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VIP Member
Exactly. And the whole "The travel pays for the renovations" is b.s. It's a new channel and they have to have a certain amount of content before they can monetize it. She assumes we're all as stupid as she is.
😡 No, Stephanie, the travel doesn’t pay for the renovations. The travel channel has to recoup the cost you incurred for the travel itself…which includes transportation, lodging, food, drinks, and whatever other expenses you had. On top of that, traveling means you’re away from your precious farmhouse and taking time from planning and working on renovations. Don’t insult us by trying to claim that the travel channel is paying for renovations….it’s a vanity channel and is only paying for your travel. Stephanie’s delusion is unbelievable.
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I found Tattle through Michael Petherick. He mentioned a nasty hate site and I thought "What? Where are my people? I must find them!" I knew I couldn't be the only one shouting at the screen.
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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
Bacon eater is going for it:

@chloe Hutton you have no clue what you are talking about . There is an EU report from 2003 about the ecology of Europe's river systems / lakes etc and water management. It talked about new responsibilities on landowners and non natural lakes to be drained under pain of law under some spurious pretence to tax and fine landowners. Stephanie was a victim of bureaucratic spite. Why are you on here you sound like a hater "vigilante" ...always posting sneers and nastiness😠😤🤬

Chloe Hutton
I am certainly not a hater, whatever that is? It all sounds a bit playground haters and vigilantes.I have never posted anything nasty. If I didn't like the vlogs and the Chateau I just wouldn't watch and I certainly wouldn't be a patron. That doesn't mean I can't give feedback unless Stephanie only wants the eulogising patrons, well that isn't me. I am just saying as an owner of a lake attached to my house, you have to maintain the water and its course on your land, this is costly under EU law but they don't make you drain it. I know how costly it is because we have had to get quotes in to adhere to the standard. My lake too is man made all be a few hundred years ago.

So your experience was different from Stephanie's. And others here have remarked on the spiteful tone of your messages. I would lay bets that you are one of the haters who reports verbatim what goes on in patreon to the other haters. We see you


Chloe Hutton
What on earth are you talking about? There is nothing spiteful in my advice it is matter of fact and common sense stuff. I am sure Stephanie is perfectly capable of answering her own questions. It makes no sense that the authorities would ask people to drain waterways and then say oh-you can put it back? You seem very aggressive and I don't want to get into spats in here it is totally unnecessary.

You are patrolling the comments here and every remark you make is laced with spiteful criticism or invective towards Lalande. Yes you ARE from the Hate site and we see what you sre doing...
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C'est moi

VIP Member
Thank you to @ComtesseRose for setting up the new thread. Congratulations to @Madame de Pompanddoodoo and @Patriciarella for naming the thread.

Sending love and hugs to all our m.i.a. tattlers ❤

So... is it safe to come out and take off my tin hat?

Seems I missed the excitement yesterday with @Dragomiroff , damn work! Has he been sent to the naughty step? Again! I thought we all knew that @Dragomiroff was @Trengilly and @Trengilly 2.0 And I don’t think it was kept a secret that he got an invite back. I also don't believe he's a flying 🐒 I think he's passionate in uncovering fanny for the lying, cheating, grifting whore that she is. And perhaps gets a little carried away. Just my thoughts. Over the years he has locked horns with Clara and, yes, has tried to out her and maybe made some questionable decisions taking things off site then trying to report it back here.

On the subject of @Clara Burnett I kept my head down and aforementioned tin hat firmly secured during the last 2 threads regarding that lady. She may, or may not, be in the wind now, but can we please move on from is she isn't she and not give space here or in our heads to the subject. That is playing into the 🪽🐒 hands in detracting from what is really going on with fanny.

I mentioned last thread that we are seeing at lot of lurkers surfacing. Some commenting, some liking posts but perhaps not ready to comment (who remembers their 1st time? A bit scary) all welcome. I noted that many, many of these accounts are 2 and 3 years old. May I hypothesise that when stupid fanny mentioned the "hate" site (that's us, btw) on her flog she almost certainly, out of curiosity, sent many of her fans here to check it out. What they probably found was a lot of humour and banter and a realisation that all was not quite as it seemed at the shit'o. They've hung around, dipping in and out, and then fanny pulls her latest begging bowl stunt and that glimmer of doubt has turned into a great shining beacon. Just my thoughts...

