Ruby Granger #11 A book a day will not keep the ignorance away

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Whilst there are inevitable differences of fellow patients being of all different ages, the statement on the brutality of residential treatment above could refer to adolescent treatment just as well. Adolescent / child treatment needs to be just as uncompromising as the conditions are just as life threatening, and the needs of patients just as complex. If Ruby's romanticised adolescent treatment, she's romanticised all treatment.
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Blue spirulina nice cream? WTF? Do they not realise that you can buy really delicious vegan ice cream in supermarkets?
Am I the only one who thought it was bizarre and dangerous to see them put up an open flame chandelier inside their tent? I mean, this is the dipshit who constantly lights wonky candles bent to 45 degree angles next to massive amounts of paper in broad, blinding daylight (presumably an ongoing effort to burn down her house for the insurance money) so I shouldn't be surprised, but what the hell? What's wrong with a good, old-fashioned camping lamp? Even a night in a tent has to be a big, ostentatious production. Imagine arranging to go camping with this complete dick and you're loading the car and she wheels down 15 throw cushions, an oriental rug and a fucking chandelier. She'd get left by the side of the road.

And, of course, the best laptop ever is back temporarily for another cash grab ad. If it's so great, Ruby, why do you instantly revert to using your MacBook the second someone's not paying you?
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Now that I've watched her 21 books video... it seems fine? The editing is very "early vlogbrothers, 3.59 minute time limit," but apart from that, it seems fairly on par with what e.g., Jack Edward (aka the self-proclaimed Charlie d'Amelio of booktube for some reason?) puts out there. It's not like she's attempting an in-depth discussion. She does elaborate beyond the admittedly weird phrases cited here (just like she got "Shaankshaw redemption" wrong in the previous video, but also said it correctly a bunch of times)
Idk...I just don't really mind. Considerably less cringey than scullery maid routines or extremely posh gift hauls
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I would definitely like to see her doing more of this type of thing. I think a lot of people’s issue (certainly mine) is less the content itself and more how the content matches up to the image of herself she likes to project. It’s fairly standard sub-par booktube stuff. I think Jack Edwards is better, but mainly because he reads adult literature and an interesting range of writing from authors from different countries/backgrounds etc., which he then promotes. Ruby puts herself out there as being a massive bookworm them reads kids books half the time and counts individual short stories as whole books the other half. If she started being more honest about her goals and reasons for reading I would have far fewer issues. Jack Edwards doesn’t talk that much better about books, but the books he’s reading are just more interesting, and give him more stuff to talk about. I have my issues with him, but he also has the advantage of not taking himself too seriously, whereas Ruby clearly sees herself as some kind of literary genius, which makes the gap between her real self and her performed one all the more irritating.
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This is going to sound shitty but I’ll do my best to articulate it - has there been speculation that the performative nature of whatever she’s going through with her eating could be a ploy for later content? Like once she’s done with uni and can no longer rely on the studying content as much?

Don’t get me wrong, I think others have absolutely hit the nail on the head with it being down to a discomfort with growing up and the bodily changes that go with that, issues with control, and mimicking the behaviours of others, as well as it having a performative aspect for attention. I’m not saying she’s some mad evil genius doing this all as a set up for later content, and I don’t want to be insensitive because she’s clearly going through SOMETHING (I’m just massively put off by how gross the performative aspect of it is, in her case - not only in ignoring the worried comments, but in not deleting them either) — but I do have to wonder if there isn’t something in the back of her mind like “once the studying goldmine is no longer an option, I can churn out a few years worth of content on how I studied/read myself out of an eating disorder through sheer force of brilliance and productivity alone and appeal to a new set of viewers who will desperately need my guidance”.

Then all the “wow Ruby you’re so brave for getting yourself out of this all alone with no help!” comments will flood in. Of course, if this gets much worse that won’t be the reality of things at all, but we all know about her relationship with reality... I do think she isn’t taking the issue as seriously as it is, and is just viewing it as yet another aesthetic she’s dipped into for the time being, even though there must be more serious psychological issues underlying it, I’m not sure she’s consciously aware of them.
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There's also the absolute sloppiness of it all, coupled with her coming across so stilted and fake, which ties into that projected image of herself being the problem in a lot of ways. Her basic content isn't the problem, it's how she presents it, and herself.

