing for our live show. It’s an intense couple days with me, Pete, Craig, and Shaun. We eventually take a break from all the intensive shooting and went to this absolutely incredible bar across the street called Monkey Pod. I still would love it and feel nostalgic. We had a blast. And I got Insanely drunk probably due to all my current situations in my life but also because we just had an insane couple days of shooting.

I’ll never forget, in the middle of the night, I wake up this man performing oral sex on me. Up to this point we had acknowledged the “Emotional Relationship.” Nothing physical (with the exception of the big bomb drop in London from part 1) had ever happened. The other guys on the team knew it was a complicated relationship. But nothing was ever explicitly said to them or between me and Pete. I did not want this, expect this, or ask for this. I remember him saying something to the affect of “You’re hard, let me just make you feel good.”

This time, out of fear of repercussion, I agreed in my drunken state. I just wanted to go back to bed and not be in an argument. When I woke up, I remember feeling like my life had changed. Things were different now. I had a morning cigarette with Pete and I was scared to even talk or acknowledge what happened. He did a lot of work on me telling me that it was good that it finally happened.

We went on a wilderness adventure that day in Hawaii and I might as well have been on a different planet. My thoughts and feelings had left my body and brain. I was gone. I felt violated. But I had to push through because yet again, he had chosen the beginning of a 3-week trip in isolation to make his move. I had nowhere to go, did I? looking back I should’ve gotten on the next plane home. But I continued what turned out to be the most up and down trip we ever covered.

Hawaii was like an out of body experience for me. I felt so disgusted with myself. Again, not because it was a man. But because I never asked for any of this. Why does it always happen on the road, in isolation, in a hotel room. In my sleep??? And remember he was DRUNK now this whole time!

The rest of the trip was fraught with turmoil. Fights with me and Pete. The other guys not understanding and getting caught in the middle. Honestly it was all whirlwind. But I’ll never forget the day after everything went down. We were going on an excursion in Hawaii to a remote island only accessible by a small boat for lunch. I was afraid to get on that boat. If Hawaii wasn’t remote enough. Agreeing to go on that boat meant that I would be even further isolated with this monster.

I wish I had more tea for the rest of that trip. Looking back at the videos I realize I was very drunk for most of them. Yikes!. It was my only escape at the time. 3 weeks in Hawaii, Alaska and California. All the craziness stared on like the 3rd day. I imagine Craig and Shaun could fill in a lot more of the story than I could. Cause once that first event occurred, I disengaged from life.

To be continued…
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So here we are. Part 2 of the grand story of Dustin working at The DIS and the tumultuous road we all walked down. This story all leads to the “Destination Disneyland” or “Beyond the Parks” portion of our adventure. A trip where, I, Pete, Craig, and Shaun Thompson traveled to Aulani in Hawaii, took an Alaskan cruise on the Disney Wonder, and ended up on the Backstage Magic ADB in Southern California and Disneyland.

I will admit. The trauma of the whole situation has made my memory of the whole and complete 3.5 years a little foggy. The details, however, are very clear. I’ve taken the time to put together a timeline of the major projects, travel, and events that were going on so I can piece together my thoughts. I don’t know if anyone else has gone through a trauma like this, but your brain is pretty good at glossing stuff over to protect you. Once I’ve been able to unlock the timeline (by meticulously going through email, texts, YouTube videos, etc.) the story unfolds. I’ll share the timeline for Part 2 with you now so you can follow along.

November 2012
  • Boardwalk Resort Hotel Review
  • Took a trip home to VA
December 2012
  • New Fantasyland Media Event
  • Podcast Cruise 4.0 on the Disney Fantasy
  • Took a trip home to VA for Christmas
January 2012
  • New Years Eve at Beach Club / Epcot
  • Filmed 7 Resorts in 7 Days
  • 02/05/13 – First Live Video Show
March 2013
  • Flower and Garden Intensive Coverage
  • My Brother and Sister-in-Law visit Orlando
April 2013
  • “DIS Team Goes West” Disneyland trip / “Memories of” series
  • New Jersey DIS Meet
May 2013
  • Took a trip to Richmond VA with Pete (He relapsed on alcohol)
  • Disney Beyond the Parks - Aulani / Alaska Cruise Disney Wonder / Backstage Magic ABD
What I’ve laid out for you here is pretty typical for the early years of me being there and the video show. I’m covering 7 months and already I notice that I either traveled away from Orlando or did an on-site hotel review at least 10 times. Throughout those 3.5 years there were other personal trips and random cruise that aren’t even accounted for. Basically, at least once, if not twice a month, I was gone from my home for at least a week. Why I bothered signing leases and paying rent I’ll never know. When you consider the rest of the time was spent at Pete’s house / office.

I’m just going to go chronologically. Some of these events were juicier than others. I’ll do my best to recall every detail I can. Let’s take it one month at a time, shall we?

November 2012
  • Boardwalk Resort Hotel Review
  • Took a trip home to VA
I have very little recollection at all of the Boardwalk review. I’ve put this here because I see that we did a show based on it. I don’t believe anything major happened during that review. I do however remember my trip back home to Virginia.

