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Well-known member
can’t stand the man. some of his tiktoks i’ve seen are just disgusting the transphobia, racism, laughing at incest and attacking women. he’s truly vile, thought he was gonna get a good reaction the the podcast when all it’s done is empty some of his skeletons out the closet, thought he’d be praised for getting paul to speak out but he’s just given him a small platform to deflect all his problems, for a man called Wesley who looks like phil mitchell and post malones fat son he’s got way too big of an ego.
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Ah. Stan blade aka wesley jewitt. The man that had to have social involved because he was making videos joking about his baby drinking alcohol, split up with the mrs who then moved on & got pregnant with someone else straight away, doesnt appear to work, tries to appear funny but in reality hes just a racist, transphobe EDL bod that calls 18yr old girls “ripe” and would love to slap his balls on their faces. The guy is 38 but my god, he must have had a hard paper round cuz he looks ROUGH!!

“interviewing” Paul Breach aka snapshoteye aka beautybeyondthe_eye was a bad idea. He does not have the mental maturity or even the mental capacity tbh to be discussing topics such as grooming vulnerable girls and women. All the podcast did was show that Wesley Jewitt aka Stan Blade is peas in a pod with Paul. Same mentality. Same attitudes. Same incel behaviour. Think the world owes you a beautiful girl (key word there) because your a man.

I hope he knows what he’s let himself in for. You wanted clout, well done, you’re gonna get it.
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Chatty Member
What does everyone make to this guy? He is a self-proclaimed “podcaster” although he seems to record his “podcasts” using his iPhone microphone. He came to my attention when he “interviewed” (if you can call it that) Paul aka BeautyBeyondThe_Eye. The podcast went live last night and was two men talking about how they could both do no wrong. After doing a slight bit of digging on StanBlade it seems that he is a very problematic individual. He’s racist and makes “jokes” about kidnapping women. Paul should have really looked into this person before agreeing to do a podcast with him.
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The absolute STATE of this man. He tries to play off his stupidity as humour when we all know he’s just an ignorant piece of shit.

I would love to do a little digging on our very own Wesley Jewitt. I bet he’s got a very patterned history- probably as patterned as that monstrosity of a tattoo where his eyebrows should be.
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He's a nasty piece of work. I stumbled on one of his lives where he was dueting a lady and was being absolutely vile, calling her all the abusive names under the sun.

His routine seemed to be to have his cute son in his videos to pull in women and then when his son went back to mum, he would post drunk, "woe is me" videos, and then the comments would be "Awwwww, are you OK babes".

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Chatty Member
This just says it all really 😂


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so stan has responded to the videos about messages that he sent to a 17 year old girl asking if she had her nipples pierced saying that they can’t be genuine screenshots because “he didn’t have that profile picture in 2021 when the messages were supposedly sent”. i mean. he can’t be that dim surely? or does he really think he can worm his way out of it?

stan. i know it’s very complicated, but listen to me - screenshots of previous conversations, when taken TODAY, will show your profile as it appears TODAY. she didn’t take the screenshot in 2021. im so embarrassed for you honestly.
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This morning, Stan deleted my comments and blocked me on his tiktoks. One comment was me being rude calling him a wah wah baby, but the other comments were constructive criticisms about his podcast.

I’ve mentioned on the Paul thread that before I became 🌟 a healthcare professional 🌟 I worked in radio and podcasts. I still had a podcast up until February this year with my husband. Interviewing people and podcasts is hard work, and I’m sorry Stan, you having a videocall with someone is not a podcast. Neither is playing “would you rather” with your mates.

To interview someone is quite hard, especially someone like Paul who likes to talk and talk. You need fo keep Paul on a tight lead and focused, but you let Paul run his mouth off while you sat there and went “yeah…”. We aren’t asking you to question Paul on his favourite colour, but maybe things such like why did he download tiktok in the first place? Does he think his life is better with social media? Etc. I can’t actually believe that you asked him about his mental health and you didn’t question him on the two times that he’s threatened to take his own life on tiktok. You could have handled that question with Grace, and got a sensible and empathetic answer out of Paul… but instead you totally forgot to ask it. You say you don’t do research prior to an interview… I’m utterly confused by that one as it’s just made you look like an idiot.

