strange and peculiar workmates, past and present ...

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I have at least 3 acquaintances who have been in relationships with police officers who have ended up being bullied by them. At least one was let go from the police force because of it.
After they divorced one of the mums of the girl told me all about it ( i think they were trying to set me up with her). He wouldn't ban her friends from coming round, but find some reason to make them uncomfortable when they did, put a tracker on her car, he would choose her clothes for her, hair had to be a certain way, etc.
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Someone at a company I worked for years ago did a huge poo in the middle of the toilets. Not even in the cubicle - it was in the middle of the communal sink area!! Thing is it was a busy toilet (think about 20 cubicles, never usually empty) so we wondered if they had done it in the cubicle, carried it out and dumped (s'cuse the pun) it on the floor :sick: my role at the time was working with the MD, so he made me run a check to see if anyone had been put on a performance plan that day to see if it might have been a dirty protest :ROFLMAO: and I then had to put up 'toilet etiquette' posters in every toilet in the building!
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I have worked a new starter who went to lunch and never came back, while she was at lunch she had a bunch of flowers delivered from a florest, later in the day her rather sheepish boyfriend came in to collect the flowers he sent.

I've worked with the compulsive liar, who would put every mistake down to his mum dying when he was 7 years old and his dad sending him away to boarding school where he was mistreated by the nuns for being left handed. Every time he got called into the office for somthing he would cry and put it down to his childhood! Just before he left he started to use a double barelled surname adding his mother's maiden name in her honour. He had previously told us she was a nurse and often used her first name. I put 2 & 2 together and phoned my mum who as a third year student nurse shared a flat with someone of the same name. My mum confirmed that the lady in question was very much alive and well, and had left her husband and moved up north several years ago and sends my mum a Christmas card every year. As he was working his notice I decided to keep quiet, however the moment he was out of the business I could no longer keep it to myself.

Yesterday I read on our local news website that a guy I worked with 15 years ago, recognised his photo before reading the headline, has just been sentenced for 14 years for sexual assault of a 13 year old boy.
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I have never worked with any strange people, but have volunteered with some.

When I started volunteering in a charity shop, I kind of made friends with a girl who was around my age. We met up for lunch a couple a times but we weren't particularly close. About a month later, it was her birthday and she had been hinting at all the volunteers that she would appreciate it if we bought her birthday cards. I bought her a birthday card because I thought it would be a nice thing to do.
The next time I volunteered, I gave her the birthday card and she opened it straight away. Without even reading what I had wrote inside, she started shaking the card and tipping the envelope upside down. "You didn't put any money inside!" she exclaimed.
Later on, another volunteer started lecturing me for not putting money in her card as even he put £10 inside his. He said I should have been more thoughtful. Bearing in mind, I had only been volunteering there for one MONTH and only saw these people once per week. I don't even put money inside my best friends' cards who I have known for over a decade!
This p****d me off so much, I didn't go back after that.
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I have never worked with any strange people, but have volunteered with some.

When I started volunteering in a charity shop, I kind of made friends with a girl who was around my age. We met up for lunch a couple a times but we weren't particularly close. About a month later, it was her birthday and she had been hinting at all the volunteers that she would appreciate it if we bought her birthday cards. I bought her a birthday card because I thought it would be a nice thing to do.
The next time I volunteered, I gave her the birthday card and she opened it straight away. Without even reading what I had wrote inside, she started shaking the card and tipping the envelope upside down. "You didn't put any money inside!" she exclaimed.
Later on, another volunteer started lecturing me for not putting money in her card as even he put £10 inside his. He said I should have been more thoughtful. Bearing in mind, I had only been volunteering there for one MONTH and only saw these people once per week. I don't even put money inside my best friends' cards who I have known for over a decade!
This p****d me off so much, I didn't go back after that.
Not surprised!
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I have never worked with any strange people, but have volunteered with some.

When I started volunteering in a charity shop, I kind of made friends with a girl who was around my age. We met up for lunch a couple a times but we weren't particularly close. About a month later, it was her birthday and she had been hinting at all the volunteers that she would appreciate it if we bought her birthday cards. I bought her a birthday card because I thought it would be a nice thing to do.
The next time I volunteered, I gave her the birthday card and she opened it straight away. Without even reading what I had wrote inside, she started shaking the card and tipping the envelope upside down. "You didn't put any money inside!" she exclaimed.
Later on, another volunteer started lecturing me for not putting money in her card as even he put £10 inside his. He said I should have been more thoughtful. Bearing in mind, I had only been volunteering there for one MONTH and only saw these people once per week. I don't even put money inside my best friends' cards who I have known for over a decade!
This p****d me off so much, I didn't go back after that.
Cheeky fuckery in the highest! I wouldn't have even given her a card, TBH.
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No one too weird.

