Thread ordered by most liked posts - View normal thread. all...I also feel Selmar is now revealing all...because it has finally gotten into his thick head that he is not welcome anymore at la Jarvis chateau. so...he is setting a bomb...

...hope tatti is into him...for her sake...because she is stuck with his slow ass...

... for now...ridin’ high...because...of course...she’s bangin’ the zen-like....annmaurie...wait till he is bored with her plain ass... 40...pregnancy is a may get the SJ treatment at that point herself...😎

...what goes they say... be honest...I hate ‘slow’’t blame anybody for wanting lame Selmar out...
Nutty has been riding high since she arrived at the shit hole, she had tinder dates making booty calls frequently during the covid. As for getting pregnant amerous won't give a shit if her well is dry he has kids back home. She is a controlling vicious person he will soon regret their romance. The nicest people at the shit hole were Selmar & Kirsty, at least they show some interest and speak to guests the rest think its beneath them. If the B&B guests were not Patrons trip advisor would crash. I was there when Nati was bullying Tatiana it was an atrocious experience, she didn't speak to her she screamed at her called her names how she can be employed as a manager. There is no way Fanny instructed that because there was a flurry by Potty & Camel Toe to get Fanny. They are very lucky that Selmar & Tatiana haven't reported them to the employment authority. During my short stay I witnessed 4 very unhappy volunteers, they had no heating in their rooms only hot water bottles, they were constantly on edge about receiving group messages from Nutty complaining about their work, regardless of their skills all Nutty told them to do was house work they said this was not what they signed up for and would have left sooner only they couldn't afford new flights. They all spoke about how nasty nutty was to them & said other volunteers had left before their time I can understand why. Nutty is very jealous if amerous chats to anyone or vice versa she slams doors. I know from reading the comments here you don't like camel toe, I found him & potty nice. It was a regrettable stay I will not be back.
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Hey guys, what will la Lande be called should Amaury and Dan renovate it into a hotel?


I came up with that all by myself
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Why is noone suspecting Dan? Dan could've made him miserable,but since Dan doesn't live at the chateau, it wasn't a constant struggle, it's be more intermittent, and gave Selmar enough reason to stick around since he was ok with those inside of the chateau.
I know we (well, majority) are all fans of Dan so it's a bit of a pill to swallow. But what are some arguments against it possibly being Dan? He arrived after Selmar. He and Selmar didn't seem to get on particularly great, pretty neutral on camera if ever captured together. Could go either way...
I don't imagine anyone could seriously suspect Dan in this. I think he might be seriously hacked off with Selmar but to make his life miserable just isn't his style. He might choose not to engage with him. I think Dan would be more likely to walk away. (As someone reminded us, there was that time when Selmar, Dan and Matt were drinking in the kitchen together.). I certainly don't see him being unpleasant to Tatty.
Hur-hur is sly! He would certainly seek to cement his place at the Chateau by whispering in ears. All "charm" on the surface but running to his "girl"friend the minute they moved away. I bet both Selmar and FRK were the subject of a lot of pillow talks. Nati was given the role of dispatching them, keeping their lily white hands clean.\
Nutty has been riding high since she arrived at the shit hole, she had tinder dates making booty calls frequently during the covid. As for getting pregnant amerous won't give a shit if her well is dry he has kids back home. She is a controlling vicious person he will soon regret their romance. The nicest people at the shit hole were Selmar & Kirsty, at least they show some interest and speak to guests the rest think its beneath them. If the B&B guests were not Patrons trip advisor would crash. I was there when Nati was bullying Tatiana it was an atrocious experience, she didn't speak to her she screamed at her called her names how she can be employed as a manager. There is no way Fanny instructed that because there was a flurry by Potty & Camel Toe to get Fanny. They are very lucky that Selmar & Tatiana haven't reported them to the employment authority. During my short stay I witnessed 4 very unhappy volunteers, they had no heating in their rooms only hot water bottles, they were constantly on edge about receiving group messages from Nutty complaining about their work, regardless of their skills all Nutty told them to do was house work they said this was not what they signed up for and would have left sooner only they couldn't afford new flights. They all spoke about how nasty nutty was to them & said other volunteers had left before their time I can understand why. Nutty is very jealous if amerous chats to anyone or vice versa she slams doors. I know from reading the comments here you don't like camel toe, I found him & potty nice. It was a regrettable stay I will not be back.
@French Maid - you tell us that you stayed at the HMN. It must have been fairly recently as you say you observed Nati bullying Tatty first hand and yet you tell us that "she had tinder dates making booty calls frequently during the covid." How would you know this? Who were the four volunteers during your stay? Are we to understand that these volunteers chose to complain to a guest? Were there other guests staying at the same time as you?
One more question, were you a patron when you booked your stay at Lalande and did you make a complaint about your experience?
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Lady Avonlea

