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VIP Member
Where have all the Tattlers gone and where are all the Gods?
Where's the street wise Youtube fan to say that Phillip's odd?
Isn't there a white knight upon a live chat?
Late at night I toss and I turn and I dream of Selmars cat
I need a Tattler
I'm holding out for a Tattler 'til the end of the night
He's gotta be strong and she's gotta be fast
And they've gotta be fresh from the sleuth
I need a Tattler
I'm holding out for a Tattler'til the morning light
They've gotta be sure that they're not Michael Potts
And they've gotta be nosier than life, nosier than life
Somewhere after midnight in my wildest fantasy
Somewhere just beyond my reach there's a rat reaching back for me
Racing on the thunder and rising with the BG
It's gonna take a Superfan to sweep me off my feet
I need a Heathcliffe
I'm holding out for this VIP 'til the end of the night
He's gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast
And he's gotta be fresh from the vlog

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The Tomaz video was dreadful, I'd rather watch Selmar on a bike ride and that's saying something! It was so incredibly slow and his English is not great, He repeated everything and took three times as long as he needed to say anything. There was no great revelation about LL. He was asked if he'd like to return and he said he wanted to travel to other countries but would maybe go back in 10 years' time. Someone asked him, to talk about anything in LL that was hidden from the vlogs and he said he would only answer that sort of question on Superchat. He was defending YouTubers, saying it was proper work and defended SJ about that. He thinks she, Nic , Potty and Oliver are amazing. He did say the other volunteers were just passing through and it sounded as if he didn't like all of them. He said, by viewing and subscribing, people were paying SJ and other vloggers for thir hard work! He said critics made vloggers ill through their criticism. He said people like Brenda thought they owned LL and SJ, but didn't really know them. He thinks people should not enquire about vloggers' personal lives. Basically, all he was doing was having a go at critics and defending vloggers. All the usual stuff about critics being nasty because they are unhappy. It was all very naive, slow and very boring! He thinks LL is like Disneyland and he loves it! "The truth about the chateau" was just clickbait! It was good to see some people criticising him for being immature and nasty and some people saying criticism should be allowed. He was quite rude to the critics, telling them to get treatment or see a psychiatrist! He reminded me of Marie with his rudeness. He won't have done himself any favours with anyone intelligent.
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Mean SSB and service squirrel 🐿 are back in France 🇫🇷 today
She’s 8 days out on filming ….
So back for 2 days then off on another trip

Covid was such a drag… 11 trips since feb 21 - and Covid wasent gone anywhere 😈
Disgusting. My mother was vaccinated against COVID last spring; she is older, diabetic, and has kidney issues. She was cautious…wore masks, kept gatherings to a minimum, washed her hands. But, two weeks ago she was diagnosed with COVID…have no idea where she got it. Breathing became labored and she had to go to the Emergency Room. It was so crowded that the doctors had to see in her in the hallway…no room available. She had a monoclonal antibody infusion and is starting to get better very slowly. She hasn’t eaten for days but was finally able to eat a cracker yesterday. She can hardly walk right now. I’ve spent my time caring for her and worrying about her health (and reading Tattle to keep me distracted!). So, pardon me if these jaunts all over the world with little (to no) regard with what’s happening to others makes me sick.
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This is hilarious! I actually spent a bit of time last night going over the last thread and there were 14 VIPs in it, and many many many others at other levels who made comments, many more who liked ... and as we know, there are thousands viewing the threads here ... so yeah, can't convince me this place is going down!
14 is a bit misleading. Some of us are like VIP's even though we don't have the title. I was a VIP from the day I walked through the door, just so everybody knows that. Thousands come here just to bask in my glory. ;)👌
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New Ryan vlog - he’s staying Thailand indefinitely as it’s so cheap to live there. Don’t really need to listen to anymore of it, that’s the main gist.
After returning home early from an evening out, I was disappointed there was no patron vid and no Escape to Rural France. So I was reduced to watching Ryan. WTF. I could not bear to watch all of it - it was only 10 minutes - but he said he would explain why he moved to Thailand at the end - so I jumped forward. He said it was financial - he could rent there cheaper than France, where he could not. OK got it. He then said he was forced to live with relatives and friends in France but could afford an apartment with a swimming pool and gym in Thailand. Thus, he suggested, that anyone looking to relocate could simply move to Thailand because it was cheaper. Here, he said, and I quote, he could "stand on his own two feet." He did not explain how that was going to happen because there was no word of getting a job. So does stand on his own two feet, mean continue to have his lifestyle funded with Buy me a Coffee and Patron? I am lost here.
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So Dan's video tonight (I'm at 999 posts, indulge me) was just quick, painless perfection like a well edited Instagram story. I've grown very fond of his little fangs, but he could be completely toothless and would still be killing it. He could borrow Sadie's teeth and I'd still watch. 12 minutes, some digger zooms, a joke with Kirsti "pretending to work for the camera", Armoire's arms 💓 and actual forest foraging. It's got everything this fan base is into except dishes and jam. He even asks for a raise. The other chateau channels would really benefit from a workshop with him, but there's just not enough hours in the day! Maybe you guys could reach out to him and arrange a zoom meeting or something. Peruse his Patreon account for helpful tips. Somehow he makes it look easy.

