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Kirstie Allsop is nothing but an overbearing posh twat who has never step foot in the real world. She sits around with her little piggy nose pointed in the air thinking that her shit smells of roses. She’s an elitist, backwards and moronic woman who would have nothing in life if it wasn’t for her aristocratic background.

When she publicly shamed a builder for having a large breakfast in the morning, yet for all we know that might have been his dinner as he was working that night, when she was shaming people for not having the space in their home for a laundry room. Telling office workers they should go back to work to show their bosses their WORTH in the midst of a pandemic, even though she was handed a career by her parents friends, and just has to swan around expensive houses whilst smiling for the camera and do some crocheting for her job.

Piss off and lock yourself in your arts and crafts room and never come out, you snooty nosed jowly witch.
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If I ever had to give my phone in to police I shudder to think what they would think of my search history:

How old is Kevin McCloud
Lorraine Kelly naked
what time does the London Marathon start?
Kieran Hayler, only fans arsehole
chunky boots
at what age should you neuter your dog?
how to stop slugs coming back
Natalie Cassidy naked
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Secret Celebrity Gossip. I think we’re all struggling with what happened, so can we please keep it in the relevant thread and not bring it into one that the majority of posters read for a bit of escapism x
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House of Tea

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A work colleague had identical twins at 47. Her husband was in his 70s. Didn’t want kids, thought she was beyond getting pregnant. She was very pragmatic, scholarly. She brought one of the twins into work, after much cajoling by colleagues. When asked why she only brought in one of the twins, she said she did not see much point, they were both identical. 😆😆😆
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I had a crush on H from Steps when I was a lot younger. And Stephen Gately. And Mark from Westlife. Somewhat of a theme...
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I’m no Geri fan believe me, but all these comments about how she’s a homewrecker, stole a man, made him leave his wife etc etc make me uncomfortable. He’s the married party in this and where’s the accountability for his part? It takes 2 people to have an affair 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Oh for God's sake this thread is so depressing and tedious. It is meant to be fun, light and about gossip. Not people (like above) having a hissy fit.
Everything on here turns so santimonious if Person A doesn't like what Person B has to say.

In terms of Halliwell, she is not a great person. Of course Horner is a vile man for what he did. She's bad too. Stop policing what other people write. Oh, and if you haven't got any actual gossip or anything amusing to say then bugger off. Writing "Not engaging with you any further" is so ridiculous. If you are being antagonistic on a gossip thread then you don't need to announce you are not engaging anymore. Just go.
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Obviously most men aren’t rapists. But we don’t know which ones are so unfortunately we need to modify our behaviour by assuming they all are in certain situations to stay safe.

It’s not misandry it’s real life.
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Miss Apprehension

Chatty Member
It seems to have disappeared from the BBC website now but earlier I saw the headline where the judge described Sarah Everard as “ wholly blameless “ during his summing up and it shocked me to the core. In what world are we still attaching notions of blame in cases like these? It dragged me right back to the Seventies and Eighties when a mini skirt and a boob tube was presented as credible evidence of “ asking for it “.. apologies for derailing from sleb chat.
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Sorry, but irrespective of if anyone claimed to be offended or not, someone constantly getting their cock out for 'bantz' should be shut down. And fuck off with all the 'ooh I met him in 1980 and he was lovely, no-one had a bad word to say about him, the cast and crew of all his shows love him'. He's a disgusting fucking pervert with serious issues and needs to stop it right now. I would blacklist him from any more TV until he's had therapy, owned up to his actions and stopped with all the passive aggressive 'oh I didn't mean any harm' bullshit. (Not aimed at anyone in particular on here btw). If we start condoning or laughing off this, what comes next?
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What makes Robin Thick even more creepy though during this Video...........

He was about 36 Years Old................

She was like - 18 Years Old -

He was Like..............

"You know you want it - you know you need it"

She was made to wear a Giant Glove.

T.I was a creepy older man then brushing her Hair.

Pharell Williams was dancing around like a creepy pevert - with a sneaky smile on his face - like he had been told - the Gang Rape had been arranged for the upstairs bedroom later and Robin Thicke had told him he can have first go.................

And if she ever cried Rape and it went to Court...................

