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It's anti-bullying week again, so naturally Ruby's back to milk her fabricated history of being bullied for more ill-gotten sympathy.

She starts her anti-bullying video with a demonstration of one of the many kinds of bullying - in this case, she abuses the English language itself with her inability to use proper capitalisation or punctuation in her video titles.

This video is titled "Life Lessons from someone who was bullied", but since Ruby evidently couldn't find anyone, we have to make do with her own bad life lessons instead. Why are both 'L's capitalised but no other words are? The answer is buried in one of Ruby's many planners, hidden under her floorboards beneath several feet of dust.

"I regrettably haven't been filming content this week for anti-bullying week," Ruby explains. Which is understandable, since she probably feels especially bullied this week considering her sister is leaving uni for the permanent comfort of home while Ruby has to endure the horrors of spending a few days on campus every couple of weeks.


But we can see that she's now back home yet again, making this pretty much every single week since starting the academic year that she's either run home or dragged her parents to see her.

"I'm right in the middle of deadline season," Ruby says, assuring viewers that the one cause that she constantly talks about is far less important than the "ass-ays" she's clearly not prepared for, despite constantly claiming to have all her work planned and finished ahead of time when she want to inflate her ego to young people on the internet. She's so busy, in fact, that she didn't even have time to say her full catchphrase, and there's a jarring cut after "Hello, it's Roobee!"

Ruby assures everyone that she'll still be uploading "con-tant" for the next few days (read: one video every 4-6 weeks) to raise awareness for the anti-bullying cause even through she's "not in school anymore". Ruby offers up the hot take that bullying doesn't just happen at school, but in adulthood, too. This is not news to anyone but Ruby, but since she talks about things like "the workplace" - which might as well be a fictional realm dreamt up by Tolkien as far as The Rubester is concerned - avoids all social interactions and lives in a world of childish fantasy, I guess it's no shock that she's only just discovering the concept of adult bullying, harassment and abuse.

Ruby mentions the shocking revelation that bullying can also happen in "Frenchips", which are like friendships, but exclusively with French people.


(Pictured: A Frenchip.)

She rambles incoherently, using endless sentences where one will do, and random, jarring edits proliferate as her babbling increases. "But also not negate from the fact that bullying affects so many children," Ruby says, not knowing how to use the word "negate" or what constitutes a complete sentence.

"I've had a lot of adults say to me, "But bullying just happens! It's just something that happens to kids!"," Ruby lies, because that obviously never happened. Ruby's about as likely to get a full-time job or build a Holocaust memorial as she is to have conversed with multiple adults who weren't her parents or teachers.

"We shouldn't just exc-apt that some people are going to be bullied," Ruby says, taking a firm stand against a notion that she's just invented to have something to rant about. Soon she'll say, "We shouldn't just allow AX-eter university to give less than stal-lar grades to child geniuses named Ruby just because it'll make all the other students feel bad if they do! That's the worst kind of bullying!"


(Pictured: A more-than-Frenchip.)

Ruby finally moves on from what seems like an endless preamble to say that she want to tell everyone some things she learned from being bullied. "You might know that I was bullied myself when I was at school," she says, and I'm not sure who wouldn't be aware of Ruby's claims of being bullied at this point, since she mentions it at the drop of a hat (or French beret).

Her claims are highly dubious, and her depiction of her own bullying experience has been purposefully vague and wildly inconsistent. Here she says it was "in a few different situations, but kind of mainly in like, year 8, year 9," she says, doing the now-trademark one-eyed squint she does when she's lying about dates, times or just in general.


Then a door loudly slams in the background. While Ruby couldn't be bothered to edit this out, she at least didn't pretend it was a home invader and run outside barefoot this time.

Previously she's claimed that she didn't realise that she'd even been bullied at school until years later, coincidentally after reading lots of fictional bullying books. Even then, she offered no actual details beyond people just not wanting to be friends with her - no great shock considering the pure disdain she showed for any people engaging in interests or hobbies outside academia and her tendency to remind teachers to assign homework. While offering no real details, she previously equated her bullying experience to life in a Nazi concentration camp, because an entire people being subjected to mass genocide in gas chambers is a fair comparison to someone imagining they've been called a dick by a fictional classmate at school.

"I have moved on from it," Ruby says, despite never shutting up about it. But apparently it made her a stronger person, as many imaginary experiences do. I mean, I'm slightly less afraid of sharks after dreaming that I punched one in the face.


(Pictured: French chips.)

Speaking of wild creatures, Ruby interrupts her own video to announce that it's "Wild Children's Day". The internet offers little information on what "Wild Children's Day" is, but it's presumably either a cause raising awareness for feral kids, or a day in which fans of 2008 Emma Roberts movie Wild Child celebrate the film's enduring relevance.

"World Children's Day" is also this week, which is an odd coincidence, but that's not until the 20th, and Ruby definitely says that "18th November is Wild Children's Day".


"This isn't sponsored by Unicef or anything," Ruby says, which makes sense, since they'd probably expect her to talk about World Children's Day on 20th November if it were, which definitely doesn't happen in this video.


"Unicef have done this "Changing Childhood Proj-ackt" which I wanted to tell you about," she says, although since Ruby hasn't changed as a person since childhood, she seems like an odd candidate to discuss this.

Apparently this "proj-ackt" is a mass survey that Unicef conducted amongst 20,000 kids on a variety of topics. Ruby is shocked that only 80% of children have heard of climate change - she expected more kids to be aware of it, since "everyone knows about it and everyone's rallying for it". That dumb, sheltered 20% of kids clearly didn't get the message that we're all out there "rallying for" climate change and hoping that the planet boils and the oceans consume us all.

Now that she's done shaming small children for not helping destroy Mother Earth, Ruby gets back to the lessons she learns from being pretend-bullied.


(Pictured: A French trip.)

Apparently the main thing she learned in year 8 and/or 9 was to adopt the worldview that she didn't become aware of until she was in year 10 and/or 11: Stoicism. What worked for Cicero, Aurelius and Epicurus was apparently just the ticket for the Ruby when she was of an indeterminate age between 12 and 15.

"Mind over matter" is the key lesson to learn from bullying; you can overcome anything if you simply choose to not be bothered by it. Which is very easy for Ruby - mind over matter is especially effective when your bullying experience is the product of her own imagination, like hers was. If you're getting the shit kicked out of you on a daily basis, using the mental techniques of dead Greek philosophers isn't a practical solution, and you should inform teachers, parents or the authorities.

Ruby squints her way through her smarter-than-thou nonsense that shows no awareness or consideration of other experiences or situations other than the one she made up for herself. She one-eyed squints her way though it, like she does any time she says things that don't add up.


In poker, they call this a "tell" - it means she's lying.

The most extreme example of "bullying" that she can conjure in her mind is someone pointing out that her jumper is ugly and that she shouldn't wear it. Most people welcome that kind of fashion advice from a friend, but anyway. She doesn't clarify if this is a hypothetical scenario or something she's claiming to have experienced, but it seems like an especially bizarre example if that's the case, since she went to a school where everyone wore the exact same uniform.

She also claims that she was bullied because she was academic and really into studying, but doesn't explain why she thinks this is the case and gives no actual examples. While she continues rambling unbelievable nonsense, her dog barks loudly and uncontrollably in the background, but Ruby refused to give into this canine bullying and record a second take.


(Pictured: A French ship.)

Ruby says that she recommends never changing who you are to placate bullies, which isn't bad advice, but then she follows that up by saying she steadfastly refuses to change anything she does based on "YouTube hate comments".

