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Chatty Member
how comes everyone’s obsessed with her being vaxxed or not? She’s pregnant and might not want to take the risk of being vaccinated with something that hasn’t been trialled long term on pregnant women. I’m 38weeks and unvaccinated too… I wish she would just be honest though & not try to hide the fact she isn’t vaccinated (which she probs isn’t). I will be getting my vaccine after baby is out! 🤞🏼 I just don’t want to risk my first born child with a vaccine that hasn’t been trialed long enough. We all have a choice to make & unless you’re carrying a baby you won’t understand the dilemma of if you should have it or not. I have pregnant vaccinated and unvaccinated friends & I have never judged either of them & I certainly don’t judge Sarah if she hasn’t had it due to being pregnant
Vaccine has been trialed long enough. It is recommended for pregnant women so antibodies will be passed on the baby, it is actually good for your bub as they will be more protected than a baby born of an unvaccinated mother. Talk to your health professional

I know we are suppose to scroll on when we disagree but since you are new here I will let you know I reported your comment for vaccine misinformation.
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I'm actually proper impressed with Sarah and WF.

The fact they're able to make a collection uglier than Reboot is absolutely outstanding.
10/10 dedication. Constantly outdoing themselves.
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Derailing the thread further- 😕

I just want to take the time to apologize to those I have offended. A few of my comments have been mentioned about making fun of bunless burgers, making fun of gluten free people, making fun of the baby’s name change, making people feel unwelcome, making fun of people leaving, making it feel cliquey, a few more…
I really am sorry if I have upset anyone. I have a really wiked sense of humour and I sometimes (always) take it too far. I really mean no harm….all I want is to make people laugh and bring a little joy to your day it makes me feel sad to know I have done the opposite. I can see that I have offended some people and I’d like to take ownership of that. I’m sorry.
My messed up sense of humour isn’t an excuse either. I’m working on it and I’ll try to be better folks.
The only person I want to offend is Sarah. None of you lot.
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Let's move on from this topic as it's been said and is getting disruptive
Actually, the vaccine is still considered "in trial" until 2023, this is public knowledge, not some obscure info, so even though I am vaxxed for example, I completely understand a pregnant woman not "risking it" and choosing to isolate and take extra precautions to avoid getting covid, instead of getting jabed while pregnant. Also, even being vaxed, you can still get sick, but with a lighter form of the illness, so there's a big chance that you won't require hospitalisation. And you can still pass on the virus to other people, even more so since you would be asymptomatic so you may be more lax with the precautions.
Not trying to start a fight, but I hate it when people get shit thrown at them for choosing to wait until giving birth. Pregnancy is hard and risky and it's normal to want to minimise any risks
Jesus christ. I didn't want a part of the vaccine talk but as a someone working in public health with a degree in epidemiology I feel the need to address this.

Yes the vaccine is in trial until 2023, however, it is standard practice for safety monitoring to continue after a vaccine has been approved for use. This doesn't mean it isn't safe or that any issues of safety are present. Another user has explained this so ill just add that of course its going to continue to be monitored when the virus continues to mutate and we don't knownhpw the antibodies go long term.

No, you are not "possibly more likely to spread the virus but you're asymptomatic". You're less likely to get any form of the virus so automatically less likely to spread. The data for delta indicates transmission is 63% less likely for a vaxed person.

Can we not spread misinformation about things. I spend all my time combating this misinformation already I don't want to come to this platform and have to see more of it being spread. All for discussing sarahs anti vax etc but its absolutely exhausting to continue to fight misinformation everywhere. We should not be doing our own research. We don't have labs and most don't understand how immunology/virology/epidemiology works.
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I'm not following the current threads and am out of the loop, but as I was skimming yesterday and today to get a little caught up, I noticed that many people have bowed out of the scuzz drama. Who can blame them? This idiot keeps spewing ignorance on her platforms and sometimes we just need a break from her toxicity.
However, there's something that stood out to me:

Okay so I missed like 25 pages of the last thread, but I’m wondering if someone can quickly fill me in on the Tattle exodus - what happened and who have we lost?
No one important 😬
Some of the recent posts read like people here are all bEsTiEs and everyone else who isn't part of the clique is unwelcome. Does that not sound like a mirror image of scuzz's own platforms, where you're so 'unimportant' that if you're not part of the bEsTiE club that you're asked to just unfollow/leave?