1000. Throwing my own VIP party. 🍹
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One more note…I would welcome an open accounting of the funds. Again, the numbers could be totally bogus…but it would at least give the appearance of transparency. And, for those of us who are good with interpreting numbers, we could get a better sense of what’s going on. I just don’t understand how patrons can send money to someone without really knowing what’s happening with their funds?
there is also a change in Fan Flash first she wanted patreons because she wanted to restore the dump....then she started to talk about renovations....and now she mentions she thanks the patreons for sending her money because she makes videos....she slowly changes her goals...untill most patreons dont even know why they started to fund that crazy grifter...and then she sells the dump ....she clearly is so jealous of other chateauxowners who have a more chateauxlike place...with a grand staircase...panelling and all sorts of decoration...she clearly wants a nineteen century chateau..or a palace in Venice...she doesnt see herself living in the middle of nowhere when she is getting old.....when she knows her following is following her on another route...she gets rid of that doubt about that..In the beginning she had her ex boyfriends on the leash with her stories...they could pay for her lifestyle...and now she has her sign of her ex boyfriends of friends..this summer....If she was so fond of the crap place she would stay at home and renovate as soon as possible...but no...she escapes as fast and as much as she can....thats very telling to me..
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Marty McFly 9

VIP Member
Disgusting. My mother was vaccinated against COVID last spring; she is older, diabetic, and has kidney issues. She was cautious…wore masks, kept gatherings to a minimum, washed her hands. But, two weeks ago she was diagnosed with COVID…have no idea where she got it. Breathing became labored and she had to go to the Emergency Room. It was so crowded that the doctors had to see in her in the hallway…no room available. She had a monoclonal antibody infusion and is starting to get better very slowly. She hasn’t eaten for days but was finally able to eat a cracker yesterday. She can hardly walk right now. I’ve spent my time caring for her and worrying about her health (and reading Tattle to keep me distracted!). So, pardon me if these jaunts all over the world with little (to no) regard with what’s happening to others makes me sick.
My dad passed from COVID last December ... I'm so sorry to hear your mum is suffering from it. I refuse to watch any of SJs travel vlogs, I'm also very very disgusted by them.
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Chatty Member
Again SOOOOO many new members here. Do we need to thank Billy? 🤣🤣
What are you talking about? Have you not heard the news? We are down from 15 to 13 internet gossip idiots who are sick and in need of psychiatric help!
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Having given it some thought, I believe that the 14-16 lunatics that Captain Pugwash refers to are the 14-16 people (conservative estimate ) who arrive here daily for deprogramming as the scales fall from their eyes and reality dawns. Thankfully with the support of Tattlers, most go on to make a full recovery. Sadly, an extremely small percentage are unable to adapt to a world outside the Chateau-verse and retreat to the confinement and close supervision of the Chateau guards.
Our heart goes out to the those poor damaged souls. We are here for you when you are brave enough to make another bid for freedom.
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Fleuries had Phillips mother for quite a while to help wrangle the children....who were not both school age when they started. It seems that de Rosieres will need to take turns handling vlogging and child minding for a few years.
Philip from the Fleuries was already a he has some advantage...i saw their vlog tonight...the whole family there having a good time..thats real summer....not what Fan Flash is wanting her followers to believe...she hates that dump...and graps every opportunity to get away from her crumbling dechetterie......
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Wow, I missed a few days and have a lot to catch up on. Before I go join my friends in my kitchen to dance to Age of Seventeen, I have to say a couple of things:
1: the tone here has noticeably changed and not for the better, I’m now ignoring people for the first time in over a year.