Considering the "hate comments" that Ruby swiftly and diligently deletes are usually constructive criticism that she really should acknowledge and take on board (shoddy editing errors, glaring language mistakes) or genuine comments of concern for herself and others (triggering ED content, toxic productivity advice), then she clearly has no idea what bullying actually is and has learned the wrong lessons from her "bullying" experience.

It only reinforces that she never experienced any actual bullying, but equates any genuine concerns or well-deserved criticism as a savage attack against her.


(Pictured: French dip.)

Ruby mentions that she's glad she embraces her own identity and is comfortable with her personality. Since her entire persona is Frankensteined together from the borrowed traits of friends, Emma Watson and fictional children, I'm not sure that counts as a identity. She cites Luna Lovegood as an example of someone to emulate for her "I am who I am and don't care what people think" attitude towards her personality. But Luna Lovegood never stole money from a charity and then lied constantly to avoid giving it back when people called her out for it, so it's probably not a fair comparison.

She claims that her pretend bullying experience taught her to be comfortable in her own skin and is so much happier being alone, which is plainly evident in the way she can't go more than a week without running off to her parents and practically handcuffs herself to Blakeney for every moment inbetween. Even she doesn't believe any of what she's saying is true:


Ruby believes that the most important lesson to learn is to be kind above all else. She quotes Socrates: "Be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." She quotes Emily Dickinson: "If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain." Things like not depriving charities of much-needed funds and refraining from subjecting impressionable or vulnerable fans to endless torrents of triggering ED-baiting content despite tonnes of comments expressing clear concern apparently do not qualify as "kindness", since those people are evidently all just bullying Ruby.

"I think a lot of people will say "oh, ignore bullying and it will stop", but that isn't true," Ruby says, after spending several minutes rambling about how the best solution to bullying is to let it wash over you.

If you're going to tell someone, then it's apparently important that you present the teacher or police officer with a clear strategy to tell them what to do. Apparently Ruby once told a teacher about someone "bullying" her and the teacher only went and did their job and confronted the problem, which apparently Ruby didn't want - she merely wanted the teacher to make a note in their yearly planner about it, or reward Ruby's embellished and/or fictional torment with a private classroom and extra gold stars or something.

Teachers work for you and are essentially servants who are not beholden to any kind of school procedures or regulations, so if you provide them with a list of instructions when you have decided to invent a bullying scenario in your mind years after the fact, they'll get right on that for you.


(Pictured: A French clip.)

If you're being bullied, try to reframe their words and actions, Ruby says. If they insult you for being nerdy, be proud of your nerdiness and take it as a compliment. If they punch you in the face? Well, maybe consider that you are so attractive that they simply couldn't resist touching your cheek, at high speed and with a closed fist. Anything's an upside if you try hard enough. Again, it also helps if you fabricated the bullying itself and your response to it is equally fictional.

Also, don't forget that bullies are people, too. If they're calling you names or savagely beating you on a regular basis, consider their feelings in all of this. They might be going through a harder time than you are while they're kicking the crap out of you. At least, that's what Ruby read in the fictional stories whose events she pretended were her own.

Ruby finishes by mentioning to anyone being bullied: It is not your fault. And it's absolutely not. Unless you're a wealthy person taking money from charities, in which case, expect harsh criticism.

Speaking of charity scams, Ruby never mentions this in the video, but in the description, she claims that all ad revenue for this video will be donated to Unicef:


This will never happen, of course. It's another Holocaust Memorial scam.

Rubes, considering your storied history of taking money from charities and never giving it back, along with running scam contests, we're gonna need some receipts if you expect anyone to believe this blatant horseshit.

Remember, if you're the victim of imaginary bullying, please talk to a therapist. Do not, under any circumstances, write a bad children's book about it.
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Ruby's back! After several months, Ol' Rubert has finally graced us with 16 more minutes of low-effort, recycled cringe.

Group Project Study With Me (this was fun)

And we can tell how enthusiastic she is by the lowercase, punctuation-free "(this was fun)" in the title. Rubes continues to show zero consistency in her punctuation and capitalisation, but in her defence, it's not like she's in her third year of an English degree or anything. ...Wait, what? She is? Oh. Well, that's embarrassing.

We can tell she's definitely excited though, by the very convincing, not-at-all-miserable 'thumbs-up' she gives in the thumbnail, where she looks like she's just been told that her dog died, shortly after Blakeney moved to New Zealand and the police arrested her father for tax evasion:


"Hello, it's Roobee, and today oiy'm gyowing tyoo bee sharing with yoo a particularly fun 'study with me' video", she says. I think we'll be the judge of that, Rubes...

It was filmed "over half term", because Ruby's still living her life by the primary school metric she used when she was 9. So far Ruby has claimed reading week is anything from "a holiday" to "half term" - anything to avoid the reality that she's actually in her final year of uni and about to be shat out into the real, adult world after graduation.

She's been working on a "group projACKT!", which seems to be like a group project, but hangrier and with more privilege.

Ruby starts by showing the comforts of home, where she's fled yet again, and his living her best life: Dressed for a Siberian winter and huddling around her sad porridge for warmth.


Ruby's working on a group project in which the world's unluckiest students are subjected to Ruby's Paris Geller-esque study regimes while they attempt to make Charles Dickens more accessible to the wider public and show why his writing is still relevant today. Ruby and her slaves study group decided on a Dickens-themed escape room, which accomplishes neither task.

Rubes claims that they did "a load of research" for this, including a load of market research. Unfortunately we've already been spoiled on the ending of this particular fiction (no thought, effort or research was done for this project and Ruby doesn't seem to know what an escape room actually is), and the end result of this project can be seen here:

But Ruby's clearly dipping into non-linear storytelling and we're getting the beginning after the end - she's the StudyTube Tarantino, only with zero talent and even more manic tirades about nothing.

Ruby has only just begun her project, but is already getting distracted by food fetish videos yet again:


Videos about eating and/or eating disorders are the only YouTube content she watches now.

She's also taped a random New Yorker clipping onto her laptop as a makeshift camera cover, which seems redundant as the thick film of disgusting dirt and grime that befouls her laptop would certainly obscure any view through said camera. But hey, aesthetics above all!


Ruby is a massive "reponent" of making studying fun. I mean, Ruby enjoyed every moment of her studies, and it very clearly helped her to learn words and their meanings! Be sure to make the classroom fun, so that kids can grow up enlaytonned and intellactually resplended!

Ruby claims she/her underlings made a fully-functioning escape room with clues and teachable experiences, which she proves by showing...

Some Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman quotes taped next to a Nutcracker doll and a picture of Ruby:


A sticker of No-Face from My Neighbour Totoro placed on a filthy, grime-covered window:


A 'Final Year' binder with a Van Gogh painting on (a grim portent of things to come, as this might be your final year if you don't escape Ruby's room of dust and death). Also, a teacup, a candle, and a view of the many vans that you could presumably win for escaping successfully:


And a random selection of books borrowed from several friends, relatives and libraries which Ruby claimed as her own. Also pictured are several random flowers and liquids from which you'll need to craft the antidote to the poison that Ruby gave you upon entering the room...


So, apparently the key to making Dickens fun and relevant today is to simply focus on many other unrelated writers, artists and intellectual properties from many eras of history, and assemble the escape room in your own bedroom to give a convenient excuse to run home from uni.

Ruby is as satisfied with the effort as she is with the work she puts into all her creative endeavours:


Ruby says she's making good headway and has spend around two hours on the project, so that past-tense "we designed and made the escape room!" talk was premature and all the stuff she showed was an irrelevant, shoehorned bunch of room tour footage to pad the video. That or she's continuing the non-linear narrative - with Ruby it's impossible to tell.