Every now and then I could convince Pete to agree that I had a life… That I needed to go home and see my family and friends. This particular instance I went back home to my hometown of Lynchburg, VA. I remember having to constantly come up with the excuse of “having to go for a walk” at least 3 times a day so I could go have an hour-long conversation with Pete on the Phone. Sometimes my parents, family, or friends were just twiddling their thumbs waiting for me to return and he was just talking to me about the inanest details of his life. He refused to let me off the phone without throwing a major hissy fit.

So right then and there a major part of my time is balancing my family and friends at home with phone conversations with Pete. Ugh. But one night on this trip I decided to go out with a few friends to some local bars. We had quite a good time. All of a sudden, I have a few girls from my high school who kind of see me in a new light. I end up making out with a few of them at the bars. It’s crazy. Part of this is mental retaliation on my part. “I have to prove that I’m straight!” The other part is just pure release. I put my phone on silent and I had one hell of a night.

I woke up the next morning to a bunch of missed calls, emails, and texts. I believe I admitted to Pete to going out with friends and getting drunk, but never to making out with women. If Pete is reading this right now it will be the first time he realizes that (whenever that may happen.) This was 100% me acting out on confusion. I look back now and realize this was an escape as well. I needed to ground myself in friends, family, and what I know to be true about myself. It was also a way for me to just have fun. Something I hadn’t done in months.

December 2012
  • New Fantasyland Media Event
  • Podcast Cruise 4.0 on the Disney Fantasy
  • Took a trip home to VA for Christmas
I remember the New Fantasyland Media event being incredibly stressful. There was soooo much to cover and only a little time. We were so concerned about our competition at the time. I remember thinking that Ricky Brigante was going to go out to his car and upload his videos. The amount of stress put on us to be the first (not the best) was intense. I do, however, remember having a great time with Corey at this event.

The build up to Podcast Cruise 4.0 on the Fantasy was intense. The live show was going to tease our new video podcast releasing in February. We put in a lot of work leading up to this and a lot was on the line. Me a Pete worked really hard to make those teasers and live shows really good. I’ve watched them recently and recognize that we could’ve done so much better. But there was a lot of personal drama going on. So, only so much energy can be put into certain things.

I cannot remember the details. But I believe I distinctly remember that on Podcast Cruise 4.0 I had my own State Room. For appearances only. I, however, was required to stay in whatever presidential suite Pete had booked. I always felt bad for the State Room Attendant who had my room. He probably thought I was a serial killer or something because I was never there, and he never had to clean. I did personally leave him a tip in case you were wondering. I don’t remember anything overly terrible happening on Podcast Cruise 4.0. Other than just my general state of being of course.

Let’s remember that with every passing day. I’m being guilted further and further into a deeper relationship with a man that I’m not attracted to and don’t really like anymore. Honestly, It’s all the little (not little) things that add up. Getting jealous if I talk to my friends or family. Pushing a wedge between me and my good friend who was also my roommate. Taking all my free time, alone time, at home time. I’m slowly losing my sense of self and becoming a servant of the betterment of Pete.

The last note in December is that I took a trip home for Christmas. Based on pictures, I know for a fact that I did. Sadly, I have no recollection of this trip. I don’t know, I was probably drunk on Christmas morning, however. We’ll notice a trend through all of this that from the very beginning my drinking started getting heavier and heavier with each passing month. I’ve never gotten to the point where I think I have a serious problem. But it is a coping mechanism. I gained weight and drank more heavily toward the end of it. I like to think now that I drink for fun, not for need.

January 2012
  • New Years Eve at Beach Club / Epcot
  • Filmed 7 Resorts in 7 Days
I remember at the New Years event in Epcot, I was miserable. We did a show on it and he raved about how it was the best experience ever! But we spent that whole time fighting about Me not committing, not coming out, and spending too much time with friends and family.

That argument continued into the filming of the first 7 in 7. I remember that being so miserable. At one point he got angry at me for shaving my beard. I even told him it was an accident. I had set the guard on my clippers too low and he legit got mad at me. Just the little stuff. The little arguments that ultimately tied into the bigger picture stuff. I think He was constantly paranoid that I didn’t want to be with him. And he was right! The problem was he would then go on to have never-ending night-long conversations convincing me why I should be his boyfriend/lover/soul mate.

  • 02/05/13 – First Live Video Show
I actually look back fondly on the beginning of the live video shows. Those were really fun. It was my hard work coming to life. They weren’t perfect. But no one else at that time could’ve done it the way we did.

March 2013

  • Flower and Garden Intensive Coverage
  • My Brother and Sister-in-Law visit Orlando
March was quiet as well. We spent a lot of time at Flower and Garden festival at Epcot. It was the major focus cause it changed so much that year. Another personal note is that my brother and sister-in-Law visited me and my friend and we had such a good time going to a concert downtown in Orlando.

April 2013
  • “DIS Team Goes West” Disneyland trip / “Memories of” series
  • New Jersey DIS Meet
This is where my long term / bigger picture memory problem becomes a real problem. You could’ve told me that my “Memories of Disneyland” and other videos were part of the big Beyond the Parks trip and I would’ve believed you. I’m telling you; I’ve been on so many random cruises and trips to Disneyland, I can’t even keep track now. I’m not saying that to sound cool. I’m trying to convey the intensity and instability of my day-to-day life at that time. So needless to say, I remember filming those videos, but I have no real recollection of that trip in general.