I'm not having a go at anyone, and the posts I quoted here are just the current example but there were others earlier to the same effect. Some of the people who left were new and non-contributing members, but others were active contributers and have been on the threads from the GG days.
Tattle has a no-flounce rule but honestly not everyone knows that. I can understand why the older members said goodbye. For years, they have called out scuzz's problematic behaviours. They reported her when she held onto the bushfire donation money. They outed her racism and homophobia. They comforted fans who were blocked from scuzz's platforms. They shared insightful perspectives across many topics and have been a part of the community all along. Is it really necessary to be harsh about them saying goodbye?

I love the community here. I am thrilled to see that so many people have joined us and can see through the scuzz scams- that's what we all want, for scuzz to do less harm. I do wonder, however, if there's a risk that the current tone will deter others from joining in and sharing their views.
It's hard to notice when you're in the middle of it all and used to seeing familiar usernames that we can be ostracizing some people without meaning to.

Some of you have known me from the start, and I hope my posting history will speak to the fact that I'm all about respecting and supporting the members on here. This issue stuck out as a change in the culture and I just wanted to offer an alternative perspective for your consideration. If you think I'm being unreasonable, then that's fine and I totally respect that.

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When you can’t take your Louis Vuitton bag anywhere because you refuse to get vaxxed so you have to take it to the park instead
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Tell me you hate your life and your wife without telling me you hate your life and your wife (these are the only facial expressions Kurt has been able to offer for the happy colourful and positive health code rebrand lol)

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If he comes out with a tell all book one day titled ‘living with a wholistic health influencer; my prison’

I’d buy it.
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Some observations in the first like 4 minutes of this train wreck, how to ED, video;

Starts the video with “You guys are going to DIE when you see what’s about to happen” then “a huge component of this vlog is exposing myself, not really I have nothing to hide” all of this to say she got MCDONALDS for dinner.. that’s it, that’s what we’re going to DIE OVER. And Kurt even calls her bunless ‘burger’ out saying “that’s not maccas” and fed half her chips to Fox anyways..
Goes on to say “I’m making this vlog to keep myself accountable” then later “Tomorrow we’re kickstarting our new healthy life” because you COULD NEVER have a bunless McDonald’s ‘burger’ and half a medium fries as part of a healthy life 🙄

After the obligatory reminder her ED is still raging, Sarah goes on to complain about how busy she is, before cutting herself off saying “Whatever, sob story, baby violin, we get it” yeah the tattlers get it and have been commenting here about it, HEY SEZZY 👋🏻

New team member asking Sarah “how do you have a life?” I’ll assume much like the conversation with the doctor that this comment has been heavily exaggerated, or completely made up
“I have full time staff and every morning they have to wait for my call on what we’re working on today” babe you’re that controlling and incapable of delegating that it has to be done EVERY MORNING?? Or there just isn’t enough work for them that it takes more than a day for them to complete before they’re done. Probably both.

Goes on to talk about giving birth: “in 20 weeks time, even less possibly” … yes because we’ve already figured out you have a C-section scheduled that you’d never admit to

“We’ve been in lockdown for almost 4 months” finally the concrete confirmation that she is definitely unvaccinated

“As soon as I give birth, my intolerances come back” aka prepare yourself to see me restrict again so I can loose all this baby weight as quickly and unhealthily as possible

I’m literally 5 minutes in and that’s the longest post I’ve made on this thread I CAN’T STAND HER
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Don't tag me, there's a support forum!

If you think there's comments that go too far etc report and let us deal with it.

