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VIP Member
Totally agree! I just got caught up with Martijn Doolaard's videos. He works hard and his videos are so beautiful. Hardly any talking and no laughing. He takes such pride in his work. It's a joy! I don't watch CD vlogs because I just can't stand them. There's nothing of interest there anymore. Boring would be one thing, but Fanny is annoying. She's so one dimensional. She's like a talking cardboard cutout that won't shut up. Once in a while, I pop in to view something that's been discussed here to see for myself, but that's it.
Fanny is a robot isn't she, with programing that leaves a lot to be desired. Wake up, open window, comment on weather, see what's happening happening in the kitchen, grab a cuppa, a walk to the walled garden, say hello to the peacocks along the way, talk to a gardener, comment on the chooks, film a flower, visit the greenhouse, orgasmicly eat some raspberries. Occasionally there'll be a glitch and a renovation might be mentioned, but then her memory will be wiped. Then it's back to regular programming with a visit to the virus that sets the table, dinner with guests, raising a glass cheers everyone, end program.
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I've been pondering Snorts eating dinner at his desk instead of with everyone else. Could he possibly been involved with an online auction and couldn't be away from his computer? I find it very odd that he sequestered himself. I'm sure they want everyone to assume he's editing vlogs.
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Le Baiseur

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Another chateau channel has jumped on the grifting wagon. Adieu, Queen's Escape.
He's a pilot, she's running the 6 room B&B/wedding venue and they want my $ to fund projects? How about getting a business loan?
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I'd been informed she got burnt... I thought burned out since I got burned out on some of the stupid shit... Sadly it seems they found her out and either hacked her account or took her phone or whatever and got her log in info... They must have threatened her... because most ppl would just spectacularly burn that bridge and open another profile and spill all the beans... I honestly expected her to be here when I came back ...Some asshole has her account now...
If you have no idea who Dragomiroff is, why refer to him as a he?

You were incorrectly informed. Clara burned herself; shot herself in the foot, one might say. No-one at LieLande found her out, or hacked her account, despite her claims. No-one took her phone. No-one threatened her. No arsehole has her account.

Clara, deliberately attacked members here in Tattle. It was completely unwarranted and unexpected. She claimed she was hacked, then not hacked, then hacked, then not, and that everyone at lieLande has known her identity all along. Apparently it was all a game, a social experiment instituted by herself with the knowledge of those at LieLande, to find out who she could trust here and who was on her side in taking LieLande down. She tried very hard to direct the narrative here in Tattle and did not like that members sometimes wandered off the path. Clara maliciously directed further attacks on one member here because, in her own words, that person 'was strong enough to take it.' However, that member was desperately ill at the time and in recovery from a blood clot that came close to killing her. This didn't matter to Clara. The attacks on us continued with non-apology apologies, strange justifications, bizzare explanations, alternate Clara's pretending to be the real Clara, and weird tangents that developed into verbal alledgedly real Clara versus alledged fake Clara battles on YouTube and Patreon... until Clara faded away.

Clara has her dedicated fans here and their friendship and loyalty is to be respected. Clara provided excellent Intel from inside LieLande and for this we remain grateful... but as far as I'm concerned, for the nasty attacks she perpetrated here, for those she hurt, she needs to be buried under the floor boards of the VIP lounge, along with every other arsehole who's ever pissed us off.

Now, let's move on because that's all I have to share on the matter.
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I’ve been thinking, how do you solve a problem like Philippa?

When I see him I'm confused, out of focus and bemused. And I never know exactly where I am. Unpredictable as weather, he’s as flighty as a feather. He’s a darling, he’s a demon, he’s a lamb

He’d outpester any pest, drive a hornet from its nest. He could throw a whirling dervish out of whirl. He is gentle, he is wild. He’s a riddle…he’s a child!

He’s a headache! He’s an angel!




How many of you sang along? 😆
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C'est moi

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Is Dan’s home derelict enough, though? 🤔 😄
According to Collins dictionary... yes!

I love that in an example of the use of the word, it says 'the body was found dumped in a derelict warehouse'
They could be talking about either shit'o and any of the cast!
Bet you she wore that skirt ensemble with some god awful 80s throwback heels. Even a black vest top would look nice with the skirt. The blouse belongs with jeans or a dark plain skirt with boots, a bit Camarguais.
So I can report, after a sneaky peeky perusal of Souleiado website, how much this ensemble cost...