I don't know if new tattle subscribers can sign up again yet? I suspect not as we're not seeing any accounts that have been opened in recent months. There appears to be a few that are intent on driving the comments their way, I think the OG will understand what I mean! And a suspicion, on my part, that some somehow have more than one account and have made some slip ups in the past 2 threads 👀 that have got me to thinking 🤔

These are just my musings... carry on
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Mrs O

Well-known member
Hi Everyone, just to let you know (not that you’re interested in me … but …) I’m not dead yet. Took me some time catching up here that I was staggered at the amount I’ve missed … please slooowwww down.
- So nasty Nati and the out of work carpenter have left Lalaland - correct?
- ClaraB is no more? Her comments were somewhat cryptic at times … it wasn’t what she said but what was left unsaid … if you get my drift. She misspelt several common English words so just for the record she was either bad at grammar and spelling or English isn’t her first language … unless she’s from over the pond - US.
- Another boring-money-earning-channel by Fanny and her platonic friend - which passport(s) is she using to cross all these borders - one does wonder!
- Snorty Phil still getting his weekly pocket money from his girlfriend - ‘girl’ - ha ha … sorry about that not quite woken up yet!
- Dearest Mummy has returned and now gone back to her impressive pile in UK or her more impressive pile in SA?
- Chapel falling down … begging bowl again!
- No new windows yet?
- No apartments finished?
- Terrace still crumbling - unfinished … did it ever get properly started?
- Anyone using the downstairs loo yet? I’ve observed a local builder complete eight new houses quicker than this tiny space took to get a new toilet and sink installed!
- Garden? Did I read there are now three gardeners? What a mess. Is Davy really a professional gardener or is he just good at drawing make believe fairy tale inspired scenarios?
- Venice visited yet again?
- Just saw that dreaded word ‘Hanni’ - please don’t tell me she is back - couldn’t abide her - what a joke - hiding from camera then away on every jaunt with SJ to get on screen! No wonder her company demanded she return to work.
- The GAG has/is finally finished? About effing time.
- Is the Ukrainian dogsbody still at Lalaland? Is she included in the total of gardeners?
- Re her tax situation - will any Revenue department catch up with her? Is this the reason she is constantly travelling - ‘Catch me if you Can’ 😎

Recapping on length on Clara’s stay here - well I’ve been around a while along with our Dublin tattler, Jeeves, Heathcliff (who always make me laugh) and long gone Gibson and the Count of Monte Cristo … but still haven’t reached VIP status… these posts go way too fast for me to join in ‘live’ chats.

Thanks for your company and comments - it saves me watching the Shit show anymore.

BTW the above are comments only … I don’t expect a detailed report on the latest situation at the crumbing chateau. Perhaps that’s another acronym I can throw out CC - crumbling Chateau.

Keep up the tattling - the more you all rattle the cage the better.
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VIP Member
Travels with my Dumb blonde friend has made it to episode 2. Evidently no takers in mainland Europe as only UK and NY time shown lol
So disgusting. I don’t care when these travel vlogs were filmed, it’s ridiculous and idiotic to release them when you’ve just whined and cried about how expensive the repairs to the farmhouse and chapel will be. “See the actual Royal Venice Suite where this came from.” “Tour of one of the most beautiful hotel suites in the world.” Stephanie Jarvis is truly a narcissist of the worst kind. 😡🤢
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VIP Member
Bacon eater is going for it:

@chloe Hutton you have no clue what you are talking about . There is an EU report from 2003 about the ecology of Europe's river systems / lakes etc and water management. It talked about new responsibilities on landowners and non natural lakes to be drained under pain of law under some spurious pretence to tax and fine landowners. Stephanie was a victim of bureaucratic spite. Why are you on here you sound like a hater "vigilante" ...always posting sneers and nastiness😠😤🤬

Chloe Hutton
I am certainly not a hater, whatever that is? It all sounds a bit playground haters and vigilantes.I have never posted anything nasty. If I didn't like the vlogs and the Chateau I just wouldn't watch and I certainly wouldn't be a patron. That doesn't mean I can't give feedback unless Stephanie only wants the eulogising patrons, well that isn't me. I am just saying as an owner of a lake attached to my house, you have to maintain the water and its course on your land, this is costly under EU law but they don't make you drain it. I know how costly it is because we have had to get quotes in to adhere to the standard. My lake too is man made all be a few hundred years ago.

