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I’m not a fan of there’s but none of us know what he asked for. We are all saying poor Edwardo but it looks like he asked for this stuff. In the vlog a few days ago he said he hoped he got lol for his birthday.
You also cant push ideas onto children and you can’t make someone gay 😳
Saying get him more boyish toys sounds like you all have the problem with him playing with what he wants rather than them. He would of been introduced to a huge range of toys at school and is still making these choices some children just do.
My daughter has never ever liked dolls no matter how much her nan tried to force her she played with tools and footballs and still does.
My son just wants to play with kitchen stuff all the time isn’t Intrested in physical sports. I didn’t force it on him.

And the chocking he was gagging not chocking he moved the food very fast and she was stood next to him let’s not make it something it isn’t.

And there is no way Jono has been able to pay for the tests.
The difference is your children have had the choice. You said it yourself - nan tried to force "girl" toys on to your daughter, and your son has chosen to play with the kitchen rather than sports.

It seems Eduardo was never given the choice, and even when he asked for traditionally boyish toys, he was not allowed them.

The 'let toys be toys' movement is all about not having gendered toys. But a big part of that is giving choice. Of course E2 veers towards dolls if that's all that's in the house and all he's allowed when he asks for something.
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15 standard drinks a week is considered heavy/excessive drinking for men. That's about 2 bottles of wine a week. Jonathan must be going through at least 6-7 bottles a week if that's his monthly delivery, and I've posted screenshots of what he calls a glass of wine, filled to the brim of his large glasses, so he could be drinking two standard drinks for a single glass, so he might be having 2-3 glasses a night, but they're big glasses so should be considered double. I definitely think he could become alcohol dependent if he isn't already. So dangerous for him to have been driving the kids to school in the morning after that amount of alcohol the night before.
if you need around 32 bottles of wine a month (that's how many i counted in that photo, I could be wrong), i would say you're already alcohol dependent :confused:
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Bon Qui Qui

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I’ve been thinking this as well 🧐 Documenting her meals and making those weird protein balls are things she starts doing when she relapses.

You know what’s strange is that the last time she relapsed was shortly after she did a video about eating disorders with Glamour magazine. And now after doing that podcast she’s maybe starting to relapse. It’s like publicly speaking about it triggers her or something.

Tbh, I’ve been gaining weight during quarantine and there have been days that I’ve been obsessively counting calories and restricting myself, so I kind of empathize with her. But I’m also not a public figure influencing my young followers to do the same by posting pictures of my meals🤷‍♀️ When she was at her thinnest/sickest when they had just moved into the new house she posted a video about “Why Diets Don’t Work” talking about how she maintains her weight by never restricting herself! All the while she was barely eating while breastfeeding, going on her manic walks, and probably purging. She’s an odd one.
You hit so many nails on the head. It also infuriated me when she claimed during the podcast she just naturally gets super skinny while breast feeding. That bitch was starving the shit out of herself with every single baby while breastfeeding that's why she easily lost loads of weight! I think she's absolutely relapsing. She already looks less bloated then a few weeks ago at Disney. Sharing her meals could be her way of being accountable for what she eats? Notice she only shares her meals when they're super healthy and low in calories. She never shares the junk food she's clearly been eating to put on so much weight and if she does share eating cookies or cupcakes it's 1 or 2 little cookies. Girl we know you binge eat more then 1 cupcake and 2 cookies. She is a fake in every aspect of her life. Everything she says and does is so calculated and deceptive.
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A moment of silence for the lemon tree that never was as it was kept in the small plastic pot it was brough in

Jono comes into the kitchen when Anna is cooking, doesn't notice the camera and then Anna points at it oh so subtly before asking "so how are you". In other words, play nice for the camera

Then she has a fit at Jonathan for pulling off a bit to taste one of her healthy baking which he didn't like and she yells "tell me which one you touched because I'm not going to eat that it's disgusting" Yay for marriage, gives a good indication as to what's going on (or not going on) in the bedroom don't you think?
Also he leaves the fridge open for about 5 minutes

Finally, responsible parenting and wreckless driving, keep in mind Andrea isn't sitting in the chair or Emilias knee in the first one, he's just kind of schlumped against the seat and Emilia is holding him upright. Then Jonathan drives wrecklessly with all the kids in the back. Minions who have come to this site in hopes of converting us to absolutely adoring them, explain how this is safe please? Explain how Jonathan is doing all he can to protect those kids from harm?? I can't wait to hear what you have to say.
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Is that what the title of today’s vlog refers to? Social Services? He sees that those Anna “we need to talk” vlogs do well with views or “someone flew a drone over our house someone is spying on us”. He’s really scraping the bottom of that barrel now.
As someone said on another forum, it's their go-to emergency topic for when views are really low.
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Bon Qui Qui

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Looks like the stress eating and nightly boozing is catching up to J. He's looking more and more like a potato every day. 🥔😂