Ruby needs to get cracking, though - she's got a meeting in seven minutes precisely to discuss an "ASS-ay", which is presumably just what her tutors have collectively agreed to call Ruby's essays based on their overall quality.

Ruby shows a glimpse of one of her numerous, redundant planner systems, in which she reveals that she needs to remind herself when Halloween is (despite being obsessed with October) and celebrates Christmas with Blakeney in some fashion on November 2nd:


She also notes tutor meetings under just their first names, because Ruby always wants to feel like her teachers are her friends and equals. "Chloe Meeting" is filed under "University", but "Lauren Meeting" is filed under "Meeting". Is this some meeting Inception? A meeting to discuss the Lauren Meeting? Or is Ruby just a moron? Probably the latter.

Ruby says for any meeting she has, she always adds some notes on Notion beforehand for discussion topics. Only in this case, she says she didn't add anything, which she claims is unusual for her.

"As I say, I just made some quick notes of questions and things I wanted to bring up," Ruby says, immediately contradicting herself. Which is it, Ruby? Either you didn't make any notes this time, or you did.

Then we're shown Ruby's "quick notes", which comprised of several pages and very obviously weren't written in 7 minutes, and it becomes clear that Ruby's been lying yet again to make herself seem far more organised, but just forgot to keep her story straight.


(Pictured: Page 2 of Ruby's "quick notes")

Again we see the crux of Ruby's essay-writing technique - bombard a tutor with an absolute barrage of leading questions to get them to answer the essay question and write the skeleton of her essay for her. Combine that with Sparknotes and lots of secondary, supporting quotes, and voila!

Ruby quickly breaches the uni data protection and confidentiality rules by displaying email correspondence on-screen for the public to see. Ruby reveals that, after taking up her tutor's time with a meeting, she immediately started harassing her with follow-up emails:


Her tutor's office hours are limited, and Ruby has clearly monopolised all of that time this day. Good luck, other students!

Ruby types up her tutor's notes into Notion, which seems to take forever, then it's back to the group projACKT!

Ruby claims to be putting serious research into this escape room, and rambles incoherently about Thomas Carlyle to prove it.

Meanwhile, we see that her actual research is just watching interviews with Jim Carrey from the press tour for his adaptation of A Christmas Carol:


It's a fluffy interview with no academic merit and no real relevance to the task at hand, so naturally Ruby shoehorned it in.

And if we follow that pattern, we can surmise what the supporting material for her next Dickens essay is sure to be:

Ruby claims that Dickens is relevant today because workaholism culture was prevalent in both eras, never once mentioning that she herself is a massive "reponant" of toxic productivity and working yourself to death. In fact, she reads quotes about the drudgery of toxic labour in the time of Dickens with such fake whimsy and wistfulness in her voice that it's hard not to get the distinct impression that she believes borderline slave labour is a wonderful thing.

She also claims that as a culture, the first question that we ask people isn't "What's your name?" or "How are you?", but "What do you do?! What is your job?!", proving that Ruby's completely insane, entirely detached from reality and has never had an actual conversation in her life.

We're shown Ruby's Spotify, which includes such odd playlists as "Royalcore" and "regency vibes", because it's important that we romanticise the monarchy and its history of colonialism, shielding sex offenders from justice and leeching off the taxpayer.


Playlists also featured: "you're a student in a posh boarding school" and "emily dickinson would find these poetic" (a playlist containing 60% Taylor Swift and Lana Del Rey).

Ruby lifts her candle snuffer to reveal a dead fly hidden under it like the world's worst magic trick:


Ruby goes for an extended walk in a depressing, barren field littered with the remains of rotting pumpkins. Ruby says it's so "autominal" and she "literally" loves October so, so much.


You might be wondering what this has to do with her study group project, and Ruby will take that particular secret to her pumpkin-covered grave.

Ruby gets set up in one of the many barely-used rooms in her house of squalor as multiple flies try desperately to escape through the closed window. Even flies have limits when it comes to filth.


(Not pictured: The LG Gram Laptop)

She explains that each member of her group recorded an intro video explaining why they chose an escape room for their project. She doesn't actually show these videos or actually explain how an escape room is in any way relevant to Charles Dickens, nor does she explain why any of her group agreed to let Ruby edit the whole thing despite her consistent proven lack of ability and effort when it comes to editing.


"Why would you trust me with this?" Ruby probably asks. "I edit my videos with a hammer!"

She rambles about how videos are a fantastic way to convey information in a compact, entertaining way, which begs the question why she didn't chose a YouTube feature, TikTok videos or a fake Netflix show as her means of making Dickens relevant to younger audiences instead of an escape room, which has no relevance and which Ruby clearly doesn't understand.

Ruby quickly mentions that she went with her family for her grandmother's birthday, which they evidently celebrated by watching films meant for small children and refusing to sit in chairs:


It's the next day, and Ruby continues her projACKT! by making a slide about Victorian print cultures. Because that's what everyone wants to be reading about on a fun evening at an escape room. For this single slide, she writes absolute fucking essay of information for some reason:


Rubes, you do realise that escape rooms are a timed experience, right? People don't have four hours to read through your inane, poorly-researched, historically inaccurate bullshit.

She photographs her parents' mouldy Dickens books, which she claimed as her own, because a crumbling old book surrounded by dead flies is emblematic of both the Dickensian era and Ruby's future prospects.


Ruby says that print culture was just too difficult to explain, so she just records a train announcer-style voiceover of herself shouting, "This next room will introduce visitors to the letterpress". Because Ruby appears to have confused escape rooms with museums.

The entire group project so far seems like an inconsistent, incoherent disaster that Ruby's taken the reins on and steered into a canyon after setting it ablaze. While we've already seen the shoddy end result and shouldn't be surprised, the lack of thought and sense from her regarding the project is still staggering.

Ruby inserts some footage of her short trip to London, which has nothing at all to do with her project, but she just needs to remind us yet again that she left the house without mummy holding her hand.


Ruby rambles endlessly about the benefits of "pour-age", which seems indistinguishable from porridge. Ruby, are you sponsored by porridge? If not, stop talking about porridge so much. Other foods exist, you should try some.

Rubes casually informs us that she's spent hours researching Victorian doorbells, which should've been a red flag to her group partners to seize back control of this projACKT! before Ruby completely tanks all their grades.


Ruby then talks about all the work she's been putting into a fake Instagram page as part of a marketing exercise for the escape room. Again, we've already seen the end result of this, but it's unfathomably lazy and was clearly just a way to weaponize her privilege and steer all her fans to follow the page to try to paint her marketing exercise as a success. It did not succeed based on its own merits and nobody would've followed it if it weren't for Studytube pseudo-celebrity Ruby Granger asking thousands of fans to follow it.


After attempting to turn her escape room idea into means of teaching people to use a "printing prass", Ruby gets bored of her disastrous trainwreck of a project and twirls outside like a lunatic, while wearing jeans (two weeks after claiming she hates jeans and never wears them) and subjecting us to the same "Smile, Smile, Smile..." song we've heard in every single video from her.

Ruby acts likes she put tonnes of effort and work into the escape room logo by showing timelapses footage of its creation, but the end result was clearly no more than two minutes of half-assed photoshopping.


In another of Ruby's ongoing attempts to burn down her house, she tries to snuff out a candle that's both broken and too big for the holder and the whole thing collapses:


Ruby's so #grateful that so many people followed her fake escape room Insta page, clearly not realising that this is the most transparent, unfair means of gaining an advantage over other students without a substantial social media following.


She desperately begs for praise for only running home for a week or so this time. Aren't you proud?!

