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Chatty Member
I saw it a while after you so possibly comments had been removed/hidden as that's what I would do if I was running it 😂

I would say 90% of the comments I saw were positive suggesting they had already ordered, intended to order or were tagging a friend to show how good the idea was.

I was expecting there to be some sort of commission based way for the consultant to earn a bit off of this but it doesn't appear to unless there is some link between the kitchen website and the members list. If there is I expect the consultants to be plugging this every week in group as one of the biggest things to "keep you on plan".
They’re all still on there, I would love to know what my old group have to say about it. Can see the consultant having one as the raffle prize the first week they’re available trying to plug it. Wonder if they will get discounts as consultants.

There are people out there who are willing to throw money at anything they think will make them lose weight but they will soon be disappointed I think with the lack of value for money, portion sizes etc.

Anyway, who actually manages to exist ordering boxes without either going to the supermarket or doing an online shop for all the other bits. I find going to the supermarket on my own lowkey therapeutic 🤣
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I trawled the comments on the SW article and I couldn’t find it! Wonder if he deleted it.

I love reading the comments whenever SW post about their ready meals. Always full of people saying how disgusting they are 🤣
He probably had his tattle catch up then flew to remove it 😂
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Chatty Member
View attachment 2985216

I would've stuck the leftovers on the plate to make a proper portion :ROFLMAO:

Lots of the kitchen boxes have been delivered to various members/consultants and a few have made the feeds. They do look like small portions in the majority as expected.....

I hadn't realised there was a delivery fee of £5 on top as well. They've taken this off all orders placed for the first week.
Yes I’ve seen many posts with crimes against baked salmon 😂
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Chatty Member
Ah no sorry that was me. I had it removed because the post showed his full name and despite him being loud and proud many times on Tattle, about his true identity, I didn't think it was fair to share it again
I trawled the comments on the SW article and I couldn’t find it! Wonder if he deleted it.

I love reading the comments whenever SW post about their ready meals. Always full of people saying how disgusting they are 🤣
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Chatty Member
From my experience of groups, most members are older and don’t appear to have a lot of spare cash. Can’t see this taking off especially as quite a few talk about their families not eating SW meals. Maybe younger online members but not your average Barbara or Sandra at group.
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Those who are no longer consultants or employees have a lot of interesting things to say, they can’t do it on a public forum though due to NDA’s. I was disappointed that Slimming World was only featured on a radio 4 broadcast as opposed to the one show watchdog as originally intended.
Says it all when they were on the radar of Watchdog. Probably sent some heavy handed lawyers in as usual
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I don’t understand why these get compared to takeaways. Two totally separate things. With a takeaway, all the cooking has already been done for you, it’s usually a good size portion, it’s tasty even if it’s not the best thing for you, it’s hot and ready to eat, I could go on 😂 with recipe boxes you still have to cook it, do all the washing up, most likely not going to satisfy most people.
It’s more that most people say they go for a takeaway more often than they’d like because they’re tired after work and lacking imagination. I know that’s the case with me. When we’ve both been working, I know I can’t be bothered to go shopping for ingredients I might only use once or faff about thinking about what to have while the tummy is rumbling. The recipe boxes definitely crossover with those people. If you listen to Secret Slimpod, at least 2 of the hosts have said they’ve done other recipe boxes for that reason.
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VIP Member
These boxes are expensive but they aren’t meant to be cheap. It’s the convenience that you are paying for. Someone has done the shopping, measured out the ingredients and sent it to your house. All slimming clubs are a business. They are there to make money. They offer accountability. Same as RH, JSA, Munro, etc. Gousto is great when it’s 60% off but pricy at all other times. You are paying for a service. Of course you could go to Aldi and buy the same ingredients at a fraction of the cost but the boxes are saving you your time (time travelling to the supermarket, purchasing the goods, driving/walking home etc) and no, I don’t work for SW.
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Chatty Member
The people who tend to have good things to say about SW are consultants/employed by them in some way I've found ... even on this thread 😉😜
Those who are no longer consultants or employees have a lot of interesting things to say, they can’t do it on a public forum though due to NDA’s. I was disappointed that Slimming World was only featured on a radio 4 broadcast as opposed to the one show watchdog as originally intended.
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I remember the slimming world consultant during the weekly sermon saying how they encourage people to cook from scratch. It was all very much about sensible swaps, learning to cook in a more healthy way and save money as opposed to take away food. Now they are jumping on the box delivery service. I wonder how that will be marketed to members in groups? Will a slimming world member get a discount on bundles as a opposed to a non-member?

I think it’s money grabbing, greedy and opportunistic of slimming world to charge equal if not more money than established brands like Gusto for their food offering. During a cost of living crisis, a decent and caring company would be promoting low cost, healthy recipes, but not slimming world.
They're a business though, why wouldn't they charge what they're charging if it sells?