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And doing an online bloody Ocado shop😠😠😠 everyone knows as its all over the papers leave the bloody online delivery slots for the vulnerable, key workers , people who can't get to a shop. She and jonscumgormless can get in their car and queue in a line round a car park to do a family shop like the rest of us normal less selfish bloody people. So bloody angry. That costs nothing you arse.
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Anna’s insta this morning...says she forgot to put her invisaline in last night, she’s annoyed because she puts it in EVERY night. She forgot because she filmed a night time routine video.
So she puts invisaline in every night, but didn’t put it in because she was filming what she does every night?? 🤔
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i just unsubscribed to their channel hope i wont lurk, i stayed for memories i liked their vlogs in the past BUT they are nothinggg like that anymore,
money made then miserable spoiled and ungrateful
cannot stand the way they treat Andrea (especially anna), they dont care about him complain about his behavior butTHEY don´t show him better, (see today´s toilette paper wasted clips) nanny does, poor baby doesnt know who Anna is , the kids are for content, my fave is Eduardo, if I could adopt him I would, make him girly for controversy and views, love is love my a$$ when you make a big deal about a Peppa pig wrapping paper for a girl,
I think all the kids are lovely cutiess, non of this is their fault if they act or behave a certain way is because of Mr. Whipped Fame & Wine and Mrs. Spoiled and Mean Lips

Anna has a dark sense of humor that i don´t care for, the over-lined lips and put togetherness during a pandemic is too much for me. their routine is the same but have casual days give your lips a break woman , you use to !!!
i cannot stand Jonathan putting his kids online and wanting to turn Emilia into a tik tok star or whatvs poor girl, a father is to protect not promote for moneys , their house is too gray, for kids, they need more contrast and color stimulation
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Bon Qui Qui

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I do wonder in part if this has anything to do with her being their rainbow baby
Anna used to leave Alessia discarded randomly all over the floor like a dirty old sock everyday when she was a newborn. I could find you screen shots of how awful they treated her carrying her around like a sack of potatoes with no care or concern at all for her poor head and neck. The term rainbow baby means nothing to Anna.
Alessia throws tantrums when she doesn't get her way and they simply are the laziest parents on the planet so they just immediately give into her as to not have to deal with her tantrums.
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I hate how Anna is encouraging Emilia to be such a “mean girl” For example when Anna threw the George Pig at Dre Dre and it hit him in the head. The way she laughed and turned to Emilia was really annoying you shouldn’t be encouraging behaviour like that in your 7 year old
Anna laughed at Alesia in their Easter vlog, too, when she tripped, fell, and dropped her basket- her little eggs went flying. Anna didn’t skip a beat and laughed loudly. I know that things like that can be cute and funny sometimes, but Anna lacks maternal instincts. Good mothers would at least jolt to see if their child is okay.
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Bon Qui Qui

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Jonathan is literally morphing into his old self!! Rotten tooth and all.... besides being vomit inducing 🤮 it's actually creepy....😳

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Has anyone seen his new Tik Tok?! He called Emilia a fat ugly depressed bitch! Joke or not that is so wrong on so many levels!!
I reported it. Everyone should.

What the hell is that video 😯😯

I hope that poor girl wouldn't be hearing her dads words.
Yes, she heard it. The way Tik Toks are filmed, you mimic the words as they play. This TikTok is a viral one that a lot of people have done. Just not with a child.
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Just watched her Instastories...she’s tumble drying’s been 23degrees for about 4-5 days in the UK...can she serious not hang them up outside?!?
She’s too lazy to do that . Come on, can you imagine her doing her sloth-like walk to the clothes line and then goddamit having to go back out to bring them in & fold them. That’s a lot of work. It won’t fit in her schedule
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Chatty Member
I make to do lists.... but not to this level! I’m surprised it doesn’t mention using the toilet and remembering to breathe! Come on Anna no one needs to detail how their day is spent like that, this actually goes beyond anally retentive to a whole new level of what the actual fuck
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Wow her podcast interview really shows how sick she is. She uses her robotic perfect wife voice the whole time and sugar coats things. She makes jokes and laughs, but imo it shows how disturbed she’s been for a long time. She says that her parents forced her to go to counseling after a friend of hers told them about her ED. And she says the counseling didn’t help “AT ALL” but she lied and said it had helped just so she could stop.

She also claims that her ED wasn't active after having Andrea (aka the manic walking and banana cookies and black bean brownie and detox tea phase), she just gets “really, really thin from breastfeeding.” She says she was just having “ED thoughts.” So she’s still completely delusional.

She talks a lot about how mean people are to her about her weight on social media. Imo she seems to imply that some of her ED is because of people on social media. She has a sick relationship with social media. The pictures that she posted weeks after having Andrea were begging for praise for her quick weight loss.

She mentions that her and Jonathan are “careful” about the words they use around the children because they’re scared of them having bad body image. And she says Emilia will say she wants her princess toys to be “skinny not fat.” This part made me really sad.😕
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They should credit us as co-producers of their channel, Anna gets so many ideas from here! She’s suddenly spending time with Eduardo and being sweet to him. They’re going on walks. Hi Anna!!!! You forgot to put “Check Tattle Life” in your daily routine video! 😘
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