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Correct me if I’m wrong, but initially didn’t the hospital want to do the brain steam test and the parents refused?

And when it was tried, they couldn’t complete it because he wasn’t responding at all?
We’ve unfortunately experienced this with our son and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone but when we saw the brain stem test we knew our son was gone. Clearly Hollie was and still is in denial, but you can’t bury your head in the sand and hope it goes away. Nobody wants to accept their child has gone and I hope no one feels the pain of walking out of the hospital without them but the doctors and nurses in the critical care units work tirelessly to save lives. They don’t want a child to die and believe me they feel your pain, they were in tears along with us and then they do it again the next day. My son’s organs saved four peoples lives including a baby girl and little boy and it brings me comfort knowing they are still alive over four years later because of my son. Sadly this won’t be a possibility for Archie now because of the deterioration of his body. Another thing cases like this bring up is did we not fight hard enough for our child? Did we not love him as much as Hollie does because we let him go. It’s hard but our son died looking the same as he did when he went out that night not a shadow of his true self as I would imagine Archie looks like now…. And just to add this all happened on Christmas Eve as well just to add to the heartbreak….. 💔
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VIP Member
I’m glad you’re all seething and putting on even bigger displays of self-righteousness.

Now there has been a call out for despicable classist bigotry - and are displaying Hollie-levels of denial of the relentless classism, use of chav, mocking education and spelling, and other shameless displays that are present for all to see - I hope it’s enough to have a bit of self-awareness of this middle class rabidity.

For all of you echo chamber dwellers who can’t fathom anything less polarised than full supporter or full hater: I’d like to remind you all that I actually initiated these threads. I have read all the court papers.

I’m aware he’s brain dead. If it was my family member I would not have kept him on life support and he would have been let go back in April.

But there is nuance and Hollie’s haters are behaving in far more disgusting ways than they or their supporters.

Another bit of hypocrisy I’ve noticed is decrying the peasantry’s inability to comprehend medical facts, while at the same time moaning about the legal process and not understanding it at all. Thinking that it’s disgusting that it’s even permitted, and should be shortcutted, sped up, or Archie’s family not allowed to use the legal system at all. Being short-sighted and not giving a shit that judgements made will affect all of our rights going forward.

A terrible example to make your point.

The only reason the McCanns got their campaign off the ground was directly because they are middle class. They had the media and police connections to help them (despite being guilty as sin).

They wouldn’t have got any support or attention at all if they were working class, and would probably have been unceremoniously arrested for neglect (at the very least) and lost their other children within days if they were working class.
Oh fuck off.

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VIP Member
I’m rooting for Hollie. I want her to get another extension just to make her haters seethe. The amount of hatred she’s getting is primarily based on class. There is no way if she behaved exactly the same but was middle class, she’d be getting this level of vitriol. Her haters don’t give a shit about Archie (all this phoney concern trolling about a child who is confirmed to not be suffering at all). All they care about is feeling superior and bashing people they think are less intelligent and educated than themselves.

They may be able to spell better but her haters are no more intelligent. They’re bigots who hate the working class. They’re hypocrites who will cry “abuse!” at the sight of general, untargeted Facebook comments about the precious NHS, while making all kinds of horrific, libellous accusations and speculation about a grieving mother with obvious mental health difficulties. This includes accusing her of abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, murder, being a drug dealer who used Archie as a runner, and more. They bleat about Archie’s dignity while calling him a chav and accusing him of suffocating himself via auto-erotic asphyxiation. They go on archaeological digs through Hollie’s past just to find sticks to beat her with. They sneer about echo chambers, but cultivate their own echo chamber of bile and attack anyone who has the slightest bit of empathy for her as a person.

Her frothing haters deserve to fume. Vile snobs who think the working class should not have free speech or free health care.
Rooting for a little boy to be kept as a living corpse so his mother can say fuck you to the ‘haters?’. Alrighty then.
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Chatty Member
I’m rooting for Hollie. I want her to get another extension just to make her haters seethe. The amount of hatred she’s getting is primarily based on class. There is no way if she behaved exactly the same but was middle class, she’d be getting this level of vitriol. Her haters don’t give a shit about Archie (all this phoney concern trolling about a child who is confirmed to not be suffering at all). All they care about is feeling superior and bashing people they think are less intelligent and educated than themselves.

