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Does she REALLY believe that her 1 year old is in age 4-5 clothes??
i suppose she does have to be the exception for absolutely everything 🤷🏼‍♀️
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I know 100% why she constantly goes on about rugby. Because rugby is seen to be upper class. It's the same reason she "hates football". Cos it's for common scum. And the Winstanley's are so far above that darling. Remember she used to go with daddy via first class to Twickenham on the train.
Except you're not upper class are you Ron. You live in a shite flat in Wallasey. You ignored good men for years, playing hard to get cos you thought you were elite. And you ended up with a balding, cheating fuck boy trucker that has already asked someone to marry him.....but still won't ask you.
And as for gushing over hot rugby players
1. you're not 14
2. Do you think Scott is gonna stay with you if you keep disrespecting him like that? You know he has a history for leaving his women....take this as your warning!
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Who wants to do a recap?
Still a narcissistic cunt pretending to be a single mum.
Oh… and is parenting SO much better than anyone else has before because she is the best of the best!

Hope everyone has their alarm set for a 5am workout and then to spend the rest of the day scrolling through their camera roll to admire themselves and post side by side photoshopped pictures to all your fans. Don’t forget to schedule that trip to Aldi to stock up on protein puddings, rice cakes and white wine.

Poor BJ who is still awake till the early hours wanting some attention. Ron is still strapping her in a straight jacket for bed time while simultaneously flashing a phone screen in her face every few hours while trying to get her to sleep.

What a shit show 😂
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Fuck me! She did it quicker than expected- this mornings story "I have my pre baby body back". This mornings post "I don't care what my body looks like". Ron stop being a fucking crank.

That post this morning winds me right up!! How self absorbed, basically saying "I want BJ to grow up thinking wow my mum is amazing". Erm, how about growing up thinking that she herself is amazing! And you don't want her obsessing over her diet and looks and exercise and yet then go on to say you are throwing her in to every sport possible, including gymnastics and ballet - 2 of THE biggest industries that causes body image issues and disordered eating?!?! You dick head. How about actually letting BJ choose. Does she like music? Does she like drawing? Does she like being creative? No bitch, you're going to be in to sports!!!

Fuck my actual life.... I really do hope you read this Ron because you are a narcissistic knob who is just trying to force your child to be the same absolute crank you are. Posting her all over social media like some trophy and constantly "bragging" about how she is your double when in fact she isnt. You're trying to engineer it!! Fuck. Off.

You know what is actually a better thing for BJ to be proud of? She should be proud of her mummy for loving her the way she is and always caring for her. End of.

I'm ever so slightly irritated in case noone had noticed...🤣
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Hahaha just noticed she tried to have them in matching outfits. That's how delusional she is. She thought having a daughter would be matching outfits, cute selfies, "me and mini me" outings, climbing mountains as strong women.... Hahahaha what a fucking reality check she has had. Maybe she should have been listening to all her mum friends prior to getting knocked up. But as we all know, Ron knows it all and she knows best 🥴
What happened to them being ‘that family’ that climbs mountains every weekend? Scott’s probably still up there with their ‘couples bakery’ page 😂
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Hahahaha remember when she bought an actual digital camera to take selfies and mirror shots? The sitting alone and laughing one she used over and over was classic. I love me much?? 🤣🤣