Otherwise it ends up like this and totally ruins it for everyone 😐

Back on topic :)
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Pretty sure Sezmister said yesterday that she hasn’t named ebook 3 yet….I have a few suggestions:

Sweat it and become injured
Sweat it to the exercises I plagiarized
Sweat it but you’ll never look like me lol
Sweat it and give me your money
Sweat it and also buy my activewear
Sweat it but this isn’t the way I actually train
Sweat it because I’ll get bored soon
Sweat it since I actually hate being a fitness influencer

Who else has suggestions ? 😝
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Just had a quick look on the White Fox site at the new release active wear to see how fast it's selling. I remember her original activewear collection sold out super quick. This one seems to still have everything available, but not why I'm posting

When scrolling through the images for each piece I noticed that Anabelle wasn't in any of the images. They are all Sarah and another ultra thin white woman... So clearly they use models like Anabelle in their 'campaign' shoots so they can check off the diversity box, but they don't have any diversity at all on the actual website...
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I know it’s been mentioned but I’m still stuck on how she said the team in the office wait for her to call each morning with their tasks for the day.
Sarah has only recently started getting out of bed early, for weeks she was waking up at 8.30 or later, and then filming herself slowly getting out of bed.
does this mean she has to quickly rush and decide what work is to be completed for the day, or does she make them wait?
Why wouldn’t she know the day before what tasks need to be completed the next day? I’m sure things aren’t that last minute that it changes overnight?

she either is really shit at running her business or just really full of shit.
I vote for both.
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Not all of us live in Aus so no offense but the woolie's conversation is veryyyyyy niche and off topic. Also - I think we can all agree that the exodus was on the last thread and there's no reason to police how we have individually reacted to people announcing their departures. I mean no disrespect @2xblended but you have been pretty MIA and have popped in just to chastise those of us who were here for all the holier than thou posters who wrote dissertations announcing their need to leave us. I understand your point of not becoming a toxic echo chamber, however I think you may have missed the nuances of what truly happened when people left the threads. Again, love your contributions but just wanted to say that there was a lot of Reddit stan vibes that dipped in and out just to tell the rest of us we are toxic.

Anyway - back to Scuzz and her toxicity! I'm curious as to what her next move will be at this point. Is she just biding her time before announcing her Sunee cookbook, or do we think she will have another long game to play to keep up engagement. Her stories have been photos and text which usually means she is dodging scrutiny/up to something.
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Oh the irony of a ‘phone free’ post, made via phone.

Just like how her ‘what I eat in a day’ involves eating little to no food.

Or like how she’s the ‘most valuable parent’ in spite of Durt doing 99% of all childcaring.

Or how she’s a boss babe overworked CEO, who only works 2hrs every 3 days.

Or how she’s the biggest smollest pregnant person ever.

The examples are endless. You really are a dense one, Sarah.
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Honestly when calling out Sarah for the problematic things she’s done I really think the focus should be:

1. Cultural appropriation/continually behaving in a racially insensitive way and deleting comments/blocking BIPOC who try to educate her.
2. Sarah has absolutely zero qualifications in any of the topics she gives advice on. Not only is the advice actively wrong and harmful but she profits off this advice through her ebooks, sunee app, and affiliate links with other brands (like how she hawks her overuse of Tropeka powders as “healthy”, if you have to supplement your diet that much you’re not eating right)
3. The CIN3/spidey gal disasters. Claiming she cured her CIN3 through diet is plain wrong and the comments on that YouTube video of others who also have CIN3 saying they’re going to go against medical advice and try what Sarah did is extremely worrying. Sarah could have died from sepsis from that staph infection and she delayed medical treatment because she didn’t want the antibiotics to mess up her gut…
4. The extreme posing and editing of her photos and then lying about it
5. The clearly disordered relationship she has with food and exercise that has influenced countless other young people to also develop eating disorders as a result of watching her content. Some might claim that’s not her fault but she is putting irresponsible content out there and people should be questioning why it’s seemingly so common for Sarahs Day fans to have developed eating disorders after watching her content.

As far as I’m concerned the majority of the other problematic behaviours and actions are just the sprinkles on top of the shit sundae that is the Sarah’s Day problematic bonanza above.
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