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I have been away for most of the year dealing with health issues, so this rant may not relate to the current discussion as I'm not up to date, but I would hope since the majority of you have known me forever now, you'll understand the need to make this post.

I'm of mixed ethnicity. I've that lovely tan olive skin Sarah dreams of in the summer, and absolutely white-passing in the winter. I have been on the right side and the wrong side of colour-ism. I've had the good fortune to have witnessed colourism and racism in various countries (fortunate for the lessons, and for the ability to recognize the lessons for what they were).

I am so fucking livid that she and Kurt have gotten away with silencing BIPOC twice now. The white privilege is astounding.

In spite of my health problems, in spite of my skin colour, in spite of covid wrecking my world, in spite of the losses of loved ones I've endured and the hardships I have witnessed, I can honestly say that I am privileged. I am white-passing and therefore, privileged. I am alive today, I am educated, I am witnessing society getting wrecked by all the '-isms' that exists and I can recognise that for the horror that it is- therefore I am privileged.
I have the ability to dream of what the future may hold and that in itself is a privilege, where PoC may not even have that.
And I am trying, learning, hoping to be a better ally and not to remain silent as the BLM uprising is showcasing atrocities point blank in our faces.

Yet Sarah, the epitome of health, wealth, privilege and access (to money, to education, to travel, to people, to businesses, access to 1 million people) cannot for 1 second stop to acknowledge her privilege? She just appropriates and oppresses and silences the many voices trying to reach her because she wants to continue to sleep in her perfectly comfortable bubble. WTAF?

She has the audacity to complain about haters, her multi-million $ houses not being perfect, the inconvenience of seeing Kurt's extended family during a pandemic when nobody is seeing their own parents, her child not posing *just so*, her product launches getting delayed... we're in the middle of a pandemic that is at your doorstep. And the atrocities in the US may not be on your doorstep (though Aus has its own issues) but your viewership is based there (hence the desire for her American tour that she has since dropped due to covid). Where's the humanity? Where's your conscience? Where's your gratitude for all that you have and all that you have been gifted?
People are terrified to send their kids to school because of covid, yet they absolutely must because a disproportionate amount of them (majority being PoC) cannot afford to feed their kids and rely on school lunches! Have you stopped to think for 1 second, now that you are a mother, what that choice must be like?

You sit in your $4.5 mill white castle, with your $3k purse, your $6k bracelet and your obedient staff, moaning every single day about how hard your life is. Bitch, you are entitled and privileged and famous. Bitch, you are alive and healthy. Bitch, your immediate family and your partner's family are all around you. Bitch, you are in a 1st world country. Bitch, you have the funds and the access to all the education you could ever dream of.
You have a global platform where you can stand up and speak to uplift and empower other people, but you choose to use it victimizing yourself! How? In the wake of Freddie Gray and George Floyd and Breonna Taylor and the countless others- how dare you call yourself a victim? How dare you appropriate twice while the world is on fire?
How dare you make homophobic comments in your 'dressing each other' video and post that horrid word on your scrabble board for all your young viewers to see.
How dare you monetize your grandmother's death and tease it for clicks?
How dare you brag about your new house while your neighbours' houses were burning all around you during the bush fires?
How dare you sit on those donations when your own people were in desperate need, and then block your loyal followers when they asked whether you hand donated their money?!
How dare you call yourself "poor", whilst literally rolling on the floor of your 2nd multi-mill property, during the bushfires when thousands lost all their homes and worldly possessions?

Privilege is not chosen. Ignorance is.
Integrity cannot be bought.
Your silence on the things that matter is deafening.
Your repeated actions of silencing, blocking and doxxing those who are speaking sense and truth shows you for the scum you are.
Incredible that you could use your platform to raise so much awareness, but you opt to use it to line your pockets.
Money will get spent, Sarah, no matter how smart you think you are. And your followers will move on now that your ugliness has been laid bare. Do not underestimate this generation- they will see through your thin veil.
Then what will you have? Yourself and your material goods that you've hoarded? A child who can't connect with you? A partner who is a shell of himself? Ignorant opinions and a victim mentality that nobody will fall for?
You will be left with only yourself, which may seem like a beautiful dream right now, but it's every sane human being's worst nightmare.