Ruby rants about how bad "charll povertee" is, while displaying logos of child poverty causes. Ruby naturally only pays lips service to this cause and will not donate any money, food, time or action towards helping the cause or feeding the needy, but if any of these causes want to sponsor her, she'll happily take all their money.

After all that, the videos she kept talking about making were uploaded as unlisted ones to share with her group, there was no sign of any group interaction in this group study vide, and despite claiming to have designed a fully-functioning escape room, nothing is shown but flimsy, low-effort marketing and irrelevant research.

So, all in all, another incompetent, time-wasting shit-show of "tell, don't show" from Rubert.
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A lot of people here have been wondering and speculating about her misuse and misspelling of words and if it can be possible that no one ever corrects her or deducts marks for it, or if she just ignores the remarks or gets offended.

Well, here we have it folks:

Someone in the comments wrote that etc is pronounced et cetera, not exetera, and she replied:

"It's so funny and cool how words change and evolve through use. Et cetera sounds so weird to me because I've always said it the other way -- but, as Wittgenstein says, language is use x "

Basically, refusing to ackowledge she's saying it wrong, because that's how she's always said it. Implying she has no intention to change it.
Then passive-agressively whipping out Wittgenstein to support her decision to pronounce words any way she damn well pleases, thank-you-very-much.

Hypocrite that she is, I bet she corrects other people's grammar and pronounciation with great relish.
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Because Ruby isn't going to let a little thing like more Instagram backlash over her refusing to stop posting toxic, triggering food content stand between her and her sponsor money, she's back for another biweekly whenever-the-fuck-she-can-be-bothered video.

This time, she's sponsored by Notion (the note-making platform she's shoehorned into every video possible) and after years of her giving them all the free advertising she possibly could, they finally threw her a sponsorship bone. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't achieve your dreams, if only you shout about them loud and long enough from a position of privilege.

And while people have been requesting for Ruby to stop posting triggering, ED-baiting content for a year and that hasn't happened, according to Ruby this video was "very highly requested" and is now here by popular demand. Presumably it was requested by Ruby’s multiple personalities, her imaginary friends and the ghost of Emily Dickinson, because if anyone's actually asked for Ruby to make this video, they sure don't exist on any plane of reality that I've been made aware of.

This video was allegedly being clamoured for by hordes of invisible fans for ages, but Ruby only bothered making it when someone finally paid her to do it, which should tell you everything about Ruby.


Ruby yet again forgets all her talk about the importance of sustainability and starts some fire hazards burning with her gas lighter.

After beaming about how amazing it is that she's finally being sponsored by Notion, she praises how many things you can do on Notion and how versatile it is. Can it paint my bedroom walls? Can it teach me the piano? Can you play Boggle using it? Let's find out!

"This is my Notion page and I think it looks pretty impressive!" Ruby protests, as she shows a page slapped together with the level of graphic design prowess you'd see in a broken MySpace page from 2009.


As well as looking as low-rent as possible, her Notion page has been filled with sections which are pointless at best and terrifying at worst. Sections like:

"Things to discuss with Blakeney" - presumably top of the list of conversations topics is the restraining order that Blakeney will hopefully have taken out against her.

"Ideal day at university" - Spoilers: An ideal day at university for Ruby will be spent at home, twirling in a field and daydreaming of cholera and quill pens while her mother is never more than 10 feet away.

"Dissertation: Letter Writing" - which still isn’t close to a specific or remotely relevant dissertation topic for an English Lit degree and signifies only doom and failure for her future.

Also "Masters Planning", because Ruby is living in a fantasy world where she makes it to a Masters course without mass rejection and having 46 mental breakdowns.

"Notion lets you create so many different...types?...of content?" Ruby says, unsure of her words, like they escaped her brain without thought or permission. What are these limitless mediums you can use Notion for? Clay? Crochet? Interpretive dance? Well, buckle the fuck up, people: You can put both text and pictures on a Notion page! The 21st Century is finally here!


Ruby whips out the obnoxious pointing finger to sternly remind everyone that you don’t need coding experience to use Notion. Because that's what's keeping people from using other note-taking options like Google Docs or, y'know, pen and paper: all the damn coding experience you need.

Ruby points out that it's free, too, unless you want the premium version, which is free if you're a student. If you're not a student? Let's immediately move on without mentioning that at all!


Ruby's going to break down how she takes "taxtual notes", "lack-chuh notes", "AXE-tra reading and contaxt notes" and "seminal notes". Of all the apparently abundant features that Ruby claims Notion has, evidently translation isn't one of them, as Ruby continues to pronounce all words like she's chewing a sponge while discovering English for the first time.

Ruby was also kind enough to also provide her very own Notion template, just in case you wanted to go ahead and ruin your life for yourself by imitating her disorganised bullshit.


Ruby only has two modules this year, but she's apparenltly going to show us how she creates six modules' worth of work from them with as much redundant busywork as possible.

She says that when reading a "taxt", she uses the Kindle app, because it's great for annotating the "taxt" and writing most of her notes because "it's really convenient". That's fucking great, Rubes, but does Notion integrate your Kindle books to upload your notes seamlessly? Because you were just talking about Notion being the Swiss army knife of note-making platforms, now there's already additional programs in the mix where you now say you make all your notes.

Also while Ruby's fawning over the Kindle app, Perlego and all the other reading/annotation apps that Ruby has claimed were her favourites in exchange for money are out there like:


"And with the book read on Kindle it's trineee to move over to Notion," Ruby says, and despite listening to it several times and trying to figure out why she pronounced "time" with an "r" and and "n", I was instantly blindsided by Ruby moving on to the next subject with a "So! Here go..." and she's suddenly decided figuring out how to say words out loud is too much work and just skips them entirely.


Ruby shows that for each new book she pretends to read for her module, she adds sections about what was going on in the world at the time for added "contaxt". Not content with including things actually relevant to the book at hand, Ruby reveals that she's for some reason crammed half the history of England into each Notion page, with such pointless bullshit as ice skating accidents at Buckingham Palace and when Christmas crackers were invented. This is a true glimpse into utter madness.


Next she says she's added an "interests" section. For normal people, an "interests" section would be for things like reading, watching TV or kayaking. But Ruby's far from normal, so she's used the "interests" section to remind herself to research her fear of bad smells and how this feeds into "the great stink", which I assume is her nickname for her mouldy, dust-filled house of squalor.


Here's where Ruby realises that she can't go into too much detail about her Notion use without completely giving away that she doesn't actually read any of the books. She seemingly comes to this realisation in real time, and panic quickly washes over her.

She rambles about how she’s added a plot summary, but doesn’t show it (because it'd reveal that she ripped it from Sparknotes or Wikipedia verbatim) and feels the need to stress that she doesn't always so this for Dickens, implying that she knows them well enough to not need it, but that she only does it after reading the book.

Now, we know this is a complete lie. Not only has she shared countless to-do lists in which she's ticked off "summary" or "critical reading" long before she's ticked off reading the book, but she's tipped her hand and said she copies summaries from Sparknotes to Notion before (at around 4:10):

In the time since, she's clearly realised that saying you've been copying summaries from Sparknotes and reading critical material before touching the book makes it look an awful lot like you're avoiding reading the book and taking lots of shortcuts, which wouldn't go over well with tutors or anyone else, for that matter.


She then moves on to the character lists she creates, but encounters the same problem. After struggling to remember two character names for the book she absolutely, definitely read, she waves her hand at the camera with a 'nothing to see here' energy, clicks away from this section as fast as she can and says she won't go into detail of course as it's "just an example". Because, again, going into detail would shine a light on how she’s just compiling copied information into Notion to avoid reading the books.