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Snorty will eventually leave the shitoo. (It's just taking longer than most of us would like). Ultimately, it's not a matter of if, but when, Snorty will leave and we're all keen to see what plan Fanny concocts to facilitate his departure. Fanny has complicated the situation terribly by sleeping with the little twerp and it's going to be a creative and costly challenge to prise Squirrelbaby out of her nest.

Snorty's downfall may ultimately happen quite suddenly with him departing the shitoo quickly, but I don't see him going quietly. I envision Snorty handling the breakup like a sulky, revengeful teenager rather than as a mature adult. What will Fanny need to do (or pay) to keep Snorty quiet? Like Selmar, how long before Snorty starts spilling the tea, leaving cryptic online messages and throwing time bombs at chateauverse.

Whoever said soap operas are dead isn't watching the shit show at Chateau de Lalande.
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After our visitor today, it would appear that Granny Barbie (love that!) is going through her little black book of those who have loved and lost but not quite got away. Who's next? The Sungazer? Nordic Wierdo?

At first glance, I thought she'd decided to wash her bedding and was wrestling with the king size duvet!

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I’ve been reading here for a long time but I never post (once). I have 2 graduate degrees in natural language processing in which I focused on research analyzing questions and answers on online forums. I’m convinced that the French Maid is mostly Tatyana with some of the posts being authored by Selmar as well. The patterns fit to what they’ve written on other social media forums. It’s been really fascinating to read their comments because they’re so entrenched in proving Natti’s malfeasance.
My mom lives with me. I take care of her. And on occasion I get tired of her always being around. So if and when I say something critical to my mom, she immediately accuses me of yelling at her and hating on her, when in reality if that was true I wouldn’t be taking care of her. But my mom is insecure and is in a position where she depends on me, so she takes anything I say that is critical and creates drama out of it.
At a certain age and maturity one has to be self aware enough to realize that you’re pissing people off and you may not realize why, but you take a moment for self reflection and remove yourself from the situation. To then start dragging people through the mud openly and publicly after you leave only makes you sound like a whiny baby.
And now I’ll go back into lurking mode. Toodles.
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Clara Burnett

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What with Jamie and French Maid’s emergence, I’m sensing a stunt. I suspect JK may be authentic, although it does read with Don Jarvis’s involvement. French Maid is giving me shit stirrer energy - where were these four volunteers? Natti’s friend, Marie (our Russian assassin), who were the rest? Natti on tinder, during the summer? Amaury was there during the summer…. It’s not adding up sis

I think we have some sinister intervention (likely from the Shitshow) on our hands to try and derail the community’s focus on authenticity and facts.
I can't elaborate too much without giving too many of my secrets away, but there have indeed been more than usual frantic inquiries and the lines of communications are overly occupied. I share your observations. JK was send by SJ, no doubts about his identity. @French Maid could easily be FRK trying to put the blame on Nutty by rambling bullshit. I can't openly explain why my cards still say it was FRK who bullied Selmar, not without revealing my eyes and ears, rendering them useless for the future. Up until now they've proved rather accurate with their information, but I have to admit that with this situation I'm not as sure Let's just say that if it was Nutty, she did well starting a relationship with a family member of the charlataine as that seems to be the only way to sustain a future at her HMN. The Snorting Squirrel Cameltoe and Nutty Nobody can now prepare themselves for the ultimate bitch fight... By the time they are done with that they will probably realized they've been replaced by SJ: time for a new entourage!
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Marty McFly 9

