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Congratulations Dan. If you would like to talk about your experience at the farmhouse, we would be interested. We will pay you for your time. We will send you a letter.
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Dearest fellow Tattler friends,

I've just popped in for a moment to say g'day and to wish all you lovely people the very best. It's been a very tough and exhausting few weeks. My sweet mother in law's funeral in Northern Ireland followed shortly after by my beloved godfather father's funeral in Australia. While in Australia I was greeted by the news that my brother in law has been diagnosed with cancer, and the family is devastated. There's hope the cancer has been caught early, so we pray and do all we can to support him. So much sadness all round. A panicked phone call from N-Ireland informed me that one of my cats was vomiting blood and undergoing surgery after inadvertently swallowing a rose thorn, of all things, which tore into his stomach lining. He's come through fine and is now recuperating. I've seriously had enough and am now in my happy place to rest, relax and enjoy some quiet time before heading back to the Northern Hemisphere.

I haven't been able to keep up with the threads, but will try for some thread reading on the way back to the UK. I send you all my love and hope you've all shared much laughter and fun together.

Be safe all,
Miss you 'orrible lot!

PS. Why is everyone suddenly wearing incredible "kitchen camouflage"? It's brilliant! 🤗

Happy place...

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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Do any other members on this forum actually question why they are still here, especially the long term VIP members?
What exactly has to be gained by questioning/bitching about Stephanie Jarvis and her HMN?
In my everyday real world, if I could not make something stick after seeking legal advice and/or make happen via appropriate evidence, I would just have to walk away - as I have come to realise that is what I must do. Obviously, my personal decision and I 100% know that no-one here will ever miss my comments either - c'est la vie! That's the way in the "real" world - and, for the record, I am not personally offended. :)
Basically because, if you look back through the threads, in actual fact not so much has changed within the past 2-3 years where the HMN is concerned? Especially, even more so where Stephanie Jarvis' attitude in being truthful and/or transparent doesn't appear to REALLY affect her patreon account or subscribers either. Please feel more than happy to correct if I am wrong if I have misconstrued anything. Maybe levels have not grown, BUT, they don't appear to have diminished either!
How the hell can Tattle Life expect to influence 199K subscribers, let alone the ???? patrons?
Apart from @Isabelle6541 and her steadfast patron group who are working so hard to investigate (and for the record Isabelle I 100% applaud you), and HOPEFULLY, will finally expose Stephanie Jarvis in some which way, manner or form!
What else has been really been achieved here?
Yes, myself and @Princess and the Pea reported SJ to the National Trust in connection with her unauthorised vlogging at Sissinghurst - great and hopefully there will be reprecussions from that angle - fingers crossed, but, who truly knows what the outcome will be?
Not me, or any other Tattler!
In all honesty, outside of the above, what else has truly been achieved here on Tattle Life to date? I would love to be enlightened please. TIA. :love:
On the outside it might appear not much has changed over the years, concerning Stephanie Jarvis and her unparalleled grifting schemes. She's still out there doing mainly the same stupid activities over and over again. But let me tell you, if you look at her in real life, she's like a changed person, a train wreck waiting to happen, in a constant state of panic about life in general and where it is taking her, what she must do to stay on top of things and not get exposed. And I for one believe that's a fair price to pay for all the money she's receiving and if I can keep her on her toes by reporting here, if that still worries her, I will keep doing it.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
I guess it is like how Anne Marie automatically puts on the loved up boyfriend act whenever a camera is pointed in his direction. Remind me of when the old Battle Axe was on a screaming rampage, then realized Fanny was filming her, and Isabelle immediately put on a fake smile. Very conscious of appearances and very calculating to put our the most flattering image when filmed.
There's a reason Armoir is still connected to that Argentinian Bully. Ask Selmar and Ian and they will probably tell you both of them have a temper underneath that bombastic portrayal of innocence and lovey-dovey-ness. I'm dying to find out more soon on what Armoir's real plans for Snorty are, as I don't belief for one second they get along. Too many stories of backstabbing are being spread both ways for them to be actually friendly. The Argentinian Bully also have an axe to grind with the Snorting Squirrel Cameltoe and who knows, she might think it's about time. They all are sharpening their knives!
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Not to derail, but my bride and I were experiencing the emotional bliss of viewing Canaletto’s paintings of Venice at the National Gallery when I heard a man say to another couple, “Excuse me, aren’t you the Youtube couple from Chateau de Rosierres?” I turned, and behold, the de Rosierres! They talked for a bit about the chateauverse and the woman from Positano. When the “fan” moved on, I snuck a paparazzi shot of the Rosies. They seemed like a very nice, sweet, down-to-earth and genuine couple. 😉👍🏼