So your experience was different from Stephanie's. And others here have remarked on the spiteful tone of your messages. I would lay bets that you are one of the haters who reports verbatim what goes on in patreon to the other haters. We see you


Chloe Hutton
What on earth are you talking about? There is nothing spiteful in my advice it is matter of fact and common sense stuff. I am sure Stephanie is perfectly capable of answering her own questions. It makes no sense that the authorities would ask people to drain waterways and then say oh-you can put it back? You seem very aggressive and I don't want to get into spats in here it is totally unnecessary.

You are patrolling the comments here and every remark you make is laced with spiteful criticism or invective towards Lalande. Yes you ARE from the Hate site and we see what you sre doing...
I'm feeling quite sorry for Chloe, she is verbalising her own observations which she is perfectly entitled to do so. The Chattalain needs to get a grip on these patreons who feel it is appropriate to cut someone to shreds because they have an opinion. Bacon butties, sister or whoever she/he is (Clarrie Burnout, stupid moron) is a disgrace and needs to be gagged permanently. Chloe walk away and take your subscription and patronage contribution with you. Do you really want to continue supporting someone who obviously doesn't give a toss about your feelings. Shameful behavior by the dump crew.
Chloe can I also say your responses were both eloquent and controlled, truly admiral. Unlike the person attacking you. Truly the pits.
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Can you guess which ones are the porn actresses from the pictures below? 😄







Answer: They’re ALL porn actresses! Four of them act in adult videos, and the fifth one does Grifting Porn! 😆 (I’ll bet @Heathcliffe got this one right! 👍)
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Karma baby!

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Brenda Gibbons
Group expert

Good evening everyone
I have received many many messages since Sunday's vlog, too many for me to answer individually, so I hope it is ok with you all that I reply here.
Lots have suggested that I set up a go fund me campaign, as a common topic.
Whilst a number of our members are lucky to have a comfortable disposable income at the end of every month, that is not the case for all of us. Some of us are struggling with our day to day expenses. I would not feel comfortable at this time, asking members for any financial contributions.
For now, there is an income stream from Patreon, You Tube & the B&B.
Yes it is a pity that the chapel is in its current condition, however, Stephanie has ear marked finances from Patreon to cover the structural issues, which will secure it for the time being.
I would not be in a position to commit to organising any fund raising efforts, this is an initiative that must come from Lalande & Stephanie, if that is a consideration, I am very sure we will be informed.
However in the mean time, we can help significantly in other ways.
  1. If we all viewed the vlogs twice, with the ads, it would double the You Tube revenue. The more views a vlog receives, the greater the income.
  2. Leave a comment on the You Tube channel encouraging other viewers to do this, not only will it help the account, it will boost the income!
These actions, have the potential to increase You Tube revenue, which can only help the over all situation, without anyone feeling obligated to make financial contributions when it doesn't suit their current means.
This is mental health month, we can get very over whelmed by what we see on social media. From feeling our homes, lifestyle etc are inferior, to feeling bad because we are not in a position to contribute or participate in events. That should never be the case, because regardless of where we live, our home is our we dress..look...that is what makes us unique..& as for material things..some people can afford more than others surely...but you know....they can't buy us our health. When you see these glossy images of ideal lifestyles etc....never forget....everything comes with a compromise....


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So @Jules100 isn’t the only tattler with an inside source. I’ve just been sent a bit of Fanny’s camera roll snuck off the pink phone. My source thinks Snorty took these to prove Staph does indeed wear knickers. Personally I think it’s really PhiPhi wearing Fanny’s knickers. Notice the neck beard on display. I’m positive the green evening gown and tiara were nicked from Fanny’s cast offs. We’ve all seen Little Lord Fondletoy prance about the attic in skirts. Certainly doesn’t do anything for his legs. He could do with a shave.😬


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Le Baiseur

VIP Member
<SNIP>I mentioned last thread that we are seeing at lot of lurkers surfacing. Some commenting, some liking posts but perhaps not ready to comment (who remembers their 1st time? A bit scary) all welcome. <SNIP>
This got me thinking about my first posts. I'm afraid to go back and read them; I was still a bit naive about the chateauverse back then. I don't think I ever really introduced myself; I recall the ice breaker was a discussion about my profile name.