She claims to be someone incredibly prepared, motivated and who puts time beyond measure into all that she does, yet this video like every other is packed to the gills with terrible editing, an abundance of obvious mistakes and word flubs and various audio issues, which shoots holes in the perfectionist image she likes to project.

This is the person who claims to devote 12 hours a day to studying; if she even put a little time and effort into the creative outlet that's her primary source of income, that abysmal editing wouldn't be a problem. But she's so inherently lazy and incompetent for someone who pretends to be so proactive, skilled and organised. Again, six years later, she's still no better at editing competently or producing content that's had any amount of thought and effort into it. That's a problem.

And then there's the issue of her always purporting to be the most prim, proper and educated girl who ever lived, at the expense of actually sounding like a normal human being or coming across as even remotely relatable. Listen to her say "tea and books...are such a great combination" - it's so awkward, fake and stilted that it doesn't sound like a normal human being. It sounds like an android Tory sent from the future to read children's literature and hunt pheasant.

If she just sat and talked like a normal human being instead of the robotic Victorian toff princess that she tries to be, she'd be a lot more relatable. We've seen she can do it when she's with other people, but it's so ingrained in who she thinks she has to be at the expense of her videos.

The problem is, she won't change. I could fix her channel and content in about a dozen ways and have her producing better content and earning more ad revenue easily - we all could. But she's incapable of change and won't listen. Six years and still the same level of shoddy, barely-edited content and exact same video ideas. She's often asking fans for ideas of what to change, but she keeps churning out the same crap. Even her echo chamber of fans were pointing out how the constant ads shilling for LG and whatnot were going against her whole slow-living cottagecore vibe. But she likes money at the expense of all else, so more ads it is! She's hopeless.
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As a result of Erimentha's intercession, Kimberly ends up not expelled but put in solitary confinement the next week and ordered to help in the canteen for the rest of the term.
Please be a joke please be a joke please be a joke please be a joke pl

Seriously though, not to state the obvious, but this is entirely just self-insert wish-fulfilment from Ruby. I'm genuinely curious as to whether Kimberl(e)y was based on one singular person from her class or an amalgamation of different people.
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I know Bath - this is not an “independent” bookshop like she’s portraying. It’s a secondhand bookshop in the guildhall market! You can see the craft shop opposite. I can’t believe she didn’t go to toppings of Mr B’s… or mention where are actually went in her caption. Surely places like that would benefit from a shoutout if her ‘fans’ planned to emulate her and visit?

I can attest to both of these experiences. In my first admission (which was the reason I had suspend my Exeter English degree in 3rd year), I was on a ward with a patient who was a kleptomaniac. My watch was taken and it meant so much to me, we ended up having to be given keys to our rooms.

I met some amazing people too, but it can also be so traumatising - and very quickly become a revolving door too. I was in and out of hospital for the next 3 years. Thankfully I am now just 2 years out of services completely and eventually did finish my degree, but I lost so much in the process.

And I think the reason that I worry so much for Ruby is because of our similarities on paper (same Uni and same degree!) But also the underlying personality traits of perfectionism. Yet at the same time, I know I could never have done what she is with social media content, especially knowing that people have raised issues. That’s what I can’t forgive.
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Also, she’s not 14, like the damage being done to her body won’t just heal the way perhaps a child can in many instances. I’m not yet 30 and have osteoporosis. I want to shake her. Honestly though, I doubt consequences like that would have ever crossed her mind. I think she needs to do a 12 hour study day on the physical consequences of malnutrition!
I’m so concerned for her young followers. It’s an absolute given that some of them who were vulnerable to eating disorders already will be tipped over the edge into the actual disorder just by seeing their ‘perfect’, ‘aesthetic’, rich, white role model dropping sizes this dramatically and showing such ‘discipline’ with her food. I don’t think Ruby has the capacity to care and think clearly about this (or anything) until she is re-nourished. Social media can be so dangerous this way. This granny is gonna stop before this becomes a rant about how detrimental online ‘recovery’ spaces are haha
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The most important revelation is the log of "misdeeds" compiled for her classmates. Now the question is - bearing in mind that we already know Ruby has a tendency to log her friends and their interests away in planners like data to be filed - did Ruby keep the same log of "evidence" in real life (absolutely) and does she still have this encyclopedia of criminal misdeeds, just in case she ever reencounters these people later in life (almost certainly)?

I can just imagine Ruby getting a job after graduating and realising she now works with someone she went to school with. We'll call her Kimberli.