Who do we hope we run into next?😅👏🏻😅
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
What's your take on Dan leaving, @Clara?
I think it's a wise decision. There's not much left for him at Stephanie Jarvis' crumbling HMN and she made it quite clear that he needed to be all in if he wanted to stay. I'm sure she has told him that even when he leaves he can still work there, as sure as I am it's not going to be lasting long. He needed to move on a long time ago, but got stuck.

That room's horrid, even for a female... :sick:
It's the stuff nightmares are made of, indeed. I know because I've slept there, and not very good. Really bad bed and dirty Emmaus mattress too, jikes!
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I am here mainly for the laughs, different points of view, just like discussing a film, a TV show or magazine article with others. I can read on my breaks and "talk" nonsense with others who know who I am referring to. I am not after Steph, but watch and read with horror how OTT many fans and Patreons are in their blind devotion to all things Lalande
This thread was never intended as some form of divine retribution for SJ and Lalande.
To quote Petty Ice Queen, the originator, " I'd love for someone to start a topic on Stephanie and The Chateau Diaries (don't know if I can as a newbie)! Used to binge the vlogs but lately just feel like it's becoming weird with all the gifting and money-grabbing compared to the free labour from the volunteers."

As the Tattler community grew, very slowly at first people commented on the vlogs, the volunteers and frequent visitors as things didn't quite ring true. We enjoyed the gossip and nonsense and more importantly the humour and as @Pyke says, discussing the vlogs with others in a light hearted way.

Later, others joined who were more interested in Patreon, the Lalande Association, the accounts, taxes and so on. That interest is not necessarily shared by the whole Tattle community and it is not why the thread began. I don't contribute in anyway, so really I'm not bothered about her accounts or if the whole place comes crashing down because she hasn't concentrated on the structure. That's fine, if that's your bag but it won't be shared by everyone and similarly, don't expect everyone to want to join a crusade.

For me, also a recent early retiree, Tattle is still about light hearted amusement at the antics and characters. I like the idea that they are reading here and that it causes them to run about like headless chickens to address comments they read on Tattle.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
@Clara Burnett I am curious. Did Dan the man leave of his own accord? or was there some behind the scenes coup/ pressure?
As always, it's all entangled. That's the narc explanation anyway: they come voluntarily and they leave whenever they want. As if nothing happened in between. Dan might be some illusions poorer, he will recover and bounce back to whatever it is he seeks in life. I think not having to spend so much time with the Snorting Squirrel Cameltoe and his rise to the thrown is the biggest benefit of leaving the HMN. Snorty will make sure everybody knows he has won. That boy is unbearable.
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I really don’t think I owe anyone an explanation for why I joined Tattle or why I continue to read here and post. I don’t think many of us (if any) found Tattle by chance, so something brought each of us here. It’s usually not by random chance. Some of us have legitimate gripes, some want to vent, some are just flying monkeys who like to stir things up, etc. To question long term member motives for why they continue to stay comes across as a passive aggressive attempt at “shaming” to me…the undertone is “don’t you have anything better to do?” Well, it’s my choice as to how I spend my time…for whatever reason I have. Just my two cents!

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Dan leaves the chateau….good for him! My respect for Dan just went up a little. Even the music he chose for the video was happy and upbeat. I don’t know how he managed to stay in that pink Toile room for 9 months!

View attachment 1432214
my goodness...that room is a nightmare..the curtains dont even close properly..that desk..and that chair...well we know now how she houses her volunteers...under the heating roof in a room that creates headaches with that awfull wallpaper...even on the ceiling.. :eek: i know its a french thing to do...i hate it..

well Dan...we,,, all the fifteen of us🙄 predicted long before you knew it... this was gonna happen...

Dan thought he could win the war...but no... Fanny has to be the Queen...and all that wants her crown has to be dismissed..what a nasty woman..and what a toxic place to stay...Dan she destroyed your marriage and your YT should have listened to in your grandfathers place and in the meantime try to fix your own dump...i have a feeling your followers arent gonna follow you better stayed humble back then...just worked at that toxic place...and do your own thing...but were caught in the net of that black spider..who distroys everything she has no longer use of...i guess you have a lesson learned...