I would like to point out that not one single item was in the sale and Souleiado do not give in store discounts so don't lie fanny.

Skirt 399€
Chemise 159€
Belt 69€

That's a whopping 627€ for the 3 pieces and I bet, a pound to a penny, she didn't stop at the 3 pieces. Probably a nice round 1000€, keep an eye out for Thrush sporting a Souleiado chemise... Not a single item, not even the belt, was at her ceiling price of £/$/€50. She could have bought a dress for 299€ and called it a day. Also note that Souleiado style the individual pieces with a plain top or bottom.

I whizzed through grabeaux because I wanted to see the clothes. She looked dreadful. As many have stated here, yellow is not her colour. With her hair severely scraped back and her eyebrows meeting her hairline in mock surprise she does herself no favours. For all his faults MPK styled her and did her makeup to a professional level.

For any patreons reading here and thinking 'oh we don't mind what steffi spends our money on'... enjoy the renovation of fanny because that is the only renovation you are going to see.


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I've been pondering Snorts eating dinner at his desk instead of with everyone else. Could he possibly been involved with an online auction and couldn't be away from his computer? I find it very odd that he sequestered himself. I'm sure they want everyone to assume he's editing vlogs.
I think you are spot on. He is such an entitled little snot, texting at the end of the video that he required more wine. If he was editing, he could just stop editing and go get his own damn wine. Since he could not leave his lady desk, F4F brought him wine and dinner to his bedroom, oops study.
How many times have you ever seen her bring him dinner? He was involved in an online auction of some type.
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VIP Member
Sorry but I have just had it with this grifter. Please excuse the swearing.

Fuck the lake. Fuck the chapel. Just fix the fucking grand salon before the whole chateau falls the fuck down, you fucking stupid idiot of a chatelaine !!!!!!!!!

View attachment 2336738

Is Stephanie Jarvis breast feeding Philip Janssen??? Or, is she preparing to be a wet nurse???

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C'est moi

VIP Member
I almost bought that same shirt! :ROFLMAO: I am sure you can pull it iff better than Snorts! But, you do have a point- ironically, this was in my shopping cart, and now I'm kind of, "Meh. I think I'll pass!"

View attachment 2340352
OK. Full disclosure. Not sure whether I believe all the blurb on the Souleiado website about their history blah, blah, blah. Years ago, probably 1979/1980, I came to the South of France for the first time with my then boyfriend (married 41 years now). We stayed on the côte d'azur, between Cannes and St Tropez. We explored everywhere, we shopped in some exclusive stores. We were buying Stéphen Kelian and Kenzo before they rocketed into haute couture. This holiday is where I fell in love with la France profond. Souleiado was not a known brand. This style/look was sold in all the markets between Nice and Arles. It was everywhere. Homewares too. And not expensive to buy. The market sellers were the gitans of the Bouches de Rhone (the department that is host to Marseille). I remember first seeing the Souleiado brand in a boutique (not a Souleiado boutique) in 1990 in Bormes les Mimosa and, at the same time, the same items (albeit with a different tag) available in the markets. In "modern" times this marque has taken on a massive personna, and price tag, appealing to the likes of fanny - the faux riche of the 21st century. The shirts are still worn by the Carmargeuse gardiens (many of them women). This is where the styles and patterns come from. I still like the shirts and the shirt dresses but would never pay those prices because 1. They're not worth it, and 2. That is not what they were originally about. I would just like to say if you like it and you would be happy with it, have it. Don't let fanny and Thrush influence your choices.
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Question: If you had a choice to eat lunch/ have a beer with one or some of the Dump crew and wanted to have a pleasant experience, who would you choose to dine with? I think Nick the tree guy would be cool and interesting, Maria could be fun, she is witty, intelligent, and can hold a conversation, Davy would be pleasant and wouldn’t say anything offensive, Pavlina wouldn’t be offensive, Annalise would be nice, Amaury’s parent seem like they would be pleasant lunch companions, Potts could fake his way through a pleasant lunch, Dana would be friendly Kirsty would be nice ( but only without her partner), etc.

I would invite the 2 puffs because they would bring a generous lunch to eat so you wouldn’t have to rely on the Dump prison rations. Of course, dining with Vivienne and her husband would be a no brainer. They are gracious hosts. Ollie can behave himself for a lunch so I think he would be pleasant company. I would be a little hesitant to invite Camille only because she may only allow you to smell the food and send it back without eating it so you wouldn’t become fat.