I believe the New Jersey DIS Meet to raise money for Give Kids The World may have been one of the first times people probably started speculating about me a Pete having a relationship. We were sharing a room, and that trend continued. Otherwise, nothing major happened that I can recall.

May 2013
  • Took a trip to Richmond VA with Pete (He relapsed on alcohol)
  • Disney Beyond the Parks - Aulani / Alaska Cruise Disney Wonder / Backstage Magic ABD
At some point in early May of 2013, Me and Pete took a trip to Richmond, VA. I don’t remember why, but I have proof of it in my photos. If I remember correctly, He wanted to try to connect with my friends. Me spending time with my friends was always a sore spot for him. I think he just has no one. And I have so many people who love me. It’s jealousy and envy. But it was also him trying his best to realize that I was not willing to cut them out of my life (though he wished I would.)

I know that one night, in the hotel we were staying in, he freakin’ cleared out the mini bar. I woke up to him drunk off his ass crying. Sipping on little airplane bottles lying on the floor next to the bed. The next day he seemed to be filled with guilt for drinking after however many years it had been. We got lunch and tried to talk about it. Honestly, and I wish I could say differently, but at that point, in my heart of hearts, I truly didn’t care.

I talked to him and tried to convince him that it was a one-time thing. He could get back on the horse and just continue life. But this moment led to basically a whole year of drinking and smoking weed heavily. IT was not pleasant. I don’t know if any of you have dealt with an active addict using, but it’s not fun. I became a babysitter.

Aulani. This was my first time flying literally “overseas” even though it’s America. We get there and the first few days are filled with capturing Aulani on film and preparing for our live show. It’s an intense couple days with me, Pete, Craig, and Shaun. We eventually take a break from all the intensive shooting and went to this absolutely incredible bar across the street called Monkey Pod. I still would love it and feel nostalgic. We had a blast. And I got Insanely drunk probably due to all my current situations in my life but also because we just had an insane couple days of shooting.

I’ll never forget, in the middle of the night, I wake up this man performing oral sex on me. Up to this point we had acknowledged the “Emotional Relationship.” Nothing physical (with the exception of the big bomb drop in London from part 1) had ever happened. The other guys on the team knew it was a complicated relationship. But nothing was ever explicitly said to them or between me and Pete. I did not want this, expect this, or ask for this. I remember him saying something to the affect of “You’re hard, let me just make you feel good.”

This time, out of fear of repercussion, I agreed in my drunken state. I just wanted to go back to bed and not be in an argument. When I woke up, I remember feeling like my life had changed. Things were different now. I had a morning cigarette with Pete and I was scared to even talk or acknowledge what happened. He did a lot of work on me telling me that it was good that it finally happened.

We went on a wilderness adventure that day in Hawaii and I might as well have been on a different planet. My thoughts and feelings had left my body and brain. I was gone. I felt violated. But I had to push through because yet again, he had chosen the beginning of a 3-week trip in isolation to make his move. I had nowhere to go, did I? looking back I should’ve gotten on the next plane home. But I continued what turned out to be the most up and down trip we ever covered.

Hawaii was like an out of body experience for me. I felt so disgusted with myself. Again, not because it was a man. But because I never asked for any of this. Why does it always happen on the road, in isolation, in a hotel room. In my sleep??? And remember he was DRUNK now this whole time!

The rest of the trip was fraught with turmoil. Fights with me and Pete. The other guys not understanding and getting caught in the middle. Honestly it was all whirlwind. But I’ll never forget the day after everything went down. We were going on an excursion in Hawaii to a remote island only accessible by a small boat for lunch. I was afraid to get on that boat. If Hawaii wasn’t remote enough. Agreeing to go on that boat meant that I would be even further isolated with this monster.

I wish I had more tea for the rest of that trip. Looking back at the videos I realize I was very drunk for most of them. Yikes!. It was my only escape at the time. 3 weeks in Hawaii, Alaska and California. All the craziness stared on like the 3rd day. I imagine Craig and Shaun could fill in a lot more of the story than I could. Cause once that first event occurred, I disengaged from life.

To be continued…
You have just described sexual assault and rape. You did not consent. I am a female and have experienced this far too many times. You don't hear about it happening to men that often, but it does happen and I commend you for speaking your truth. That scene: that you woke up while it was happening? Yes...unfortunately I have been there. The guilt afterwords? Yep. The disgust? Absolutely. Just know's not your fault. I am livid for you right now....why do these men keep on getting away with this??
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The Mando

Well-known member
When Pete would reimburse his staff for their expenses, at times he would add additional money as a thank you. Pete wrote JL a check for more than he planned to “by mistake” he said. JL cashed it thinking nothing of it. When Pete realized his “mistake” he asked her for the money back and fired her for theft. That’s what I was told.
Oh yea, that’s what it was. I think I heard she had used the extra money to buy her kids annual passes so she couldn’t get the money back right away. Something along those lines.
Adding in more random stuff. Pete used to tell me that he predicted the September 11th attacks. He said he dreamed it happened the night before and then he told people and then it actually happened.

