strange and peculiar workmates, past and present ...

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I worked in a restaurant for my first job and worked alongside a girl my age who had a YouTube channel. (She never mentioned it to us at work, ever) She has over 100K subs but hasn’t posted anything for about 2 years. Her personality at work Vs what she was like on her YT videos were like 2 completely different people. She seemed fun and bubbly on YT but at work she was very stuck up and couldn’t get a conversation out of her.
she once rang in sick and said she couldn’t come into work because her electronic gates (lived with her parents) were broke and wouldn’t open so she had no way of getting to work. Serious oddball.
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Pre Covid I swapped desks and worked on another girls desk for a few days and she left everything open on her PC. She was shopping on about 5 different adult sites and was searching things like BDSM. Each to their own I guess but I'd never do anything like that on my work PC 🙈
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Pre Covid I swapped desks and worked on another girls desk for a few days and she left everything open on her PC. She was shopping on about 5 different adult sites and was searching things like BDSM. Each to their own I guess but I'd never do anything like that on my work PC 🙈
An old workplace of mine did checks on the whole company’s internet use and several people were sacked as a result. There were documents issued with what was considered reasonable use.

It was Xmas and a colleague wanted to know Marks and Spencer closing time as she had a few things to pick up. Helpfully I said I’d check. Unfortunately instead of typing M&S, I typed S&M. Due to my job I had a particularly large screen in an open plan office. I could not find the close button fast enough and stood in front of the screen to hide the images (quite tame really but still very inappropriate).

I had to then report myself to IT, who laughed.
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An old workplace of mine did checks on the whole company’s internet use and several people were sacked as a result. There were documents issued with what was considered reasonable use.

It was Xmas and a colleague wanted to know Marks and Spencer closing time as she had a few things to pick up. Helpfully I said I’d check. Unfortunately instead of typing M&S, I typed S&M. Due to my job I had a particularly large screen in an open plan office. I could not find the close button fast enough and stood in front of the screen to hide the images (quite tame really but still very inappropriate).

I had to then report myself to IT, who laughed.
Haha oh wow!

We are warned in our contract about the our internet use and using social media during work hours, some people have been reported for the social media use but I don't think anyone has ever checked our browsing history.
Last place I worked said up to one hour a day personal use was ok. They also said things like printing your concert tickets etc. was fine. I thought they were more than reasonable. Someone however, was caught using their iPad to watch Netflix 40 hours a week on the company’s Wi-fi...and sacked.

In the two years I worked there I probably had about 10 hours personal internet use...mostly researching a holiday and that was on my lunch break.
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We had a new starter who, on her first day at work, went off for her lunch and never came back!

Then there was the guy who clearly didn't enjoy having women as his superiors. Would only take orders from men. Used to sit there reading the paper when clocked in. Didn't last long.
My husband did that when he was (very) young - I think it was his first temp job. It was at a plastic factory. He arrives, gets taught the ropes, says to his manager that he’s just popping out to get a paper and mars bar (!) and he never went back! Very juvenile but it still makes me chuckle with dismay as he’s one of the most hard working people I know. The running joke at home is if he says he’s going off to buy a mars bar, then I know he’s leaving me!
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Last place I worked said up to one hour a day personal use was ok. They also said things like printing your concert tickets etc. was fine. I thought they were more than reasonable. Someone however, was caught using their iPad to watch Netflix 40 hours a week on the company’s Wi-fi...and sacked.

In the two years I worked there I probably had about 10 hours personal internet use...mostly researching a holiday and that was on my lunch break.
About 100 years ago, I used the company’s phone line to listen to the local radio station! - as a bored receptionist with headphones. (Times were hard, and sadly internet-free). Watching 40 hours of Netflix is amazing, that’s a full-time job! What was their actual job supposed to be?
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Really enjoying reading these! When I was young I worked as a nanny. There was a nanny who was keen to befriend me and kept inviting me to her church. I never went! A while after I found out, she had lost her job as she had been secretly taking the children she cared for, to this church! No idea what sort of church it was but it didnt sound like a normal one!
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I'm only reading this thread to make sure I'm not the subject of someone's story. Page 1, so far so good 😝
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I’ve only really worked with one person who was very strange. He was ten years older than me.

He had a seizure at the office when he was fairly new and I used to have seizures as a young teen, so when he returned to the office I checked in on him. He was feeling really embarrassed about it and I reassured him that he was fine and shouldn’t feel that way. After that, he became a bit clingy with me. We worked in an office of 40 people and sat at completely opposite ends of the room, so there was no real reason why we would have any interaction. He kept finding reasons to come over to me. He would regularly ask how things were going with my then boyfriend. I feel as though he had a fair bit of social anxiety or just didn’t understand how to be naturally sociable. He would linger a bit too much really. There might have been a mental health issue, but I can’t say for sure.