They were just going to do a KOBE BRYANT and claim it was:

"Blurred Lines - We thought it was Consent"
This never happened. Please don’t make up stories. Yeah Robin Thicke is bit of a creep. But don’t try and imply he and the other singers had gang raped Emily or they were planning on gang raping Emily.

This is getting out of hand. It’s a bit creepy you keep talking about Robin and the glove in a sexual manner and now you’re making up stories about rape.

Emily has spoke about it and said yeah it was a bit creepy she was young and topless in a music video with 30 year olds, but she has never made claims of being raped. She made claims that Robin groped her, but you’re pushing the story into some sick situation.
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Chatty Member
Robin Thicke is a pevert with a GIANT GLOVE fetish.

His game is to take advantage of and manipulate young women into getting naked and wearing nothing but one of his GIANT GLOVES.

It turns him on and and he gets a major sexual kick out of beautiful young naked women wearing GIANT GLOVES.

I think he keeps a stash of GIANT GLOVES locked in his cupboard at home.

Padlock on the cupboard door so nobody discovers his disturbing GIANT GLOVES collection.

Builders at his home seem confused when he requested they build a swimming pool in his back yard shaped as a GIANT GLOVE.

Robin Thicke says it's ok for him and a Woman to not use contraception during sexual encounters but it is mandatory they wear a GIANT GLOVE.

I had the misfortune of seeing him perform live years ago. It was one of the worst things I have ever witnessed. There was just this high pitched screeching for about 30 minutes, apparently that was him "singing". He was clearly very very refreshed and sweating buckets, the back up singers looked terrified and the band were rolling their eyes. He attempted to climb onto the piano at one point and the poor tiny thing couldnt manage it.
His final moment in stage was one of the funniest things I have seen, he was making a big thing of it and fell to his knees to show how much he had put into the show, when the stage hands came on and started clearing around him for the main act. He had to scramble up and try to claim some dignity.
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:Geri Horner is an evil conniving tart who had a man leave his wife and newborn baby,...."
So she forced him to leave against his will? And he had no say in this whatsoever? Have you reported his kidnapping by 'evil Geri' to the police? People we need to #FreeHorner
And while I'm at it...
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VIP Member
You do realised she was paid to perform in that video, at any stage she could have said 'nope, I'm off, I don't feel comfortable...' but she didn't and has gotten a lot of column inches from it for doing not a lot else since. These girls/women have a choice, don't get your boobs out or if you do don't say years later you didn't want to.
Women shouldn’t have to dress modestly in hopes men don’t assault them. If the clothes were the issue, women in Sharia Law countries wouldn’t be assaulted, children wouldn’t be assaulted, swimming baths and beaches would be hot spots for rape.

Emily was quite young, and at the start of her career and probably felt the need to say yes or else they’ll get someone else who will do it and then there’s the implication that producers and agencies will say she’s hard to work with so she’ll be blacklisted if she doesn’t take her clothes off.

Do not be so ignorant.
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House of Tea

VIP Member
Does anyone remember when Martine left east Enders and was having her fifteen minutes she was cast in a new west end production of My Fair Lady? She was constantly missing shows due to “illness” which is completely unacceptable behaviour in theatre. At the same time a stage production of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was in previews. The crew on Chitty were having real problems with the flying car, it was constantly breaking down causing shows to be cancelled, so they nicknamed it…Martine 😂.
I think she won an award for it, and when it was announced they cut to her eminent costar in it, Jonathan Pryce, and he cast his eyes up to the heavens. No love lost there.

This is a copy of an old @Reverend post on here….
Some new but very old goss is about Martine McCuthcheon when she was in the stage production of 'My Fair Lady'(in 2003).

Due to her illness (she would ring up about 1 hour before and say she was too ill, but then would be seen in a London bar knocking back pink gins), Jonathan Pryce apparently told her that she couldn't keep behaving that way, as it was unfair on the audience whom had paid to see her, unfair on the production team, and unfair on the understudies and the rest of the cast who never knew whom they would performing with.

Her reply?

'Stars on the way up, won't take advice from stars on the way down'.

Jonathan Pryce has been nominated for an Oscar in his latest film, where as Martine was last seen advertising Activia yoghurt.........
It tool her a long time to get any work after that. Her name was mud.
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