I’m on the fence as to whether Dan or Amaury would be pleasant lunch company, what do you think?
Would I invite Tess or just her baby doll? I don’t know.
I would eat lunch with Mrs. Shrek as long as she didn’t invite her Steph obsessed hubby to the lunch.
No lunch with Percy because it would be too Weekend at Bernie’s and he shouldn’t be driving anywhere anyways.

If I wanted a pleasant lunch, I would avoid the gruesome twosome, Nuttty ( she would be sullen, uptight, nd make you “broom” the floor fter lunch), Marie, Mummy, Gerry, and Baghead.

I would bring some high quality cat food and feed Ruby and keep him company while he dines. I think he would be a fabulous lunch

Who would be on your list?

I think she does outsource them but lies about it and claims she does it herself.

All she has to do is ask Potts, the tech wiz or her specially assigned YouTube consultant. Fanny is lying her ass off as usual. She is so full of shit.
Stephanie herself. I rub my hands and smile in anticipation.

1.) I'm no scholar but I am a huge fan of Beowulf. It must have been like landing on Mars to read Kevin Kiernan's take on it, and the takeover by Americans of a traditionally British field of play. I'd've killed to be at Oxford at the time. What was it like?

2.) Did your mother really feed the Workaways 400 calories a day per this email?

3.) Did you both let a mentally ill Workaway volunteer attack Frank and Ivo with homophobic remarks? And fire them instead of her, because her father was doing free electric work on the shitoo?
4.) Is Ruby your cat?
Why don't you feed him? Why did you let Selmar get him fixed?

5.) The pea fowl and chickens are yours. Why don't they have adequate winter shelter and shelter against the pine martens Phillip's forest cam shows you have in abundance? The sheep are yours, why did you allow them to bred incestuously and fail to shear them on time?

6.) Why were your Workaway volunteers made to work eight to 10 hours a day instead of the stipulated four or five?
7.) Are Larkin and Potts still owners of Lalande? If not, who is? Amaury? Your mother or her lawyer?
8.) Do/did you have workman's insurance for Dan/Ians/Amaury or any other worker? Was Dan licensed to operate heavy machinery to build the Jardin Anglais?
9.) What have you done with all the money you've earned? On whose advice did you change the Association rules?
10. What is the deadline on the lake, infrastructure repair and chapel? Why have you prioritized the chapel?
11. Where are your fiduciary reports to the association?

So very nice to talk to you. Thank you for the salad made of weeds garnished with one quarter ounce of grocery store ham.

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Late night ponderings…….

Coming from a long line of hardworking, capable, independent and intillegent women, I‘ve been fascinated by Fanny’s ability to seduce others (4,000 patrons) into helping her, saving her, buying her, doing things for her…and exactly how she goes about this….because it doesnt seem like she was raised that way by her mother, who seems like a very hardworking person.

The narrative she has built up is quite are just some traits and behaviors I've observed
- leveraging one‘s appearance or beauty to seduce others. This is why she focuses so much on her appearance And maintaining it as she ages. With so few accomplishments in life, her beauty is her main value.
- playing role of being helpless. there is nothing physically wrong with her, but you rarely see her exert herself in any way. I mean, give me 2 hours in my garden and I‘m covered in sweat, dirt and likely have a few twigs in my hair!
- needing financial help
- unable to care for herself, other than run a bath. Needs constant protection.
- obsession with youth, acting childlike…mannerisms that are child like, giggling, flouncing around, exhuberance and lack of body control, heavy focus on youth. Fanny seems stuck between an 8-15 yesr old girl, but adds a thick layer of sexuality…boobs out, see through gowns, heavy makeup.
- portraying one‘s self as superior, upper class to intimidate and impress others, demonstrate power, privilege, wealth, good taste, polarity, access. She does this with mentions of her education, relationships with others in positions of power, knowledge of so-called posh things, travel. Being asked to an event with VIPs, modeling in a fashion shower, VIP access, upgrades. Fanny has dedicated an entire channel to praise for her (gift grab). Many of us would be mortified tonreceive lavish gifts from ordinary people or pensioners on a fixed income, but not Fanny.

It's like Fanny read every fairy tale book and instead of seeing these as moral tales of good vs bad, only saw herself in the role of the poor, helpless, princess stuck in the fairy tale castle. She saw these stories as a how to step by step guide…how to get rich, how to get men to lavish you with gifts and attention.

instead of a handsome prince, Fanny has seduced 4,000 patrons to hand over their hard earned cash so she can continue to live a lavish lifestyle many of us could only dream about.