Next she moves onto the "Overview of my Thinking" section, which sure looks like random copied tidbits from critical sources with her own meaningless drivel sprinkled in.

We get the following paragraph: "we see a progression of time (Christmas, Easter, cold, warm, etc.) which reflects periodical culture. It gives the book as a collection momentum though, as if there can be plot and progress. Especially in the couples at the end who do progress and get older while we read the others." This nonsensical combination of words seems designed purely to simulate the experience of having a brain seizure.

For added intense stupidity, Ruby felt the need to write down the sentence, "we remember elements that have been spoken about before - would only have been like this for first readers if they followed everything." This means absolutely nothing and could be applied to pretty much any novel or story that you've read to completion (which is admittedly a novelty for Ruby). It's immediately clear that Ruby hasn't read this book, if there were any doubt.


Ruby then mentions that she has a section for "ahclacktuk-aughts", or "eclectic thoughts" in English. She does not clarify how this section differs from the "Overview of my Thinking" section, and they seem to be the same combination of nonsense and borrowed thoughts.


After showing how she grabs historical context and publication history from a basic Google search, she rambles about 'toggles' for far too long. Basically, you can click on an arrow next to a section to expand or hide that section. It's handy, but not a particularly unique function, but Ruby acts like it's a miracle cure for stupidity; Ruby is proof that it's definitely not that.

Ruby must've gotten tired at this point as she started recycling footage again, this time from one of her recent vlogs. She's droning on about her lectures being online and shows reused vlog footage of a lecture in which she blurred out her lecturer's face.


It's something she clearly couldn’t be bothered doing again, as she mixes in newer lecture footage, but without any blurring this time.


Inconsistency and shoddy editing? Just par for the course with Ruby.

She mentions that she stripmines everything offered in her lectures for notes, from things her lecturer said to images powerpoint slides - all of it gets copies and pasted into Notion to cobble together into questions (also written in Notion) to grill her tutors with later for essay material.

So far it's all a baffling, redundant waste of time. Most of these Notion sections are duplicates of each other or contain nothing of value, so it's not surprising that Ruby immediately forgets which sections is which and what the hell she's supposed to be talking about:


She finally remembers that she intended to talk about "personal research", which apparently is the section for her "lack-cha" notes and group study details. Only to someone as devoid of well-rounded interests or a social life as Ruby could clinical critical research be labelled "personal".

Ruby continues to tout the benefits of Notion by immediately mentioning that she needs to link to Google Drive docs in her study group page. "Unfortunately," Ruby sighs, "not everyone uses Notion..." Apparently the cultureless peons in her study group aren't enlightened enough to use Notion, and they slum it in the Google Drive sewers.

Ruby says she much prefers Notion to Google Docs/Drive, but never actually says why. She does, however, mention that another thing she likes about Notion is how Google Drive links can be pasted and accessed with a click. Which sounds like a benefit of Google Drive that they make shared linking easy, rather than Notion.


Ruby acts as if pasting a clickable hyperlink is a revelatory step in technology when almost any program that allows text pasting will do the same. It's like exclusively heaping praise on Bentley brand cars because the front window allows you to see traffic lights so you know when to stop.

While the study group schlubs don't use Notion, Ruby has made sure thay Blakeney does. Naturally, Rubes has also linked their accounts so that all Blakeney's study notes are available for her to read and pilfer ideas from, and vice versa.

On Notion, multiple people can share and edit the same document simultaneously, "just like Google Docs". Again, this seems like more of an endorsement for Google Docs, and no further insight into what makes Notion unique.

According to Ruby, she and Blakeney divide critical material and each read half, make notes and then share the notes, getting "double the amount of content for half the work". Given the absolute drivel Ruby writes in her notes and the fact that she doesn't ready Blakeney has nothing to gain from this arrangement and is clearly being used as a source of essay material.

This is a staggeringly stupid approach to learning and both of them are complete morons for doing it, but Blakeney especially so, since she's the only one likely contributing ideas of value. Ruby shows her notes on the critical "ass-ay" she read, and it's condensed down to such short bulletpoints that any critical merit or understanding of the essay is lost. Blakeney would need to read the essay herself anyway to make sense of the compacted horseshit cubes that Ruby's turned it into, so I fail to see the benefit.


Ruby: "I like doing critical reading because it gives you a better understanding of ideas in the academy and helps you to, like, actually see where the scholarship is?" This is word soup. Pure gibberish. What the ever-loving fuck is she babbling about?

Ruby’s clearly just spouting drivel because she doesn't have the proper context for critical reading. Critical reading is supposed to be to give a deeper, wider understanding or different viewpoints and analysis of the text in question. But Ruby doesn't approach it like that. Ruby doesn't read books first and think critically for herself, then find critical material to support or contrast her argument. She reads the supporting critical material first, mines it for ideas and then skips the book entirely to write an essay with other people's ideas. So it's no shock that her definition of critical reading is this nonsense.


In the most telling part of the video, Ruby says she loves having a study partner to bounce of because "it's a great way of understanding the material better and understanding your own thoughts on the material".

This is most likely because Ruby has no thoughts on the material and just uses other people's ideas to form her entire essays, whether it's study partners, essay authors or tutors. So it helps to have the person explain their thoughts, so that Ruby can lie and go "I was just thinking the exact same thing!" or "Well, of course, I read the book, but why don't you tell me what happened in it so that I can be sure you read the book - and speak slowly so that I can make notes..." then furiously scribble those stolen ideas into Notion before she forgets what the other person said.

After that she blathers on about seminar notes, but it's more of the same - Ruby copies anything and everything into Notion, to the point where it's swamped with irrelevant crap from years ago up to present, like she's going to need to refer back to the comprehensive notes she was probably taking at her 10th birthday party some day.


She also has yet another weekly planner in Notion, because 17 planners per week just wasn't enough.

So, in this video about Notion sponsored by Notion in which she heaps glowing praise upon Notion, she never once explains why she loves it.

To summarise what she does say about Notion:

-It has toggles.
-It's free, unless it's not, in which case it costs £???
-You can put text and pictures in it.
-You can share and edit documents, just like Google Docs.

And that's it. She doesn't elucidate what makes Notion preferable to Google Docs or similar services, what unique features it has, what the downsides are, if you can export and back up all your digital information, and so on. She only says that she loves it and highly recommends it. In all things, Ruby has zero critical ability, especially when someone's handing her money to discuss things.


She also never once mentions just how much of this Notion nonsense she repeats across other systems, planners, notebooks and so on.

Here she acts like Notion is the one-stop shops for all planning, note-taking and organisation, yet she’s also hocking planners and notebooks that serve the same person. Not only is it an insane amount of busywork and redundant time-wasting for her, it's just incredibly disingenuous to keep acting like all these things she shills are the only thing that exists until it's time to advertise the competitng product.

Another video, another brain-mashingly stupid display of prolonged idiocy by Ruby.
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Satisfying Click

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Around 8 minutes into the latest video, she's trying to hide her annoyance that the people in her study group don't have Notion. Can you imagine the poor sods getting continuous emails from the already annoying person in the group?

"Hallo, it's Ruby! If you haven't already got Notion, I highly recommend it, our learning will be cohesive and enjoyable!"
"Ruby again, if we all use Notion we won't need a Google document! Have a productive day!"
"Hey guys! I'm in North Devon, surfing in the ocean. You know what rhymes with 'ocean?'
"Ok, you are all really starting to piss me off."
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The fact that she as a self proclaimed anti-bullying advocate has had to remove an advice video about bullying due to backlash is actually hilarious ngl💀
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What an unbelievably naïve video. Disclaimer: I don't want to invalidate anyone's experiences, but for goodness sakes.

