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It may be a different story once she's moved to Hornsea/Bridlington/Skipsea wherever, and she's around civilisations, taxi firms and public transport, but is it just me who wouldn't be drinking whilst alone in the shack? Particularly where Alfeh Banjo hadn't been well all day. What if he took a turn for the worse and she needed to go back to A&E? Waiting for an ambulance or a taxi would likely take an hour at minimum.

Why did she bother having kids? Serious question? Remember when Big Anne had the audacity when she was about 8 months to wake up TWICE during the night and Beggy was fuming? And now she's mad Alfeh is unwell....surely waking up in the night and being sick is 1. Standard expectations for what you'll have to do as a parent. and 2. the love and care you give your kids as a result is one of the most rewarding parts of being a parent?

To say particularly Alfie and The Fringe were soooo longed for by Beggy, she has a funny way of showing it.
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Rosie Tatler

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She honestly goes to A&E for the most daft things...wont get the kids glasses or take them to the dentist but fine to drag them to A&E because he felt lightheaded
He is probably having a growth spurt and is bloody hungry , bet theres hardly any food in the house ! Probably also stressed and anxious !

No thought to ring 111 and get advice , but hey lets go off to A&E and use up time for people that actually have had an Accident or are an Emergency !!
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She’s doesn’t address anything at all. They’ve renovated (🤣🤣) made a profit and are moving on. Sniff sniff sniff. She’s going to make out they’re mortgage free for sure.
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Did she finally get the world's most pathetic Chinese because she's packed up the kitchen?

I think she's probably starting to panic that she's not really laid any groundwork to explain the upcoming move, and she's worried that some of her long-time followers will desert her once she has to admit that the shack wasn't the dream after all.
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Rosie Tatler

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Maybe Alfie had a headache because he is stressed and upset about the move , was today his last day at school ?

I hope they have sat down with him properly and talked about the move and listened to him
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Chatty Member
It would make my day if Steve just revealed it, so she would have to do a panic ramble. We know he occasionally likes to play as her biggest troll.
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Prances braless around the shack in winter in skimpy dresses saying she can't wait for summer, now we've finally got some lovely weather she's out in leggings and a hoodie and probably NB trainers with white Nike socks pulled up over the leggings. She's as thick as her brown smoothies.
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This is her equivalent of moving to Spain! 🙈
Overbearing smugness incoming.

#beachgirl #beachmom #beach life 😅
I don’t think even Dingle will be able to be smug about this one. It’s obvious from her post and comments that she is not happy re this and it’s a make the best of it situation. Saying “at least we will all be together”. Well that’s the bare minimum you could kind of hope for, isn’t it (so long as they don’t leave Kneivel and Banjo behind “accidentally” in a shed)? Only the thickest of sheep will think this is a good move to a more expensive area and that will kiiiillllll her. Plus, I strongly suspect Beaver will be all: new start, new routine for YOU. Plenty of places you can get a little part time job that doesn’t involve driving 100 miles through the snow in an electric car. He’ll have her doing a paper round for the local Bridlington newsagent if she’s not careful. I also bet there will be loads of care assistant jobs too. Nightmare for Beggy - gainful employment is within sight!
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That B&M haul was tragic. Cleaning products, sauces and sweets. Why the fuck does she think any of that is interesting or insta worthy?!
Why would you do a haul of cleaning products when you’re about to move house!! God she’s so thick! And in all the years they lived in the Shack did she never hang washing outside?!!! A 30 year old woman getting excited about washing line is tragic!
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I think she’s dug herself a hole that she doesnt know how to get out of and I genuinely don’t know how she’s going to approach it now! At this point I feel like the only thing she can do vlog the move and be like “SURPRISE! suhhhh guys I didn’t want to share this news until it was actually happening but we’re leaving the dales today for a new horrme and I’m bringing you along with me!” Followed by some bullshit about schools or mama beaver.
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Chatty Member
Rebecca when you next read here - on your stories today, Romas face in the pink carrier - what does that face tell you?

Unhappy, uncomfortable, fed up, can't walk, can't see, can't touch.... Let the girl walk for goodness sake. 😣☹
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She is so thick. She doesn’t understand that renovate and decorate are two completely different things! The kitchen is exactly the same - just a bit of paint thrown on the cabinets! Didn’t renovate the electrics in there - trailing wires from the slow cooker - which is hideously dangerous. Still got the same toilet tile flooring. The warped beams weren’t renovated. No, all she’s done is painted the walls and thicko Steve illegally took down a wall in a listed building - plus the one in the garden. I don’t feel in the slightest bit sorry for her even though you can see she is genuinely upset - a tattle first! Rebecca Hobson being genuine…but she’s not being genuine at all. A load of (repeated) word salad. They are going to be closer to Steve’s mum to help with the kids? Why did you move there in the first place then? Woody was a toddler and then along came Roma. You need family support if it’s available the most when they’re little. Nope. She doesn’t want to move at all but has been financially forced but she won’t say that. “Keeping it real” my arse. She’s made a right pratt of herself with all the bragging and how she has fallen. Most people in that position would call it a day, too. Not this brag happy bint. Jesus.
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When the day does come for the “surprise we’ve moved house” with a picture of them in front of whatever they have moved to, we just know she’s been lay awake months dreaming up a caption to try and gain traction.
I'm just waiting for Steve to post 'going to miss this view' 😂
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Chatty Member
So when she's sick she'll do a full shower, shave and moisturise, but when she's well she self confesses to not even having time to brush her teeth....Huh?!
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