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With this latest resurrection of the lying, vile, narcissistic, evil old trollop, we seemed to have gained a few new visitors to the thread 👋
If any of you are unsure of any details of the history of this monstrosity on tiktok (and various other social media), feel free to ask for clarification.
This is definitely the place to be if you are looking for the TRUE FACTS regarding all that has gone before. 👍

For those that weren't around at the time, this came after she finally admitted that it was her disgusting comments and subsequent behaviour regarding Mrsbrownsbarrelcakes which ultimately led to her downfall.
This, coupled with the charity money investigation that (thanks to our very own @nottobeforgotten/wibblewobble) was still ongoing at that time, and the relentless 'calling-out' she received here on Tattle, all proved too much and she bowed out with a series of her characteristic rants that we all came to love 😂 😂😂

Rest assured Trasha, we are all still here, watching, waiting and ready to rectify any un-truths that you may spout 👀

Now let's all sit back and watch one of her last ever tiktoks under the guise of 'Sasha Fontain' whilst looking forward to what series 2 may bring :p
Previously on 'SashaFontain-The OG shitshow':


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The sheep are so fucking thick they not seen the video of her slaughtering dick van prick his a coke head got no money he ponces off his mum gonzo pays for everything she pay the Xmas shopping bill 🤣🤣🤣🤣 she paying for the Ford kuga if it turns up her Xmas present to him 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 what a load of horse manure
And to top it off she’s trying to ponce a wedding off tic toc idiots via the wish list
Shes copying my bitter ex, as he's not long bought a new kuga out the money i gave him. Yes you're very welcome. I'm surprised he's not paid for his new scruffs tits as I've heard she has sand bags 👀 That's probably why she didn't like her coz she was jealous of gonzos fake tits. You wanna open that can of worms then let's fucking go coz I've got lots. And once its on the internet it's there forever 👍💯
If my ex is such a private person like Gonzo says then his life wont be so private anymore. You can thank the bike of Rompford for that.. we'll have ALL the drama, but don't twist the narrative to suit. Coz if you want yours,mine, everyones life put out there then lets do it 👍💯 coz boy do I have some stories to tell 🤣
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Donate her eggs? She didn’t even donate the Easter eggs. Imagine two hook nosed 18 year olds scamming society.
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Shit show 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 it’s a shit show from start to finish then we start again and again and again ground hog day all over again gotta be a tattle video soon we are all Shitcunts remember that one sitting their in it’s now written off Mercedes that got keyed up and tattle was to blame for that now that it’s back at its collier row pisshole wonder what’s happened to the Scottish Albanian stalker 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I’m new to this cretin but I’ve been reading a lot of our comments and she sounds like an utter wanker.

She also looks as rough as arseholes and the dating stories are pure shite.
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Suppose the poor cunt she invited to her table on Christmas Day has been dumped now she's at another table 😂

Between Sashaslag and singlemama I'm fucken gobsmacked! Who needs to go to a pantomime with these cunts providing entertainment for the Festive Season 🤪🤪😂
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Well, seeing as a few of my fellow single mama tattlers have expressed joy about this arsehole being back, I’m joining this thread also!!
I’ve got a good idea of what she’s done and what’s she like and I can’t wait for the shit show to commence!!
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Anyone know what happened to Trashbags commitment to the church.
I seem to recall her coming home from one of her ‘olidayzzzz and loving the church and vowed to go every Sunday…. Unless she meant The Toby carvery.? 😂😂😂
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Is she gonna bang on about this wedding every video every live 😳 we got 7 months of this ffs
Mind you I'm sure the old boy will see the light before then and see that she's only after the pension 🤣🤣 I take it he is on a pension 🤣
God imagine that coming at you under the covers 🤢🤢
I don’t even think at this point she’s gonna get a dress… she’s gonna be wearing them fuckin jarmers.. they will be stuck to her🤢🤢🤢🤢
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If ever I’m having a bad day, I take myself to one side and have a word with myself, I always say “life could be worse, you could be Sharon Brotherton a known Charity thief , a low life scum that steals from terminally ill kiddies.
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Well. It’s been a while geeews. The old Romford scrag end is back on TT. Just going for me popcorn 😂
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Where the fuck is she going for Xmas dinner at £35 😂😂😂😂😂. Local greasy spoon by the sounds of it. We are eating out Xmas day and it’s £125 per head lol but then we are classy and not brassy lol
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He waited 3 yrs for a woman like her…🤢🤢🤢
What a lying, cheating, charity robbing scumbag was what he was looking for, Sounds like their both cut from the same cloth.. Champagne ideas with ginger beer prices the both of them.🤡🤡

More lies, Adores his 11 yr old, nah she don’t.!
Can you imagine an 11 yr old saying trashbags is beautiful… nah, I hope her mums read up on here about the new stepmonster😂😂😂

Took her out a couple of Sundays ago… but she was split up from dick for a while, so that probably didn’t happen.🤡

He’s off to make her soda bread with salmon and eggs, que the absolute state of white supermarket bread🤢🤢🤢


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Fucking hell, she’s now begging for a tiktok sponsored wedding 🙄 That poor sod sitting next is so disinterested in everything drivelling out of her mouth. My money is on it all being over by the end of the week 😝
I know a bunch of people who will go😂😂😂
A bus load even….🫣😂😂😂😂

Anyone know someone who could make a wedding cake.?🤷🏼‍♀️🤔🤔🤔
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Making out she’s on par with Katie Hopkins now ffs😂😂😂
Rise of the foot solider being her fav film, won’t be too long before she brings up she was best mates with a gangster🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️💤💤💤💤💤💤
She don't arf talk a load of old shit 🙄 she needs to practice what she preaches. Was only a few days ago she was seething putting up names on FB.

The old cunt ain't changed. It literally eats her up that others can't stand the cunt and know exactly what shes like.

Major red flag is self preaching about how beautiful she is inside and out... pure narc behaviour 💯👍 its not confidence its arrogance. Won't be long now till the beast rears its head again i reckon 👹 itsa coming 🤣🤣
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Must of got ready in a rush
🤣🤣🤣 Sharryn you've forgotten your bottom half OR maybe she hasn't 🤔🤔🤔 SLAG

Was she always this BORING 🫢🫢🫢
No bottoms??? :oops:
Hmmmmmm 🤔
I suppose that could be to save time later on 🤮

I mean, it's highly unlikely that someone would put a different top on and record a video merely 'pretending' to be going out to 'Brentwood' eh?
Only a complete moron to do something like that wouldnt they? I mean the type of moron that would pretend to be 'going out' with their hair looking like a birds nest and wearing only a filter!!! 🤡🤡🤡
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