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Caught a bit of his live last night on his other account. Says he has receipts to back up everything before going after someone. Didn’t stop him bad mouthing Ian, Colin or Chris. So he says he has proof about Gaz’s behaviour towards women in the “family” blah blah blah. Joe says he would never be disrespectful towards women it’s no in his nature but he’ll happily allow one of his female cult members to do it for him with regards to those choosing to side with Gaz. It all seemed so wholesome at first. Two normal guys helping out the kindness of their own hearts with a hatchback and some nerves of steal. Living off crisps and smokes and sleeping in the car, a good cause and a break from the usual TikTok crazy but it’s just sunk into badmouthing and bullying. What’s he done…18 missions, raised £50k in donations? Bought a minivan for €8k that the wife wants to keep because it out his own money, bought a minibus to boost his ego to save even more people which has been filled what once? Hotel stays every night now, drink every night. Treated him and Gaz to new clothes a while back. Not providing any receipts for where all the donations are being utilised. Go fund me should have stuck to their guns and not released the money to them.
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Went radio silent. Absolutely no indication to where all that money ended up. Shame, I was fully invested, but think it was just a scam.
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Do not even know to start with this tiktoker i followed them from the beginning and it seemed a really good thing Joe was doing helping people get out of Ukraine but the more it went on the bigger it went to Joes head and he started drinking more and his streams just turned into his drunken ramblings getting completely drunk out of his head at nights then out the next morning driving Ukrainians to the borders.
And then everyone else who was in Ukraine doing similar Joe would belittle them and find faults in them telling everyone they were fake and trolls this even extended to people out there helping him especially one person in particular when his friend gaz had to leave the country one person stepped up went out and helped him evacuate people then on live joe would treat him like utter garbage and when he had no use for him when his friend came back he started on him slating him on streams.

He has even started slating gaz now and they dont talk with joe slagging him on in livestreams now too while completely drunk off his head.
He has had an absolute fortune donated for him being out there but there seems to be no transparency where this has went but if anyone asks yet again they are trolls.
Seems to think he is a celebrity now and the only person allowed to help in Ukraine and the followers are strange calling him dad and his wife mum, i think they just love the attention but it is like a cult and can not be questioned.
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Two guys who went to Ukraine to help evacuate, transport and support those fleeing war.
Started off with good intentions but seems to have deteriorated. They have had over 50k donated to them but turned very sinister after getting money turning against most others doing the same labelling them as scammers and tearing them apart online.

Most nights are spent in hotels getting pissed and making a complete disgrace of themselves.
The 2 that went out together have now fallen out and both just get drunk on lives and slag each other off.

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Making out its a love story, if he loved her that much he wouldn't of used any excuse he could to stay away from her.
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The mum and dad thing is very creepy. The crazies going on the car rental website giving them negative reviews because they dared to charge hin for taking a car under false pretences. Jo is trying to hide his nasty character behind all the good he is doing nah he’s a wrongin. Why have Gaz and him fallen out?
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New member
Hate to break it to you all but there was a few people MONTHS ago that tried to out Joe for what he really was and everyone - EVERYONE went after them got their accounts taken down etc etc.. and funnily enough it all comes out now as true. When I tell you these people are a HORRIBLE group of people I mean horrible. Joe is a narcissistic bully, and he absolutely LOVES the attention he is getting, he thinks he is untouchable. He has now had the police called on him numerous times for threatening violence, threatening to dox, bullying, slandering peoples businesses, blackmailing, he went live one night and absolutely tared to shreds a couple he’s already in a court case with. The man is a true con man, I seen he has had a total of 5 names. This is literally the top of the iceberg, if you’d known some of the shit this guy has been up to.

Unfortunately his cult following of what will we say like 15 people it’s whittled down to? Always back him up and feed into him and he loves it. My guess is the reason he is still in Ukraine is that he is worried about the reality of having to answer to where all this money has actually gone. Gaz admitted Joe gave him £3000, think about it, the guy is so money oriented, if he’s willingly given away £3000, how much has he allowed him and his wife to just TAKE. Take money that people donated to help Ukrainians. It’s simply turned into a hustle. And I don’t believe for a minute that he hasn’t taken back his apparent £10k from the go fund me AND kept the mini van.

I suggest you all report him to action fraud. Profiting from war is a serious offence and if that is truly what he’s done he should be punished for it.
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Well I see Gaz is now saying Joe has been spending a fortune out there in hotels and only going for the most expensive ones and the nights he slept in his van was because Joe didn't think the hotel was good enough for him while gas just wanted somewhere to sleep for the night.
Says on certain days he never wanted to go live but Joe insisted as thats where the money comes from.
He says Joe is just treating this as a way to stsy in Ukraine and stay in dear places and drink and have the best of food every night.
I hate what this has turned into and fear a massive amount of the money donated is just paying for Joe to live it up out there and avoid coming home.
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VIP Member
So glad there's a thread for Joe (and his weird followers)! I've not watched them for a while because his drinking was too much and driving the next day with a skinful. He's rude, arrogant and clearly not the full shilling.