Btw Snort thinks he is way... he is the next on the list...i bet Fanny has yet another victum in sight...he doesnt sleep with her he is only her ladiesmaid...she is very aware he is a bad factor in her griftingsceem...he also gives her too much comment...narcs dont like advice for snort..get in touch with a transportcompany who can come to collect you and all of that rubbish you bought..your days are numbered...there is nothing in that place what belongs to you...just some crap your out in a jiffy...
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VIP Member
Seems like Dan finally got the message...
Dan leaves the chateau….good for him! My respect for Dan just went up a little. Even the music he chose for the video was happy and upbeat. I don’t know how he managed to stay in that pink Toile room for 9 months!

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Well-known member
Do any other members on this forum actually question why they are still here, especially the long term VIP members?
What exactly has to be gained by questioning/bitching about Stephanie Jarvis and her HMN?
In my everyday real world, if I could not make something stick after seeking legal advice and/or make happen via appropriate evidence, I would just have to walk away - as I have come to realise that is what I must do. Obviously, my personal decision and I 100% know that no-one here will ever miss my comments either - c'est la vie! That's the way in the "real" world - and, for the record, I am not personally offended. :)
Basically because, if you look back through the threads, in actual fact not so much has changed within the past 2-3 years where the HMN is concerned? Especially, even more so where Stephanie Jarvis' attitude in being truthful and/or transparent doesn't appear to REALLY affect her patreon account or subscribers either. Please feel more than happy to correct if I am wrong if I have misconstrued anything. Maybe levels have not grown, BUT, they don't appear to have diminished either!
How the hell can Tattle Life expect to influence 199K subscribers, let alone the ???? patrons?
Apart from @Isabelle6541 and her steadfast patron group who are working so hard to investigate (and for the record Isabelle I 100% applaud you), and HOPEFULLY, will finally expose Stephanie Jarvis in some which way, manner or form!
What else has been really been achieved here?
Yes, myself and @Princess and the Pea reported SJ to the National Trust in connection with her unauthorised vlogging at Sissinghurst - great and hopefully there will be reprecussions from that angle - fingers crossed, but, who truly knows what the outcome will be?
Not me, or any other Tattler!
In all honesty, outside of the above, what else has truly been achieved here on Tattle Life to date? I would love to be enlightened please. TIA. :love:
I would imagine but I can’t be sure… we are giving her lots of sleepless nights and consternation. I do not believe for one moment that Isabelle (no relation) is just coming back because she misses her daughter and the farm house. I think (know) they are trying to run damage control. They either know who we have approached for interviews or they think they know. This group is what keeps them up at night! I am sure of that. Google “Stephanie Jarvis fraud”, “ Stephanie Jarvis gossip” She can’t be pleased.

PS -Selmar, Marie, Josie, Andi, Ian (any of them) we would love to chat. We will pay for your time. We all know you are here.
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VIP Member
Dan's year in pictures...
Yes, it has only been a year.
Stephanie Jarvis does not like to get her hand dirty.🤫
Who's next???

Lalande help.png

Dan and Amaury.png

Dan and Cat.png

BJJ Dan.jpeg
AM and Dan in a van.jpg
Dan planting trees.png

Dan and Maria.jpg

Dan SJ and Nutti.png
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Dan and SJ.png


AM, Nutti, Dana.png
Nutti in the woods.png

SJ Dan's news.png



Dan Am Sabine.png

Dana and Dan.png


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Lalande pink toile.jpeg
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View attachment 1432298
Charlotte Dickens
18 minutes ago
Hmmm...I wonder what Stephanie and Philip are plotting? You're moving out was only a matter of time. I think you're time there maybe a permanent departure. I hope I'm wrong.
Jeff Erohsab
1 minute ago
Someone else wore out his welcome months ago but he's still there. Onward and upward, Dan! Exhale!
I am glad you grab Charlotte's comment.
Chatlotte Dickens' comment has already been deleted, so I will re-post it.