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I've found a photo of @KiKiGee !!! I envision a command center with all the CD info at their finger tips, spreadsheets and links to connections and info. I have no idea how KikiGee does it, comes up with a link to the topic we're discussing from a million vlogs ago, or IG or other resources! And with such speed! :)

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Clara Burnett

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If our Jamie Koster guest was legitimate (and I have my doubts), it’s too bad he wouldn’t answer our sincerely asked questions. I really don’t understand what he thought he accomplished, other than showing up, pledge his undying support for SJ, and calling us “haters” (as if we haven’t heard that before). He refused to answer (or dodged) questions about the Patreon funds, renovations, and gift grab, among others. That’s unfortunate because several of us genuinely welcomed him here on Tattle and said we’d like to hear his side of the story (which is more than I can say for the “granny gangsters” who shut down any discourse on SJ’s platform). It was only when we saw “Jamie” wouldn’t deviate from the “live, laugh, love” crap that we dismissed him. He claimed everything was wonderful and perfect at La La Lande …but that’s a sure sign of a “rat.” Nothing is ever a perfect fairytale.
This particular one was intended to smoke me out, I believe. They've been busy plotting lately.
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For me, the biggest mystery of all is how both Fanny, Nati and Tatyana all fall for Selmar's "charms". What am I missing? It sounds as though women are queuing up to fall into bed with him. :sick: I must have very strange taste in men to be oblivious to his attraction to women. Should I be visiting the optician again?
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Clara Burnett

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What has happened to this forum? Fewer CD vlogs a week and people start losing their marbles like the gangsta grannies...
Nothing too bad happened yet, but If my overloading inbox is any indication of things to come, we better get ready. There's going to come a lot of derailing and hysteria our way.
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Nobody asked, but am I the only one hear to be shocked that Selmar has supposedly slept with Stephanie, and Philip with Natti and Natti with Tinder dates, and Stephanie with Philip all whilst there were only a cast of five members of the household mainly in lockdown? Jeez. It would sure brighten up Chateau DIY if they outed them on that...
Who did Isabelle sleep with - the bread man? It's a wonder they had time to put any vlogs out if they were all busy swapping bedrooms like a 1960s farce! No wonder Selmar had to repair some of the beds. Grannies are clearly sending the wrong gifts, the Karma Sutra, vibrators and fluffy handcuffs would be far more useful.
If anyone is looking for their car keys at Lalande, odds on they are in the fruit bowl.
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Clara Burnett

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For Pete’s sake can we move past who hurt sillyman’s and his fairylove’s feelings? It’s sad to see people being treated poorly but, shouldn’t surprise any of us who have been watching all the shenanigans at the castle. There are deeper issues than this going on and we’ve all been in situations that we’ve had to cut and run. I’m suspicious of all those who are now coming out of the woodwork to fill us in on everything at the castle. Time will tell. 😘
I'm not bored yet. I think Selmar's revelations give an interesting insight into the cult SJ has created. Because that's what it has become, a cult. We joked a lot about the Church of Stephanology last year, but we were not that far from the truth. The fact that SJ allows stuff like this to go on and even encourages it, but is still loved and referred to as adorable and sweet is extremely telling. Parts of her entourage are brainwashed into exactly the behavior Selmar and Tatty are now showcasing, even when they are already out and have no plans to return.
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Ouch !

Dan's vlog

3 days ago
If lazy Toyboy Phillip pulled his finger out and did some work around the Chateau instead of swanning around you would have more time to do the jobs you were first employed to do.
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What the?

Active member
Sorry for the following thesis but I had to get it off my chest.

We come from all walks of life with differing opinions, skill sets, experiences, knowledge, culture, witty/comedic characteristics & so much more.

The beauty of shared & respectful open communication with like-minded people is where one can, without fear, raise various issues that are up for discussions and/or friendly debates.
We can agree or agree to disagree, and not take things to heart.

So here’s my gripe... I can’t help but get all worked up by someone who is entitled, manipulative, deceitful & who string naive people along to finance/sustain her already lavish lifestyle.

