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Alright then

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Sorry I can't take this any more she cried an cried coz she gor the period.. imagine trying 10 year with ur 15 year husband to get pregnant many IVF attempts to find out u r finally pregnant an then to find blood in ur underwear ... That is a reason to cry an cry.. Shes a joke.. this has really upset me...
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Going by her own admission she would have a baby with anyone, she did say she was trying for years, riding anyone in the hope their little swimmers would hit the spot.

@brandambassador did you start your new job yet ?
yes! I am now a 4 day a week employee which is lovely. Unfortunately my health is bad Gynae wise - pregnancy really did affect my MS. As you know I have a colostomy bag since but I’m scheduled for ovary & tube removal next week. Gutted if I’m honest& can’t even say it out loud. New employer allowing me work from home to recover for 6 weeks after if I feel able to & if not he said just come back when I feel ready. Needless To say that I’m gutted over the surgery. Cross at Sarah & vicious for Her pissing all over anyones fertility issues. But you fuckers are the best bunch for laughs & this thread is better than Netflix so I know ye will get me through xxxx
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We honestly should all just start putting inaccurate information about fertility and healthy eating to see does she run with it 😆😆
On that note I was reading this article the other day that said most food in McDonald’s is actually syn free
My friend who started fertility treatment said she grew a third nipple and started barking like a dog after 8pm in the evenings, only cured by red cabbage and walking backwards while singing pump up the jam, anyone else??
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People should start dropping fake fertility info here for a while and see how easily she drops these symptoms etc into her fertility chats. She gets all her info from here. Secondary infertility wasn’t mentioned until she read it here
Well what helped for us was adding saxa salt and alcohol to our diet.
We started putting salt on all meals, and swopped out sugar for salt in our coffee.
We also then drank a few pints with every meal. The wheat in the beer made the muscles In the sperm swim faster. That’s where the phrase ‘carb loading’ came from. You load the carbs via beer before he shoots his load.

We then started having sex in one position only because it’s proven if you lie on the bed with the bigots’ pepperoni nipples topless behind you, the heat of those pepperoni nips makes the sperm March their way up the uterus as opposed to usual swim. It’s called the BIG BIGOT MARCH and them soldiers will get their 10,000 steps done on the way to the uterus.

Also when in labour the nurses said I was 10cm but I could have been 8cm because my 10cm vag was oversized and Baggy. I could have gotten away with popping baby out at 8cm.

hope that helps someone. It’s only our journey and one shoe doesn’t fit all so no hate please x
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Mmmm something isn’t adding up with her story. Straight for ivf. No recommendations for an iui . She needs serious help, did Keith know they were trying for a baby the minute they got together!
All this to spite her ex.
She Needs to step away from Instagram and focus on herself for a while. Bawled her eyes out crying cause she got her period. Well Sarah let me tell ya this, I bawled my eyes out crying for months after burying my baby boy having previously suffered numerous miscarriages. So I’m one of those mothers you tip for around according to yourself 🤬
She was basically trying to get pregnant from the minute Brian told her his girlfriend was pregnant is what she meant to say, and is now rushing into ivf .
It’s a psychiatrist she needs to see, not Jean.
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This has been annoying me for ages so here's an explanation for when she reads up here next:
She doesn't understand the meaning of the word cycle in this context. Every person with female reproductive organs has a cycle. Ovulation and bleeding are two stages of the same cycle. She talks as if the actual period is the cycle. It's not. Day one of the cycle is the first day of the your period and the cycle then continues through to ovulation until your next period. The average cycle is in the region of 28 days but many are longer or shorter. Your cycle starts again the day you get your next period. She is as thick as two planks 🙄 talking bollox about wanting to get pregnant and doesn't understand the basics of how the female reproductive system works.

Thanks for coming to my biology TED talk

Edited to fix spelling mistakes
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Just my input and before people come at me the oldies that are here since day 1 will know this as I've stated it before.... but sarahs story last night so many fucking lies......

She wasn't home 8 months before she got with Brian and before she got pregnant. She was face timing Brian while living in Oz. Brian also was texting Katie before Sarah. When Sarah came home for Donna's wedding she met up with Brian and then came home for good as she caught Brian number 1 "cheating" in fact it was her. She also was with Brian less then 3 months when she got pregnant on luke. She NEVER went to the doctor which she has said before she told Tina she MIGHT get checked.

Another thing I was ridiculed about her appointment Thursday when I said about the appointment was for the JEEP yes thats what she told ALL her family!!!! Which she basically sumed up last night NOBODY knew.