It's the bed you made and nobody will feel sorry for you when you have to lie in it. It's karma for all the people you have hurt with your willful ignorance and stubborn choice to spread medical misinformation for monetary gain at the expense of your followers' health.
Your bed Sarah, your making. Think about that and use that platform of yours properly- or just stfu already! We don't need more ignorant bile in this world.

I apologise for the rant that may not be the most coherent. I'm doing the best I can in my circumstances. I am livid that she has swept everything under the rug and I had to let it out.
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Are you giving us the recipe for FRRREEEEEEE?? 😱
It's just a teaser for a sUPeR seCreT prOjeCT i've been working on for 10 years!! It's been my dream since I was 5 months old!! I was playing with my mums blender all my childhood and when everyone was sleeping and pooping their diapers at 5 months old, I was in the kitchen pretending to make smoothies!! You all know me, I'm notOooOrioUS for smoothies!!

Coming soon in december! And then in march! and then late 2022! And then we'll just see on the go!

Put your wallets ready, it's only going to be 7399442$!
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LOL, months ago I commented “Fox looks just like Vanessa here!” on one of Sarah’s photos and the comment was deleted. Thanks for reminding me. What a laugh.
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lmao, scuz, don't you have about 20,000 people blocked?

how typical of her to support a movement that allows her to brag about herself :)
In her stories at first I was glad she was highlighting RUOK but then she went and made it all about herself. Some quotes:
“I just want to be that glimmer of light in people’s lives,” “I want people to want to hang out with me.” “I want to be the person that my friends open up to.” And my personal favourite “I tell my friends I’m sorry you feel like that” - I hate when people say things like that. it’s such a superior way of looking down on people.

It also reeked of toxic positivity. People don’t always need to be around someone’s glimmer of hope and positivity. They need to be able to feel their feelings in an unjudgmental space.
I want to say at least she’s trying but is she really or is it just all about her and making herself look good as it usually is 🤷‍♀️

p.s. is she going to ask the people she’s doxxed if they are ok?
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Wow, another irony in her latest RUOK day ramblings, "mental health is not taboo, not something to be ashamed of" yet, she was the one deleting and blocking people for asking Kurt if he was okay when his symptoms of anxiety/depression appeared. She is so full of shit.

What a coincidence🤡
"You're always welcome here".. just not if your an Indigenous Australian/POC or anyone who disagrees with you in the slightest hey? 🤡
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Hi guys, long time lurker of both the GG thread and recently this thread.

I found Sarah during her pregnancy, as I was trying for a baby at the time. At first I liked her, which makes no sense because I found her voice annoying and all in all way too perky, but there was something about her channel that kept me captivated.

Watching her whilst I was pregnant lowered my self esteem because I had morning sickness and then food aversions all the way through, and wasn't able to eat healthy. Like that time she made the comment about dounuts was a slap in the face because during my first and second trimester I would have been lucky to be able to stomach a dounut. At first I started to have lots of guilt that I wasn't able to eat a healthy and balanced diet, but then shockily, I started to take satisfaction in the fact that I couldn't eat because I didn't want to get put on weight. This was all subconscious for a long time. I lost 5kgs of my pre pregnancy weight and wasn't going over my pre weight up until 30 weeks, and I was proud of myself. Well my mental health deteriorated with the lack of eating and physical exercise, and I was later admitted into hospital (a mental health ward specialises in matneral mental health) for a month. I was thankfully able to put on 10kgs and my mental health got better for the time being.

I won't say that my admission was caused by watching Sarah's videos because I have pre existing mental health issues, but I will say that watching her restrictive and disordered eating during what was a really dark time for me, did not help in that I felt like the way I was restricting my eating was acceptable and admirable because Sarah was doing it. Again, this was mostly all subconscious and it's only now in hindsight that I can see how distorted my mind was.