Ruby, if we take Erimentha as the autobiography it almost certainly is, you were criticised. Perhaps harshly, but criticised. There is a very, very important distinction to be made between criticism and bullying.

I couldn't make it all the way through the video honestly, because it made me feel a bit sick. As an autistic girl who was relentlessly bullied by peers and adults throughout my childhood, I now likely face a lifetime of discrimination and bullying in employment, society and even medical treatment if I disclose a condition that literally defines how I exist in this world. For many minorities, the bullying isn't a 'childhood' experience that we have the privilege to grow from, because it remains consistent to some extent throughout our lives. To make an attempt to comment on that and parallel your albeit negative but unchangeably different experiences, is ignorant, embarrassing and naïve especially coming from a 21 year old. Frankly, you are not the universal victim you imagine.

Moreover, the notion that we can all 'control our own thoughts' in order to remain strong against bullying is the most uneducated, privileged, outdated take I have ever heard, and de-legitimises the severity of so much bullying that takes place. I don't think it even needs much comment to show how awful that take is.

Honestly lost a lot of respect for her now.
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Ruby's still only slightly done with damage control over the last anti-bullying week video she posted, so what better time to add another train to the tracks to collide with the smouldering wreck that is her public image?

This time around, we're subjected to another of her "Responding to your Assumptions" video, in which Ruby very selectively cherry-picks the softball topics that flatter her or give her a chance to show how 'not like other students' she is. And if she doesn't get enough of those, she'll make some up herself.

Why does she make a video unrelated to bullying and all about herself for anti-bullying week? Well, her textbook narcissism is the obvious answer, but Ruby has a different excuse.


She kicks off the video - in which she responds to assumptions she asked fans to send to her - by saying she believes that all assumptions are a major form of bullying. There's a crumb of logic in there but her reasoning isn't great, and she explains it with trademark incoherence.

If Ruby had said something like, "Bullies often target those who are different, and stereotypes might seem like a minor issue, but that casual stereotyping can be a dangerous thing, especially when we casually accept stereotypes based on race or sexuality," then that'd be the solid beginnings of a point.

She could throw in one of her trademark GCSE "ass-ay"-level quotations in for added pretentiousness. Something like, "It's widely said that we fear what we don't understand, and that's too often the seed from which hate and prejudice grow. As Marie Curie once said, "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."

Only despite having a year to prep and write this video, the only dumb, blunt and generalised point she can throw out is that all assumptions are bad, assuming is bullying and we should challenge all our assumptions about everything.

She conveniently doesn't address her own dismissive assumptions, big and small, like her generalised stereotypes of extroverted people, people who watch TV a lot, people who drink and go to parties. It's only bullying when you're assuming things about Ruby, evidently.

She clearly has no understanding of what bullying is, but she starts out on fine form by alluding that since all assumptions are an act of bullying, anyone who sent in an assumption is actively bullying her.


(Pictured: Anti-Assumption Advocate Ruby enduring a savage, brutal bout of assuming.)

Now, onto the bullying assumptions:



The first two are related questions, and the obvious, easy ones that crop up in every single assumptiom video that all influencers make. Personally, I couldn't care less about Ruby's sexuality or who she dates or whether she never wants to date anyone. Good for her, whatever the case.

She addresses both by saying that she's not dating anyone, and a relationship isn't on her periphery at the moment, purely because it doesn't interest her at the moment.

She says it isn't because it'll distract from her goals, but she does have unspecified goals which are more important. Those goals evidently being to accumulate more sponsor/charity money and find a way to re-enroll as a student at primary school.


Another obvious one, and one which Ruby was sure to include some blatant misspellings and textspeak abbreviations to make it seem like she's not writing all these herself.

Ruby says the assumption that Blakeney is her only friend isn't quite true - she has family friends (so...not friends then), and a friend called Tasha back home, who sounds like the equivalent of a Canadian girlfriend - she definitely exists, but she's just never seen by anyone ever. But even so, Blakeney is who she spends all her time with (#prayforblakeney). So, an assumption that's pretty dead on the money. What happened to all assumptions being false and bullying, Rubes?

She says she's fine not having a lot of friends as she enjoys spending a lot of time by herself, and that would be great, if it were true. This is another obvious lie, as evidenced by her crippling inability to not be with either her parents or Blakeney every hour of the day and to flee from uni responsibilities at the drop of a hat to ensure that she's never by herself.

Yet again, Ruby moans that society is designed for extroverts, and success is rewarded to the people with the most friends, and the more friends you have, the better a person you'll be in the eyes of society. I say this as an introvert - it's complete horseshit.

Sure, there will be times where you'll have to step outside and socialise to get shit done and progress in life depending on the path you choose. In some careers, networking is crucial. But introversion hasn't had that kind of crippling stigma that Ruby claims in a very long time, and almost nobody views people that way outside works of fiction. It's a massive, sweeping generalisation from Ruby, and a massive unfounded assumption.

Weren't you just saying those were bad and a form of bullying, Rubes? What about the extroverted people who're watching this video who work their asses off for what they have, while introverted Ruby is enjoying easy wealth for shilling products she never uses and enjoys the fruits of her parents' privilege? Do you think they might feel a bit attacked right now after you said they have it easy, Ruby? Almost...bullied?

And on the topic of wealth and privilege, the next assumption: "You come from a well-off, academic family."


(Pictured: Ruby's frazzled, malnourished brain struggling to find an answer for this question that makes her seem humble and relatable.)

Ruby says her family is rich, but not as rich as you might think! This is probably because half their family's wealth is hidden in an off-shore tax haven. They're just "financially stable", according to Ruby. Which I think she means quite literally; on the grounds of their massive property, all their finances are stashed in a stable. Their home has a living room for every month in the year. This isn't baseline financial stability, Rubes, and saying so only shows how sheltered and dishonest you are.

She says she's so, so aware of the privilege she has and the opportunities she's been given as a result, which is weird because she was just saying extroverts get all the breaks in life.

Her family isn't academic, though, and neither her parents or grandparents went to university. Which adds up, since all evidence points to her parents being illiterate, ignorant half-wits, and Ruby got her feeble grasp of language from them. But as Ruby proves, going to university has no bearing on ignorance and stupidity, as she's on her fourth year of uni and still just as much of a puddle-brained moron as ever.


Ruby claims she definitely has days where she feels too anxious to do anything, but you never see them because she doesn't film them. Which is fine, but maybe you shouldn't have waited until now to start mentioning that.

Neglecting to talk about the days where you do fuck all and decompress because they'll detract from your fabricated image of always being productive and studious is only going to lead impressionable young viewers to think they're doing something wrong if they're taking days off. Burying the message that downtime is valuable is a damaging thing, and that's before considering that your depiction of your "productive" days are all smoke and mirrors as well, filmed across weeks and months, with obvious lies and shortcuts everywhere.

She says she has "realised over the past few years" that downtime is important, despite showing no evidence of this or attempting to deliver this message to viewers over the past view years.

And speaking of fabricated personas and videos full of lies, we move on to the next assumption:


Faced with the accusation that she doesn't read as much as she claims, Ruby laughs nervously.

"Probably not, it's a really hard one to answer actually." It's really not, Rubes. There's no real debate as to whether she doesn't read as much as she claim. All evidence points to her fudging the numbers on what she reads to inflate the book count and her ego online. Her 'I read 7 books in a day' video was glaring evidence of this.

Those seven books were a combination of very short children's books, novellas, short stories and small sections of unfinished books. Ruby counted them all as "read", to give the appearance that she'd read seven entire books in a single day, then basked in the ill-gotten praise in the comments. And that's just one example.