One day, a few of us went out for after work drinks and a team mate of this guy said that he had found crazed scribbling in this guy’s notepad. It was a story all about murdering a woman who rejected him and in a crazy scrawl. He had photographed the story and was showing it to us on his phone. It was creepy and knowing this person, none of us thought it could be made up for a prank. Nobody reported it to HR, although we definitely all went back and forth on it.

Six months later or so, I got a new job at a building three streets down from where I worked. The day after my last day, he messaged me on Facebook to say good luck etc. I said thank you and after that he sent me three hardcore porn videos. I didn’t open them, but I told him in no uncertain terms that he is disgusting and should eff off. I blocked him on all social media.

Shortly after that, I noticed that this guy would start turning up outside my workplace and follow me to the car park or bus stop. He got braver eventually and started trying to shout my name to get my attention. He would wait outside shops I was in on my lunch break or after work. It was incredibly creepy. I would ignore him and not make eye contact. One day on my lunch break, he was there again, waiting for me to come out of a cafe. He was saying my name louder and louder and I guess he got frustrated that I was ignoring him. He grabbed me by the shoulder and pulled me backwards. I screamed at him to never touch me again and that if he did I was going to go to the police. I made a statement to the police anyway and they raided his house, taking his phone and computer. The police decided that it didn’t amount to harassment but I reckon it definitely did. Luckily, after the police went round, he left me alone almost immediately.

On a separate note and I can’t say for sure, but I’m fairly confident that I got a dirty phone call on New Years Day from a man I used to work with. His accent is quite distinctive and he knew my name. He was asking me if I liked all sorts of sexual acts, I hung up on him. He’s also business friends with my boyfriend. He had some pretty crazy views on women, including that he would slap his teenage daughter around the face for being out late and would regularly cheat on his wife when away on business trips. He would make sexual jokes with lots of women around the office. He made a lot of us uncomfortable. I reported this to the police because it made me feel really violated and also scared as it was an anonymous number that knew my name. I didn’t say who I thought it was but basically, get this, until you get three phone calls, the police don’t think it is worth their time to pay your phone network to trace the call. I feel like these creeps know this and just regularly change who they do this to. Yuck.
I can’t believe that. I understand their is lacking funding in the police but to say that doesn’t amount to harassment. That could have ended horribly! I’m glad they’re visit made him leave you alone.
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I worked with a lad a very long time ago who used to hide in the coat hanger box under the tills, he also used to hide on the shelves in the stock room
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Years ago I used to be a housekeeper in a private hospital. We were short staffed one week and had to have agency staff in who were usually fantastic and enthusiastic people. Anyway, they sent someone new for the night shift to work with me. I was a young 20 something at the time and this person had to of been in his 40s. I quickly showed him around and explained what we had to do and what needs doing etc...
I got an awful vibe from him and just felt really uneasy around him.
I noticed he kept eyeing me up and looking at my tits a lot, so I started talking about my "boyfriend" to try and put him off but it was useless. He started telling me stories about his ex girlfriends and why they left him and his sex life with them. I told him, I felt uncomfortable with that sort of conversation and it's unprofessional to speak like that where patients could overhere.
I walked off and went into the store cupboard to get something and he followed me in. This cupboard was tiny and you could barely fit one person in let alone two!! His back was against the door so I couldn't get out, he was pretty much rubbing himself against me. I was telling him to stop it and to let me out, however he carried on.

After what felt like hours, he suddenly stopped and walked out. I ran off to the nurses station and told the sister what happend who got night security to remove him from the hospital.

A few weeks later, he was in the paper for raping someone!!
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I worked in a shop where the manager was completely obsessed with her job and had to be forced to take her annual leave, upon which she’d come into work and get in the way but sitting in her tiny office (also our stock room ) as she “didn’t have anything else to do”. She was also filthy and smelly and looked like she lived in a bin.
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I worked with someone who claimed to be vegan and lactose intolerant, cue lots of long breaks during the day trying to find a soy milk coffee shop (didn't stop them taking all my hot chocolate mix!)

Anyway, one morning I arrive and find a sausage sandwich on a chair. Since it was only the two of us that day, I assumed it was rubbish from the previous day and popped it in the bin. They asked later if I'd found a sandwich and explained that it was theirs. They fished it out of the bin and ate it.
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I worked with someone who claimed to be vegan and lactose intolerant, cue lots of long breaks during the day trying to find a soy milk coffee shop (didn't stop them taking all my hot chocolate mix!)

Anyway, one morning I arrive and find a sausage sandwich on a chair. Since it was only the two of us that day, I assumed it was rubbish from the previous day and popped it in the bin. They asked later if I'd found a sandwich and explained that it was theirs. They fished it out of the bin and ate it.
Wow! Some people are bizarre!