They may be able to spell better but her haters are no more intelligent. They’re bigots who hate the working class. They’re hypocrites who will cry “abuse!” at the sight of general, untargeted Facebook comments about the precious NHS, while making all kinds of horrific, libellous accusations and speculation about a grieving mother with obvious mental health difficulties. This includes accusing her of abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, murder, being a drug dealer who used Archie as a runner, and more. They bleat about Archie’s dignity while calling him a chav and accusing him of suffocating himself via auto-erotic asphyxiation. They go on archaeological digs through Hollie’s past just to find sticks to beat her with. They sneer about echo chambers, but cultivate their own echo chamber of bile and attack anyone who has the slightest bit of empathy for her as a person.

Her frothing haters deserve to fume. Vile snobs who think the working class should not have free speech or free health care.
You're forgetting there is a little boy at the centre of this its not about getting one over on haters. You and his mother would do well to consider that. Also I'm working class so your assumptions about "haters" certainly aren't factual for all.
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VIP Member
I’m rooting for Hollie. I want her to get another extension just to make her haters seethe. The amount of hatred she’s getting is primarily based on class. There is no way if she behaved exactly the same but was middle class, she’d be getting this level of vitriol. Her haters don’t give a shit about Archie (all this phoney concern trolling about a child who is confirmed to not be suffering at all). All they care about is feeling superior and bashing people they think are less intelligent and educated than themselves.

They may be able to spell better but her haters are no more intelligent. They’re bigots who hate the working class. They’re hypocrites who will cry “abuse!” at the sight of general, untargeted Facebook comments about the precious NHS, while making all kinds of horrific, libellous accusations and speculation about a grieving mother with obvious mental health difficulties. This includes accusing her of abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, murder, being a drug dealer who used Archie as a runner, and more. They bleat about Archie’s dignity while calling him a chav and accusing him of suffocating himself via auto-erotic asphyxiation. They go on archaeological digs through Hollie’s past just to find sticks to beat her with. They sneer about echo chambers, but cultivate their own echo chamber of bile and attack anyone who has the slightest bit of empathy for her as a person.

Her frothing haters deserve to fume. Vile snobs who think the working class should not have free speech or free health care.
Did you honestly just write that? This isn't about 'haters' and who wins or loses. This is about a little boy who has zero chance of recovery yet is being forced to being kept alive artificially. When will people get this through their heads?? Shouldn't have free healthcare? She's getting free health care...yet is slating EVERYTHING they have done!! I am utterly baffled how people who have no medical knowledge whatsoever think think know more than the professionals. Immaturity at its finest. When a person slates the NHS,posts photos of her son in a nappy, posts crazy claims that he is going to be 'executed ' then do you know what? Too nobody right she will be judged. Also the fact that you see this as a game of who wins and who doesn't says a lot of your way of thinking. Nobody is hating on hollie, they are calling her out on her bullshit. No way in hell would I want my dead sons pictures plastered everywhere and no way would I want his death to be a. media circus. If her 'army' are going to say stupid things about baricading the doors to the hospital and stopping nurses getting into his room, then you bet people are going to jump on their backs. If you can't see what this lady is doing then you really are blind. There are no winners from this but there can be some dignity left in this horrific situation, which hollie has completely ruined. Shame on her and shame on anyone encouraging her and giving her hope when there is none.
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I’m rooting for Hollie. I want her to get another extension just to make her haters seethe. The amount of hatred she’s getting is primarily based on class. There is no way if she behaved exactly the same but was middle class, she’d be getting this level of vitriol. Her haters don’t give a shit about Archie (all this phoney concern trolling about a child who is confirmed to not be suffering at all). All they care about is feeling superior and bashing people they think are less intelligent and educated than themselves.

They may be able to spell better but her haters are no more intelligent. They’re bigots who hate the working class. They’re hypocrites who will cry “abuse!” at the sight of general, untargeted Facebook comments about the precious NHS, while making all kinds of horrific, libellous accusations and speculation about a grieving mother with obvious mental health difficulties. This includes accusing her of abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, murder, being a drug dealer who used Archie as a runner, and more. They bleat about Archie’s dignity while calling him a chav and accusing him of suffocating himself via auto-erotic asphyxiation. They go on archaeological digs through Hollie’s past just to find sticks to beat her with. They sneer about echo chambers, but cultivate their own echo chamber of bile and attack anyone who has the slightest bit of empathy for her as a person.