There's the popular "viral" books she's claimed to have read to jump on the bandwagon and then never spoken about, or reviewed them with such vague nonsense that she'd clearly never read the book.


(Pictured: A review from someone who clearly read the book and knows what words mean.)

See also: Song of Achilles, which Ruby kept mentioning she was reading and kept showing off for the camera because she knew it was very popular with her fans, then she claimed to finish it, banged a 5 star score on Goodreads and never actually spoke of the contents of the book or her opinions of it. Because she can't form opinions on books she's never read.

She's also freely admitted in the past to skipping entire major subplots that don't interest her (subjects that don't interest her include: romance, human drama, realistic portrayals of human beings, books that don't feature schools or children, books that don't take place in Victorian London, and real teen issues in books about teenagers) but she still considers them read to completion. That's like me claiming to have swum the Danube because I tipped a toe in the water, or that I left the planet because I jumped three feet in the air.

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And there's her admitted history of suspiciously reading Sparknotes summaries and critical material long before reading the books, and compiling her own cheat sheet of characters and plot in Notion to blatantly avoid reading the actual book. Or she'll get Blakeney to read critical essays and make notes for her, as she's said outright that she does.

She deliberately misses the point and claims that the reason she appears to read so much is because she just happens to film herself reading a lot, and people know her from book readatons and 200 book recommendation videos, but there are many times when she's not reading, these just aren't filmed. And even though she records videos of her reading a book a day or whatever, that's not something she always does.

Hell, last week she was so, so busy with coursework that she didn't have time to read anything for fun because she was reading books for uni. We know that didn't happen, Rubes.

It's a blatant dodge. Selective ignorance to avoid responding to the fact that she lies about everything to make herself feel more superior with fake accomplishments.

People aren’t misled by her always holding a book on social media. They're misled by Ruby lying about finishing books she hasn't read a single word of, and by claiming to have read far more books than she has.

Ruby, the only correct response to "You don't read as much as you say you do" is "No. I really don't. I lie about most of it."


"You often watch movies or documentaries."

Nobody assumed this. Ruby's just clearly making shit up. Ruby only pretends to watch films and documentaries when NordVPN are paying her to act likes she uses their service.


When faced with the assumption that Ruby focuses only on aesthetics and not actual studies, she dismisses it.

"Of course I focus on ass-thetics when filming videos," Ruby says, passive-aggressively. Her argument is that she needs to make studying more aesthetically pleasing to the viewer. Which doesn't explain why her videos are always low-effort messes free from even a modicum of effort when it comes to editing and production, but still.

Ironically, even in her addressing of this criticism, she only focuses on the surface-level aesthetics. People aren’t critical of her for trying to make her videos look all fancy. They're critical of her because in all things - not just studying, but interests she claims to have, books, societal issues, and so on - she only focuses on the surface. The most she has to say about most books is how pretty the covers are. Despite her apparent obsession with 📚DARK MACADEMIA 📚 she's never actually showed any understanding of what it is, but likes the Pinterest boards about it.


And then there's her actual studying, where she appears to do everything she can to avoid doing the work or using her own thoughts, opinions and ideas in favour of lots of cheating shortcuts and insane amounts of to-do lists and planner busywork that give her a productivity placebo when she ticks things as done despite not actually accomplishing anything.

She loves the appearance of being a studious, accomplished, well-organised bookworm, but there's next to no evidence that any of that is who she is or something she actually enjoys doing.


Again, another question that nobody has ever assumed about Ruby, whose entire life is one big performance and who always wants to be the centre of attention.

And right on cue, Little Miss Me-Me-Me then she makes the entire question about how she just did a photoshoot her soon-to-be-released overpriced, poor quality planner.


Next up:


Now, we know Ruby can't possibly scroll mindlessly through social media. After all, she released an entire video about how she stopped procrastinating on social media forever.

Ruby confesses that she sometimes scrolls social media mindlessly, so that clickbait video title was a lie (especially since she was wasting time on social media the day after it went up).


Does Ruby cringe at past versions of herself? "The person I am now is very different than I was," Ruby says, despite not growing as a person or improving as a content creator in seven years of doing it.

She rambles about how being an influencer for years means people can access both past and present version of herself in content simultaneously, which she doesn't want.

Which makes sense, because comparing her old content and new does no favours to her current self. If anything, she was healthier and more coherent years ago. She's actively tried to regress into childhood over the past year and a half, so I'm not sure why she'd pretend to be embarassed by her teen self and not, y'know, her adult self who yoinks money from charities and lies about every single thing.


And wrapping things up with another fluff question that Ruby likely invented, someone apparenltly assumes that Ruby is a fast walker.

And that's true. She can't powerwalk away from responsibility and culpability fast enough, as evidenced by this video, in which she dodges all genuine criticism like a champion athlete.

She says this ties into an assumption which she didn't bother answering, which is that she's always on time for things. She drops the shocking revelation that she's actually often late for things.

This should come as no surprise to anyone paying attention, since she is often crying about being late for things, not planning ahead to order books for the required reading, misreading train times, misreading building locations for seminars, and so on.


(Pictured: Ruby crying after not being able to get a book she needed for uni after leaving it until the last second despite having the reading list weeks/months prior.)

She wastes all her time filling her planners and schedules and rewarding herself for waking up and brushing her teeth, to the point where she has no time to focus on all the stuff she actually needs to plan for, resulting in a complete dumpster fire of disorganisation.

Ruby finishes up by repeating most of her rambling nonsense from the ladt (now deleted) bullying video, about how bullying doesn't just happen in schools, but in adulthood, too. Again, this is only news to Ruby, who has spent most of her life in the mindset of a rich, sheltered child in a posh private school, and clearly hasn't matured past that mentality.

The things that people have addressed the most in her comments, and no doubt flooded her assumptions inbox that she's conveniently ignored:

You have an eating disorder.

You post toxic food content in videos and posts unrelated to food.

You ignore and delete comments that are remotely critical to avoid addressing them.

You took money from multiple charities despite not needing it.

You lie constantly about your plan to reinvest that ill-gotten charity money to avoid just giving it back.

You often lie about using products and services in exchange for money (where's the LG Gram laptop, Rubes?)

Your "daily routine" videos are filmed across multiple days, and you lie about it to make it seem like you accomplish more than anyone can possibly do in a day.

The list goes on.

But Ruby confessed that she walks fast, so I guess the important things were addressed.

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Chatty Member
I find it staggering that she lives in a house that cost over £1m in today's money, owns a buy-to-let, attended private school, pays her uni fees upfront - and still doesn't understand that this makes her EXTREMELY well off compared to the vast majority of people in the UK? She is so ignorant and uninterested in looking outside of her privileged bubble.
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Oh, great, another routine video with another sponsored ad for something she never uses.

"I've spoken about Karma so, so much!*" * sponsored videos only.

"I use the Karma app guys, genuinely!" Her new favourite thing is saying "genuinely" a lot when she's lying.

"I will ALWAYS use it to make sure I get the best deal." If she says she "ALWAYS" does something, it's a dead giveaway that she never does it.

"I installed it on all my family member's computers!" Because adding shitty extentions, viruses and spyware and god knows what else without their permission is always a fun idea.



"Ten pre-cent off! Ten pre-cent off!" She's like a malfunctioning robot car salesperson.






The reason for Ruby's sudden decision to start cycling to campus is revealed: It's because Blakeney does it. And Blakeney probably only started doing it to get away from Ruby for twenty precious minutes a day until Ruby had her parents drive her bike all the way to AXE-eter so she could do it, too.

"And we're always so cold after the bike ride," Ruby says, as if she and Blakeney share a hive mind and it's not just Ruby's eating disorder making her cold all the time.