Anyways, when I came across GG i had already given birth and it was only then that I was able to see how fucked up her eating habits were. To that I thank all of the people on there that put in the work to expose her.

I did however take a bit of a break from reading GG because there was so much to get through, but from then on I was always aware of Sarah's bullshit and narcissisism, and its only now that I'm back after seeing her horrid cultural appropriation bullshit. I will note that I am a WOC, and as someone who got bullied for wearing braids, only for the white girls who wore them to be praised, I am mad at Sarah as well as all the other people defending her actions. I am so sick of the behaviours and attitudes of racists being too widely accepted. Someone on her ealready said it, but it's not up to people who do not belong to that culture to decide what is appropriation or not.

I have been keeping up with this recent bs now with the yikadi, and again, I am infuriated. I grew up in a small regional town in Australia with a high indigenous population. The amount of racist remarks, stereotyping, and violence that the kids in my school and community endurwd, just for white people to think that they can take their culture and not face any real backlash such as having their platform taken from them.

Is anyone else also getting super annoyed at the amount of BS that influencers are getting away with. I don't know if you guys follow any of the 'holistic' and 'natural' accounts run mostly by mother's (I adopt some of these approaches in my life but still vaccinate my freaking child), but with the whole COVID thing a lot of them have gotten really comfortable sharing their woo on not wanting to wear a mask, going to lock down protests, and sharing how the virus is a scare tactic, and admitting they are fine with endangering others lives as long as they have their FReEDOm. I know this isn't the point of the thread, but seeing as someone asked us if we're okay, I thought I should mention that the accumulation of seeing this crap on my feeds has made me very agitated, and to top it off, Sarah and Kurt being the blatantly ignorant people they are, appropriating indigenous culture, and Sarah thinking she can get away with it by not addressing it all!

I'm sorry if this was all a mess, I've had really bad brain fog due to mental health issues, and just not as succinct as I used to be.
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Okay so, I had a feeling something was going down, after reading on here I have realised alot of us here are extremely uneducated on this topic ourselves.

I did some research on this I have found that the Yidaki (which is the correct and proper Aboriginal word for the Didgeridoo). The Yidaki is OWNED and created by the Yolngu people of North East Arnhem Land. Under Yolngu Law, Non - Indigenous have to seek permission from the Yolngu people in order for them to play the Yidaki. If anyone wants to read up on the beautiful history of the Yidaki, here is a source:

The only people who are to determine if Kurt is allowed to play the Yidaki, is the Yolngu people and their Elders, not us. However it is beyond clear that he has literally no understanding of this and did not seek permission, as none of this is referenced in his initial post. The fact that they continue to block and delete comments from actual Indigenous people is disgusting. They both lack basic self awareness, self refection and any moral compass when it comes to cultural sensitivity.
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So she shows her drink.. her "innovative" and spechul frappe (which is literally her normal slush with coffee), preaches it in the sun. Shows it in the cup, plays around with the straw. Then proceeds to say, and I quote, "you know when you make a really icy frappe and there is just ice left" and proceeds to feed said ice to Fox. So this whole time, indicating that the cup she is holding is in fact the frappe she made herself and drank by herself. Yeah? But so-so conveniently, this whole time, it was actually the SECOND batch she did without coffee and protein powder (so just banana and ice then? which i mean.. i don't think looks like that after drinking it but maybe that's just me).

Well, silly us. Thinking it was her own drink she was talking about and showing on IG stories! You know.. showing the recipe and the drink.. but the drink was different? From the recipe? I mean.. everyone does that right??