The ‘restoration’ of the chateau was and continues to be SJ’s biggest drawcard for vulnerable people to send their hard earned dosh.
And yet she constantly flaunts her own money to splash out on travel, clothes, wine, $4000 wallpaper, etc without battering an eyelid.
Gee $4000, that’s about a year’s cost of rates for the Joe averages’ of today. Clearly she doesn’t know how the other half of the world lives.

Her greed for money, status, free gifts and especially the emotional use/manipulation of people is what irks me the most. I could say more but it has already been said and scrutinized by everyone here.

Tattlers your contributions have been informative, eye opening, entertaining which offers me some light reading and laughter before bedtime.
So thank you.

SJ’s fantasy island dreamworld is coming apart at the seams. And I await with bated breath (plus popcorn) for when the s!*t hits the fan.

PS. For any newbie’s, please do read the Wiki summary first. It’ll bring you up to speed because this ongoing conversation is fast flowing and it waits for no one.
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I also have the feeling the bully is Natti...sucking up and trampling down...i also noticed she makes remarks about other people being slow..not efficcient enough and so for sure is her..i bet Fanny approved of it..but she clearly stayed out of it saying Nutty is the manager..keeping her hands clean..i also think she managed to get the flowerkiller out..she probably was bored with the bad food...i pointed out before ..Nutty is a nasty piece of shit..she is also very aware of the camera..keeping her facade up when the phone is on..just like Fanny...what a snakepitt this whole farmhouse is..but i guess thats always the case when you put people together in a way like that..abuse and bullying....I somehow can see why she wanted to get rid of Selmar and flowerkiller...though..if i had two of those at our place..i would get rid of them too...but i would tell them myself...not put the job on the housekeepers list...and without bullying..just telling them the truth..that it was time for them to move on..
Well, I’m not going to hold it against Natti. Selmar needed to move on. There was no way he was going to be able to shack up with his Elf on a Shelf in the camper van and no way would he get his own apartment. There is no doubt Steohanie was behind it. As for FRK, she was moody and getting above herself not wanting to participate in the vlogs, etc., once she got her vlogs going and was making money. It was time for her to go. She annoyed the hell out of me anyway. See ya flower girl.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Let's be clear: I blame Selmar for his public outcry of being bullied out of the HMN without pointing to SJ as the one ultimately responsible to nip the bullying in the bud before it could even get this far. I also blame him for not specifically naming the one who has bullied him and `Tats, because this is how he initiated this whole hunt. I urge him to be open and honest about what actually happened, because if he doesn't come clean, SJ and her proxies will hijack his narrative and turn it into their own sob story. They are already on it, full force. If I could I would show you tattlers my inbox: it's exploding.
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Le Baiseur

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Damn! Y'all are good! I can watch a whole movie or television series and still not know the characters names when it's over. The only reason I know Stephanie's is because she introduces herself at the beginning of every vlog... but you all recall the staff's names, the volunteer's names, even the guests' and the timelines! 🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♂️ 🔎
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Last CD vlog.

What does it say about our Chatelaine... ?

Andrew W
20 hours ago
Who takes their Christmas decorations down on the 6th of February? It’s the 6th of January. Genuine question…. Does anywhere in the World wait until February?

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The Chateau Diaries
1 hour ago
It’s only the Queen who does that in England, because it’s the anniversary of her father’s death
Yeah. Clearly has delusions of grandeur. Sad. Perhaps she really is going to get the 'staff' to curtsey on her return to the shitshow after her next trip. I'll tell you who, lazy arsed people who can't get out of bed. (Says me that is still lounging around in my PJ's because you lot keep distracting me!!).

Mind you I do notice a lot of places in France that have Christmas decorations up all year.

Bit late now, but to introduce myself. I am in the UK but own a house in Northern France that I'm still trying to finish doing up. I lost my partner 6 months after buying it but decided to try and continue on. I have worked hard in the UK and continued to put every penny saved here into the French house with a view to moving over their when I can afford to give up the day job. Do you think I should start a patreon account or 'buy me a coffee (aka builder)? Of course I won't actually create any content. Well maybe the odd begging video now and then. Do you think that might cut it? I only want about £35,000 to finish off. Actually darling SJ could just hand that to me in one month!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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