Lemme see if I can find it
Hahahahahahaha fake laughing alone in apartment. Like posing in hotel. Still a sad cunt all these years later 😂😂
Is this from when she used to leave hashtags like #ColgateSmile and #Roxy 🥴
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She doesn’t go to church anymore either!! 🤔🤔
She only did it because in Church of England it is a requirement to attend church 6 times and get your stamps as proof so you can baptise a baby. We had to do it too but I had my other half attend with me or we took turns. She had to do it all solo.
Surprised she didn’t ask him to stand on the step 😂 she always used to say she’d only date men who were 6ft plus 😂
Did she?? 🤣 😂 Well the "doctor" was well below that. He is tiny - i know because I've met him in person. I'm 5'8" and although I was wearing heels I towered over him. They broke up because he found out whilst on holiday that the Arabic tattoo she had was the name of her ex, not something as as she had told him :rolleyes:😂 Tattooing her boyfriend's name in Arabic, a language which she doesn't remotely speak, is the kind of thing she'd do.
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FML - do not post a photo of your 1 year old sat holding an almond butter jar with said open jar neatly placed on the cupboard jar and claim that she has taken the jar, opened it, put the jar back, sat back down and then started licking the lid... stop setting up photos and pretending your 1 year old has spontaneously done it!!!! Instead, put your fucking phone down and just enjoy having a fucking 1 year old!! ******...
That is the most staged and embarrassing photo I have ever seen. What child is really getting lids off jars at that age… unless she has Ron’s super strength 🙄 and why is she being left unattended that long that she can possibly get in the kitchen cupboard and start opening thing (obviously it has been staged). This silly cow can’t enjoy a single moment of her life unless it is shared to her Instagram for an ounce of validation.

I’m also cringing that she has ‘farm animal vet’ and ‘#booty’ in her bio 🤮 get a fucking grip.
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Ooohhh anymore tea on this? Details!! 😜

Not surprised he's a snake. But can you blame him. She must be as regimented and methodical with her sex life as she is with her entire existence. Vanilla, bland and 🥱🥱😴😴
Not much to tell really except that he kept staring over at me. I must be his type as I'm blonde and athletic. I train and take care of myself - the only difference is I do not plaster it all over the internet and don't restrict my diet (because I love eating shite). I spoke to the robot that is Roxy in the gym about three years ago and she commented on my muscle definition. I felt ashamed that she even felt the need to comment on my body. Weirdo.
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I can’t claim to know anything about bikini competing 😂 but it doesn’t surprise me that she would lie about how successful she was. She really believes she is extra ordinary in all aspects of life and yet she shows us her life which is anything but. There’s nothing wrong with her life but it’s the pretence that it’s something special 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m going back to feeling sorry for her because she must have a specific personality disorder.
Her life is boring as fuck and an absolute car crash

A kid that she obviously resents, a fella that she is as desperate to hide as he is of his bald patch, a mundane job she tries to lie about, lies about sporting success, failed influencer, shit rented flat, literally 1 friend in the world, looks like a man when she is desperate to be feminine and more mental health issues than the whole of Ashworth hospital put together
For me it's not even the pretending her life is more special than she claims. Its the pure lies that make her unrelatable. And from own experience, how horrible she is to other females.
There is nothing wrong with being insecure as long as you don't take it out on others.
she is threatened by anyone more successful, prettier, slimmer or any other measure she finds important
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Can you respond to my question please, Ron? It would be very much appreciated if you could.
So, what I'd like to know is...

Why are you such a cunt? 🤔
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She's a fucking nutcase.
Who acts like that?
Who shows their food like that?
Who food shames their own baby?
What the fuck goes on her head?
Seriously, get a fucking grip before you mould that little girl into a carbon copy of yourself. Mark my words BJ will grow up with deep rooted issues regarding food, it's so bloody wrong!!
Why is no one intervening?
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how odd is it that she has taken the time and effort to set up a camera to record herself holding the baby and doing some shit in the kitchen

literally the same thing that 99.9% of parents have to do every single day of their life
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She's a stupid, narcissistic, vacuous, vain, pathetic piece of utter shit!!!
When the fuck is she going to grow up?
My daughter is around the same age as Ron & she has 2 kids and she works full time & can still manage to cook a decent, healthy meal each evening.
Who sits there on a weekend & eats that and then thinks I'll post this on social media 🙄
Imagine going to your Mums and laying on her sofa eye fucking yourself for an instagram story & saying you're asleep when your wide a-fucking-wake!!!
Fucking crank!!
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