On her second day at her new job, Ruby's favourite quill is misplaced.

'I am once again a victim of that crime most heinous: Bullying!' Ruby thinks to herself, probably aloud and at high volume.

She pulls her boss aside and notifies them of this horrible transgression against her. Her boss politely asks why Ruby's using a quill in a data entry job, where everything's computerised.

Ruby grimaces. 'Bullied, yet again!' she thinks to herself, as her boss's calm-voiced, even-toned question hits her like an accusatory slap in the face. 'But one crime at a time, Ruby. File this information away in your mind, later you can transcribe it to paper with your backup quill and ink, then copy that to a planner document, and then present it to HR to unveil your manager's savage bullying. But first, the matter of the quill heist!'

Ruby insists that has been the victim of a dormant bullying campaign dating back to high school, which has now been reignited.

"Kimberli has stolen my quill!" Ruby shrieks fancifully. "And I have proof!"

Kimberli leans to look out through the breakroom doorway - where she's been for quite some time, enjoying a bagel - to see the new girl Ruby, who looks vaguely familiar to her, flailing her arms and screaming about "ceremonial quills" and something that sounded like "corporeal restitution." She wanders over to join the crowd that has gathered around the display of craziness.

"Observe!" Ruby cries, as she foists a binder of paperwork into her boss's hands. "Enclosed you will find five years' worth of compiled evidence against Kimberli K. Kimberlee which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that she has a storied history of savage bullying against me! And now she has reignited this criminal bullying spree and stolen my most treasured quill pen!"

Ruby's boss leafs through the bizarre binder and glances over a few of the notes.

"April 11th, 2012 - 2:45pm," Ruby's boss reads. "Attempted to engage subject (Kimberli K. Kimberlee) in polite, friendly conversation in school hallway by asking how her weekend had been. She claimed that her nan had died and she didn't wish to talk about it. She then rudely failed to ask how my weekend was. Bullying confirmed."

Ruby crosses her arms and nods to her boss with a self-congratulatory smirk, as though her point has been proven. Kimberli looks confused, but continues to eat her bagel.

Ruby's boss flips to another page. "October 2nd, 2015 - 08:45am: Did not receive thankyou note from subject (Kimberli K. Kimberlee) after I recommended to her form tutor that she be given extra homework in Mathematics to increase her future career prospects at retail checkouts. Bullying confirmed."

"You see?" Ruby asks. "A proven pattern! The only recourse is to fire Kimberli at once!"

Ruby's boss pinches his nose and sighs. "Are you sure you didn't just drop your quill?"

'The bullying continues apace!' Ruby thinks to herself, as she almost faints from the barrage of bullying. 'This is all one giant, coordinated bullying conspiracy!'

Ruby's eyes dart wildly around at each of the staff in fear. The boss is seriously rethinking his hiring decisions when Greg from accounts wanders over, returning from the toilets.

"Do we have stray pigeons in here?" Greg asks as he peels an inky feather from his shoe, having stepped on it when it fell off Ruby's desk earlier in the day.

Ruby's employment is swiftly terminated. She files at least twelve reports to the police for office bullying that very day.
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The solitary confinement thing is actually shocking. I know she was younger when she wrote that book, but the psychological effects of solitary confinement are genuinely awful. I was put in isolation several times at school because I was a ‘problem’ (read undiagosed adhd) child, and that was horrible, but solitary confinement??? Wtf?? I find that really strange. I think it really says a lot about her if she thinks that is an acceptable punishment for a 12 year old child lmao...
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This was the merciful option, too. Imagine what punishment she'd conjure up for a "bully" who didn't see the error of their ways. Just scores of twelve year olds getting put in the school guillotine if Ruby had her way.
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It's such a shame. Ruby has everything going for her: attends a good uni, studys an interesting course, undivorsed parents, a sibling who although is a lot different than her personality wise cares for her (just read Martha's insta post for ruby's birthday), privilege, money, etc.

I understand that stuff could be going on behind closed doors and her life might not be as picture perfect as what I wrote above but from what we can see she has it pretty well and easy. Which is why I find it such a shame and feel sorry for her in a way. She wants to be the perfect student, daughter, sister, etc. But at the cost of her mental and physical health. I want to shake and yell at her about how lucky/privileged she is and to not take things for granted. But at the same time I just want to give her a hug because damn she needs a friend not just at the surface level. Someone who will call her out on her BS and be honest with her.
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