My gateway drug to the chateauverse was Chateau de Gudanes' FB posts (I love their approach to restoration, embracing the history, patina, and decay.)

I've always been into DIY and a Francophile, but Gudanes piqued my curiosity and interest in chateau restoration so I started researching and scouring the www for chateaux. I eventually stumbled upon Dick and Angela and their tv show. I immediately disliked them and their style but enjoyed seeing the other chateau owners and their respective projects.

In one of D&A's Xmas episodes, A made stupid gift baskets for her staff and invited them to a party. I remember seeing Michael in the background of several shots looking quite unimpressed with the gift basket. Then came the Basmaignée episode and I saw Michael again which started me down a www rabbit hole and led me to the wallpaper controversy and eventually Tattle. I didn't join then but read a few posts and decided Tattle wasn't for me.

Then came the Lalande episode; Fanny came off as a phony histrionic dipshit but I got sucked into the life, love, and laughter boho vibe: I entered another www rabbit hole which led me back to Tattle and I lurked some more. The more I watched Fanny's Diaries and the more I read here, the more I saw Fanny for what she is. Cadeaux was the tipping point, I signed up and joined the conversation.
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VIP Member
Is he having a laugh?
200w (7).gif

Michael T
How do you do it, Stephanie? You seem to lead a very vanilla life, rarely leaving your home. You need to get out and about more often to expand your horizons. You know, places like London, Paris, Venice, Barcelona and the like. If you need help with suggestions let me know.



My Cat Life 🐈
17 hours ago
Could you not sell your flat in London to cover the cost for the chapel and the rest can go to the chateau renovations.
Hello World
12 hours ago
🤨 are you politely asking 300 000 Euro???


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chris beckstrom

7 minutes ago
Perhaps this wake up call can help push you into diversifying the running of the estate. Many estates in the UK offer camping and "glamping" sites, and you probably have an appropriate site somewhere on the property to build a shower and toilet block for little cost. You also have a brand upon which to build a veritable lifestyle and products empire; you should invest in getting people to Lalande that can help you launch something. Honestly, I'd rather see that than watch how the napkin rings coordinate with the rest of the table setting. The frippery and foppery and expensive vacations are amusing, but considering the task ahead of you to restore the estate, you risk appearing frivolous and irresponsible.

👇Thank you @ComtesseRose ❤ for this gem...
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VIP Member
I am now Shifty Grifty and Chloe Hutton and Amauary and Clara Burnett and Spartacus. Or am I truly mad and actually Baconeater and Clarrie Burnout too and enjoying an argument with myself? Stephanmememe is answering a question about guess what ,herself Patreon:
Wonderful update Stephanie and cannot wait to see your CFS update on the Travel Channel. (The Venice trip with Oli was sublime I watched 4 times Art History degree dissertation was around the painter Carpaccio and the art patronage of the Scuole Grande and less Scuole in 15th Century Venice so it took me back)🥰🥰🥰. You have your priorities re the work in good order I feel and you will get them done one small bite of 🐘 at a time as you say. I have put a link on a large whatsapp group of mine of the Chateau Diaries to raise exposure so you get more YT view and I intend to up my patreon suns to Comtesse status or above as helping save Lalande (even in a small way is a real privilege). Is my beloved Chelsea looking festive in our fab weather? I am down for a Wedding on Saturday at Farm St then a Reception in Cheyne Walk (cannot wait🌸🌼🌺❤❤)Philip &Kat looked like adorable twinnies btw. Shifty Grifty and Hutton are one and the same she has the bit between her fangs. Lurking Smeg seems to be the only hater with a sense of normality as the rest of the hypochondriacs wear Covid masks in bed. A bunch of "lunes" discussing their ailments in a Surgery's Waiting Room have more personality. Jule's satire YT with the gaggle of Clarries is more entertaining. The Haters are grasping at straws for new material these days and they are going around in ever decreasing circles " incompetent incontinent has beens" is what my husband calls them and they are on their last legs. You rise above all the jealous hate (which is dwindling) Steph and that is why we love you. Onwards and upwards "Lalande en marche"🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘😘🍾🍾🌞💐💐💐

