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Chatty Member
Yeh that picture I posted here about 12 hours ago is up to 579 views now. I’d say pictures others have posted have similar/more……there’s a lot of eyes here that may not post/have accounts. Nice drop in followers there for Siobhan if all unfollowed, used war against instagrammers. You only have to look at her “siobh eats” page to see….even starting with a huge platform to announce that page from the interest was minimal. Hit them where it hurts indeed. If Instagram ever get their act together & delete inactive accounts it would be a great day 😂😂😂 the reality check would be quite something.

Can you send link to WAI . Haven't a clue how to use it lol
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Chatty Member
Can you send link to WAI . Haven't a clue how to use it lol
It’s this website -
You can just scroll alphabetically to the profile u want or you can search. It’s much better on a laptop/desktop than on a phone. Although you can use it on phone either. But you can just view stories as usual and you get to see their actual exact follower number rather than just rough number.
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So 10 hours ago she said she hasnt been on her stories much because she feels gross etc etc. That whole chatter her forehead DOESNT move.. like not once. Her eyebrows don't lift, her face is tight and her top lip also seems to not be able to lift so she kind of sneers almost.... and her teeth look fucking weird. Like so straight along the bottom. I dont know if that is composite bonding or what but she has definitely definitely had shit done.

Also I should add, NOTHING wrong at all with wanting to do this stuff but for someone who is SO against instagram filters but doesn't object to having poison and plastics injected in her face ....

I dont know, if I didnt have enough reasons to dislike her ... it all just adds to the fakeness right?!
Okay now I can only notice her teeth and they weirding me out.

Villa looks nice, won't be long until its manky
It is nice, such a shame it won't go to someone who would appreciate it. I wonder how much something like that would cost to rent.

Looks like composite bonding on her teeth .... View attachment 997453View attachment 997452
What the actual fck. Is it not just a teeth whitening strip she forgot to take off? That is an awful look.
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Chatty Member
She's so offended by cancel culture but yet thinks it'd her place to take down OT.

In my opinion that show does alot more good than harm. But Miss Dominoes or die is the expert in healthy living
This. And when so many pages have blocked you maybe it’s time to realise that you are the common denominator.
Sorry to derail, I don’t know how to set up a thread for Intuitive eating so I’ll stop now with the red mist! 😂
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VIP Member
Thank you for explaining! I just compare her to myself and I've had children and do half arsed exercise and have a sit down job, but I still look roughly the same as her. I feel like if I did all the exercise she does (I wont) I'd look amazing 🤣
Sounds like you are in top shape!
Basically anyone can look very lean and have abs etc, compete in a show and all that. BUT there's a lot of being tired, hungry and grumpy...and it's probably less healthy than having the body fat you're supposed to have as a female. We're not actually meant to be super lean! To look like you do is fantastic - she has all the time in the world to devote to what she eats and exercise. But realistically, even if I had all that time I doubt I'd be massively different either. Too tiring and food is delicious.

I think I remember reading a version of this from Josh Hillis before too.
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At this point it's become a personality trait her losing or the card getting blocked.
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Chatty Member
So do we reckon that our boss babe Shiv is (shock horror) renting a room from a 24 year old?!? All this talk of ‘we’, the lack of a proper house tour and her obsession over Miss. HotGirlSummer would make sense.

I wonder will she regret buying the Gucci back pack? Would she not put the money towards the rent for her own place……
Living together already 😜 tellin ya they’re seeing each other. If they aren’t…..she needs to stop with the photo comments. The only way they make any sense is if they’re currently dating
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VIP Member
That email is shocking, for someone who hasn't watched it how can she have such an opinion on it. Just looking to stay relevant? I personally think this year has been more focused on other things apart from weight and they don't have to wear the little skimpy top and shorts anymore which always bugged me. It should always have been a choice. But I think It's all about trying to achieve a healthier sustainable lifestyle and gets communities together to exercise unlike her eats a pizza and walks fricking 50k steps the next day like . Not a fad diet and its all foods that most families can eat together
Just watching episode one of the latest season and it's even more about empowering people than it even was before. Madder again that she didn't even bother to watch it before making it all up.
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New member
I think the subject is chosen on blue ticks and follower count rather than their content. Generally it always seems that it is somebody trying to grow their exposure so they use somebody with a wider audience. I guess that's typically why you don't see people with more exposure / followers reaching out to do podcasts.