Her and Katie are only back talking the last week or so because she was so odd when Katie told them she was pregnant!

Mejella was asked last week what she thinks about the whole situation by her hairdresser and she told them "she's a really nice girl and tattle out to ruin her reputation"
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OK. I'm 8 years in married 5. I've had 7 miscarriages. 1 round of IVF and 5 transfers. Due for another one in the next 2 weeks. So far this week I've been scanned in my clinic 3 times in the last 5 days. Going to Dublin was a bad move for Sarah. How will she manage all of those appointments being a full time worker... having luke 95% of the time.

She hasn't had a HSG test done to test her tubes?. Why would they recommend ivf before IUI unless she has issues with her tubes she isn't telling us about?

She is trying for a year and a half but couldn't say the word progesterone last week. She also had 90 cysts that she hasn't mentioned???

They told her do a freeze all because of a risk of OHSS but she couldn't remember the technical term..

And lastly secondary infertility is when the couple has already had a successful pregnancy and fail to have a 2nd.. they haven't had a successful pregnancy.. Sarah had with another man who she was due to marry 2 years ago.. so therefor it isn't secondary infertility when it's with a different fella 😡😡😡
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She literally says the same fuckin shit every fuckin day.
Emmmmmm blow dry. Use my name for €50 off the extensions. Starving. Just had lunch. Feeling good. Lukey. Bookinnewyork. I’ll be on tonight for the chats. Fertility. Feelin amazin. I was only sayin it to Keet and it’s so so true. I’ll be back on later. Emmmmm burp
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Does this one actually hear herself???
I have never seen anything as close to a delusional lunatic as her 🙄
She wants 40+ thousand people to listen to her shit but not to have an opinion or respond… but if you love her or want to compliment her or send her a heart you can engage…. She’s a narcissist bitch!

WHERE ARE DONNA AND THE GIRLS LIKE? ANYONE? because I know if my sisters or even friends were at this craic I’d have them in a straight jacket being sent for serious help! But then again Sarah will tell them mind their business stay out of it, it’s her journey and it’s silent 🙄 even if it was the truth as to what she was saying (not for one second do I believe it) the way she’s going about it is pure tack! On the beg up in Dublin for free treatment and because they wouldn’t give it to her she’ll keep talking until some company falls for it which is HIGHLY UNLIKELY!!!! She WILL not pay for the help to get the baby SHE DREAMS OF!! Watch!!!!

Nobody in this day and age asks single people, couples, parents or ANYONE FOR THAT MATTER when they are having a baby. NOBODY!!!’ But EVERYBODY asks her, the same EVERYBODY who says she’s beautiful and the same EVERYBODY that notices she’s glowing!

“When is Luke getting a sibling” …. Soon Saaaaaaarahhhhh very soon…..

Father Figure!!!!!! He has a father and If you took your head out of keiths beyond perfect arsehole and let his father see him, he wouldn’t need a new father figure! It’s a PROPER MOTHER FIGURE he needs!!!! And considering Keith is the new “stepped up daddy” and is the father figure you think he hasn’t got, In time you’ll be watching michelle be the stepped up mother figure HE NEEDS to undo all the damage you’re doing to him! Remember he won’t be 5 forever and he’ll see you’re an absolute looney bin but sure u won’t care anyway cuz you’ll be somewhere on another journey with another baby daddy trying to prove you’re actually 3rd time lucky and the world has mysterious ways of showing you that 🙄

im glad the sweet baby Jesus and the lord above gave your Keith BEYOND perfect sperm Because he didn’t give him the beyond handsome looks, teeth, head or attitude … something had to give and it’s that perfect it’s no f*king good to ya 🙄 i suppose it’s free and speed too and tastes so good it doesn’t even need salt 🧂

working two days a week, out every weekend, getting a new jeep, going to New York, getting extensions, blow drys weekly, and starting ivf treatment along with “rent”, bills, diesel, groceries and booze 🙈 🙄 maybe Brian’s maintenance helping to fund your lifestyle and the diesel to Dublin as “expenses” for the business 🙄

lastly the radisson wanted to work with her 😂 they did in their Arse! she was probably down with Luke doing the swimming and pitched who she was and her following and told them she’d get them a bit of business… beggy Mitchell with her tash and bicycle shorts 🙄 a mass unfollowing would do her the world of good now for the simple reason of her lies and manipulative behaviour. WE have opinions because you are a compulsive liar, a narcissistic, bitter, inpatient, jealous, entitled LUNATIC!

Sorry for the rant it was that or bang my head off the wall! 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
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