And like someone said, it was so obviously her cup, her straw... her drink!!

bish, you got called out. It's such a pathetic lie, as well. I remember being like 8 years old and getting caught with stupid stuff like eating sugar out of the jar and I'd think of the stupidest lie like noo, I was just seeing how much sugar there was in the jar........ Literally the same vibes 😂 (not proud of my sugar addiction though, we never had snacks in the house okayyy)
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Yep, no words
I honestly cannot believe they blocked blakbusiness? They are so far up their own fucking arses they think they have done nothing wrong and all the have coped is BuLLYiNg and hAtE. All Olivia did alwas ask a question and they DELETED, SILENCED her. Do they have any respect for the indigenous people that litterally were here BEFORE them. They are DISGUSTING. This was my last straw, I cannot confinue to watch her LIES and manipulation Her nasty cheap cash grab products, watching her brainwashed stans pay for her 3.5mil disgusting cronullafornia piece of shit house. Kurt the bitch litterally reminds me of a slimy worm. Exploting focks for clickbait. She is so problamtaic. Im so so done. Following her is really beginning to make me mad, so I am out!! I am unfollowing! I have followed her for 4 years (on youtube first) and i will no longee watch her shit. She is a fucking horrible excuse of a human. Sorry for the rambling and spelling mistakes I need to VENT hahahaha. Thank you to all you smart humans here, you have litterally taught me so much! You are all so articulate and intelligent and as sarah would say “wordly” unlike herself. I will still be here though, hehe. You guys teach me too much to leave. But I am so done with self absorbed, immature, problamatic, manipulating, narssistic Sarahsday. I really really hope one day it all comes crashing around her and her stans finally wake up to her bullshit.
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I was just saying this to a friend and want to post it here. Following on from my post yesterday, I'd like to compile a list of some of the major scandals Scammy has had (you've been warned Sarah, go cry on your stories about hAtErS if you wish).

I'd love this to be a collaborative effort. When we have a full list of the bigger scandals, I'd love it if it could be shared on reddit, facebook, twitter, and any other platform you wish to use.

There's something very wrong here and it's eating away at me. When someone like her can do so much atrocious stuff and profit from it, but innocent people are getting murdered for having the wrong skin colour...we should do our part and let it be crystal clear that she's not a pink princess but a harmful force.
Silence and/or hyper-focusing on the minor stuff (like house decor or whatever) will allow her to keep getting away with the really racist/homophobic/toxic shit she's preaching under the radar.
I'm not trying to disrupt conversation and I love reading everyone's take on all topics, big and small, but she's just culturally appropriated TWICE in the span of a few months (in addition to her earlier Gypsy sunglasses saga), and has managed to silence all talk about it by diverting attention to other small shit that isn't important.
In the year when the BLM movement is finally getting attention and traction, in the very same week we were hearing about George Floyd, she appropriated and got away with it. Twice.
Anyone else would have received a lot more backlash. I think it's important we don't drop this issue. Our silence will be as bad as her actions.

Whilst I'm here now, I'll list the little bits I can. Please quote this numbered section and add to the list from what you can remember. Let us try to showcase just how dangerous her platform is and prove we are not haters but, rather, we are socially conscious and making sure we are not silenced again.