Too bad he didn’t dream about receiving his credit card statements at the end of the month so he could’ve been prepared.
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The Mando

Well-known member
Every now and then I could convince Pete to agree that I had a life… That I needed to go home and see my family and friends. This particular instance I went back home to my hometown of Lynchburg, VA. I remember having to constantly come up with the excuse of “having to go for a walk” at least 3 times a day so I could go have an hour-long conversation with Pete on the Phone. Sometimes my parents, family, or friends were just twiddling their thumbs waiting for me to return and he was just talking to me about the inanest details of his life. He refused to let me off the phone without throwing a major hissy fit.
100% - I was GLUED to my phone with him and anytime I was visiting friends and family, I was stressed because I knew he would be at his worst. I can't even tell you the number of nights I've walked down streets near friends houses because Pete needed me on the phone with him for hours. He would text me and if I didn't text back within 20 minutes, he would just blow me up and scream and cuss me out. If I hung up or tried to get off the phone, he would have my phone disconnected. (I let him to add me to the Dreams company plan. I thought it was a nice gesture because they had extra lines for free, but it was really to have my phone turned OFF anytime he felt like it and AT&T would only talk to him so I would have to email him an apology to get my phone back on)

Let’s remember that with every passing day. I’m being guilted further and further into a deeper relationship with a man that I’m not attracted to and don’t really like anymore. Honestly, It’s all the little (not little) things that add up. Getting jealous if I talk to my friends or family. Pushing a wedge between me and my good friend who was also my roommate. Taking all my free time, alone time, at home time. I’m slowly losing my sense of self and becoming a servant of the betterment of Pete.
Yup. He seems fairly reasonable and he reacts so poorly that you just feel bad that your actions hurt someone to this degree. Then you start reflecting inward to figure out if you are this terrible person and you slowly start trying to do better to appease him because you don't want to lose your job and you just don't want to get flipped out on. He got mad at me at Disneyland once and then and then he hit me, so I called the police on him and he told me that he was going to tell the police that I KIDNAPPED HIM and was holding him against his will. After HE hit ME. I've never hit anyone in my entire life, nor kidnapped anybody. And he's a portly gentleman to say the least, I don't think I would've been able to hold him hostage at Disneyland.

I remember at the New Years event in Epcot, I was miserable. We did a show on it and he raved about how it was the best experience ever! But we spent that whole time fighting about Me not committing, not coming out, and spending too much time with friends and family.
Well that sucks. Epcot NYE is my yearly tradition with friends and he said he had never been before. So he showed up and ruined the evening for everyone. So glad it was a lie and he had already been with you and ruined your night also lol.

At one point he got angry at me for shaving my beard. I even told him it was an accident. I had set the guard on my clippers too low and he legit got mad at me. Just the little stuff. The little arguments that ultimately tied into the bigger picture stuff. I think He was constantly paranoid that I didn’t want to be with him. And he was right! The problem was he would then go on to have never-ending night-long conversations convincing me why I should be his boyfriend/lover/soul mate.
Yup. He even made me go to a tarot card reader so she would convince me that we were soul mates. Apparently a blue light surrounds me, whatever that means.

At some point in early May of 2013, Me and Pete took a trip to Richmond, VA. I don’t remember why, but I have proof of it in my photos. If I remember correctly, He wanted to try to connect with my friends. Me spending time with my friends was always a sore spot for him. I think he just has no one. And I have so many people who love me. It’s jealousy and envy. But it was also him trying his best to realize that I was not willing to cut them out of my life (though he wished I would.)
Oh the friends. He wanted to be in my friends lives SO badly, but they didn't have common interests with him and he only wanted to talk about himself of course. In 2019 on my birthday, he got me and my friends a VIP tour at DisneyWorld. Pete has a silver pass from Disney that allows him to get 3 guests in the park for free. A few of my friends didn't have money for a day pass so he also got them in with his pass. As with everything, this was not a kindness. He flipped out on me at breakfast at the wave because I didn't react strongly enough to a necklace he got me (I think it was a necklace) and we got in the first park, which was Studios because HE wanted to see the Star Wars area. He was so angry the entire day that he kept threatening me that he would leave the park and go home and that my 3 friends who couldn't get a ticket wouldn't be able to park hop since they would need to scan into every park as we hopped. So I was forced to spend my whole birthday by his side, not speaking to my friends and just following him around in front of them. I'd have cussed him out right there but I knew it would just ruin it for my friends because they'd never done a VIP anything.

I know that one night, in the hotel we were staying in, he freakin’ cleared out the mini bar. I woke up to him drunk off his ass crying. Sipping on little airplane bottles lying on the floor next to the bed. The next day he seemed to be filled with guilt for drinking after however many years it had been. We got lunch and tried to talk about it. Honestly, and I wish I could say differently, but at that point, in my heart of hearts, I truly didn’t care.
I've never seen him drink, but I've been told it's a lot worse. Can't see how but I'll believe it.