In my last job (warehouse) there was this man with Tourette's syndrome that would walk to work (8 miles distance from where he apparently lived). He would walk along the dual carriageway too.
He would always turn up early and have a full meal in the canteen before his shift.
People would make fun of him because he punched doors open and do a sort of Nazi walk as he entered in the room.
Because of his Tourette's he would shout "F**k it!" and get angry/aggressive with inanimate objects (Someone once said they saw him having an argument with a tray of fruit). Sometimes this would freak out new starters. There was one time when he was angrily tearing off the shrink wrap of a pallet of cheese and a new girl was watching him with her jaw dropped.
I never really spoke to or knew him but he was apparently harmless with other people though, and wouldn't hurt a fly.
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In my last job ( hospitality) , there was a lady who started working with us and she was a compulsive liar from the get go , she told us her child Had anorexia and always needed time off for appoinments , ( another new starter who lived in the same area told us it was lies and showed us proof ) told us her dad had died ,( when she left it was all over social media , celebrating her dads big birthday pictures of her dad ( he wasn’t dead ) she got robbed on her dinner when she went to grab a coffee ,( turns out it was her who found a purse and tried to claim it was hers,cctv proved overwise ),got pushed off the bus ( that’s why she was late for work and her coat was stuck in the door ) , turns out she was fighting on the bus and got pushed off !! Everyday it was something else ,everyday we comforted her over everything that had happened , even did a collection for her when her dad died , eventually everyone tried to avoid her because it was just tit she was talking , in the end she got finished for too much time off , everynow and again she turns up still to see how everyone is , and chats more stories , there was also a man that started he was Australian , showed us this big mansion he apparenlty owned in Australia , but lived in a house share over here and was doing every hour in overtime ( nothing against house shares , but if you had no money and was living in shared accommodation wouldn’t you just sell the big mansion and live comfortable , He told a lot of stories too , he always had a bigger and better story to tell if you had one , he ended up getting finished in the end because he threatend another member of staff on social media , after she caught him out lying , I just find it odd why people lie and don’t realise that people can see right through it
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Ive has to move branches just before lockdown-so started back about a month ago
we have two toilet trolls-one male one female
ive only had to deal with the ladies one-but judging by what comes out,if that was me I’d be getting my insides checked out (I’m grateful they’ve managed to hit the loo rather than the floor)
the managers have started having to follow us if we need to ’go’ so they can check who it is
and both trolls are still at it-and they still can’t work it out!
Ive has to move branches just before lockdown-so started back about a month ago
we have two toilet trolls-one male one female
ive only had to deal with the ladies one-but judging by what comes out,if that was me I’d be getting my insides checked out (I’m grateful they’ve managed to hit the loo rather than the floor)
the managers have started having to follow us if we need to ’go’ so they can check who it is
and both trolls are still at it-and they still can’t work it out!
Oh no 🤢🤢 pebble dashing the toilet bowl?
We had a good one for bullshitting, I live in Bristol and I’m a Bristol City fan. I worked in a small but fast paced warehouse where I was the supervisor of around 50 pickers. We had a new starter who stated he was a goalkeeper who played for Manchester City but was on loan to Bristol City, he said he was on 25k a week and lived in a penthouse on the docks. He only did the picking job on request of Pep Guardiola for fitness, and was the godfather to Augeros child. He used to come in on a Monday morning saying “Yeah we played Fulham on Saturday, got the Man of the match” we left him for months then eventually confronted him and told him we were all season ticket holders for Bristol and knew he was bullshitting, knew he didn’t live in a penthouse either as we knew his address, How he thought he could get away with it I will never ever know!

he used to come in with a bandage around his knee too and say he’d ruptured his acute ligaments but he’s right to pick 😂😂 Left soon after, heard he was somewhere else claiming he’s an up and coming poker player that’s made hundreds of thousands playing and he “knocks around” with members of SAS as you do! He was one of a kind!!
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I worked in hospitality for years and it was very high turn over in staff , people would turn up to work and sit in the rest room and pretend they forgot what time it was ?? We had a lady who was full on with religion , went to church used to catch her praying in the lift , would be against everything and anything taboo , she used to carry a foiled lined freezer type shopping bag with all kinds in and sell them at work , she would come in stinking of ale but swore blind she never touched alcohol , they sent her home for being drunk on the job , last I saw of her she was up in court over what she said was a neighbours dispute ,but apparently another lady who worked with us found out she was in court for shop lifting , hence the foiled lined bag used to go out lifting before work , and sell all her gear at work , wouldn’t expect it from a holy person who ranted on day in day about all the good in the world , no wonder she was in church every day confessing all her sins !! I could go on all day about the amount of people who I’ve met and worked with who haven’t been the full shilling , we had a phantom thief at one point aswel , but was silly things going missing , peoples work shoes , shirts , umbrellas , it was someone’s birthday once and they left there present in the rest room came back later to pick it up and someone had swigged half the bottle of wine and put it back in the bag , the audacity of it , we had one women who refused point blank to do anything , when questioned said she felt bullied and threw the mental health card in , if anything got said to her she would bring race in to quite frequently too , she was a lovely women but just pretty hard work!!
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We had a new starter who, on her first day at work, went off for her lunch and never came back!

That could have been me! 🖕🏼🤣

Then there was the guy who clearly didn't enjoy having women as his superiors. Would only take orders from men. Used to sit there reading the paper when clocked in. Didn't last long.
I worked with someone who claimed that only had one lung but had run marathons!
Also worked with a temp who was nice but my god did he smell. Like mould, just an air of damp about him. He was always snotty and dribbled. Oh and there was one lady who use to throw herself down the stairs and lie there to get attention!
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