Her frothing haters deserve to fume. Vile snobs who think the working class should not have free speech or free health care.
The fact that you want him to be kept on life support to spite the "haters" shows that you have a complete disregard to the dignity of a child. Your disgusting.
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VIP Member
A bit of topic, but while this is a devastating situation the stories diff nurses/docs/HCAs have told us about how they treat patients has totally blown my heart.

thank you deeply from me x
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VIP Member
We’ve unfortunately experienced this with our son and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone but when we saw the brain stem test we knew our son was gone. Clearly Hollie was and still is in denial, but you can’t bury your head in the sand and hope it goes away. Nobody wants to accept their child has gone and I hope no one feels the pain of walking out of the hospital without them but the doctors and nurses in the critical care units work tirelessly to save lives. They don’t want a child to die and believe me they feel your pain, they were in tears along with us and then they do it again the next day. My son’s organs saved four peoples lives including a baby girl and little boy and it brings me comfort knowing they are still alive over four years later because of my son. Sadly this won’t be a possibility for Archie now because of the deterioration of his body. Another thing cases like this bring up is did we not fight hard enough for our child? Did we not love him as much as Hollie does because we let him go. It’s hard but our son died looking the same as he did when he went out that night not a shadow of his true self as I would imagine Archie looks like now…. And just to add this all happened on Christmas Eve as well just to add to the heartbreak….. 💔
You definitely loved him very much , you loved him so much you put him first and let him go even though it caused you so much pain xxxx I'm in awe of your bravery which was utterly selfless .
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VIP Member
I’m rooting for Hollie. I want her to get another extension just to make her haters seethe. The amount of hatred she’s getting is primarily based on class. There is no way if she behaved exactly the same but was middle class, she’d be getting this level of vitriol. Her haters don’t give a shit about Archie (all this phoney concern trolling about a child who is confirmed to not be suffering at all). All they care about is feeling superior and bashing people they think are less intelligent and educated than themselves.

They may be able to spell better but her haters are no more intelligent. They’re bigots who hate the working class. They’re hypocrites who will cry “abuse!” at the sight of general, untargeted Facebook comments about the precious NHS, while making all kinds of horrific, libellous accusations and speculation about a grieving mother with obvious mental health difficulties. This includes accusing her of abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, murder, being a drug dealer who used Archie as a runner, and more. They bleat about Archie’s dignity while calling him a chav and accusing him of suffocating himself via auto-erotic asphyxiation. They go on archaeological digs through Hollie’s past just to find sticks to beat her with. They sneer about echo chambers, but cultivate their own echo chamber of bile and attack anyone who has the slightest bit of empathy for her as a person.

Her frothing haters deserve to fume. Vile snobs who think the working class should not have free speech or free health care.
It’s not about being a snob. I am far from it. I live in a council house and I had a baby at 18’of it makes you feel any better 😂 The boy is dead.. Read the court papers and you will see what condition his body is in.
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VIP Member
You're forgetting there is a little boy at the centre of this its not about getting one over on haters. You and his mother would do well to consider that. Also I'm working class so your assumptions about "haters" certainly aren't factual for all.
The McCanns were middle class and they received a fuckton of hate for their parenting decisions. Cack Conroe, you are offbase here.
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Chatty Member
I’m rooting for Hollie. I want her to get another extension just to make her haters seethe. The amount of hatred she’s getting is primarily based on class. There is no way if she behaved exactly the same but was middle class, she’d be getting this level of vitriol. Her haters don’t give a shit about Archie (all this phoney concern trolling about a child who is confirmed to not be suffering at all). All they care about is feeling superior and bashing people they think are less intelligent and educated than themselves.

They may be able to spell better but her haters are no more intelligent. They’re bigots who hate the working class. They’re hypocrites who will cry “abuse!” at the sight of general, untargeted Facebook comments about the precious NHS, while making all kinds of horrific, libellous accusations and speculation about a grieving mother with obvious mental health difficulties. This includes accusing her of abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, murder, being a drug dealer who used Archie as a runner, and more. They bleat about Archie’s dignity while calling him a chav and accusing him of suffocating himself via auto-erotic asphyxiation. They go on archaeological digs through Hollie’s past just to find sticks to beat her with. They sneer about echo chambers, but cultivate their own echo chamber of bile and attack anyone who has the slightest bit of empathy for her as a person.

Her frothing haters deserve to fume. Vile snobs who think the working class should not have free speech or free health care.
There’s a massive difference between having free speech and blatantly lying. Hollie does the latter. The fact you want Archie kept alive as a fuck you to Hollie’s ‘haters’… well, you’re no different to those you’re raging against.
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VIP Member
I’m glad you’re all seething and putting on even bigger displays of self-righteousness.