Aulani. This was my first time flying literally “overseas” even though it’s America. We get there and the first few days are filled with capturing Aulani on film and preparing for our live show. It’s an intense couple days with me, Pete, Craig, and Shaun. We eventually take a break from all the intensive shooting and went to this absolutely incredible bar across the street called Monkey Pod. I still would love it and feel nostalgic. We had a blast. And I got Insanely drunk probably due to all my current situations in my life but also because we just had an insane couple days of shooting.
I have a fully paid off Aulani contract til 2061. You let me know when yall wanna go and I'll make it happen.

Also, props to Dustin for being so organized with your timeline. I just show up and yell things as I remember them!

P.S. - I don't mean any of this to wash away anything Dustin is saying. Im just reinforcing and relating and trying to make sure people see what a slow descent this whole thing is and before you know it, you've lost yourself and it's hard to rediscover who you were before. There's so much I blocked out apparently and I didn't even go into sexual details.
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The Mando

Well-known member
Am the only one who likes Ryno? He puts it out there- he tells you who he is - you can take it or leave it. I don’t always love his complaining, but again he puts himself out there. I do think he might thrive outside the Dis. Do a big nerd YouTube - I don’t know.
I met him once with Steve Porter and they were both super nice.
I think ryno is a nice guy and he’s well intentioned overall. He’s really funny when you hang out with him and had the dry/dark sense of humor that I liked so I’ve always enjoyed him. I haven’t spoken to him in many years because I had to stop because (I think I told this story one but idk)…..

Once, Pete wanted to tour the Polynesian on camera and we did a review of Kona Cafe. While the cameras were off, we started talking about accents. It was me, Pete, ryno, and Pete’s nephew Josh and Josh’s husband - Sean. It’s 5 gay men and we all said what we are into and I have a thing for Australian accents but I also looooooove Bostonian accents (it’s like sexy garbage) and ryno mentioned that he’s from Massachusetts but doesn’t sound like it. I said, oh, I thought you were from Rhode Island cause you sound like Family Guy!

Pete got up from the table with his nephew/husband Sean and when they came back the energy had shifted. They wanted to go film and I was concerned about what I did so I gave Pete his space and I stayed at the resort with ryno, who also noticed the energy shift. Turns out Pete was very insecure about me saying I liked Boston accents and ryno being from MA, despite us acknowledging he did not have the accent I was attracted to:

Pete and I sat in the poly parking lot fighting for hours and me begging him to not fire Ryno and I finally just apologized and said I made a mistake and I’d never talk to ryno again and I’ve never spoken to him since because I didn’t want him to lose his job.
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Just want to state this for the record.

I have every right to be here. I have every right to express my opinions on a topic I find interesting and that I am passionate about.

I do not appreciate the gang-up type mentality I am seeing here. I do not appreciate not being taken seriously.

Pete has been apart of all of our lives, some of us more intimately, some of us from a business perspective, and some of us just as viewers. I have a right to speak here.
No one ever said you didn't.

You also seem to be misunderstanding Dustin and Sean's stories. This isn't a case of sugar babies breaking things off when the gravy train stopped rolling. It's a case of abuse and manipulation.

Your posts are victim blaming, that's why you're getting flamed.
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The Mando

Well-known member
55 lbs!? Where can we see this new Sean and his new hair!?
Instagram maybe? I hate it but I’ve started trying to use it more

It doesn’t look like much but I do have way more hair in the front haha
Yeah, but it's just another AmEx card. The big one is a Business Gold, and the small one is a Personal Platinum. Of interest is the fact that the Platinum has a published preset spending limit. That almost always means you were a bad boy and spent too much and they've now placed a hard cap on your spending.
Ironically, I do actually have a degree, despite where my life went and it’s in accounting and corporate finance. So I worked out a deal with Amex to block Pete’s card, except 10k per month that he could spend as extras, so the debt would get cleared. I set him up on a repayment plan and everything got set up. The payment structure eventually moved to around 40k which tracks with the image post from earlier based on what was ‘owed’ as a minimum versus the balance or whatever being around 40k less; so I assume that number still stands


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Manipulated? into what? finding him attractive?

You make it sound like he was literally hypnotizing people. You put ZERO agency or responsibility whatsoever on these GROWN ADULT MEN.

This "poor-me" I am the "victim" retcon bullshit needs to stop. You don't get to create a narrative out of thin air. They SURE AS FUCK knew what they were getting into, my question is was it the money or the power/influence? I use those terms relatively ofcourse.
This must be the Pete Werner burner.
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The Mando

Well-known member
That’s such garbage too. There shouldn’t be a statute of limitations on abuse
I found it. 24:50 if someone else needs it
I didn’t realize it was 2 different videos. Yesterday I saw the one where Dustin left the show.

This was stupid. I have been super clear on here that before I went to Italy with Pete I told him that I wanted no relationship with him and that I did not want anything further, even if I lost my job. He said he respected that boundary and asked me to go as his friend. Got me overseas and then threatened me if I refused to sleep with him. I was halfway around the world and had no money to get home with. I also didn’t have an international phone plan then so I couldn’t even call anyone that first day. We went the next day and got me a new SIM card for my phone for Europe.