  1. Promotes and encourages disordered eating habits; shames family, friends and fans who do not eat according to her self-proclaimed 'healthy' plan.
  2. Restricted her diet and over-exercised during her pregnancy, risking her baby's health and shaming other mothers who didn't do the same. Evidenced by multiple posts of mothers who admitted she made them feel like failures.
  3. Plagiarizes designs from other brands, including Cotton On, Lilybod, Slinkii, The Beauty Chef, P.E. Nation.
  4. Held a fundraiser for the Aus bush fires, without donating her own money. Proceeded to hold on to her followers' donations for weeks, and deleted any questions asking where the money was going. Only donated the money when reported to scamwatch, and even then deducted 40k without explanation. Proceeded to cry and play victim because she was asked to transfer the money where it was rightfully due instead of trying to profit off the interest of it sitting in her account as she was attempting to.
  5. Every post on her page, dating back to when she lived with her parents, is an advert (Gaming app, ShaSha food co., Esmii Skin care, Blue Dinosaur, etc.). None of her ads are disclosed. This is terribly misleading to her followers who think she sincerely uses this stuff because she is real and raw.
  6. Has 2 incidents of homophobic behaviour (when Kurt freaked out about wearing a skirt in her vlog, and when they posted the scrabble board).
  7. Posted a Bible verse suggesting she would be spared from covid because of her faith. Great message to send out during a global pandemic.
  8. Lied about having PCOS diagnosis- she never went to a gyno for it, nor did she ever get a scan or blood tests.
  9. Lied about healing her CIN3 through her natural cures, but actively promoted a 'program' for others in her position to follow.
  10. Outed Hawaiian Airlines for a delayed flight, and sent her minions to attacked them all over their social media. Continued to moan and complain until she received a Virgin Airlines treat in exchange for positive publicity. Also outed the window fitter who had no chance to defend himself.
  11. Claims her skin is smooth because she cured her PCOS and takes body bloom, when in reality she is getting botox and fillers.
  12. Shares inappropriate images of her son (bath photos, peeing on head photo, etc.) even when we have sent her information about how these pictures can be embedded onto more nefarious sites.
  13. Refused to self-isolate at the beginning of covid and flouted the rules daily, going for walks, the gym, coffee runs, hair salon, and picking up a surf board for Fox.
  14. Traveled from a hotspot during a surge in covid cases, and then proceeded to complain the entire time because she had to tolerate Kurt's "boring" family. Not for one second acknowledging that everyone in the world does not have the ability to see their loved ones for fear or infecting them.
  15. Appropriated from BIPOC three times (Gypsy sunglasses, coloured braids, didgeridoo incidents). Then instead of learning and growing from the experience, silenced, deleted and blocked people from these groups, thus whitewashing the entire discussion by not letting their voices be heard. Then proceeded to flip the script and cry because she feels attacked and victimized *again* because people were trying to *politely* explain to her that her actions are offensive and considered appropriation.
There is more (Abby's treatment, etc.) but I'm drained. Please, please join me in this and showcase the bigger issues to draw more attention to her. If my points are unclear, please feel free to edit my post and pad them out. Add to the list as much as you can remember.

She is so, so harmful. I don't care if she dresses like a pre-teen, I don't care that her house is bland, I don't care that her life is vacuous. I care that she is actively demonizing medical professionals and encouraging people to treat serious medical conditions (staph infections/HPV->CIN3/PCOS) with body bloom.
I care that she is stealing people's creative ideas and not giving them credit where it's due.
I care that she silences PoC regularly and nobody is noticing it.
I care that she managed to hold onto 400k of donations for almost a month when her country was burning all around her.
I care that she is encouraging her followers to develop disordered eating habits and exercise routines, and profiting from ebooks that will certainly lead to injury because the programs are terribly designed; all whilst she bodybuilds with any gym that will sponsor her but claim the results are from her own programs.
I care that she is weaponizing her stans and teaching them to actively doxx and bully anyone who questions even the slightest things. She's breeding a following that is blindly hating on others- this can have a bigger ripple effect outside of her platform (are these same kids bullying their peers at school the way they did me?).
I care that she can get away with being racist and homophobic in this day and age;
that she proliferates outdated gender roles and toxic masculinity;
that her followers are being taught that if they look thin/pretty enough and act snarky and entitled enough, they can have whatever they wish (including the rights to other people's intellectual property) because their personalities, morals and ethics don't matter- certainly not judging by the example Sarah is setting.

My best to everyone on here. I hope you all stay safe. 🌼
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Hi! I have never posted on any forum before, I’ve been following this one for months.
#1 responding to the post above: I sent the article to @blakbusiness and offered support
#2 I wish I had an eloquent way of getting my thoughts out clearly to you guys, but I am so angered.

I’ve followed Sarah since day 1. I really appreciated her content for awhile because we had similar body types (now I know she was just overtraining) and I’m lactose intolerant as well. I actually lost 60 pounds about 4 years ago and have maintained that since. I lead a very active lifestyle as it helps with my mental illnesses and state of mind. I’m currently in culinary school and graduating in the fall, while also working on my PT certificate.