"So, it's deadline season, which is why the kitchen is an absolute state." It must have been deadline season in Ruby's family home every day for several years then.


Things that "Deadline Season" doesn't prevent:

Weekly trips home.
Daily trips to touch every single book in Waterstones.
Spending an entire day making Christmas cards, then deciding not to use them.
14 hours a day of redundant busywork.

Things that "Deadline Season" prevents:

Returning stolen money to charities.

Ruby moans at Blakeney for panning across the mess littering their kitchen while filming in case people think they live in squalor. Yet she still thought it was a good idea to film, edit and upload a video showing the place looking like a shithole, and hasn't hesitated to proudly show the disgusting swamp that is her family kitchen all the time.

Bike lights and lock that you need every day at uni when cycling to campus? Better not keep those in a location that's even remotely convenient or near to your bike. The bottom of a sock drawer is a much better location!


Electric lamp? Not aesthetic or nearly dangerous enough. Candles lit by super sustainable gas lighter and perilously close to flammable materials? Now we're talking. Ruby doesn't feel alive anymore unless something could catch fire at a moment's notice!


And then Ruby just puts the main lights on anyway.



Ruby eats a tiny fraction of fruit and half a Perkier bar. "Perkier bars are honestly so amazing," she says. And it's a gifted product that she's been sent before, but she doesn't declare this.

Then it's time to skip to what's likely a different day, where Ruby does all the dishes and goes to a yoga class. This is supposed to be a routine, so Ruby implies that she does this every day, which definitely isn't true.


Their cleaning solution is apparently to just dump all dirt, filth, food remnants and whatnot directly onto the ground and hope the carpet absorbs it all. It's not working so far, but that could change any day now.


Ruby sets up a camera on a wall to record herself walking like a moron, then looks like she's panicking because someone rides by.


"I don't always do this," she says as she goes to Waitrose - expensive supermarket of choice for Tories - to get a Kombucha. If Ruby says she doesn't always do something, it's a dead giveaway that she always does it. Besides, Ruby, this is a routine video. It's supposed to be things you always do.


She sets her camera on a random shelf and films herself putting the Kombucha bottle on the shelf only to pick it up again. Then later shows a shot of herself picking it up again.


CreeperCam 2: The Creepening.

Ruby shows a rare meal that looks slightly more substantial than her usual porridge and dust medley. Of course this was made by Blakeney, and apparently the only way to get anything resembling actual food on Ruby’s plate is to ambush her with it by making surprise, unscheduled meals. There's still no evidence that Ruby actually ate any of it though.


Ruby rushes to do the dishes, presumably to avoid eating. Her washing up technique consists of giving each item a quick, sporadic blast of cold water and dumping it on the rack. No dish soap, no sponge, no scourer, no cleaning. Just a quick, glancing blast on two opposite corners and she's done. Filth and bacteria has a permanent, rent-free home on all those dishes.

After defrosting a wheatgrass shot, which will probably be her entire breakfast, and drinking her Kombucha, Ruby takes out her contacts because she's getting a headache. And it's definitely the contacts and not severe malnutrition.

She decides to do some uni "work". Now, she claims she's doing "critical reading and research bits" and started work on a play she was going to read for her Life and Death module. Only, the thing about recording your screen is that people can see what you're doing.





Ruby shows herself Googling a plot summary for the play she hasn't even read yet, and starts copying entire chunks of it into Notion to make her own summary.

Why would anyone do this, or start reading critical material before the play itself, you might ask? They wouldn't. Not if they were going to read the play. But Ruby does this for every assignment. It's yet another assigned text that she will not read, and this is just a cheating shortcut to avoid reading the play.


Ruby lies and says her "car-tuns" are so big that she can't close them without climbing on the desk, even though the back of her desk and those big fucking drapey things that people call curtains are in arm's reach.

Ruby then rambles about face masks for far too long. "I never use face masks, but I always feel so relaxed after doing it," she says, contradicting herself immediately because her brain is malourished sludge at this point. That's like saying, "I never steal from charities, but I always feel so much better every time I see the charity money I stole in my bank."

Apparently it's too common for people to use face masks as "performative" self-care. Ruby says this with zero self-awareness. Her entire life is a series of performative lies and affectations, but it's other people that use face masks that are wrong.


She rambles more complete drivel about how her face mask treatment is a preventative measure to keep herself from getting burned out and getting overwhelmed by deadline stress.

What apparently isn't an option to keeping from getting overwhelmed with work is actually doing the reading, cutting out all the endless busywork that eats up most of her time, or stopping running back home every few days so that she has more time in a week to stay on top of the relatively small amount of work she actually has. Note how she also doesn't recommend a full, nutritious diet of actual food as a preventative measure to stay healthy and alert.



Ruby butts in from another day entirely to spout some nonsense about a daily "jah-nel" she does. It's mostly incomprehensible.


"Something tangible I learnt in a lack-churr."




Back in the past, she sets some more fires, which will definitely go down well considering her pillowy duvet cover is already draped against the bedside table, ready to touch the open flame with the slightest adjustment.


Ruby pretends to read YA book Truly Devious, but says she doesn't like it because it might be a bit too young for her. Reminder: The only books that Ruby has actually read to completion over the past few year have been children's books with a max page count of 40 and a recommended reading age of 3.

"YASS, after that, I will just turn off the light."


Ruby’s room with the light off apparently, which is somehow still brighter than the sun itself. :unsure:
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Tbh I doubt her colleagues would appreciate her presence though, they'd probably think she's only doing the job as a 'hobby' and an experiment in slumming it.
Picture the scene: You're working your ass off trying to earn a living, and some silver-spoon fuckwit comes in dressed in Little Dorrit cosplay.

Her language is one of manic nonsense and her sentences contain both words that don't exist, and words that do exist but are used in a combination heretofore unheard by the ears of humans.

You try to train her and mention she might want to take notes, so she gets out a quill and ink calligraphy set but also her MacBook to fire up Notion and appears to be trying to be using both simultaneously.

She rants and rambles gleefully about Notion for some time, but even after 45 minutes of this, you're still none the wiser as to what its benefits or functions are.

She asks to be excused to powder her nose. Suddenly things start to make sense; you assume "powdering her nose" is a euphemism - a cocaine habit may be the explanation for her manic lunacy.

She's gone for an hour. You set off in search of her to find that she's set up a camera on a shelf, and is filming herself walking up and down an aisle, over and over. You steer her back to the training, but her eyes wildly dart around the building. She's transfixed by the people working an actual job, like it's a concept that was completely alien to her.

She cheerfully shrieks to each new person she passes: "Hello, it's Roobee!" The deranged grimace and awkward, faux-regal wave she does when yelling this "greeting" makes it seem like a sinister threat, but her macabre intentions aren't yet clear. You speed up the pace through the building to avoid frightening anyone else further.

She points to much of the workplace equipment, parroting the same query each time, "What is that? Is that sustainable?" The things she is confused by includes: staplers, safety equipment, forklift trucks, conversations between adults, and substantial, nutritious lunches.

After her fourth time of interrupting her training to vlog herself rambling about sponsored products and books she doesn't appear to have read, you quickly usher her out the door and hand her photo to security to ensure she never returns.
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The title is so weirdly specific wtf loool
Be sure to follow the sequel playlist: "you woke up on your first day of boarding school but you slept in a weird position so you have pins and needles in your left arm and your second cousin just text you to let you know that their poodle escaped and if you could share their Facebook post about it they'd really appreciate it"

It's basically just 'Numb' by Linkin Park followed by 'Who Let the Dogs Out?'
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