2. Tomas had one thing right: this forum has contributed to some major psychological and physical issues of vloggers, and we must keep a balanced opinion, see point one.
I don’t understand…I’ve not noticed a change in the tone. And the vloggers can choose to ignore this site. I would never have found this site if MPK hadn’t mentioned it! I think these vloggers probably already had psychological issues. I also find that there’s balanced opinions…For example, I recall seeing a lot of positive posts about Sherrie Petherick’s nice appearance in the wedding photo.
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Hi everyone... I'm new here. Well not really.. I've been lurking a while. (sorry)
I've been watching Chateau Diaries for so long now (April 2020) but I cant keep quiet anymore. You try and say anything on YT and it gets deleted. Or I get called a troll on fb if I point out anything 🙄
I kept my mouth shut when they chucked sheep all over the place and when she started hinting at stuff in really expensive shops or when she lied about that dress but now OMG
The amount of entitlement is cringy...
But the thing that annoys me the most! Why does she only thank her patrons?? why not her subscribers?? Our views pay for her income?
is it just because her patrons are paying for her almighty f#$k up of her lake?
Theres a reason you can't fly straight to New York but then again she doesnt care about Covid does she? 👸🙄
I used to love watching her in her chateau doing her restoration, visiting french places and having fun but now it seems like its lost its way.
Somebody please tell me.. shes not actually in a relationship with Snorts is she??
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@Marquis de Potpourri better just have jet lag

@lolander needs to return the jet ✈

another bizzar occurance @sandro37 returned the DB 9 then radio silence

Get busy
Apologies, Tattlers!
Just super busy over the holidays! Some of you know, the last two days were Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year). Lots of family gatherings, eating and religious activities at the synagogue. I literally just got home from a lovely dinner at a relative’s! :cool:


I happen to have an appointment at the Rockefeller Center area tomorrow. Let’s see if SJ and BJJ show up at that area—unless of course, they’re stuck in the warehouse, slaving away.:poop:

Thanks for posting the Wednesday Patreon vlog! It was entertaining to watch the Lalande women drooling over Amore (Ann Murray) making scones! ;) :LOL:
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Hello all..i am updated again...just looked at Billies vlog...whats wrong with Alexander for having to pee so much... :unsure:

He bought a set of furniture for the ballroom... and a clock...which probably isnt working...for his and Gwens birthday...normally a clock like that is put in the hallway....not in a ballroom..but cannot blame people who buy a chateau and have to buy stuff because they dont have inherited the stuff...the same with paintings of persons..whos buys stuff like that.....its like you buy your ancestors...they dont even know who the person is...and fill your house with it...its all about faking a class you dont belong to...sorry i sound a bit like a snob....
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Dear fellow Tattlers,

Last night, as I was perusing the comments under the latest Gift Grab flog, I was amazed to discover that the opposition is now referring to us as "vermin" and "misfits". I find this deeply troubling and had great difficulty in sleeping last night ... . According to the person who made the comment, there are fifteen (?) "misfits" here ... Last time I counted there were fifteen and a half ... members. The opposition - which seems to consist of deluded and misguided "altruists", most of whom are linguistically challenged and know nothing about living in France or renovating property there, and see any dissenting voices as a threat to their very existence - has bestowed untold wealth upon a lazy scrounger who has never worked and has had everything given to her on a silver platter. Perhaps it is they who should seek psychiatric help ...
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