Towards the end of that trip, we were in Venice. Pete proposed to me and I turned him down and it was very uncomfortable of course. And I don’t remember which happened first but I thought the proposal was first. Regardless, the following day, Pete took me, Craig, ryno and whoever else out to Hard Rock Cafe in Venice (following the trend of going to American places lol) - we got in and he paid the bartender $100 off the bat to take care of us all night. I got one of the drunkest I’ve ever been in my life and was completely blacked out.

Next thing I knew I was back in the hotel room with Pete on top of me. It was like I blinked and suddenly I was just gone. I kicked him off me and went to the bathroom and was sick all night and just locked myself in the bathroom and slept on the floor so I wouldn’t have to deal with him.

This is someone that was completely sober and I had turned down a marriage proposal from and was very clear with them that I did not want to be with them. And that’s just 1 incident.

What a hag.
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Hi, Still catching up and writing Part 2 (probably dropping soon-ish! Maybe tonight / probably tomorrow)

Sean and Dustin, I’m so so sorry for what you both experienced. Thank you for sharing with us. I hope this space is a cathartic outlet for you.

I wonder whether there are other team members, past or present, that have had similar experiences or inappropriate touching but haven’t said anything. I hope this thread gives them the courage to come forward. Pete clearly had a crush on Steve and now Panda's exit raises questions too.
As far as I know I was the first. This means anything after me I have no knowledge of. The only major serious relationships before to even consider were John and Walter. I know there were others especially way back in the 90's, but i don't know/remember much. In terms of inappropriate touching... If any one else has a story like that, it's theirs to tell.

I will say that I believe a pattern was started after me. I used to read the UnDis and they would always throw around the term "boy toy" or something to that degree after I left. The pattern of new-hires being very specifically young attractive men was enough to raise suspicion. The turn over rate in those positions is even more alarming.

I truly don't know any specifics. But.... I'm praying if anything was going to happen to any one else, they got out of there before they let it happen. Even still, I can imagine a lot of them went through the rigorous turmoil of being Pete's direct employee, which is cause enough to go mad in the first place. I truly hope that if anyone else is reading this, and they went through something similar (no matter what the degree) they know that we will support them and listen to them.
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The Mando

Well-known member
I have heard that Charles had a shady past. Did he actually serve prison time? I never heard any details.
I’m not sure about prison time. All I knew was that he stabbed at least one person.

I am usually someone that can win someone over in person and Charles just hated me from the first day, until his last. I never made any ground with him and I tried but he would go out of his way to constantly bring up my past and just blast me for it. Like I get it, he wears bow ties and has a bigger vocabulary than me and doesn’t have sex for money but just give me a break for like….a day?

He constantly would make snide remarks about me behind my back and to my face and I finally just told him to get off my dick or start paying me. Obviously, this went over poorly but I was sick of it. Just keep your head down, do your Job and stop stabbing people, it’s not hard.
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I remember getting approached by a staff member (won’t say who) and them reminding me that if I reported Pete/sued him that I wasn’t just hurting Pete, I would be hurting everyone because they would all lose their jobs..
HELLO anyone who breezed by this is really not getting the weight of this statement holy fucking shit
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C-Diddy Dawg

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To sum it up. American Express National Bank is suing Dreams (Pete) for around 866k for an Amex balance.
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So here we are. Part 2 of the grand story of Dustin working at The DIS and the tumultuous road we all walked down. This story all leads to the “Destination Disneyland” or “Beyond the Parks” portion of our adventure. A trip where, I, Pete, Craig, and Shaun Thompson traveled to Aulani in Hawaii, took an Alaskan cruise on the Disney Wonder, and ended up on the Backstage Magic ADB in Southern California and Disneyland.

I will admit. The trauma of the whole situation has made my memory of the whole and complete 3.5 years a little foggy. The details, however, are very clear. I’ve taken the time to put together a timeline of the major projects, travel, and events that were going on so I can piece together my thoughts. I don’t know if anyone else has gone through a trauma like this, but your brain is pretty good at glossing stuff over to protect you. Once I’ve been able to unlock the timeline (by meticulously going through email, texts, YouTube videos, etc.) the story unfolds. I’ll share the timeline for Part 2 with you now so you can follow along.

November 2012
  • Boardwalk Resort Hotel Review
  • Took a trip home to VA
December 2012
  • New Fantasyland Media Event
  • Podcast Cruise 4.0 on the Disney Fantasy
  • Took a trip home to VA for Christmas
January 2012
  • New Years Eve at Beach Club / Epcot
  • Filmed 7 Resorts in 7 Days
  • 02/05/13 – First Live Video Show
March 2013
  • Flower and Garden Intensive Coverage
  • My Brother and Sister-in-Law visit Orlando
April 2013
  • “DIS Team Goes West” Disneyland trip / “Memories of” series
  • New Jersey DIS Meet
May 2013
  • Took a trip to Richmond VA with Pete (He relapsed on alcohol)
  • Disney Beyond the Parks - Aulani / Alaska Cruise Disney Wonder / Backstage Magic ABD
What I’ve laid out for you here is pretty typical for the early years of me being there and the video show. I’m covering 7 months and already I notice that I either traveled away from Orlando or did an on-site hotel review at least 10 times. Throughout those 3.5 years there were other personal trips and random cruise that aren’t even accounted for. Basically, at least once, if not twice a month, I was gone from my home for at least a week. Why I bothered signing leases and paying rent I’ll never know. When you consider the rest of the time was spent at Pete’s house / office.