And, her fans do so willingly, you might say, but there’s something sinister and dirty about the whole thing, which is why most of us are here. And some of us fell under her spell for awhile even. In dark times like thenpandemic, we all needed to feel that we could be rescued. Ee all needed to be saved. We needed to dresm that life was fun and filled with friends and laughter, when many of us just wanted to cry. We were easy prey. The perfect mark. Vulnerable, lonely, scared, facing uncertainty, fighting over toilet paper.

Everybody wants to root for the princess. That’s the story we all grew up with In every fairy tale. Fairy tales are the ultimate escape from reality.
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Well-known member
Sorry but I have just had it with this grifter. Please excuse the swearing.

Fuck the lake. Fuck the chapel. Just fix the fucking grand salon before the whole chateau falls the fuck down, you fucking stupid idiot of a chatelaine !!!!!!!!!

View attachment 2336738
Meh, I don’t care if she never fixes the farmhouse or if it falls down. What I do care about is that she’s a Snake Oil con artist and ripping people off through what ever means she can think of. RIP Mmakhotso Moloi, you are the greatest tragedy of this charlatan.
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My impressions of France lie in it's bones. Those who have defended her, those who have died for her and those, who today, support her freedoms. For me it's not really about the food shared, nor the wine poured. It's the deep and abiding history of those people who, in their daily lives, were caught up in history not of their own making, but who became that history themselves.

From the Galli wars of 58 to 50 BCE and the conquest by Rome under Caesar, to Clovis 1 and the wars against the Visigoths, the Viking seige of Paris in 845 CE, the Norman's under Rollo, Capetians, Valois, the Bourbons and Plantagenets, and on through the centuries it goes to the remnants of the Great War. And what I especially love about it all, is that in every town and village and around every corner I can see and touch the fragments of all those lives lived. A Neolithic cave with its magnificent art, a Roman bridge, an 11th century castle, a 13th century church, perhaps a Vauban fortification, a monument, a battlefield, a grave. Always the graves. I can become immersed in the centuries long development of art, literature, science and philosophy; grasp elements of the Ancien Régime, the First Empire, and appreciate the economic development, cultural flourishing and prosperity of the Belle Époque. Then the chord that strikes me the most, the passion and bravery of those defending it all when the Axis powers sought to destroy it. My France is the fervor of those French and their allies who after years of struggle in the trenches were finally able to, once again, placid and temperate, and with a strength born of hardship, return to their homes and enjoy in that liberty they thought lost... and then yes, perhaps find enjoyment in that food and wine France is so famous for.
The 92 year old lady I work for has told me so many intersting tales. Her parents (because she was not born a boy) sent her from their Chateau in Cognac to live with her grandparents in Paris who lived by the Eifel Tower. She was living there during the German occupation and has a terrible scar on her leg after being run off the road by German soldiers into a ditch full of barbed wire. She's also told me that their neighbour in the opposite appartment, helped a lot of Jewish people escape. My 92 neighbour here in the village has also told me stories about the German occupation in this part of the Vendee. her family were poor and they came to their tiny little farm and took the lot, all their food and all of their farm animals. I have learnt a lot from these two formidable ladies who come from two different lives, one of comfort the other of near poverty. So interesting.
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Cleo's Asp

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She's probably got enough outfits to wear a different one each day of the year - seriously. At this stage, I would add that her need to buy endless quantities of expensive stuff to wear is not just questionable in terms of whose money she is spending or the fact that she is so acquisitive and materialistic. To have as much as she has, when so many, all over the world, are starving; homeless, etc., is just contemptible. The hyper greed just confirms what a despicable human being she is. Chateau Diaries not only changed her wealth, it also changed her into someone purely concerned about her appearance. Remember the photos in the early days of the chateau with Daddy when she looked dowdy and sad. She had dreams of being a princess but hadn't really achieved that. As soon as the money flowed in, she had an audience and that's why she dresses up. She has to present herself in different outfits all the time. It's all for the vlogs and the adulation. She has a very serious problem but, despite her education, she cannot see how much all that confirms how obnoxious and unethical she really is and oblivious to the needs of others.

As for that gift grab, the woman was certainly having a major de-clutter and just wanted the publicity. These "donors" are just as despicable as she is, the cost of postage alone could have could have provided food for several families.
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