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There must be loads of people who were nearly run over by Ant. Come on, spill the beans!
Not Ant but I was very nearly run over by Mike Reid (from Children's TV Runaround - or if you’re younger, Eastenders fame. Plus rumoured to be a comedian)
The very weak tea (transparent almost) is that in the mid 80s my family lived down the road from his family. I was a very young girl, riding my fold up shopper bike into the village (I had so wanted a grifter or bmx but it was the 80s and I got the stereotypical girls bike, with basket!) said bike had a habit of folding itself up whilst you were riding it and on this occasion whilst I was cycling up the steep hill into the village, it started its fold and I fell off my bike into the road and cut up all my elbows and knee. As I lay on the floor I heard a car revving up the hill and saw a Rolls Royce screech to a halt. It was Mike Reid, he bibbed his horn, gestured for me to get out the road then drove around me shaking his head. I’ve never liked him since!
(To add salt in the wound, my parents would still not get me a new bike. It wasn’t until my bike was ‘mysteriously’ stolen a year or so later. It was then replaced with a second hand racer which hurt my lady parts so much I only ever rode it twice and I’ve avoided bikes ever since. Thank you for coming to my ‘This is my life’ story 😂)
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Bucks Fizz related, bear with. One of the biggest let downs of my life was finding out (via tv etc, not real life) what a humongous bell end David Van Day is. I fancied the pants off him in Dollar and I hated Therese cos she got to be in his orbit. The scales well and truly fell away as he revealed himself on every programme he was on to be an unrelenting twat of the highest order.
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There seems to be more mental illness in Ireland than most other countries. I honestly do believe it's down to generations of boys and girls being sexually and physically abused by priests and nuns for years. It's so sad and horrific.
Pete. My husband has epilepsy due to a priest " a man of GOD" Smashed his head, aged 6 off a wooden desk because he dared question Adam and Eve.. This was the 1970's so nothing was reported... Disgusting
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Some talented imaginative person(s)on here should come up with an Ode to Lorraine's Growler
Och aye wee fanny 'o mine
You are soooo hairy
But quite divine
Like a wee mousey, awl fluffy an' pink
An' 'o smoked haddock
You never did stink
So, go on wee growler
Through hail, shine an' pain,
We will awl salute to the clacker,
Of oor dear Lorraine
An' noo we all see it,
Yer wee fanny online,
Should we no cancel Google?
An wipe this from oor mind?
Yer snatch seems soo friendly
I'm sure it's a mate
I hope you talk to it often
And tell it "Yooooor greaaat"
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Sideboard Bob

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Looks like Matthew Perry has apologised...

"I’m actually a big fan of Keanu," he told Deadline. "I just chose a random name, my mistake. I apologise. I should have used my own name instead."

Still, dick comment and no need for it.
Aww, I kind of hoped he was going to continue trashing universally loved celebrities.

Up next, an excerpt from chapter 2, “Dolly Parton - what a bitch!”.
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Can we go back to taking about Lorraine's growler and shagging that bloke from Muse that looks like one of the weasels from Wind In The Willows.
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in honour of halloween i would like to draw attention to this man, who has dressed up as nick cannon 🤣

scary thing is, as pointed out in the replies, he doesn’t have enough babies for it to be accurate 😳
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From another spare...... Is it just me or does he look like David Cassidy?
It really boils my piss that Harry, an entitled twat who has led a life of unbelievable privilege and has never wanted for anything is releasing a poor-me book about how hard his life is when people are struggling to put food on the table. Read the fucking room!

edit: sorry it’s not goss but it really makes me angry. Mods please delete if not appropriate.
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Hollie Day

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...and that Lorraine Kelly's growler has become a regular feature on here.

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Who could forget ‘David’s dead’ on Celeb Big Brother?! The best part was that Darren Day actually thought he was going to go into the bedroom and find David Guest dead in bed, like the producers would have allowed that to happen😂
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Serene Serena

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I'm now in quandary should I watch. I absolute detest this man, but then what if he comes across as a top bloke (I know he won't) I will start to like him & have to then really reevaluate myself as a person!
Do you remember when David Gest was on IACGMOOH? I thought he was an absolute idiot and was prepared to throw things at the TV, but within 10 minutes of viewing, I adored him. So witty, kind, funny, so full of hilarious bullshit anecdotes about his showbiz life.

If the same happens with Hancock, I'm booking a one way trip to Dignitas.
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House of Tea

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We really do live in a world of the self obsessed now. If it isn’t celebrities and minor royalty lecturing us on climate change whilst carrying on leading their un climate friendly ways, it’s people making grand proclamations about what they now present as, or doctoring their images to look nothing like how they look in real life, or mutilating themselves to look like ducks, or desperately trying to stay relevant by way of surgeries and plastic interventions. It’s bloody depressing.

My pronouns: ffs/wtf
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I'll always admire Sinead O'Connor for ripping up a picture of Pope John Paul II on Saturday Night Live. That bastard turned a blind eye to paedophilia in the Catholic church. It really wasn't spoken about publicly until she did that.
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Hollie Day

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Why is it always people like Lorraine Kelly, Sue Perkins, Danielle Lloyd? Why never George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Ryan Reynolds? Although I suppose we did have the excitement of the Orlando Bloom paddle boarding pics. That was a fun lunchtime in the office!
You're not looking in the right places.

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We also decided that Matthew Perry needs to back the fuck off and leave Keanu alone or he will have us to deal with!
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