Michael T
How do you do it, Stephanie? You seem to lead a very vanilla life, rarely leaving your home. You need to get out and about more often to expand your horizons. You know, places like London, Paris, Venice, Barcelona and the like. If you need help with suggestions let me know. Yet in spite of your quiet, practically secretive lifestyle you have hundreds of thousands of fans in so many countries around the globe. It just defies the odds. At least it sounds like you'll soon be venturing out a dozen or so kilometers to the modest town of Lourdoueix-Saint-Michel. How exciting that the chapel there relied on the architectural plans for the Chapel of St. Joseph at Lalande. On top of everything you'll be returning to the lovable cuteness of at least half a dozen not so shy little chicks who've recently come out of their shells. By the way, great choice of earrings!


Stephanie Jarvis
Aren’t they delightful? 😉 I had to wear them for the Chelsea Flower Show as they have delicate little flowers on them. Thank you so much 💛

Just to add Philip and Steph I think Green in the Bonne Maman bathroom would be divine😘😘😘My sister Bex is coming back as a Patreon too. She has been in Pornic for a month and "les huitres" and the sea air have rejuvenated her. She has been derailing the petty haters for 2 months on the dark web and they still haveNO idea (nary' a brain cell between them😅🤣🤣🤣) .
Just a comment about Clarrie Burnout…Baconator…whatever (I really don’t want to give her the attention she craves, so will just make an observation and move on). All I’m going to say is “where there’s smoke there’s fire.” There are a lot of YouTubers…many of them who own a chateau and do restoration. But I’m not aware of any gossip sites devoted to them. The past 243 threads on this site… 243,000 posts…is devoted to one person…Fanny. Think about it….why is that, Clarrie? Is it because the people who read these threads and comment are “jealous” of Stephanie Jarvis above all other YouTube chateau owners? Or maybe…just maybe…is it because there’s really something wrong? Because the people who read and comment on these threads can see that things don’t make sense? That after years of collecting Patreon money, YouTube revenue, sponsorships, and gifts, the farmhouse is no better off than it was? And in many ways, it’s worse. After years of travel, purchases, and parties, Fanny is now crying that she can’t afford the renovations and is considering a Gofundme??? Clarrie’s rants make no sense and reek of desperation…sounds like the screech of a rat backed into a corner.
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VIP Member
Just watched Billy’s latest and Christ on a cracker little wee Ernest has done more work than Fanny and her Lady’s Maid Phyllis have all year!
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Really concerned that our Stef & Phil’s hairlines are disappearing as fast at the patreon cash. It’s the stress of it all. I’ve fixed it for them…
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Well-known member
dear Stephanie, in your own words, why do you think strangers should pay for your chapel to the tune of 300K?

as you say, you don’t want to dip into your personal funds or sell “retirement“ assets like your London flat. you don’t want to lay off your staff of cleaners, gardeners or cooks or friends, family or others on your payroll. You don’t want to cut back on spending. you don’t want to host legitimate fundraising events or expand your business with events. You don’t seem to want to sell branded merch or develop any products that people can buy.

But you do want your fans, many who are just ordinary people to dig deep to pay for a building that they will likely never visit. for a plaque with their name on it, right?

is that really fair?

If you did the exact same chapel video but offered something for sale…tshirts, notecards and dish towels, etc…your fans would have flocked to buy items and you may have legitimately earned the funds.

To any Lurkers who are still fans, why don’t you ask this question in the live chat and see if you get blocked or censored. Then ask yourself why…
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Dear Stephanie,
Your whole chapel issue can be solved in an instant if you learn from the masters (Fleuries and Fairpants), and sell overprized candles and tea!
If you sell 2000 candles for 350 euros each, you get 700,000 Euros! Sell 300 pouches of tea for 200 Euros each, that's 60,000!
You will have enough to cover the cost of the chapel restoration, recoup the capital, and still have leftovers for some luxury travel, and cosmetic surgery for both you and your boyfriend!
You're welcome!
The Marquis de Potpourri




lalande tea.png
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