I was a bit narcissistic yesterday and listened back to a band interview that I did way back in 2005. I was 19, and I interviewed Fall Out Boy. You can literally hear my voice tremble and me apologising profusely, but yet somehow I managed to ask about their quick rise to fame in the UK, Pete’s nudes, and how did they feel about Pete’s side project and comics when they were just gaining traction. Through this interview I got free lance work with the BBC, Kerrang, fanzines in Eat Midlands… This proves to me that doing your research can help you go far.

I’d love to know what famous people you have interviewed Stan.

It’s a shame you blocked me. Heaven forbid you take advice from a woman who worked in the industry and can give you guidance. Looks like I’ll have to approach Paul for an interview myself.
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He hides behind this ‘tough guy’ look to divert from his lack of intellect. Men like him struggle with modern society because they spent their younger years trying to look ‘cool’ rather than educating themselves. They now can’t compete against men and women who are not only much younger than them but also much more widely educated.

His tiktoks prove how disgusting he is, I just feel sorry for his kid, having a father like that.
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VIP Member
he is one disgusting individual. he seems to think he is some type of “comedian” but his humour relies on him being ableist , sexist , racist , transphobic amongst other things.
everyone was praising him when he showed how far he travelled to his son etc but that doesn’t take away from the fact he is vile
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I saw a tiktok earlier where he’s mocking a woman who is an amputee, which is disgusting and a bit hurtful. However I’m not surprised that this man with teeth the colour of cheese, who can’t drive and let Paul the Ponce rant for 60 mins for no reason has an issue with women with a disability.
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I think he’s a toss pot. Wesley Jewitt, aka stan blade, from what I have seen online is just an arrogant, racist, pig.

I watched the podcast he did with Snapshoteye yesterday which was the worst thing I’ve ever seen and an hour of my life I will never get back. Podcasts need to be entertaining for the viewers, stan is monotone and brings nothing. He didn’t ask any hard hitting questions and then pinned a comment on his video saying how he couldn’t ask the questions everyone wanted to know, he can’t call them out as they won’t talk to him. Well, I am sorry, don’t have someone like paul on then if you aren’t going to make him realise what he has done is weird!

Stan to me is in the same category as paul breach anyway, the way I heard this grown ass man talking about teenagers the other day was disgusting.
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adding the video for you all because i guarantee he’ll delete it once he realises his excuse is full of holes.

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If my nans doily could grow legs and talk, it’d still be less boring and weird than Stan Blade. I mean firstly his name is just funny, it sounds like when a 9 year old makes their 1st Xbox account 😂

His voice makes my ovaries curl up and wither, why does he talk like he’s trying to open the chamber of secrets?

To succeed at a podcast, or the internet in general, you need to be interesting, and quick thinking so that you can adjust the direction of your convo with your guest. You also need to be a decent person to succeed online, and Stan is racist, transphobic, creepy and just yuck. He could cameo in the mighty boost and not need a costume, he’s a horrid man.

I can’t believe Stan has gone from body slamming his baby son for internet likes, to interviewing Hams for internet likes, and uses his platform to creep on young women. Grim!
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Well-known member
i think he tries to be edgy and controversial to be funny but comes off as a massive dick. getting wrapped up with paul and basically just agreeing with him has put him right in the spotlight.
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does he work or anything ?
not sure how he could afford his new place
It's council/housing association.

I see his deleted all his posts about Paul on his main account, and only kept 1 vid of Paul on his tiktalk account. Couldnt handle the heat clearly. Guy has too many skeletons in his closet.
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VIP Member
Ive found his ex on tiktok and its not hard to find her on facebook once you find his facebook .i think she is also quite young

Well 25 now and had baby in 2018 so 21?
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