I’m just going to go chronologically. Some of these events were juicier than others. I’ll do my best to recall every detail I can. Let’s take it one month at a time, shall we?

November 2012
  • Boardwalk Resort Hotel Review
  • Took a trip home to VA
I have very little recollection at all of the Boardwalk review. I’ve put this here because I see that we did a show based on it. I don’t believe anything major happened during that review. I do however remember my trip back home to Virginia.

Every now and then I could convince Pete to agree that I had a life… That I needed to go home and see my family and friends. This particular instance I went back home to my hometown of Lynchburg, VA. I remember having to constantly come up with the excuse of “having to go for a walk” at least 3 times a day so I could go have an hour-long conversation with Pete on the Phone. Sometimes my parents, family, or friends were just twiddling their thumbs waiting for me to return and he was just talking to me about the inanest details of his life. He refused to let me off the phone without throwing a major hissy fit.

So right then and there a major part of my time is balancing my family and friends at home with phone conversations with Pete. Ugh. But one night on this trip I decided to go out with a few friends to some local bars. We had quite a good time. All of a sudden, I have a few girls from my high school who kind of see me in a new light. I end up making out with a few of them at the bars. It’s crazy. Part of this is mental retaliation on my part. “I have to prove that I’m straight!” The other part is just pure release. I put my phone on silent and I had one hell of a night.

I woke up the next morning to a bunch of missed calls, emails, and texts. I believe I admitted to Pete to going out with friends and getting drunk, but never to making out with women. If Pete is reading this right now it will be the first time he realizes that (whenever that may happen.) This was 100% me acting out on confusion. I look back now and realize this was an escape as well. I needed to ground myself in friends, family, and what I know to be true about myself. It was also a way for me to just have fun. Something I hadn’t done in months.

December 2012
  • New Fantasyland Media Event
  • Podcast Cruise 4.0 on the Disney Fantasy
  • Took a trip home to VA for Christmas
I remember the New Fantasyland Media event being incredibly stressful. There was soooo much to cover and only a little time. We were so concerned about our competition at the time. I remember thinking that Ricky Brigante was going to go out to his car and upload his videos. The amount of stress put on us to be the first (not the best) was intense. I do, however, remember having a great time with Corey at this event.

The build up to Podcast Cruise 4.0 on the Fantasy was intense. The live show was going to tease our new video podcast releasing in February. We put in a lot of work leading up to this and a lot was on the line. Me a Pete worked really hard to make those teasers and live shows really good. I’ve watched them recently and recognize that we could’ve done so much better. But there was a lot of personal drama going on. So, only so much energy can be put into certain things.

I cannot remember the details. But I believe I distinctly remember that on Podcast Cruise 4.0 I had my own State Room. For appearances only. I, however, was required to stay in whatever presidential suite Pete had booked. I always felt bad for the State Room Attendant who had my room. He probably thought I was a serial killer or something because I was never there, and he never had to clean. I did personally leave him a tip in case you were wondering. I don’t remember anything overly terrible happening on Podcast Cruise 4.0. Other than just my general state of being of course.

Let’s remember that with every passing day. I’m being guilted further and further into a deeper relationship with a man that I’m not attracted to and don’t really like anymore. Honestly, It’s all the little (not little) things that add up. Getting jealous if I talk to my friends or family. Pushing a wedge between me and my good friend who was also my roommate. Taking all my free time, alone time, at home time. I’m slowly losing my sense of self and becoming a servant of the betterment of Pete.

The last note in December is that I took a trip home for Christmas. Based on pictures, I know for a fact that I did. Sadly, I have no recollection of this trip. I don’t know, I was probably drunk on Christmas morning, however. We’ll notice a trend through all of this that from the very beginning my drinking started getting heavier and heavier with each passing month. I’ve never gotten to the point where I think I have a serious problem. But it is a coping mechanism. I gained weight and drank more heavily toward the end of it. I like to think now that I drink for fun, not for need.

January 2012
  • New Years Eve at Beach Club / Epcot
  • Filmed 7 Resorts in 7 Days
I remember at the New Years event in Epcot, I was miserable. We did a show on it and he raved about how it was the best experience ever! But we spent that whole time fighting about Me not committing, not coming out, and spending too much time with friends and family.

That argument continued into the filming of the first 7 in 7. I remember that being so miserable. At one point he got angry at me for shaving my beard. I even told him it was an accident. I had set the guard on my clippers too low and he legit got mad at me. Just the little stuff. The little arguments that ultimately tied into the bigger picture stuff. I think He was constantly paranoid that I didn’t want to be with him. And he was right! The problem was he would then go on to have never-ending night-long conversations convincing me why I should be his boyfriend/lover/soul mate.

  • 02/05/13 – First Live Video Show
I actually look back fondly on the beginning of the live video shows. Those were really fun. It was my hard work coming to life. They weren’t perfect. But no one else at that time could’ve done it the way we did.