That's in part what keeps Siobhan relevant she has an established follower number on Instagram.
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VIP Member
She’s the hostess, hasn’t moved on much since the Wright venue. She is literally the face to this scheme.
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No way would I say Shiv does this.....she's grimey lol. Iv heard about a Limerick model who is Dublin based ......... basically appears to have no source of income, travels a lot solo etc.
I know who you’re on about. I raised this question on her thread but didn’t really get any replies. Clearly up to some sort of this carry on to fund lifestyle.
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Fresh Bitch of Con-Air

Now this is a story all about how,
Shivs plans got twisted upside down,
And I’d like to take a minute so just sit right there,
I’ll tell tattle how she became a lying cunt with red hair.

In busy Swords she was born and raised,
9-5 was how she spent most of her days,
Flying home for Christmas for drink with the fam,
But in an air B&B in case she had some wham bam!

When a popular virus was up to no good,
Started getting infectious in the neighbourhood,
One positive antigen and Shiv got scared,
She said ‘I can’t fly home to Bali I’m just not going to declare!’

She whistled for a free Beamer and when it came near,
She thought for a second - ‘maybe Randox will be clear’,
I’ll pack my bag , get ready and I’ll plan to fly,
And if I come back Pozzy then to Twitter I’ll cry.

She, pulled, up to an Air B&B , several hours later,
She yelled to Raisin ‘quick fly home, smell me later’
If anything she would act as if she was clear,
She thought ‘just forget it, I’ll bend twitters ear!’

This ends the tale of all about how,
We now know all about the covid positive ghoul,
She tried her best to test neg, in a Beamer she begged,
She’s even made herself look worse than Sinead Heg!

The Fresh Bitch of Con-Air
OMG I missed these! Amazing @brandambassador well done 👏
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Chatty Member
My god- this one is actually unhinged!!!! How anyone is still watching and believing a word from her mouth is beyond me?!!! She’s actually beyond words at this point- lost bank card my eye. Can’t pay for quarantine so- sure hun! As others have said- no one carts around actual cards these days, esp not “tech savvy” I phone buying Insta huns. Is it an excuse for the poor mail/lash gal?
How does she look herself in the eye?
I am incredulous that she has any customers- who is giving her money?
Like so many questions I can’t cope.
As for the covid gate- I’m not going to comment! A full on rant on stories for losing a card yet not a peep about covid while she had it. I wish anyone considering parting with cash for her could read on here- she is beyond predictable at this stage.
But sure has she not heard of a Goddamn WALLET??🤣🤣
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Thank god! Voice of reason. He is horrific. Used to work with him in Westwood. Affairs with clients, sleazy behaviour and nail in coffin he got caught sniffing coke of someone's arse in the consultation room.....he moved out of Dublin shortly after.
wowwwww wasn’t aware of any of this when I posted, goes to show nothing you see online is real😳
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New member
Janet Newham signed a 2 year lease in Bali the other day. It’s ‘Siobhan’s villa’ - you know where siobhan gave the impression she had signed a 10 year lease a few years ago? Janet had stories up she signed with a legit letting agent & today is looking for prices from builders to get some work done. Siobhan no longer has that lease and I imagine hasn’t had it for a long time. All lies again! Most she had it was for 2 years. She likes to give the opinion she’s loads of money! If you’ve an apartment in dublin why you spending €€ on air B and Bs all December? What a con woman
Only in the place and getting it enclosed. Siobhan had to leave and get a 2nd place because it was too open and no enclosed space... 🙄
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