I get it's expensive, I get it costs significantly more than if you were to go shopping for the majority of it on a weekly basis and stock a lot of the items in your cupboard but you do have to factor all of the crap in the background in such as the wages, the rent of wherever they're doing this, the insurance, the license to sell the stuff etc etc. It's a long list so it's going to cost a bit to send these out and then you want to be making a healthy profit on this as you're a business so it's finding that line where it's going to sell.

I have no issues with the pricing structure. I would never buy it as it's too expensive but it's not too much different from the pricing of competitors which is clearly where they need to be. It probably also suggests that the profit margins aren't that huge as the competitors who mass produce these and have loads of customers haven't dropped their prices to try and steal their competition.

Someone also mentioned about group saying about cooking from scratch. That's exactly what this is?

If they start slipping some slimming world sauces into the meal kits then it'll be slightly different. There won't be any curry meals unless they do this as the ingredients to make slimming world curry sauce took up two pages of the last sw recipe book I was given on a countdown offer 😂
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It seems very expensive to me, but are they comparable to Gousto/Hello Fresh? I’ve never bought them either, but price wise it seems similar. Anyone buying these things is surely just short of ideas/time and seeking something new to try. Surely nobody relies on them long term? You’d even be cheaper buying in the pre-prepped box meals from the local protein meal kitchen places that seem to have popped up everywhere!

Worth a punt if there’s an offer on, but otherwise you’d be far quicker/cheaper doing your own, especially for pasta bakes and the like. Do people really need a recipe box for that?
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VIP Member
I haven’t looked at a SW thread in ages! I remember how much lard would go on about himself on creepy Ben greens thread. Is he on insta or has he come off their since being outed on here for being an attention seeking hypocrite?
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Chatty Member
Omg definitely a SW hangover being able to perfectly eyeball 30g of cheese pretty much every time 😂 I log the cals whatever ends up being cut but more often than not it’s spot on 30g 🤣
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Now you've mentioned those calories, I know those meals wouldn't cut it for me. My lunch is 1000 calories for starters 😂 I think my dinner tends to be between 800-1300.

Meal box for 2 will feed me one dinner then..... It would be a very expensive weekly shop.
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It seems very expensive to me, but are they comparable to Gousto/Hello Fresh? I’ve never bought them either, but price wise it seems similar. Anyone buying these things is surely just short of ideas/time and seeking something new to try. Surely nobody relies on them long term? You’d even be cheaper buying in the pre-prepped box meals from the local protein meal kitchen places that seem to have popped up everywhere!

Worth a punt if there’s an offer on, but otherwise you’d be far quicker/cheaper doing your own, especially for pasta bakes and the like. Do people really need a recipe box for that?
I've only ever done them when they've had the 60% off with reduction in the prices over weeks so paid considerably less.

Then after finishing this offer I've kept the recipe cards and cancelled the subscription and bought the ingredients in bulk and made the meals we liked.

I still think they'll have a fair bit of success from these boxes. Reading the comments on facebook, the majority are positive and saying they're ordering. That doesn't surprise me as people see success through slimming world and there are two things here. Firstly the ease of buying your meals preprepared and on plan. Secondly the mental side of things and buying in to the product you are invested in which is what will get a lot of people.

If I was in the company I would be suggesting starting a running club next. The markup on personalised running tops is huge and the marketing side of things when people are turning up to races in these tops will be decent too.
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Chatty Member
I don't know to be honest.

If they get the consultants to push it every week. Get these meal pics posted up every week. We all know people are hooked in to the groups and how those recipe books on release tend to sell to the majority of the group. I can imagine these will sell quite well and if they play it right the consultants will know who is buying the boxes and will focus their group chats with these people when they come in with losses. "How did your week go?" "I ate the recipe box meals for most the week, loved them and lost weight again". Boom, a few more boxes sold.

As for portion sizes. Those Hello Fresh boxes barely do the job for me. I was always left feeling hungry after them. I reckon these will be the same, an average size portion which doesn't quite cut it for those who are pretty active so will need to bulk it out with other things.
I think it might see activity in this thread go up when the meals start popping up all over insta 😂
Hmm that is a good point! They will like you say probably contain pretty basic ingredients plus a magical free seasoning blend or a sauce, so I can see people thinking the boxes are the reason for their weight loss and buying them again. But then I just can’t see people wanting to spend loads on them, won’t be budget friendly.

And oh I was the same during my brief encounter with Hello Fresh, not satisfying portions at all. I know they’re meant to save you time and the stress of having to plan but I found the stuff went off really quickly and never actually been as stressed trying to make sure we used them all up 🤣
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You must have only read the first few comments on the article which are positive, after that they are pretty much all about how expensive it is and how disappointed they are!
I saw it a while after you so possibly comments had been removed/hidden as that's what I would do if I was running it 😂

I would say 90% of the comments I saw were positive suggesting they had already ordered, intended to order or were tagging a friend to show how good the idea was.

I was expecting there to be some sort of commission based way for the consultant to earn a bit off of this but it doesn't appear to unless there is some link between the kitchen website and the members list. If there is I expect the consultants to be plugging this every week in group as one of the biggest things to "keep you on plan".
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