Are him and Gaz fell out then?
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Well gaz was live there and now says that Joe bought a load of tools with the gofundme money that he told gaz to take home with him and this is the 2 and a half grand worth of tools he is demanding back.
Says if people don't believe him he will go live and show all the Ukrainian boxes.
I had this feeling from the start Joe was out for all he could get and will get it any way he can.
Dont trust Gaz either but some of the stuff he has came out with sounds spot on.
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Well-known member
He has been begging on there constant lately or trying to make videos about anyone who is being spoke about on tiktok to try and be relevant like this too lol.
Werent long ago he was begging himself. Just trying to stay relevant now. But he weren’t begging when he got £45k on his funding page plus bank transfers, paypals etc
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Well if you want to donate to help rebuild Ukraine it now goes into Fionas PayPal
No just giving or anything anymore.
I would really like to see what happened with all the money raised as was it not over 40k.
Surely he hasn't spent it all on hotels and drink .
Action fraud really need to do something!
She is just as bad as him just wants to be famous by any means necessary it sickens me especially the fact they keep saying how expensive their meals were.
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Yeah it was around £44k on go fund me and over £5k in just giving. Not to mention what ever people were donating directly to his bank account in the beginning.
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Well gaz was live there and now says that Joe bought a load of tools with the gofundme money that he told gaz to take home with him and this is the 2 and a half grand worth of tools he is demanding back.
Says if people don't believe him he will go live and show all the Ukrainian boxes.
I had this feeling from the start Joe was out for all he could get and will get it any way he can.
Dont trust Gaz either but some of the stuff he has came out with sounds spot on.
Jo is definitely shady. Apparently he left his wife and kids and changed his name and gave a fake name for Gaz when the media started calling. There’s been no attempt by Jo to show where the money is being spent and I’m sure if questioned about it the cult would be after me.

Bloody hell!

Did Gaz ever meet his love interest? (Auntie Shaz was it? 🤣)
I think that’s who Jo was saying Gaz was bullying last night. Gaz was saying anytime they talked the convo always turned round to Jo.
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Hate to break it to you all but there was a few people MONTHS ago that tried to out Joe for what he really was and everyone - EVERYONE went after them got their accounts taken down etc etc.. and funnily enough it all comes out now as true. When I tell you these people are a HORRIBLE group of people I mean horrible. Joe is a narcissistic bully, and he absolutely LOVES the attention he is getting, he thinks he is untouchable. He has now had the police called on him numerous times for threatening violence, threatening to dox, bullying, slandering peoples businesses, blackmailing, he went live one night and absolutely tared to shreds a couple he’s already in a court case with. The man is a true con man, I seen he has had a total of 5 names. This is literally the top of the iceberg, if you’d known some of the shit this guy has been up to.

Unfortunately his cult following of what will we say like 15 people it’s whittled down to? Always back him up and feed into him and he loves it. My guess is the reason he is still in Ukraine is that he is worried about the reality of having to answer to where all this money has actually gone. Gaz admitted Joe gave him £3000, think about it, the guy is so money oriented, if he’s willingly given away £3000, how much has he allowed him and his wife to just TAKE. Take money that people donated to help Ukrainians. It’s simply turned into a hustle. And I don’t believe for a minute that he hasn’t taken back his apparent £10k from the go fund me AND kept the mini van.

I suggest you all report him to action fraud. Profiting from war is a serious offence and if that is truly what he’s done he should be punished for it.
Change your name once or twice is fair enough and there could be any number of legitimate reasons for that, but 5 times! The only reasonable explanation for that is he’s a con artist. I heard him go on about the couple he was taking to court. It really gave you a glimpse of his controlling and bullying nature when he was giving his reasons for walking off site. I hope the sheriff threw out the case when he was a no show. I’m glad to see his views have dropped like a stone on his and his stuck up wife’s lives.
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I’m from the same area and I was really rooting for them at the start. He took the huff when ianukraine didn’t take up his offer of a lift to get his wife and wain and started calling him a scammer. I was annoyed when he was staying overnight at one of his passengers homes for the night commenting on their standard of living cheeky git. He said at the start he wasn’t much of a drinker but is now sinking Morgan’s most nights and his wife is an arse.
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Did anyone catch any of Gazs lives the past few days saying Joe showed him his tiktok account and says there was 6 grand in it from gifts and stuff and Joe told him that's for himself when he gets home.
Says Joe is really money orientated and all the merch that they are selling they getting cost price and pocketing it all, spending money on drink meals and hotels every night and thats why he won't go home as he is living it up out there.
Also says Joe told him to still sign on when working so he didn't have to pay tax and now after all the videos they have done the job center have found out and he has been sanctioned and that is why Joe told gaz not to give his real name on interviews.
There was something I felt off with them but the more you hear the worse it gets.
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Why does he have that picture up
He's took the huff because that person is allowed to sell those tops but they banned him for it so he had a live stream of that picture up all day, I think he just left a stream up doing nothing hoping for people to feel sorry for him and gift him.
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