Charlotte Dickens
18 minutes ago
Hmmm...I wonder what Stephanie and Philip are plotting? You're moving out was only a matter of time. I think you're time there maybe a permanent departure. I hope I'm wrong

Maggie Hill
24 minutes ago
? I’ve seen good help is pulled away by a person who lets say runs things at the Chateau . Since Stef’s cuz came people are getting booted js

59 minutes ago
There's only so much porcelain, throw pillows & toile people can take before they snap.
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VIP Member
Thank you, as always @ComtesseRose for your response.
Yes, Tattlers are watching her, BUT :
Imho, attrition could work only if patrons/subscribers are finally lead to Tattle Life if ever they feel they are "taken for granted", which unfortunately, I sense many of them won't be any time soon!
I don't think you give it enough credit.
Stephanie tried with her fancy French Schillings lawyers to shut down the threads about her, yet she was unsuccessful. A thread with 40K views, that is a lot, when you think it's only "15 bitter tartlets" who comment. Within those numbers are the lurkers and those curious, who want to find answers to some things.
Clara provides inside info, which we are lucky to have. It's damaging for her reputation as nothing she does can be hidden anymore.
#Selmargate was also damaging, and the fact it's archived on Tattle for everybody to see.
Isabel's group of Patreon members are seeking to hold her accountable legally. On top of that, you wrote to Sissinghurst, which may have had repercussions for Stephanie - either demonetisation or a fine.
Stephanie's brand is being tainted as she's got the reverse Midas touch - I'm sure she'll soon be blacklisted from collaborations with higher end brands... I mean that Christie's gig is a once in a lifetime chance, even if she payed for it, and she botched that by bringing her support squirrel and going home earlier (Who does that?!)
As people have said, she's buying subscribers and making fake Patreon members, so the numbers aren't exact.
Also, I'd say newbies who find her channel might quickly be put off, by then ardent (rabbid) fans who function as château guard house gate keepers, and walk away, which inevibtably kills her channel faster than the usual 5 year life a YouTube channel has.
Speaking of YouTube, there are now channels out there who are calling her out, and disgrunteled fans & Patreons are flocking to those to voice an opinion.
So, no matter how you look at it, Stephanie is being hit on all fronts, I'd say it's a matter of time - how long, nobody knows...

I personally don't have a bone to pick with Stephanie, but as a reality TV addict, I do love to watch a train wreck and allow myself a pat on the back knowing I am better than that.
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I am not Amaury. If I was do you really think I would be providing the direct email to CEO of channel 4 to send evidence of her sculduggery? That email address is not available at the click of a button. Why the paranoia it is just like CD, shut people down and pile. in, it is quite nasty. If you don't want new members close entry off. Would love to hear what other motive I could possibly have?
@Just Grift Wood, sometimes it is hard to get started here. As you may have seen for yourself, occasionally “flying monkeys” do try to infiltrate and derail us doing what we do. I personally do not think you are here to undermine us. There has been a very recent poop tornado that you might have been accidentally sucked into. I would suggest you quit trying to defend yourself and just keep on tattling. Threads move quickly here and sometimes it just takes a little bit of time to be accepted by most of us. ❤
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
I would imagine but I can’t be sure… we are giving her lots of sleepless nights and consternation. I do not believe for one moment that Isabelle (no relation) is just coming back because she misses her daughter and the farm house. I think (know) they are trying to run damage control. They either know who we have approached for interviews or they think they know. This group is what keeps them up at night! I am sure of that. Google “Stephanie Jarvis fraud”, “ Stephanie Jarvis gossip” She can’t be pleased.

PS -Selmar, Marie, Josie, Andi, Ian (any of them) we would love to chat. We will pay for your time. We all know you are here.
You guys should put Tess Hoffman on your list of need-to-talk-to's. I know it seems like she and Stephanie are very good friends at the moment, but I know for a fact there's very little love lost between them and Tess has been close for years to Jarvis herself and many of the main figures. She has some stories to tell and since you offer to pay for her time, I'm sure she would be interested. Money is what makes her tick too.
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I have the distinct impression that Fanny, aided and abetted by Nutti, Amaury and NoNuts has been quietly meddling in his relationship with Annalise. Little whispers in her ear and quite likely in his too. The love bombing of Annalise has certainly ramped up of late - trips away with Nutti, inviting her and the boys to dinners there when Dan is sent packing, the holiday on Cap D'Age.
I am convinced she has been using a catering sized wooden spoon to stir things up.
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