Now there has been a call out for despicable classist bigotry - and are displaying Hollie-levels of denial of the relentless classism, use of chav, mocking education and spelling, and other shameless displays that are present for all to see - I hope it’s enough to have a bit of self-awareness of this middle class rabidity.

For all of you echo chamber dwellers who can’t fathom anything less polarised than full supporter or full hater: I’d like to remind you all that I actually initiated these threads. I have read all the court papers.

I’m aware he’s brain dead. If it was my family member I would not have kept him on life support and he would have been let go back in April.

But there is nuance and Hollie’s haters are behaving in far more disgusting ways than they or their supporters.

Another bit of hypocrisy I’ve noticed is decrying the peasantry’s inability to comprehend medical facts, while at the same time moaning about the legal process and not understanding it at all. Thinking that it’s disgusting that it’s even permitted, and should be shortcutted, sped up, or Archie’s family not allowed to use the legal system at all. Being short-sighted and not giving a shit that judgements made will affect all of our rights going forward.

A terrible example to make your point.

The only reason the McCanns got their campaign off the ground was directly because they are middle class. They had the media and police connections to help them (despite being guilty as sin).

They wouldn’t have got any support or attention at all if they were working class, and would probably have been unceremoniously arrested for neglect (at the very least) and lost their other children within days if they were working class.
Somebody didn’t have breakfast this morning calm down you mad fuck 😂😂
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Well-known member
Exactly, could start a kids community MMA Club in memory of Archie or something useful. But I'm going to hazard a guess she'll get a lovely crushed velvet 3 piece and some other shit out of the GFM.
Where I live, a boy not much older than Archie died after a cardiac arrest whilst playing football and a subsequent 10 days on a ventilator. There is a foundation in his name and the work it does is amazing. They have raised money for over 100 defibrillators and fund first aid courses. He will never ever be forgotten and you couldn’t hear his name without thinking of all the good that has been done in it
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super grateful

Well-known member
Do you think that the nurses,when they are looking after Archie,talk to him,like he was alive?
100%. I talk to my ventilated patients, regardless of conscious level, about all sorts. My day off, their dog, the song playing on the radio, everything. Inform them of everything I’m doing to them too. They probably wish they were unconscious. 🫢 Also speak to patients I am preparing for the mortuary, explaining where they are going and why I sadly have to put them in this body bag. Just nice isn’t it.
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This about the pictures. It’s so very weird, my own son has been in hospital and the last thing I thought of was taking photos. The same when my dad was dying, I know a lot of people who take a photo of them holding hands with their dying or sometimes dead loved one, I was beginning to think I was not sentimental enough as I didn’t take a photo but it’s just in my opinion so macabre.
I did take a photo of just my hand holding my Mums before she died as I knew I'd never be able to hold her hand again. I did not, however, post that anywhere. I just printed it and keep it in my bedside drawer ❤ private for me
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Active member
I’m rooting for Hollie. I want her to get another extension just to make her haters seethe. The amount of hatred she’s getting is primarily based on class. There is no way if she behaved exactly the same but was middle class, she’d be getting this level of vitriol. Her haters don’t give a shit about Archie (all this phoney concern trolling about a child who is confirmed to not be suffering at all). All they care about is feeling superior and bashing people they think are less intelligent and educated than themselves.

They may be able to spell better but her haters are no more intelligent. They’re bigots who hate the working class. They’re hypocrites who will cry “abuse!” at the sight of general, untargeted Facebook comments about the precious NHS, while making all kinds of horrific, libellous accusations and speculation about a grieving mother with obvious mental health difficulties. This includes accusing her of abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, murder, being a drug dealer who used Archie as a runner, and more. They bleat about Archie’s dignity while calling him a chav and accusing him of suffocating himself via auto-erotic asphyxiation. They go on archaeological digs through Hollie’s past just to find sticks to beat her with. They sneer about echo chambers, but cultivate their own echo chamber of bile and attack anyone who has the slightest bit of empathy for her as a person.

Her frothing haters deserve to fume. Vile snobs who think the working class should not have free speech or free health care.
I am working class and this is NOT a class issue, this is fundamentalist Christians using a young boy as a vessel for their delusion
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It’s the staff I feel for.

Imagine spending your time in public school, then onto college/university studying and working harder than any of the AA. Only to be told by “Debbie, full time yummy mummy who went to the school of hard knocks” who hasn’t worked since Blair was in power that “u av no idea what your doin” and “they av no idea wat their talking about hun they need to give him more time”
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