March 2013

  • Flower and Garden Intensive Coverage
  • My Brother and Sister-in-Law visit Orlando
March was quiet as well. We spent a lot of time at Flower and Garden festival at Epcot. It was the major focus cause it changed so much that year. Another personal note is that my brother and sister-in-Law visited me and my friend and we had such a good time going to a concert downtown in Orlando.

April 2013
  • “DIS Team Goes West” Disneyland trip / “Memories of” series
  • New Jersey DIS Meet
This is where my long term / bigger picture memory problem becomes a real problem. You could’ve told me that my “Memories of Disneyland” and other videos were part of the big Beyond the Parks trip and I would’ve believed you. I’m telling you; I’ve been on so many random cruises and trips to Disneyland, I can’t even keep track now. I’m not saying that to sound cool. I’m trying to convey the intensity and instability of my day-to-day life at that time. So needless to say, I remember filming those videos, but I have no real recollection of that trip in general.

I believe the New Jersey DIS Meet to raise money for Give Kids The World may have been one of the first times people probably started speculating about me a Pete having a relationship. We were sharing a room, and that trend continued. Otherwise, nothing major happened that I can recall.

May 2013
  • Took a trip to Richmond VA with Pete (He relapsed on alcohol)
  • Disney Beyond the Parks - Aulani / Alaska Cruise Disney Wonder / Backstage Magic ABD
At some point in early May of 2013, Me and Pete took a trip to Richmond, VA. I don’t remember why, but I have proof of it in my photos. If I remember correctly, He wanted to try to connect with my friends. Me spending time with my friends was always a sore spot for him. I think he just has no one. And I have so many people who love me. It’s jealousy and envy. But it was also him trying his best to realize that I was not willing to cut them out of my life (though he wished I would.)

I know that one night, in the hotel we were staying in, he freakin’ cleared out the mini bar. I woke up to him drunk off his ass crying. Sipping on little airplane bottles lying on the floor next to the bed. The next day he seemed to be filled with guilt for drinking after however many years it had been. We got lunch and tried to talk about it. Honestly, and I wish I could say differently, but at that point, in my heart of hearts, I truly didn’t care.

I talked to him and tried to convince him that it was a one-time thing. He could get back on the horse and just continue life. But this moment led to basically a whole year of drinking and smoking weed heavily. IT was not pleasant. I don’t know if any of you have dealt with an active addict using, but it’s not fun. I became a babysitter.

Aulani. This was my first time flying literally “overseas” even though it’s America. We get there and the first few days are filled with capturing Aulani on film and preparing for our live show. It’s an intense couple days with me, Pete, Craig, and Shaun. We eventually take a break from all the intensive shooting and went to this absolutely incredible bar across the street called Monkey Pod. I still would love it and feel nostalgic. We had a blast. And I got Insanely drunk probably due to all my current situations in my life but also because we just had an insane couple days of shooting.

I’ll never forget, in the middle of the night, I wake up this man performing oral sex on me. Up to this point we had acknowledged the “Emotional Relationship.” Nothing physical (with the exception of the big bomb drop in London from part 1) had ever happened. The other guys on the team knew it was a complicated relationship. But nothing was ever explicitly said to them or between me and Pete. I did not want this, expect this, or ask for this. I remember him saying something to the affect of “You’re hard, let me just make you feel good.”

This time, out of fear of repercussion, I agreed in my drunken state. I just wanted to go back to bed and not be in an argument. When I woke up, I remember feeling like my life had changed. Things were different now. I had a morning cigarette with Pete and I was scared to even talk or acknowledge what happened. He did a lot of work on me telling me that it was good that it finally happened.

We went on a wilderness adventure that day in Hawaii and I might as well have been on a different planet. My thoughts and feelings had left my body and brain. I was gone. I felt violated. But I had to push through because yet again, he had chosen the beginning of a 3-week trip in isolation to make his move. I had nowhere to go, did I? looking back I should’ve gotten on the next plane home. But I continued what turned out to be the most up and down trip we ever covered.

Hawaii was like an out of body experience for me. I felt so disgusted with myself. Again, not because it was a man. But because I never asked for any of this. Why does it always happen on the road, in isolation, in a hotel room. In my sleep??? And remember he was DRUNK now this whole time!

The rest of the trip was fraught with turmoil. Fights with me and Pete. The other guys not understanding and getting caught in the middle. Honestly it was all whirlwind. But I’ll never forget the day after everything went down. We were going on an excursion in Hawaii to a remote island only accessible by a small boat for lunch. I was afraid to get on that boat. If Hawaii wasn’t remote enough. Agreeing to go on that boat meant that I would be even further isolated with this monster.

I wish I had more tea for the rest of that trip. Looking back at the videos I realize I was very drunk for most of them. Yikes!. It was my only escape at the time. 3 weeks in Hawaii, Alaska and California. All the craziness stared on like the 3rd day. I imagine Craig and Shaun could fill in a lot more of the story than I could. Cause once that first event occurred, I disengaged from life.

To be continued…
I am devastated to have read this and my heart breaks for you, sir.
Yes, you were raped.
By a vile, broken, evil man.

And that you had the strength to finally share it speaks volumes of your ability to fight back and warn others.

Thank you for your courage.
Thank you for sharing.
And thank you for what is still to come.

We love and support you, my good man.
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