ANYWAYS, I just wanted to share a little bit about me because: when I started diving into my health/food/fitness journey on my own, it was almost immediate that I noticed incorrect information coming from Sarah. I was also confused about how she was getting away with making so many health claims in regards to her products; that’s a tricky slope to navigate in the worlds of supplements, especially with the FDA etc etc etc. But I never saw any mean comments, never saw bad reviews, and only saw adoring fans in her YT comments. So I didn’t think too much into it.

Eventually, after her $1 fire charity thing, I started googling more to see what other people thought. And that’s when I fell into the rabbit hole of Tattle and Reddit 😂

So here I am. Most everything has been said by you guys at this point: the victim blaming, the cash grab with the drops, the Kurt’s health, the cultural appropriation, Fox’s exposure online, her mom shaming, the new house, strange little lies over has been incredibly eye opening to read along with what you say. You guys are well-spoken, intelligent, self-aware, and so badass.

So here’s all I have to say for the moment: I’m not a POC or directly hurt by any of her horrible stunts she’s pulled, so I can’t personally speak for that. However, I’m more focused on the aftermath. I’m from the US and someone would get “cancelled” so fast for this kind of shit. As I mentioned, I’m in the culinary field, I run a website, I want to be a even now while I’m still in school, I’m careful about my online image, I add disclaimers to any recipes I post, I don’t pick fights with people, I stay in my lane and try to put out content that is informative and well within my parameters. Sarah makes millions of dollars but doesn’t worry about any of those things...because she is great at manipulating her very loyal fans.

Sarah is living the dream (or what people think the dream is) of having a huge audience and being able to influence people online. But she gets away with being mean, deleting comments so her page looks “positive”, acting like she’s a professional in the health field, playing the victim, making racist moves then somehow getting away with it. She is the epitome of the girls that went to my high school: insecure within herself but also about what others think of her. Controlling. Can’t admit to being wrong. Close-minded. Pretends she knows everything about the particular subject she’s trying to push. Obsessed with image. Hypocrite. Straight-up MEAN.

That was long, my apologies, but I’ll finish with this: I’m sick of influencers; or at least what they’ve become. This money-hungry, fake, under-qualified, rude, entitled kind. Sick of Sarah being successful off of all the morally wrong aspects, but also making it hard for people like me that are studying and trying to make it in the world. Sick of them playing the victim and not being able to have a normal conversation to learn. So much for real and raw.

I’ve been watching and listening quietly, as I’ll continue to do. But just know I’m here and I’m not blocked by either of them on Instagram (I like to be the fly on the wall hahahaha) and I follow the Chinese Clothing Shop where her other WFB line dropped. I’ll help in any way I can because she is not going to continue to get away with this. It’s one thing to be unethical and mean and racist, but it’s a whole added layer of fucked up when you lie about those things.
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Have any of you EVER heard Sarah mention anything about what to do if you're struggling with your mental health? Has she ever mentioned how to start a conversation with someone who might be struggling, has she ever linked services or shared mental health resources to her 1.1M followers? Has she EVER been a positive advocate for mental health other than her token R U OK day post? Nope. Not ever.
Instead, she's complained multiple times about feeling flat for no reason but has never used it as an opportunity to delve further into poor mental health or how to effectively manage days like that; she's admitted to having poor body image in the past but refused to use it as an opportunity to help others who might be struggling and instead capitalises on that time in her life by continually using photos of herself from that period in her "after/transformation" photos for her ebooks; she's either blocked & deleted comments suggesting Kurt has anxiety or has been a flat out rude & condescending bitch in response to those comments; she's talked about wanting to be the glitter on dogshit or the words of wisdom in her crying friends ear but of course fails to realise her toxic positivity & complete lack of any emotional depth & maturity makes her the last person anyone struggling would want to reach out to.
Sorry for the rant but she really is so far up her own ass that she thinks she can just make a post saying "R U OK? ITS OK! BE HAPPY! SILVER LININGS, WORDS OF WISDOM, ACT CONFIDENT AND NO-ONE WILL QUESTION YOU!" Like are you fucking kidding me? She does not deserve the platform she has. Everything is just buzz-words & engagement to her.
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